ft 0W WffW IfMKNATlONAL kkfSchool lesson ' V F. B FITZWATEH. D. D jwr o( l<lblB ,n Afoodv ill J.isn'W fhicaso.) P- n>?(?rn .Newspaper Colon.) ESSON FOR JOHN M*RK -_m.?^1,)V"5U TM? Tf;c? thy !(%??* jMln M.rt. ?ne *,n wh0 #* *&" ir-SioR T0P" ', ?r.A f-V xN1 ^ From fp.r.M5SKSK V2-.12). *fluenc* 0 I vail ?i?n , Ci??n There ts no heritage UlT 'are'.! to that of a godly ^i,h\ for his mother was vSg'lnUi such a far-reach the life of a young en^'TV of a praying moth ! , ?t.cn it' ???* 80 perilous to ,? a* a follower of Jesus, she Jt afraid to have a prayer meet ly rer home. ya* With Jesus In Gethsemane 1 14:51, <v-> ctchr of the Roman guard, til? S i**'1 jLnies "ail forsook Him and J This timid lad still followed l^j'tiil l?id hol(1 on by the y?un^ He* lied, leaving behind Mg linen garment, This Geth? j L experience doubtless had a j E effect upon his life. Hark a Servant of Paul and j Kpt (Acts :25-13 :5). E| was *'tth the company when ?old of his wonderful release prison. ThL<, doubtless, made a Impression upon him and was ^ning of his desire to accom ie missionaries of the cross, not a missionary on the same j as Paul and Barnabas, but an . upon them to look after IffcdS. Mark Deserting Paul and Barna- i cs 13:13) are net told the cause of this I ion. Three conjectures, one or j wr.i.r. had a bearing upon his , are offered. Homesickness. His home was of j ?stances if not wealthy. As itre carrying the gospel into the j a.'untainous country, occupied ajh, half-civilized people, the of this young servant was tried. n-'t to condemn him too for we know how trying it Is ive home when struggling against j igh world. While sympathizing Mm. we mu<t remember that ! stronger than the tender ties The time mines when the soi ls: spurn the ties which bind ' father, m other, wife and chii i response to the call of duty, ssionary must turn his back oe, native land, and friends in ppotion to his Lord. Disbelief ifi Foreign Missions. ; a common prejudice amotig 1 ? against taking the gospel to , Sles. When he saw that these I ries were going to the "re- j i " hi* prejudice may have ^ t<> turn back. ''i-rc.^e. The dangers before | not Imaginary but real, sionary today faces awful dan limate, wild beasts, deadly ser W insects, and savage and can ' -en. However, fear is no ?r c-.?-.v;tr#li.*e because we are ? the Aiujlghty by faith; there In hfjiwn <ir on earth that ?"ta :s. c jrag ) is required of ?' ? do r. *ie Lord's work. , J?Hc With Petei in Babylon (1 K.'iuiN a ?'tor Mark's desertion, [Pau: an i Barnalitis were arrang- j for a so.-- >n<l evangelistic tour, , ^<1 a sharp ?liipiite over the , to of tak'.iii; Mirk with them, j *?ald n?it ron.M-rt to Mark's ac- ; uying liem, so "they departed ( ler one :;?< ,:n the other." Mark j Vlth his un' lo. toy this time he I ^el,w.n cmv.l of his cowardice hiu; nssociMted with Peter ^yion. ^*rk Honored b;' Paul (II Tiro. 1 r is now rtn (.ui man in prison. |1> a mi'Mii-aped man associated j IJtaothy at r.i>ht?t;us. Mark had r hiDKfif, for ;!?aul gives the j P? testini? ny that "he is profit- i Pt0 ni" for t',?- niinistry." Mark I f**ainp' .. ? ,,n,. ^ jU) made good ' p?* l'.s v l.;t t-ksliding. j I Heroism. r*orl.r> Win* Is have been in ! F?n fh heroism has 1 ih?? household and n :? ?),,? r lost memorable j r ?' : ? H. W. lieecher. | I Vou Must Be Calm. j F ,.x 'itetnent is at I ^ ,!??->;, j 1 1(. merely. You L* f'a'!h Wore ?ou can utter p^Thi.rcn i I ^ Little. Peoples |*U j1" " " People and It is I&'t tli.n- v. i t "icy, who are | 1 1 1 , low i is. ? Dickens. L,Greatn?ss and Trith. El 'lian si-?-ks fo; Neatness, let L ' :in4 ait for truth, J 111 t!a-l both. ? i/Iori\ce Mann. I as33SJS3S5S55SSS S&&BSS5S?SSSa$? Simplicity in Coat Styles; Fashions for the Juniors THERE seems to be a disposition on the part of well dressed women to demand that the excellence of their fall coats be evident more In precise and beautiful tailoring than in elabo rate trimming, and new models in garments of this variety attain a fine i degree of that elegant simplicity which is always In good taste and is, at the same time, almost universally becoming. The vogue of the straight irnes, at least, may be used with good effect whether the wearer Is slim or stout, short or tall. The element of Individuality, always a desirable fea jam ?? ?i? ??? mm>^vvvvvVVVVVVVVVVWWW "? .VSV.