's Catarrh m || a a Combined IClIlv Treatment, both aternal, and his been success rcatment of Catarrh for ovex Solcf by all druggists. VEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio ITCH! Monev back without question If HLNT'S SALVE fails in the treatment of ITCH, EOZEMA, RING WORM, TETTER orother Itching skin diseases. Price Tic at arugjriats. or direct from IB. Riehirti Medici#* Co.,SbaraiailTa. >id & Relieve DS IFLUENZA MALAR/A BY TAKING [TERSMlTfr* iHlLLTONI C * bit General Invigorating Tonic ILD5 LA GRIPPE in 3J)*um .igfUIN W?? i feold remedy world orer. Demand ? Mr. Hill's portrait and signature. 1// Druggist* ? JO Cent* __ Coot/ Guess ious actor who repeatedly Jewell appearances announced Iflnal tour. will you play?" asked a [thing of Shakespeare," Bald Adieu About Nothing, I gup tid the friend. ra Sooth ea Baby Raahee h and burn, by hot baths Jura Soap followed by fentle of Cutlcura Ointment better, purer, sweeter, espe a little of the fragrant Cutl lcum Is dusted on at the fln each. ? Advertisement In Duty Bound rou eat your daughter's cook bourse," replied Mr. Meekt^n. )t to. Observing the effects od stitutlon Is a part of her course Iv."? Boston Transcript. IELI0N BUTTER COLOR" irmless vegetable butter color v- millions for 50 years. Drug [and general stores sell bottles idelion" for 35 cents. ? Aav. ' heating the Birds |iipan, small fish are caught by cormorants, principally at ith the aid of Jacklights. Rings ?d around the throats of the birds to prevent their swallow catch. When their pouches are I they are emptied In the boat >loated feeling and distressed breath to indigestion you need a medicine as a purgative. Wright's Indian >le Pills are both. Adv. Kind Invitation fessor (after trying first-hour -Some time ago my doctor told exercise early every morning lumb-bells. Will the class please ue tomorrow before breakfast? Universal Remedy for Pain. )ver 70 years Allcock's Plaster has . standard external remedy, sold In rts of the civilized world. ? Adv. bo Preserve Courtesies men ??f Clarksdale, Miss., have Ized a movement "to preserve the )us eourtesles which were once stlnguished feature of the Old Safe and Sure Laxative? Ireth Pills. One or two taken at [me will keep you in good condl* Entirely vegetable. ? Adv. -re's nothing like making good Jiions ? if you have the backbone up to them. mdmother Knew e Was Nothing So Good fot gution and CoUs as Mustard t the old-fa?hioned mustard r burned and blistered while it , Get the relief and help that id plasters gave, without the :er and without the blister. usterole does it. It is a clean, i ointment, made with oil of mus It is scientifically prepared, so it works wonders. ntly massage Musterole in with the x-tips. See how quickly it brings re how speedily the pain disappears. JY Musterole for sore throat, Dron ?is. tonsillitis, croup, stiff neck, una, neuralgia, headache, conges pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, is and aches of the back or joints, iins, sore muscles, bruises, chH-, lis, frosted feet, colds of the chest may prevent pneumonia). To Mothers: Musterole is now nade in milder form for labies and small children* A.sk for Children's Musterole. 35c and 65c, jars and tubes; hos pital size, $3.00. Bsttsr than a nmttmrd pkmttf Slays Good Home-Making Involves the High Arts Chlcajgo, In keeping with the rest of the United States, Is turning Its atten tion to the national movement for bet ter homes. Various women's clubs and other social agencies, in programs and other forms of service, are teaching the lessons of "better homes, better citizen^" Attractive homes that add to the comfort of adults and provide Interest ing surroundings for adolescent and juvenilfe members of the household are fundamental requisites for happy fam ilies, according to the originators of the movement. Hentjirik Van Loon in his history of mankind, after reviewing all the phases ? of statecraft, Industry and re ligion that have influenced the making of our?race and civilization what it is today, and after recording the Influence of various leaders in military, scientific and literary achievements, sayp Rem brandt, Beethoven and Bodin are the , prophets and leaders of the race. "A world without art and happiness is like a nuVsery without laughter." In other words, art in its various forms has been the liberator of the race. No civilization can exist without art. But of all the various phases of art, that of the small house and Its contents and surroundings Is most difficult to achieve, yet most vital to a happy life and a satisfactory community or na tion. A beautiful home has the power to attract? attention, Improve conduct, compel