POLK COUNTY-The Gateway of Western ; - - . ? . Tryon, N. C., February 7, XXIX No. 31 Volume \ \ , v". PRICE sets. ,.t .?fc-i* ? a Year 1 3ir.sple Rites Mark I Funeral Services For I Woodrow Wilson I ?'x-President Laid to Rest in I Crypt of Washington CM: rch. I Woodrov' iVilw'n^ former I president, wis 'aid to rest at I Bethlehem. Washing ? Inc.* day with the. Win I nlest 'r -iis ?'i < K n r ^ his entombment. ? He was laid to rest in a marble ? v..n)t overlooking the city. flic only military form. a I hour the funeral aside from tfcei ? uniforms of the various diplo ? ijjutic attendants was the little M s< iad offmeir of non-commio F soiled rank of the army, navy f anil marine corps who bore the body and formed the immedi diate escort from the house to the chapel. They were all world war veterans. There was 110 evidence of pomp as the last rites in hom age to the great war president were paid and he was laid to rest while the. president and members of the cabinet stood beside the vault as the body . was laid away. ? * Chimney Rock Working Out Extensive Plans 0 Asheville, Feb: 6. Acquisition by purchase of real estate that will comprise the 8,000 acres for development of the Chim ney Rock estate, is progressing steadily, according to announce ment by officials of Chimney Rock Mountains, Inc. ^Nearly 4,000 acres have been bought by the company to'date, and options on th remaining tracts are being taken up. Paving of the Ashevilte Charlotte highway has been completed as far as Fairview, and assurances have been re ceived from the state highway! commission that this project is to be pushed to early comple tion. Landscape architects are now engaged in working out details for beautification of the Chim ney Rock estate, which is to in clude Lake Lure, covering 1, 500 acres; a country club, golf ?links, tennis courts,, bridle | paths, hotel's, aviation field, po lo grounds, a muMtude of cot tages, and* a model town. A hydro-electric plant at the dam to be built across the Rocky Broad river, will generate a peak load of 2,000 horsepower, sufficient to illuminate 75,000, electric, bulbs at night. It is planned to make the de velopment conform with a mod rn pleasure resort, providing u most every form of outdoor amusement. v. o. BUCKIUS BETTER. I A. O. Buckius, who has been ? o APPOINT COMMITTEE TO ASSESS LAND VALUE ? % ? ; J. H. Gibbs, A. M. Lynqh and W. B. Edwards were appointed this week by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Polk County, E(. H. Carson to determine the value of land, belonging to Mr Clarence Justice of Rutherford ton which was recently con demned for the Blue Ridge Power project. The land under discussion is known as tfce Old Mik) Foster place. Condemnation proceedings were held before the Clerk of - the Court this week, Fred Hamrick and Solomon Gallert of Rutherfordton representing Mr. Justice and Horace BOmar of Spartanburg, J. E. Shipman and A. Y. Arledge, attorneys for the power company. A set tlement is expected soon Saluda Wil Hold Water Bond Election ' ~$* ~t . Will Vote on $50,000 Bond Issue to Enlarge Water System. An ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds not to ex ceed $40,000 for i he purpose ol providing an adequate and san itary water system w&g\ passed by the mayor and board of com-; missioners or Saluda at the February session. According to the ordinance proceeds from the bonds so is sued and sold shall be used for the purpose of enlarging, re pairing and extending the pres ent water system with the fur ther proviso that in. event .the authorities of the town so de cide a portion of the money may be used for the purpose of increasing, maintaining and ex tending sewer lines. In passing the ordinance, the commission point out the fact that the assessed valuation of property subject to tax for the past three years is $621,058 and the total amount of indebted ness of Saluda outstanding to date is 10,000. The new bond issue will bring, this total to $50,000. Election for the bond issue will be held at the expira tion of thirty days after, the date of the passing of the ordi nance W* D. GUICE OF SALtJDA GOES TO LAST REWARD During the past week death claimed Mr. W- D. Guice, who lived alkfris life near Macedonia. Baptist church close to Saluda. Mr. Guice was, at the time of his death, 69 years and nine mpntha old. Early in life heJ married Miss. Mary Heatherly,1 daughter of Mr. John Heather ly, from near Heatherly's Tow er. To them were given eight children, seven of whom are still living. Mr. Guice was a faithful i member of the Macedonia Bap tist church- He is survived by: his wife, Mrs. Mary Guice, and children as follows : Mrs. Min nie Stevenson, Ewart, Ken-! tucky, Nath Guice, Sid Guice, Mrs. Henry Bishop and Mrs. M. A. Pace, all of Saluda, and Mr. John Guice of Dana, N. C Mr. Guice was honored and respected by those who knew him and the bereaved family^! have the sympathy of the com-! munity. Mrs. Matilda Heatherly, ac companied by her granddaugh ter, Mrs Maude McAllister: and great grandson, H. D. Mc Allister, Jr., is visiting herj daughter, Mrs- C. F. Johnson, ! at Bristol, Va.