%\V//Ay/AWAVW/AS reached that stage in life where she is neither a little girl nor yet a young lady always presents some difficulty. There is no little tragedy, for the young person herself in being forced to wear clothes that she feels she has i outgrown and on the other hand It la | certainly unwise to permit her to dress as a grownup.- Consequently, the styles advanced for Her special benefit are in the nature of a com- .? promise and for the current season the compromise is a peculiarly happy ^ne. .This Is true because "grown-up" CAMEL'S HAIR USED IN THIS DESIGN ture, may be expressed in material, trimming and cut without any sacri fice of style. Camel's hair, in a new pattern, 'js used for making the coat shown hero. The long stripes of brown and tan make it an ideal pattern for short or stout women, since their effect is to lend height to the figure. The long kimono sleeve is set low at the shoul der and is made knuckle length. Brown fox exactly matching the dark stripe of the material is used for the collar. Fur-fabric coats are promised in greater variety than ever before, as the season progresses, and that they will be even more popular than usual Is a safe forecast in view of advancing prices for fur and fur trimmed coats. frocks, coats and suits follow very simple lines and junior garments pat- J terned after them naturally avoid the j sophisticated appearance of elaborate j flounces, drapes, frills and furbelows. I The little frock pictured, for instance, j is of navy crcpe de chine made In i a simple slipover pattern which hangs i in perfectly straight lines to the knee. ; The low waistline Is defined with I rows of shirred tucking, which Is also ' used on the short sleeves. The only ! other ornamentation is a touch of , embroidery done in bright shades of ; yellow and green. Junior coats for fall and winter | wear are practically miniature edi tions of those worn by mothers and elder sisters. The same warm colors , in delightfully soft sport woolens, the SLIPOVER PATTERN IN CREPE Din CHINE The beautiful new metal brocades and oriental patterns in silk weaves, that have appeared in the past few weeks, have been immediately used in linings for fur coats and they are so rich and luxurious that it is often difficult to say whether the coat or its lining Is the more attractive. The heavier twills, camel's hair and fine pile fabrics are leading favorites among coatings. ? They are usually lined with plain crepe de chine, and nothing could serve this purpose bet ter. The problem of outfitting a young er member of the family who hai same fur trimmings aDd the same sort of sleeves and fastenings are used on coats for every feminine age from six to sixty. There are, of course, variations in style which classify the coats for the extremely young but these are touches that are Id keeping with the age of the wearer and do not change the mode. 1923, Western Newspaper Union.) IMPORTANT ? On receipt $5 we Trill sen<i you the world's most effective fire-extinguish ing dry powder; chemical formula, known to science to extinguish gasoline, kerosene, elec tric fires and incipient fires generally. Simply throw handful of the compound in the blare; this generates gas which instantly smothers the flame. The compound is harmless to per son's skin or clothing, non-poisonous, explo sive or deteriorating. All drug stores will mix the formula, costing retail about 12c lb. Large profits made by dealers. No exl. rights sold. Givens Sales Co., Corpus Christ!, Tex. Lines to Be Remembered. Honor honorable people, respect the rights of all and do not bend the knee to anyone. ? Japanese Maxim. Freshen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cuti cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented, economical face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes superfluous. One of the Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap. Ointment, Talcum).? Advertisement. Something to a Door. "Jack says I'm something to adore." "Does he mean that you're a belle or a knocker?" 