respect, bind families and friends' together, form communities, found states and create nations. Men and women reared in and among beau I tiful homes acquire good taste from them and seldom if ever do a very ugly thing. Good home-making In volves all tlie high arts and produces the most happiness for us all. The small homes are Just as Impor tant ojr more Important than large^ homes from a moral, economic and pa trloticlboint of view. The building of homes is a matter of most vital con cern to the welfare of a nation. Homeless citizens and families, wheth er rich! or poor, are not potentially the best cltizcns. A citizen with a rent receipt and a foreigner with a passport have sim ilar uninterested and irresponsible mental attitudes toward the commfl nity, town or state. - jl Cost of Home The value of the house and lot par chased for a home by the typical American family lies between one and two-thirds and two and a half times the family's annhal income at the time of purchase, realtors throughout the National Association of Ileal Estate Boards and their clients, the army of home buyers nationally, will learn with ejqual interest. The kind of home any gjven family expects to own will be found to have a value just about double?' the amount of the family's ln coBie for a year. Statement of what investigation finds to be ih* prevailing proportion of home purchase price to annua), family income for the United States is given by the division of build ing aijid housing of the United States Department of Commerce In a recent pamphlet entitled "How to Own Your Home^ in the compilation of which the National Association of Real Es tate Boards assisted. "If a certain family pays a sixth of its income for rent, it may be able to devote] one-fourth or more to buy ing and maintaining a house, for the amount thus used may include both rent and savings," the government housing authorities advise the would be home buyer. "Rent or payments on a & home may require anywhere from one-eighth to one-third of the family income, depending cn the spe cial circumstances in each case." My Little town My Little Town In summer Dons a soft, leaf-sh*dow?*d air, And every street prowj blossom -sweet, And every garden fair. * r ft- t $' i > ? And all the little houses, Th?ir windows open wide, Are talking: to their neighbors Of the loveliness outside. IF f . , .? . My Little Town In winter Wears a plain, unbending: mien, And -gaunt and bare its houses start. With drifted lawns between. But wjhen the winter evenings In cold gray settle down, And home-boiind feet In every street Pass through My Little Town, Then :from each lighted window The!) little ho nes begin To whisper to their neighbors Of the warmth and joy withjn. ? Eijeanore Myers Jewett, in St. NTcKbljas -Mrftfafclne. fiowe?)^~~'26 6c P&ckaff*/ seed In all amount?* n* ?Ii,V<5fi#t^b , Hull? Panly pltntT'aSc !^!?n- c"h ^?ATTr;p:sloNAM(pn'r^r!,B Your Men Folks save half the cost and are bette. JSSJSU MT w SHIRTS and' SZ$.b2: "d 0indfafoV??riUa?rSpie(l4 HaJLVS," ,nd fun dlrectloM. D?f w ?a n LC CowpANY P?1W. 02DB?,e8l N#w Y?rfc W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 8-19?d <-v aitEN'j copw* ranges *?? ft' FOR 25 years Allen Ranges have given dependable service and proved their economy in operation. To-day they are vastly re fined in finish, but the real reason why they sell more quickly is the reputation established by old Allen Ranges. Write for our illvubraLtd catalog and name qf dealer near you. ALLEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY NASHVILLE TENNESSEE ? l.r> How m. fertilizer Great bins of Royster Fertilizer "cure" or f'age," for months so that your results from its use will swell the earnings from your land HOW cam "cured" that has you tell Royster's ertilizer from fertilizer nbt been aged? The greatest diffe rence is seen in the more profitable crops grown by the cured fertilizer, bi t there is a difference even to the {untrained eye! After the goods are pi they age fro They are the; The fine g and the clo first mixing, Royster's iced in great bins where ?m four to six months. :n re-milled and bagged. finding of the ingredients se association of the plant-fodd elements bring about a more complete chemical action dur ing this aging, making a fertilizer which is readily available to the plant from seed time to harvest. The curing and re-milling are two of the reasons successful farmers say "Royster's helps to make bigger and better crops." Don't buy fertilizer in a hit or miss fashion any longer. Put your faith in the old, well-known Royster reputation and ask for Royster's Fertilizer by name. F. S. Royster Guano Company f ** i