kmmam F 0 m mi cm L [m Men Causes Contro Britain *h?t S#ttl* I \M-WX ^dd of JD?3rPt * ***? i kr*J ^ooflx^t with Ills brother I1 5ja| Bufwto ?' <*? Hedja* rfitf 8# Qtw*' jiot suAfi that Faad has IHL tbe carpet" far an/ M???1? that the B&P fTjufli^rclJ Jn*t?3 that a detach r, v ^yptian doctors shall accom r ^ anoaai pU?iima$e or the FL ^ thair Ho]/ Carpet to f*0ain trgo* i ***** ?bs Hadjaz pro doctors of it* own, and P*ptn# bo Egyptian importation*. tjgf^r of the controversy Je la Enjj&tog Hussein has appealed F%0 Britain for a solution. I* t* *a*'3 0/ th? mnual pilfTim L |p jiocoii, ths Egyptian govern KftaWtuail/ organises a consider RTggjjaij detachment to assure the r^e of Cbe piitfriais on their try fTpOW. This year the usual 1^ followed and the equiva 1^^ tfae personnel of two field hoe L| vcb enlisted. King Hussein* tuddaiily declared against Iftyptton physician* I jqy> holds a hifh card la ka hand L dtepoie in the fact that the ltfC*P* *D i??iispensabla feature (Jii Mwca ceremonies, resides in a K) I fl)0??0e. The tiet, therefore, has L* fortfc "No doctors, no carpet." I IN sabj^'t has aroused the whole L|e two countries and has become fa tab}#* of formal diplomatic rep Iwcetieca. gad of Zoo Say* Polar ge&r? Like Hot Weather fliiadeipiua.? ^olar bearB ??* rgoflce, being fed ice cream with {bgnDometer soaring above 90, if ixt* fictitious story, according to person Browne, superintendent of ^ Philadelphia zoological gardens, lioat of our animals suffer from $i kilt to any Feat extent," said Mr. fini "people ;om? Mere expecting I ltd some of them all wrapped up ^ cold rwnpresses to prevent them ft of the beat. We just let (hem itat, and nature takes care of the jtf. not only dont mind it, but |,l9 actually seem to revel in it. It is the oni time of the year when keepers eu la all ihe animals out in their prdi without fear of some tropical hit catching pneumonia. Those tnsi tin aorthern climes roll over and top, not even disturbed by the ends of visitors who stand outside cad ^aze in with pity. And as for $e nst, they regain all their former /nth and rigor, lost when they left te fenny forests of Africa and soutli aiAiia." Famous Washington Elm at Cambridge I* Dead 1 OunbrWie, Mass.? The "Washing-1, fc elm" la dead. The offlcial demise {the famed tree beneath which uhington took command of tfee Con ^tttal aray was announced by Dr. C I Sarjeat, director of the Arnold Itorttun of Harvard university, in a j tor to Mayor Edward W. Quinn ol CUibridfe. "All sigas of life have now gone the Washington elm," Docter Sar W wrota, "and there is no chance of Nflf It alive until the autumn. So u I am concerned it can be cat ton at any time." toyor Quinn, it is learned, is eager I tiae a fund from the school chil of th? country for a shaft to , ^ the historic spot. The trunk j Wahly will bs cut into snail bits to ?fctrtbited u souvenirs among the **??>? of the country. An offshoot Washington lm was planted on ? Cambridge common 40 years ago **9 Is floartshing. "utily Built House Standi Teat of Time }****> Pa.? Erected ftfty years ? tm hours, the two-story brick , ^ at 513 South Prince street r lt?od the test of time and is still Oonditloo. it contains eight JJ1 Idea of building the house | l 10 sundown was conceived . ^janiln Miihier. One hundred, fctte?1"** 00 hou,le' finishing it ^ tours. The walls were up be Doclor Mlshler's son moved ^ jtoiture *h and ate sapper in the j ? la the same evening. J4 *d?PU Gr^orian Calendar. ^taaT'""^8 yti teQ chmrcfa holidays te ^idar ^ accor are reading the Squibb announcements in the var ious magazines. Squibb's Denta! Cream made with Squibb's Milk of Magnesia, Squibb's Spices; in fact all of their products are carried in stock at / MISSILDINE'S PHARMACY The Rexail Store Phone No. 4 Tryon, N. C. | What Keeps Bird in Air. The manipulption of birrls' wings has been analyzed to a certain degree by an ultra-rapid camera invented by C. Francis Jenkins of Washington. Mr. Jenkins has shown the exact mo tion of a pigeon's wings. His pictures demonstrated that the back stroke, when the wings touch over the head, propels the bird, while the