Openings. Cooper Gap James Moore n 3liK?V. t/f "* '.^A,ra ()f Kaleigh ^;u,r irimd Mrs. Flor uerill . ,? r, Ct HJank'^isin.n ot Spar ,'cm'iit 'i :<,u' (*a-vs visit f?U Vr- U-. A. Wilson. ? - " Coi'iad and daugh iviin'ned Tuesday visit 011 the H Betty \\\'0 u 1 v H* p p ^ w illis while visit Mrs. J. B. Pace her sistti t the il?> ?a' : 1 !i Mrs. Mrs. L uei ^1 - 1. ? 1 ?! j foil visit Jones, who Miss Lucy r ivtw 'vti Wednesday jj. jjonu1 i I i " . W t ?niphis, Tenn. ..'yiVs A ? lie Episcopal ,-ijl l;.>h! their annual jamas >4' : l ? the Parish lsii'iine who has vising ?u*r brother E. E. \t? K-n last Friday for p home in kirk wood. Mo. fraud Mrs. George Cathey Led Sunday after L\lay> visit with Mr. I^v'5 pai> lit s in Charlotte. fje Wilson returned last ? from a weeks visit with jjjC]e W. J. Hembree in grtull. N. ( ? Us. Ruth M t ree has been [buying trip in Atlanta re ij^i Satur-.i^y. She was ac fcieii ( ?>' ho!- sister Miss f. McFee. r, and Mrs. R. M. McCown ireii w C.'vmson College nesday to spend a few days itneir son who is attending ee the re. Irs. B.-M. . V\'illis who has fci several weeks in Saluda . Trycn visiting friends and brives returned to her home Je. Monday. I.W. Dal?hs and, family who ,ve been spending the season I their summer home here re nec to tiu'ir home in Mayes this week. diss Eytna Pace who has b visitinir her parents Mr. Mrs. race returned to tabular last Saturday 'noon. L. Hill left last Monday on lextended business trip for Tryon Chemical Company ough the cotton mill section Ithe Carol inas. b Dorothy. Jennings of ion. S. ('.. and Miami Flor left Wednesday to spend a days with relatives in uon before returning to Frank Wilcox, and ptei's. Miss Austin and s Po- left for Asheville. > Is he': Wilcox is spending [ for day> visiting Miss Eliza h Grany. to:!..- ft 'Monger who has | d ?: . ! :ri;_r summer school ( Chij-i Hill returned to! ^ u w davs with his I 'p .'ir. and Mrs. C. W. '?ngt'V , t lie opening of : ? '? . of college. !i 1 "!i and Louise Bn$on Toother, Mrs. An Jo!?i:n!)p who have been din.- ' . ? Hionth of August; Try -n ( turned to their in ' ' -! ani -ia. S. C., last j today. m an'< ?'!-. Bell and daughter PsAn:: !;<-arl and Essie Ed ret* ^avij returned from to??1"*" summer school. !->! Anuria Kd wards has re ftte l" lu v sc^??l in Char Mi" v E -V uioria Verona died of te t ln%estion. Her body ?rk, -1? 10 Charleston S. C., tth!nJ Slle was boarding CJ homt: ?f Mrs- w- a I'lth at time ^er Fathers Mothers Children LISTEN! The best offer ever made, The great big School Tablets for FIVE CENTS, All kinds (Rexall) MISSILDINE'S PHARMACY THE BUSY CORNER Tryon, N. C. Messers Paul Hamilton and Hugh Edwards are at Mill Spring. Have you read Peterson Re views of the Polk County forests in last weeks News? If not its worthwhile to look it up. 0 COLUMBUS I Mr. Hancock, a missionary ! from China, spoke very inter estingly at the Presbyterian Church Sunday of his exper iences in China. His call to* us for service was very forcely made. The Stearns High School opened Tuesday with a large attendance. Professor J. W. Mcintosh is the Principal; Mrs. J. W. Mcintosh, Mr. W. F. Win go of Laurens, S. C., Miss Es ther Gluyas of Charlotte, High School Teachers; Mrs. v Roy McHugh of New Bern, Music; Miss Viola Johson of Davinson, and Mrs. J. A. Feagan, Gram mar School teachers; Primary, Mrs. J. W. Jack. Sixty-two en rolled for High school work. The students coming in from over , the County are :Mill Spring; Alice McCrain, Glenna Jackson, Barbara Voorhies, Grace Waldrop, Addie Coch ram, Nellie Walker, Mattie Faye Gibbs, Margie Walker, Clestelle Moore, Esther Wilson, Lillian Ruppe, Nannie Walker, Ottis Freeman, Ed. Barber, Ernest, George, Hubert, and Gorden Gibbs, Minter Barber. Greens Creek; Estelle Walker, Marie Hall; Eva Davis, Carrie Walker, Elbert ~ Westbrook, Eulas Davis, Edwin Hines, Ruber Dinsdale, Bessie Jane i and Annie Edwards, and Grace Hamilton. Columbus Town Mills; Sallie K. Whitaker, and Marion Sinclair, Henderson ville. Miss Jeanette Feagan left ! Monday to attend the Cullowee | Institute. Miss Vada McMurry has gone to her school' at Grover, N. C. | The Misses Padgetts of Flat Rock are spending some time on White Oak Mountain. Bostic Page of Raleigh is home on his vacation. Miss Hannah Sykes has re turned to her home after a stay in Columbus. , Miss Gertrude West who is attending Cecils Business Col lege in Asheville spent the week end at home. Mr. W. H. Hill is spending some time at his hom>e here. ? o Sunday Services at Tryon Churches EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. C. P. Burnett, Rector. ? Sunday Services: Holy Communion ? 