-Tenn.< Mr. Q. C.. Sonner, Sr., le;ft| Sunday for a two weeks' trip to St. Petersburg, Fla., and possi-i bly other points of interest We note with regret the re moval of the general store op erated under the name of Bai ley- Staton Co. from our town to Hayne, S. C.. . Mr. Fred Bai- i ley, the manager, who will have a position with the Hayne Mer cantile Co., has also moved his family to that point. Mr. P- H. Ward who operated ! a market in the store of the Bailey-Staton Co., has moved his business to Hayne, S. C., I where he will conduct same with the Hayne Mercantile Co. I TO ASSIST IN FILING STATE TAX REPORTS C. R. Ham rick, State. De puty Commissioner, will be in Saluda on February 21, at the Bank of Saluda, and at the Bank of Tryon in Tryon on' February 22 and at Columbus at the Court House onFebruary 23 for the purpose of helping in*J the filing of Stqte income- tax , reports All corporations and partner ships must file returns, regard- 4 less of the amount of income. All single individuals with in- 1 come of $1,000 or more must file and all married persons with income of $2,000 or more must file reports. ; j local Troop frill Observe Scout Week Boys Will be Guests of Spar tanburg Scouts on Satun k 4 i Plans for the National Scout Week were discussed by the members of the r?ryon troop of Boy Scouts at the meeting held last Friday evening fit the Parish House- The meeting broke all recoris for atten dance. One of t le most inter esting features o : the program was a talk and practical demon stration of First Aid given by Dr. A. J. Jervey.. , j Following the address, the boys made plans for participat ing in National Scout week, be ginning on Fridajr and ending the following Friday. The program 'include* the accept ance of an invi ;ation on the part of the various scout trpops of Spartanburg to take part in the Coi rt uof Honor meeting to be held on Saturday * ' e r- 1. ? j-i evening of this High School building in that ion has been of the loca! go to -the 3. Meeting at A--? kZ * city. Trahuporta arranged for all mepibers who meeting. 'Friday, ' Feb. ... w Parish House, regular' routine business and rail; rA Saturday. AIM couts will be taken to Spartaibur? for the Court of Honor meeting to be held at; 7:30 P. M. Sunday. . Public meeting at the Parish House Special music, addresses demonstrations. Monday. Strand. Theatre. Scout benefit, The CaH of the Wlld,M jby Jack London, also Harold. Lloyd Comedy.^- ? i ? ' m ' Y . A 1 isday. * '.Theatre, Wednesday pupils at school Auditorium. Friday. The . mittee and troop^ lumbus to organize Troop No. 2 in the school | auditorium1 at 7 :S0 P. M. W. F. SMITH IMPROVING Friends of W. be glad to learn proving after a of the past few also hope for covery. * o ( HAMBER OF WILL MEET week in the at 3:30 P. M. and Scout benefit, Addresses to entire com will visit Co F- Smith will fyat he is im serious 1 illness y/eeks. They his speedy re DOMMERCE WEDNESDAY The Tryon Ch merce will hold meeting next W ing at 8 o'clock Hall. A full att organization is r cordial invitafion to all citizens or ested in the futut the town. , ? o ANNUAL ME THE CO amber of Com its February ^dnesday even in Missildine endance of the ^quested and a is extended visitors inter te . growth at G OF Y CLUB The annual business meeting of the members of the Tryon Country Club will be held next Monday evening it 8 o'clock at Missildine Hall, according to an announcment made by G. F<. Stone, secretary and treasurer Several matters of importance will be brought to the atten tion of the .members who are urgently requested to be pres ent. .t. W W w I TWTtTTTTTTI \ 4 attorney, was on busi the Columbus | John Burgess, in Tryon, Thurs^ry ness. 1 Remodeling of _ _ hotel is about Completed. It lk expected that jt be opened for business about the firat of next moiith.i Tho new building will be throughly up to date. Mrs. J. W. Macintosh who was recently taken ill is in the Tryon hospital. A : Miss Padgett .of Flat Rock, sister of . Miss Sarah M- Pad gett, is filling the temporary vacancy in the school staff dur the illness of Mijs.MacIntg8hv Announce Plans For Soldiers' Memorial v Specifications for the propos ed monument marking the hard-surface highway from the State line to Columbus as the Polk County Highway were re cently announced by the Memr orial Fund Committee. Above is a photograph of the proposed marker which wilt be greeted at' a suitable place on the highway. The marker- will be fifteerf feet highland approx imately four feet square at the base On the lower portion or die of t the monument will be placed a bronze tablet upon which will be inscribed the names of those of this county who tost their lives in the ser vice of the Nation, during the World War and a suitable in scription denoting the highway as a memorial Permission /was obtained from the State- ' Highway Commis sion last Fall to' dedicate the new road and mark