forward stroke, wher the wings meet under the body, sustains the pigeon in the air. pennTcolumn Phone Your Wants To The Polk County News For Sale: ? Pony, pony cart, harness and saddle at reason able price. Address P. 0. Box 301 Saluda, N. C. No.2 3-w-pd FOR SALE ? Wilcox Dairy Farm two good cottages and barn, 20 acres, some good bot tom land. This place ^will be sold at a very reasonable price and on terms to suit purchaser. JAMES LEONARD. For Sale: ? In the beautiful Pac loet Valley, fine residence of seven rooms, two fine fire places, large porch, cement pillars and floor. Desirable locality. James Leonard. FOR SALE ? One two-horse Sparwling buggy with harness. Apply James L. Smith, Tryon Route 1. 2-w-pd. o ? ? - TRADE EVENT WEEK should re mind you that it is a good time to buy a Safe. In Stock from $37.50 to $300.00 Calhoun Office Supply Co. Spartanburg. TYPEWRITERS? Trade Event Specials. Oliver $20., $25., $30., s Rex $27.50, Woodstock $52.50, Royal $32. 50, Smith $40.00 and Remington $42. 50. Calhoun Office Supply Co. Spar tanburg, S. C. o * EDISON PHONOGRAPHS in stock all models. It is to your advantage to buy during Trade Event Good supply of records. Calhoun Office Co. Spartanburg. o * TRADE EVENT Specials offered in Cash Registers, Check protectors and Adding machines also. See Trade Event Advertising and buy here. Calhoun Office Supply Co., Spartanburg. ? o t More Money In good fruit than anything else the farmer can grow. The best com mercial varieties of apples, grjwn to perfection and state ' inspected. None better. Now is the time to put In your order for fall and spring delivery. Send for price list W. B. Sinclair Nurseries, R. F. D. 3, Hendersouvllle N. C. 0 Order Now The finest apple trees and other i fruit. Best varieties grown. Send ; for prices or bettter still come and see Uie trees and be convinced, j lligiit l'rom^ the soil to your farm. There is money in good fruit. W. B. Sinclair Nurseries, Route 3, Hender sonv'Me, N. C. Second-Hand School Books, good as new. Two-thirds price of new books. Send no money. Mail us your order and books will be sent by return mail collect on delivery. I Books may be returned if not satis factory. ? The Book Shop, Burling ton, N. C. o Having qualified as Executor of tha state of J. H. Hines, deceased, late of the county of Polk and State of North Carolina, this is to notify per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Harris, N. C. route No 1 on or before the 10th day of October, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 1st day of October, 1923. Executor of the estate of J. H. Hines deceased. R. F. Hines, Harris Route No 1, N. C NOTICE OF SUMMONS State of North Carolina County of Polk In the Superior Court. ? Anna Bishop Parker V8 Peter P. Parker The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Polk ? County to ob tain an absolute divorce by said plaintff from defendant; the said de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior court of said county to be held in the court house at Colum bus, N. C. on the 7th Monday after the first Monday in March .it being the 22 day of April, 1924, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief ' de manded in the said complaint. II. H. Carson, Clerk of Superior Court for Polk County, N. C. H. H. Carson Fisher & Allison Attorneys for Plaintiff. Brevard, North Carolina. o : ? NOTICE To Zeb Carson and Lelia Car son: You are hereby notified that on Monday the 1st day of Oct m JC?( $30.00 in Gold Given Away We will give three prizes as follows: $15.00 1st prize 10.00 2nd prize 5.00 3rd prize . i The ?erso;i guessing nearest the number of customers making purchases, The Rippian Way from July 1st 1923 to the day of the Polk Co., Fa^*. Contest closing at 8 o'clock P. M. the day before the fair opens at Columbus, N. C. All guesses to be sealed in an envelope with name and address on same and dropped in a seal ed box provided for the purpose in a convenent place at The Rippian Way Store Besides being a probable winner of one of the above prizes you can save miich more by making your Purchases THE RIPPIAN WAY J * J TRYON, N. C. Savings