32 Page Dog Book Free. Tells how to keep your dog well ? how to care for him when sick. Mailed free. -* Write H. Clay Glover, V. S., Dept. 90, 129 W. 24th St., New York Ci t ,v. ? Ad vert i semen t. The "White Ways" of Canada. Two great highways' in the province of Quebec ? from Montreal to Quebec, and from Montreal to the United States boundary? are to be brilliantly lighted. These roads bear an enormous burden of traffic. WOMEN MEED SW1MP-B00T Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of am bition, nervousness, are often times symp toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's pre scription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle im mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer <t Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. ? Advertisement. It is asserted that plate glass will make a more durable monument than the hardest granite. Florida, of all the states, has the most water within its boundaries. 4,440 Square miles. Could See Big Change in Baby From the First "I could see a big change for the better in baby right from the first when I began giving him Teethina; he grew quieter, his stomach pains left off and now he is as fat and healthy a child as you please," writes Mrs. Maude Neighbors, 1638 W. 4th St., Texarkana, Texas. When baby is restless and fretful from teething or a disordered stom ach nothing will bring such quick re lief as Teethina. It contains nothing that can harm the most delicate child, but soothes artd allays distress inci dent to teething and colicky condi tions. Teethina is sold by leading drug gists or send 30c to the Moffett Lab oratories, Columbus, Ga., and receive a full size package and a free copy of Moffett's Illustrated Baby Book. ? (Advertisement.) A philosophical man when consider^ ing his own troubles isn't. for Economical Transportation OF Farm Products Modern, progessive farmers, being also business men, now depend on fast economical motor transporta tion to save time, save products and get the money. Chevrolet Superior Light Delivery, with four post body was built espe cially for farm needs. It has the space and power for a big load, which it moves fast at a very low cost per mile. Prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich* Superior 2-Pass. Roadster 15 1 0 Superior 5-Pus. Touring 525 ior 2-Pasa Utility 680 860 510 Superi Coui -Jy, Fits any standard truck body. Chevrolet Motor Company Drvition of General Motors Corporation Detrdlt, Michigan Superior 5-Pass. Sedan . Superior Light Delivery . Superior Commercial Chassis 425 Utility Express Truck Chassis 578 Dealers and Service Stations Everywhere SUPERIOR Light Delivery *510 f. o. b. Flint, Mick, STYLE-SHOES FOR Ml L ADY-COMFORT, Style E-71? Made from, bright glazed kid ? common sense heel with rubber top lift ? oak turned soles ? Oh! so flexible and easy on the foot. Widths C, D, E & EE. Sizes 2^ to 9. Send for Fret Catalog Style E-96- With its brilliant kid 60 upper ? no seams f posmar over the tender toe joints ? its flexible turned oak sole ? is a prescription for Happy Feet , yet it has all the chic style so necessary in Miladies footwear. Widths C, D, E & EE; Sizes 2% to 9. m LANCE CO. Inc. The Usual Fee. He ? Your little brother saw me kiss vou. What can I do to get him to keep the secret? She ? Usually they give him $5. ? Life. The average man wastes a lot of wind airing his views. ciytf) wqr tners ftM Mothers!! Write for 32 Page Booklet, "Mothers of the World " % f Pat Process f -loyd The Loom Products f ^cod Baby Carriages GFumiturv^f Waiu/utdc?.] Use This Coupon J X ?