itiih com memoration of " the jj soldiers, Bailors and others whoi served. ; Not all of the necessary funds ?for this marker have been rais ed as yet. Checks may be de posited in any bank in the county or may be sent to W. A. | Cannon, secretary and treasur er of tne committee, at Lynn. - ' -0 FOREST WARDENS AND DEPUTIES APPOINTED Following is a list of the for est wardens and deputies ap pointed as announced by C. M. Howes, county forest warden. Forest fires or forest destruc tion should be reported at once to the nearest of any of these men. Saluda Township: W. Clayton Pace, Warden; W. F. Morrison, J. A. Jackson, Gaither Johnson, David Morrison, J. Rhodes, de puty wardens. Greens Creek Township: W. C. Tate, Warden; W. H. Deck, J. L. Hower, G. P. Green, W. E. Walker, deputy wardfens. Tryon Township: D, W. Pate, warden; Walter M. Arledge, F. D. Arledge, Jim L, Kuykendall, J. G. Corcoran, Z. B. Waters, T. G. Pace, deputy wardene. White Oak Township: Henry Thompson, warden; C. 0. Rus sell, Reece Arledge, deputy wardens. Cooper Gap Township: J. M. McGuinn, warden, V. B. Hyder, King Stepp, S. McMurray, de puty wardens. Columbus Township: J. T. Smith, warden; J. L. Smith, H. T., Gilbert, D. V. Tallant, de puty wardens. Nice weaher. v Frogs croak ing and birds whistling as usual in February. JirB. Bradley has gone to In man, S. C., on business. There is a crowd of hands camped at Jthe Jackson house, surveying - We have had forest fires twice so far- Last Monday there was one on the Soijth side of Chim ney Top Mountain and some time back in a* patch of woods near Ej J. Bradley and Toney Henderson supposed to have, bieen' started by some .careless hunter. Hands fought and watered it oaf in a half day. J. W. Bishop. Visited this sec tion la^ Saturday and Sunday* T. Henderson went to Hen dersonville Friday last to see a dentist. Harrison Arledge's children have whooping pough. - Stockholders Of N Federation Held Meeting Monday V Outlook for Succoss of Co operative Marketing / ' CkKMi. With about thirty of *he stockholders of the Polk Coun ty Farmer's Federation attend ing, an enthusiastic meeting was held last Monday in the court room at Columbus. Among the speakers were |fr. Goodman, general supervisor for this district of the county agent's department,. W. G White, annual winter visitor in Try on, Grant C. Miller, chair man of the board of directors of the Federation, and County the Agent J.% R- Sains. P. C. Squires, Federation manager addressed the meeting, point ing out the plans for this year in regard to the lettuce cam paign and potato growing. .Following the" tatf approxi mately $1,000 in stock was subscribed by members present. According to several ol the members and officers of the organization thisyear will mark the turning point in the matter of the success of ce-operative marketing for the growers of this county. The readiness with which the farmers took up the lettuce growing and the growing of potatoes indicate that at last the . farmers are waking up to the value of the Federation. COOPERS gap; white OAK, GREENS CREEK STOCKHOLDERS MEET There will be a meeting of all stockholders of the Polk County Farmers Federation of Greens fftaek township at tin high school en Saturday- -tftpr noon, Februhy 9 st 8 o'clock. Stockholders of1 White Oik and Cooper Gap township will meet Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at Mill Spring high school. " AM farmeqa Interested in co-opertive marketing are cor dially invited to attend these meetings. P. C. Squires, manager of the Federation will make an address ????? MILL SPRING R 1 According to ground hog da ywe are to have more bad wpiithpr The family of Mr. J. T. Ed wards are very sick with meas les. Mr- ana Mrs. Thos. C. Autrey of Asheville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Autrey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Edwards. Horace, the little son of m and Mrs. W- E. Elliott, is vtr$ sick with tonsilitis. ? Mrs. O. J. Burnett is suffer ing from a badly burned foot, havng spitted a pot of beans on it while lifting it from the stove. We hope she will soo?. , - be able to use it again. , ,Miss Maggie Sue Edwards spent the week-nd with friends at Rutherford ton. Miss Gilreath Edwards is visiting her sister, Mrs- Autrey, in Asheville. She will be gone for two weeks. Elbert and Benneaa Burnett have measles* Miss Vinetta Hyder enter- a tained a number of friends at her home last Monday night in honor of one of her sckoql friends, Miss Arkansas Jack* son of route 2. Everyone spent a mosst enjoyable evening: r. Mr. L. H. Shehan of Lynn, spent Friday night at the heme of Mr* A. A. Edwards. * Last Thursday night a num ber of Rutherfprdton business men came hp here and enjoyed a fox race, the fox having been caught by A. A. and J. TV Ed wards. About 14 fax hounds run the fox about . two hours. Then most of the dogs wonld not swim ihe river and the ease that did continued after him about two more hours. Born to Mr. and Mrs- F. P. Womackt on Feb. 3, a son.