7 :30. Morning Prayer and sermon (Holy Communion of 1st Sun day in the month.) 11 A. M. Friday afternoon 5 o'clock Litany and Intercessions for the sick. TRYON BAPTIST CHURCH. Services each Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Hobbs-Henderson Co Spartanburg, S. C. All wool Serge and Crepe Dresses in navy, black and brown, 18 to 42. Newest fall styles, embroidered in attractive colors? made to sell from $8.00 to $10.00. Special at $5 .95 NEW FALL HATS for Women, Misses and .Children $1,00, $1.49, $2.99 One of the biggest values offered in many sea sons. All leading colors in a variety of ? styles and shapes. SILK SALE All this week. Regular $2.50 and ? 4 70 $3.00 value. Special ^ A ? # ^ About 350 yards of well-liked patterns in 15 dif ferent designs. Crepe de Chine in fan- 4H ^ 7Q cy designs, Paisley Silk in rich colors |L I just the thing for overblouses, dresses jyj, and trimmings. While it lasts, only ? yd. We Are Glad to Sane You! In the routine of its daily duties the bank takes each as it comes and disposes of it conscientiously, sincerely and liberally. - No transaction is too small to have full measure of service. ? The changing of a dollar bill is not looked upon as an an noying incident. An account with "The Peoples" is assurance of modern and comprenensive service. Ladies Rest Room. Reading Room Capital $25,000 Surplus over $6,000 Resources over $200,000 No loans are made by this bank to any of its officers or directors. G. H. HOLMES, W' F ' L!TTLE President Cashier J. T. WALDROP V. A. BLAND Vice President . Asst. Cashier WALTER JONES FOSTER THOMSON Vice President Asst. Cashier PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member American Bankers Association Tryon, North Carolina Congregationaf Church. W. A. Black, Misister. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Nelson 'Jackson Jr. Supt. Public Worship at 11 a. m. Christain Endeavor. 8 :00 p.m. Alice Andrews, President. Bible Study, Wednesday, 8: p. m. 0 THE METHODIST AND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES OF TRYON. Sunday School at 10 :00 A. j M., P. G. Morris, Superinten dent. Reverend Fikes preaches on ? ? ? r 1 Reverena NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon , N. C. ? ? I " ' The News $1.50 a Year. I 3 ! . | Is The Coi? Of Glasses Prohibitive? The price of one un needed luxury will pay for all of your eyeglass necessities. It will not take up much of your time to haye us thor oughly examine your eye structure and grind the lens es you need. It is to your interest to consult us at once. R. E. Biber OPTOMETRIST 103 W. Main St. Spartanburg, - S. C. qenuinJ; mi DURHAM tobacco 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings at 11:00 A. M., and 2nd and 3rd Sundays at 7:80 P. M. Reverend Yaadell preaches (On the 2nd and 4th Sundays at | 11:00 A. M., and 1st and 3rd ! Sundays at 7 :30 P. M. BATTERY SERVICE is what you will get here. Drive right up and have your auto bat tery tfut in perfect shape. We repair, recharge, test, rent, sell and otherwise handle auto bat teries in a real service way. We specialize in this line. mm Landrum, S. C. The Presbyterian Church of Tryon. Services next Sunday at 11 :00 i o'clock at the Methodist Church i The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper administered at thii hour ? AH are invited to worship i with us. Fords orv. Reduce Your Production Costs Farming, like every other business, mott cat down the overhead. It is not a question of being able to afford a Fordson; it is a question of being able to coo* tmue farming on the old too-costly basis. The farmer's problem is not all a sales problem; it is also a production problem. ' He must cot down the cost of production. The Fordson does more work at a lower coat and in less time than the old hand methods. Let us give you the proof. Write, phone or call today. Kilpin Motor Company Tryon North Carolina *? ... 'joliit ? ,?.sku.-v