*n,? r i j \/rr? booklet,"Mother*of the The Lloyd Mfg. ^World/. Company J Nam.. IfraominM Mich. (H) J City State. A SCHOOL GIRL'S SUCCESS Everything Depends upon her Health Mrs. George E. Whitacre Tells of her Daugh ter's Breakdown and How Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Made Her a Healthy, Happy, Strong Girl Every Smother possesses informa tion of vital importance to her young daughter, and the responsibility for her future is largely in her hands. When a school girl's thoughts be come sluggish, when she suffers the consequences of wet feet, pain, head aches, fainting spejls, loss of sleep and appetite, and is irregular, her mother should have a thought for her physi cal condition and try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, which has proved a reliable aid to nature for just such conditions in so many cases. This Mother Writes : Mahoningtown, Pa. ? "I would like to say a few words about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. About a year ago I thought it would be necessary for me to take my daughter out of school. She was losing weight, was nervous, and when she would come home from school she would drop into a chair and cry, and 8 ay, ' Mamma, I don't believe I can fo to school another day ! ' I gave er Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable __ j ? aVia in a healthv. happy, hearty, strong girl and weighs 120 pounds. She has no difficulty in doing her ' gym ' work, and sfis works at home every night and morn ing, too. I am s mother who can certainlv praise your medicine, and if it will be of any benefit you may use this letter as a reference. " ? Mrs. George E. Whitacre, 621 W. Madi son Avenue, Mahoningtown, Pa. Every girl ought to be healthy and strong, and every mother wants her daughter to do well in school and to enjoy herself at other times. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a splendid medicine for young women jpst entering woman hood. Mothers can depend upon it It is prepared from roots and herbs, contains nothing harmful, and has great power to tone up and strengthen the system, so it will work in ? healthy and normal manner. For nearly fifty years Lydia EL Pinkham's vegetable Compound has been used by women of all ages, and these women know its great value. Let it help your daughter and your self. her Lyaia r iimiiau. ? . _0 Compound, and now she is a healthy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon ? Peculiar to Women " will be sent you free upon request. Wrt JS U> the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co* Lynn, Mswchusetts! HAY FEVER Suffer?r? from this distressing ??mplalmt can secure quick relief by uslag GRMUf MOUNTAIN ASTHMA COM POUND. Used for 66 years and result of long experience in treatment of throat aa4 lung di ??a??a by Dr. J. & Guild. FREE TRIAL BOX and Treatise tent upon r*? quest. J6c and $! ?? at drag* gists. J. H. GUILD CO? RUPERT. VERMONT. Pesky Devils Quietus P. D.Q. P. D. Q.r Pesky Devils Quietus, is the name of the new chemical that actually ends the bug- family, Bed Bugs, Roaches, Ants and Fleas, as P. D. Q. kills the live ones and their eggs and stops future generations. Not an insect pow der but a chemical unlike any thing you have ever used. A 35 cent package makes one quart ana each package contains a patent spout, to get the Pesky Devils in the cracks and crevices. Tour druggist has it or he can get it for you. Mailed pre paid upon receipt of price by the Owl Chemical Wks, Terre Haute, Ind. ctSDXRP F(XL 50 YEARS fjK^ERSMlT^e Chill Tonic * Malaria Chill. and Fever . Dengue For over 50 years it has been the household temedy for all forms of It is a Reliable, General Invig orating Tonic. DOES YOUR FOOD DIGEST? A stomach specislist uses this prescription ? Squibb's Sods Bicarbonste, Magnesis, Cerium Oxalate, Bismuth and Anise ? for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn snd the misery that comes from sn scid stomsch. We are com pounding a month's treatment and lending It postpsid for $1.H. Order No. 94*. Send for FREE BOOKLET on Stomsch Troubles NATIONAL DRUG CO- BIRMINGHAM. ALA. ill Will reduce Inflamed, Strained, Swollen Ten dons, Ligaments, or Mnscletu Stops the lameness and pain from a Splint, Side Bone or Bone Spavin. No blister, no hair gone and horse can be used. $ 2.50 bot tle at druggists or delivered. Describe your case for specisl in structions and interesting boras _ Boek 2 A free, P. YOUNG, lac^ Sll Lnua St., Syrissfieli. Mia CAD 13s Dr. Salter's b J Eye Lotiom E Ilexes and cures sore and Inflamed eyes In 9i to IS ,urs. Helps the weak eyed, cpresjrltboat palp. Ask your druggist or dealer for SALTKB 8. Only from Reform Dispensary, P. O. Box 161, Atlanta, Ofe W. N. U., CHARLOTT2. NO. 36--192*,

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