t of the condition of [bank OF TRYON J the State of North Car?-; close of business, Dec! I RESOURCES Discounts, $92,548.39 ? 604.30 |ds and Liberty ids ... 9,950.00 stocks, bonds Mortgages 1'829#41 ^ house, furniture Fixtures... * 5,100.00 ?aulc and net a ft due from banks kers and trust opanies 27,304.62 tal $187,336.72 LIABILITIES >ck paid in ... ..$15,000.00 ind' { 5 000.00 profits, less cur I expenses and tai ?a id 3,208.42 >le 5.500.00 j )ject to check , livldual... 64,625,07 ! Icates of depos due in less n days 10,007 ,i iecks outstanjfl" jsitf 1,947.62 . 29,047.75 |j.. $137,336.72 orth Carolina, County Of 7th, 1924. ^Hester, Cashier of the led Bank, do solemnly the above ? statement is begt of my knowledge J. B. Hester. Cashier ttest: km L. Jackson P. Bacon L. Ballenger Directors and sworn to before me, lay of January, 1924 W, F. Little, Notary Public fission expires March 14, inalee Private School Tryon, N. C. Math mat lea, Latin, French a. Alice K. Mlaalldlne MILL SPRING ethodist church was well ed from this area at the rterly Conference, held at lapel. Saturday Jan. t5h. Id wave that struck this January 6th caught most k by eurprise doing dam House plants and canned ft Blue Ridge Power Plant ?that the murcury dropped ?Bgrees below zero. At Mr. ?ompson's the themometer. I 11-2 above zero. This is ftt weather known to this I- many years. It is feared ? lettuce beds have been to the extent that many ants will not survive. We iope tor the best, :nnT column Hawkins The old watch id jeweler of Henderson C., has opened up shop, up sr Jno. L. Jackson's store, C. le: ? on Walnut Street next iptist Church, house of six id bath, in good condition, furnished complete as it is K This ig a real bargain. 4 JAMBS LEONARD Tryon N. C Sale : ? on Broadway, my r 1 .. Report of the condition of PEOPLES BANK 4 TRU8T CO. at Try on, N. C., in the State of North Carolina, at the close of busi ness, Dec. 31, 1923 RESOURCES v Loans and, Discounts,. . . .$147,002.17 Demand Loans Overdrafts, secured unsecured, United States 2,200.00 \ .77.01 ".68 1,098.74 >nds and Liberty Bonds 48,400.00 Banking house, 7,145.41 fur niture and fix tures $2, $00 ,10,046.41 cash in vault and net amount due from Banks, Bankers, and Trust Campaiiesj. 15,773.66 Total 225,119.98 LIABILTIE8 Capital Stock paid 25,000.00 Surplus Fund, . . 6,150.00 Undivided Profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes . paid 1,400.04 Bills Payable, 23,000.00 Deposits subject to check, Individual, 59,408.86 Time Certificates of De posit, Due in Less Than 30 Days, : ... i . . .16,874.21 Certified Checks 1,797.41 Savings Deposits, 47,544.96 Certificates of Deposits for (Liberty Bonds Cus tomers) ) >. . . 43,950.00 Total, ... L 225,119.98 State of /forth Carolina, County of Polk, 8th, of January, 1924 1, V. A. Bland, ABst, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. V. A. Bland, Asst. Cashier. Correct Attest: G. H.. Holmes Walter Jones W. P. Little Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 8, day of January, 1924 J. B. Hester, Notary ^pbblic. My Commission expires May 18, 1925. home, baa three bed rooms and bath I room oa second floor. Kitchen* din- : nine and living room on first floor, large oellar, and basement room ! 14X17. Plenty of fruit trees and floweing shrubs, large shade trees. Lot 160X150. All modern improve ments. Will sacrifice IX sold soon. JAMBS LEONARD, r Tryon N. & Strayed: Red male pig weight about 25 pounds. Finder notity D. P. McGUINN, I Mill Spring R. No t ! Lost: Between Tan dram and Green River dam on Monday night, tire and rim for Buick ear. Reward if returned to Dr. R, A. Waldron, Landrum, S. C. For Sale, Rent or Exchange. Brick store bouse at Gflkey. - E L. Carpenter, Rutherfordton, N. C. REAL E8TATE FOR 8ALE j Good business property on Trade Street is now very scarce. The Business section is how snoring to ward Lynn? no other way to more, I have 110 ft frontage running back 225 ft., the M. W. Page property. Also six