Period A? deposits in account and jom our happy p ladies Rest Room. ^ ReadJ"^s owr $200,000 Capital $25,000 SMtte ^ this banh t0 ?? i+e* officers or directors. ns are made W directors. of its officers or ? ^ ^ ^ a. K. HOl-WIES, yfm A. BLAND President . A^st cashier J. T. VALDROP FOSTER THOMSON Vice Presjdent Asst. Cashier WALTER iONi5 Vice President *sst" fits BMtH WO JM% JS!? Mfcm >TB yon/North ober, 1923, the undersigned will apply to the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Polk County for the appointment of three ap praisers to lay off and assess the value of not more than two acres of the land in Green's Creek or Columbus township conveyed to you by the wiH of John M. Carson, for the location of a school building. | This the 30th -day of August, ; 1923. E. W. S. COBB, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Polk County. 4 ^ NOTICE Under and by virture of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust - If you are in need of a stone, large or small, see our line when in Spartanburg. A nice fresh stock of both marble and granit. West Main street, opposite the Cleveland Hotel, MECKLENBURG Marble and Granite Ca. Spartanburg S. C. Two or three good local agents wanted in this territory. Coming Dr. A. W. Dula Chimney Rock N. C. Tuesday Oct. f 9th. Columbus N. C. Wednesday Oct ? 10th. ' I Tryon N. C. Thursday and Friday October 11th and 12th.' Glasses Fitted Exclusively Uu 1 "" 1 G -r V.? S3TTEX. Sj N 'I.-.- tin.* : i -I'.v, -vtn'J plaSf#: Dr. A. W. DULA. executed by J. C. Laugh ter and his wife E. F. Laughter which deed bears date of April 26th 1922 and which is found of record in the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Polk County in Book pf Deeds in Trust No. 20 ! at page 313, to John R. Burgess Trustee to secure the payment j of a certain note in the sum of | One Hundred one and 50-J00 I dollars with interest, and de ; fault having been made and de i mand for payment having also been made I will in pursuant to I such power of sale offer for ; sale and sell to the highest bid der, for cash, at . the court house door in Columbus, Polk County, Ncrth Carolina, on 1st | day of Oct. 1923 at 12 M- the | following real estate : Being the | same Jand described in the deed of trust mentioned herein and j being bounded as follows: Be all the lands described in a cer I tain deed from Elizabeth Sel I ena Jackson to J. C. Laughter found in Book 36 page 391 for ! the records of Polk County. " j 1923. This the 8th day of Sept. JOHN R. BURGESS Trustee. o NOTICE OF SALE. The , Board of School Com missioners of the Tryon Graded School District will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bid der on the 20th day of October 1923 at three o'clock P. M- on the premises of the new school property, in Tryon, N. C., allf of the land west of C. W. Mor gan's road comprising about seven (7) acres, more or less, belonging to said Tryon Graded School' District,' the same hav ing been purchased frbm W. B. Weigel. Terms of sale $500.00 cash at time of sale and the re mainder to be paid upon deliv ery of tender of a good and suf ficient deed, or within thirty days. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. This 12th day of September 1923. Board of School Commission ers of the Tryon Graded School District. No. 3, 4-w. it?i >u * 4(3 r ?l M fa H iij rM m B jfi M a ?/ n $ TP B UNIVEKt AL CAE 7kwfbm!p& An entirely new body design lends distinction in ?"pp trance, ?'dds measurably to individual comfort, arid provides greater convenience in the new Ford Coupe BtrMYrJinc body, windshield visor, and nickeled hctmgs mf?ke this new Coupe highly attractive. Deeply cushioned seats, improved interior arrange ment.and cowl ventilatorprovideincreasedcomfort. Wid? doorfi that open forward, revolving type window lifters, enlarged rear compartment and a r^c^s- to? parcels, back of the seat make for (jreuei convenience, 4f? new tord Coupe and other body types c* 0i,ut Nearest Ford Dealer's showroom. S (Dealer's Name and. Address ) 3'S b\ CAR S ? TRUCKS - TRACTORS * -% ,, V; ?" ? > ' : i ?? Kilpin Motor Company Tryon North Carolina : 1