Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 2 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief _ ELL-ANS <25e regardless of what material It was made of or what trimming adorned it. This is of course, not the exact truth, but It is very near It, for there Is practically no limit to variety In the styles shown. There* are certain tilings that charac terize fall fashions In millinery, and If these are present In a hat, it will pass inspection of even the critical eye. DAINTY APRON WITH EGYPTIAN DESIGN does not stand In the way of good ! looks. It is the element rf style that has greatly increased the popularity of these dependable garments, which are made, as they have been for years, of gingham, chamhray, percale, lln??ne sateen, unbleached domestic and cot ton crepe. Cretonnes figure also in this season's displays. lUck-rack j braid, narrow edgings, simple needle work. flat peurl buttons and combina tions of materials are skillfully used to contribute embellishments. New, I models combine cotton crepe and black sateen attractively, ind needlework usually appears in bright colors on the sateen. Some colors that used to be unstable are now ,fast. as nile In the group of matrons' hats shown here for Instance, there are four mod- j els of radically different line and ! treatment, yet they employ only two different materials and three different trimn/ings in arriving af their several ends. At the top, a brim is cov ered with corded satin. The dress hat green, lavender and pink. Even vari colored prints, made. up with plain col ors, may be successfully laundered. Aprons have always been inclined to frivolity and now even those slip ons for wear at cooking or dish wash ing, are decorative. They are made of rubberized cloth as well , as the ? i ^ j usual sturdy, cottons, a godd model for' any material is shown in the illus tration, and ith might b* made of in bleached v domestic and worked with gay cotton yarns in the Egyptian de Sign pictured. i ? '*? . MANY STYLES IN MATRONS' HATS ? | below at the right is of black satin trimmed with a burnt goose fancy. / . ir Union.) (?). 1M*. Western Newspaper Union.) MERCHANT GIVES MORE EVIDENCE W. F. Penny, prominent merchant of HendersonvIIle, N. C., and a leader In tUe civk^ and business affairs of his seetior^, gives unstinted praise to Tan lac, which, he states, has restored his health and overcome troubles that had defied treatment for years: "For many years," stated Mr. Pen ny, "I was a great sufferer from Indi gestion and stomach trouble. Ulcera tion set in and necessitated an opera tion. Utter lack of digestive power over a long period so weakened rae that I was hardly able to attend to my business. "Tanlac seemed to reach the seat of iny troubles at once and now I have normal strength and activity in every way. Tanlac is undoubtedly the best stomach medicine to be had." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists., Take no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. ? Advertisement. Rhyme and Reason. Woman? I saw her glare and heard lier blare, but I went away and she started to swear. ? London Tit-Bits. BABIES CRY FOR "CASTORIA" Prepared Especially for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletcher's Castoria has been In use for over 30 years * as a pleasant, harmless substitute for Cas tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcot ics. Proven directions are on each package. Physicians recommend it. The genuine bears signature of Any man on pleasure bent is apt to find himself broke in due time. Say "Bayer" and Insist! Unless you see the namr "P/ayer" <* package or 011 tablets you :nv not net ting the genuine Kay. r i,r..*:ct pre. scribed by physicians ov.-r r w.-jay-two years and proved saf?- by ?:il!!j;' r.aye. Manufacture of Mono;)' <-t: ; ? ^ 1 Salicyllcacid. ? Advert isement. I ?Tn" Something Left. | The Missionary? My t riin. have you been Christianized? j The Native ? Nut 'romj .?-;ei\\ Ti have gobbled all my lain! have a few < lotfii-s. ? In*!i;in:ij>oli9 Journal. ?7 sill To Have a Clear, Sweet Skin Touch pimples, redness, ruughnesi or itching, If any, with Cutieura oint ment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water, llinse, dry gently ana dust on a little Cuticura Tulcurn tu leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. Everywhere 25c each.? Advertisement. Feed the Brute. "You can generally reach a man's heart through his stomach." "Yes, or by feeding his vanity." How a Single industry Spreads Prosperity A most significant fact about an indus try is the large number of people who henefit from it i Take the cement industry, as an ex ample: The mills used 9,000,000 tons of coal last year. This meant 9,000 coal miners steadily employed ? their families, num bering not less than 25,000, maintained ? and along with them tradesmen and other people enough to supply the needs of a town of over 50,000. That is, of course, saying nothing of the business created for coal operators and transportation lines. Sacks are not sc large an item in the ? cement industry as coal, yet 50,000,000 new sacks, representing 50,000 bales of cotton, had to be bought last year for re placements alone. Back of this were cotton planters, plantation workers, mill owners, mill operatives and so on ? thousands al together. And consider these other requirements of the industry last year: 3,700,0004>arrels of fuel oil 3,400,000,000 cubic feet of gas 15,000,000 pounds of explosives 32,000,000 pounds of greases and oils 1,700,000 linear feet of belting 4,500,000 firebrick for relining kilns 7,000,000 pounds of paper for bags 600,000 tons of gypsum In addition the industry bought quan tities of heavy grinding and burning ma chinery, locomotives, cars, rails, electrical and other necessary equipment. In this way a single industry spreads prosperity to many others. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 111 West Washington Street CHICAGO *4 National Organization to Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete AtLmtM Denver XuuuCity New York San Frtnci*^ Birmingham Dei Moines Los Aogtlei Parkersburg . Boston Detroit Memphis Philadelphia Sc. Louu Oijcago Helena Milwaukee Pittiburgh Vaneouvf' r.i ?? olia Minneapolis Portland, Oreg. Vi oa* ilk New Orleans Salt Lake City Delias Indianapolis Jacksonville (