lots in the Janie Adams , Subdivision above the old school house for sale. For price and terms apply to the undersigned. GEO. A. GASH | Box 884 Asheville, N. C. State of North Carolina ' County o f Polk 1 ? The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of L P^Corn. deceased this is to nottXy all persons , hairing claims the said decedent to present them! to the undersigned on or before the 11 day of January 1925 for payment 1 or this notice will be plead in bar of I their recovery. . pe?on8 tadebted to the estate Th. ^ / m*ke prompt Payment, i This 4th day of January, 1924. S. K, McMorray ^ Administrator, j NOTICE0 OF 8ALE. i Pursuant to the power of sale! contained In that certain Chattel Mortgage executed by G. D. Jackson to U. G. Speed on the 12th day of! October 1921, of record In office of ! Register of Deeds for Polk County in Book No. 27 at page 480, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness and Interest secur- ! ed by said mortgage, the undersign- 1 edwill sell at public auction, to the ' highest bidder, for cash. In front of the City Hall building in the town ot ! Tryon, said County ot Polk, Stat? oft North Carolina, on Saturday, the 19th day of Jaiyiary 1924, at eleven o'clock A. M. the following personal property conveyed by said mort gage, to wit: , [ One Chestnut Sorrel horse named Robert; One Black horse named GIp; On? Dark bay horse named : Frank; One Walker Station Wagon; One Winono Natural Wood Buck board Oiib set Brass Double Carriage Harness. This 29th day of December 1923. Walter Jones, u. G. Speed, I, Attorney. Mortgage. Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers Notice is hereby given parties named below, and all persons that may have a lean on the land herein described that the undersigned pur chased at delinquent tax sale in Co lumbus, Polk County, N. C., on the 7th, day of May 1923 land listed for tax and decribed as follows: 120 acres less one acre listed for taxes in the name of W. A. Mills Sr., for the year 1922. J. T# Waldrop. Tax deed will be applied for after M*y 1, 1924. --O ? NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE North Carolina Polk County In The Superior Court H. S. Taylor - J. R. Blanton By virture of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Super ior Court of Polk County in the ' above-entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 4th day of February 1924 at 12 o'clock M at the court house door of said County sell to j the highest bidder for cash to satis fy said execution, all the right title and interest which the said J. R. Blanton the defendant, has in the following described real estate, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Polk County, adjoining the lands of James McCraw, J. R. Blanton and D. P. McQuinn and others and bounded as follows, viz: ''Beginning on a small pine in McCraw's line then S. 5 W. 31 1-2 poles to a stone then S. 35 E. 43 poles to a stake In the old Whiteside line then N. 9 H. to J. R^ Blanton's and McCraw's line '/ V r- vv _ ' sJ i ' / / "C A We receive frcm^ur work exactly in proportion as we give in serr ce -and nobody has yet proved out a plan whereby we| can get more by giving less." ^ ? Theodore Roosevelt . . ... 7 V:- '"I* ''K ?< S" This bank's steady g-oWth is the result of its policy of giving the last measure of service. 0 . .-v " - ? WE vj^lcome New Business Ladies apitai $25,000 Rest Room. Reading Room Surplus over $6,000 Resources over' $200,000 I No loans any of G. H. HOLMES, President J. T. WALDROP Vice President WALTER JONEU Vice President PEOPLES S i Member are made by this bank to its officers or directors. / ? ?\ 1 W. F. LITTLE , . Cashier V. A. BLAND Asst. Cashier .. FOSTER THOMSON Asst. Cashier ?M NK AND TRUST COMPANY lerican Bankers Association Tryon, North Carolina West to the Beginning cont ten (10) acres more or less. This 21 day of December 1922 G. L. THOMPSON Sheriff of Polk County, Pi. C. NOTICE State of tyorth Carolina County of Polk The undersigned, having Qualified ag administratrix with the will an nexed to the estate of J. O. Rabun, deceased late of Polk Opunty; this is to notify all persons hiving clilms against- the said estate to present them to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 14th day of December, 1924 or this notlce wil be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate twill please make ?payment at once. This 14th day of December 192ft Mrs. Irene Raburn, Administratrix SALE OF LAND BY TRU8TEE. V . Notice is hereby given, that by virture of the terms of the deed In trust hereinafter refertd to, the un dersigned trustee will on Moiday January the 28th, 1924, at the ?*ont door of the couity courthouse, in the city of Ashevillt, county of Bun combe and state of North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, exceping such part as has been released hereinafter refered to, a tract land situate, lying a^d being in county of Polk and state of N. joining lands of W. H. Westall others, and bounded as follows: Beginning on a chestnut st^mp, as of the C.. and - the southeast corner of lot No. 2 shown on a plat and surrey of the lands sold 1 )y John B. Cleveland ? to W. H# Westall, said pla^and survey made by Willis and Isratly Known as the Jason Carson place, and run ning thence north 86 degrees and 24 minutes west, 1660 feet to a atone; thence north . 4 degrees and 45 minutes east 1129 feet to a hickory; thence north 66 degrees and 30 minutts west, 1098 feet to a stake; then south 86 degrees and 24 minutes east, about 2680 feet to a stake in the east boundary line of sqid lot No. 2; thence south 4 de grees and 30 minutes west, and with said east line, about 1500 feet to the beginning, containing about 61.57 , acres and the same lands conveyed by W. H. Westall and wife to Jud son Grissell by deed ..dated Decern-! ber the 2nd, 1919, this trust being created to secure purchase price. Excepted from this sale will be all 1 such part pf parts, of the lands de-l cribed above as -'nave been hereto- j fore released by the undersigned in favor of L. R. Pittman. N This advertisement is made andi sale will be had, at the request of [ the holder and owner of the notes' secured by said deed in trust For further particulars reference is made to said deed in trust as the same appears of record in book No, 14, page 438 of the record of deeds of trust in the office of Register of deeds, for sai4 county of Polk and state of N. N. This December the 24th, 1928. T, C. WESTALL, Trustee. Notice to Delinquent Tlx" Psyere Notice is hereby given to parties named beow, and all persons that may have a lean on the land herein described that the undersigned par chased at a delinquent tax sale la Columbus, Polk County, N. C., oa the 7th day of May 1922 land listed for tax and described as follows: One lot in Saluda listed tor taxes in the name of Mrs. D. Werner tor the year 1922. On^ lot In Tryoa listed in the name of Ifrank He lien tax for the year 1922. One lot In Saluda, listed in th^ natne of FrJL Gentry tax for the year 1921 M acres in Coopers Gap Township list ed for taxes in the name of Msnon Logan tax for the year 1911 fS acres in Coopers Gap Township list ed in the name of B. L. Logan taxed for the year 1922. 100 acres listed in the name of J. H. Bradley taxed for the year 1922 L. L. TALLANT, Purchaser. Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers Notice is hereby given to parties named below, and all persons that may have, a lean on the land herein ?described that the undersigned purchased at a delinquent tax sale in Columbus, Polk County, N. C. on the 7th day of May 1928 land listed for tax and described as follows: 80 acres In White Oak Township listed off on all Coats, Coat Suits N ' ' v1* ' * '? - f-;"' y v ?> ? J /' * - ; * . : ' / on a big lot of - Men's Clothing. New goods, good styles and pret ty patterns. y l -l ^ . basement running full speed r Our'bargaih ahead loaded doWn with good values. - I I j V. t&t V -