and Reviews 3y. L SAWS, County A ent, and ?. C. SQUIRES. L__J. , ;K>r(age lor 1024 ?rsation on a train re :i New York farmer was informecl that a, feared for this year v producing sections ?; ?; (c. Conditions were Me for fall plowing meadows were ; i which ordinarily .v been left down, reason why a short -. two bushels of oats vol of peas," he replied, mixture is used by my ! who says it will pro rxcellent crop of pala /. i nutritious hay. Cut (.?iUI be done, he sifict f oats are in the milk The average composi -ueh hay is about 8 per ?>iein 'u per cent carbo and 15 cent fat.' As I taking down this formula (XYtnvd to me that we order some field peas a short time /o for J. \V. Habernicht. 'wonder it' friend Habernicht sed this misture. What's the latterwith your North Caro tin farmers, asked my fellow issenger, that with the ad mtages they have over us be (jg able to grow so many igumenous they have to buy ? murii northern and western ay? Something in the land ?ape attracted the attention my newly made,, friend on ?he moment and I was relieved If the . necessity of answering |n embarrassing question. v I [}? tii;1 p t kw Lilu i fnn )! ' )" ? HV V ?' re i *? tii fcheh Ta 1 1 Phi I\ov n ? co - ,le kg > lei1, i fee* )ii '? Roast inu Ear Corn The month will be half gone ,s you read this and with corn darning time only a week or en days ol!'. We must place rnr order" Tor Snow Flake corn without i'urtiier delay. As with Iceberg lettuce and early potatoes we are plant this roasting ear crop coop eratively and must use one variety only and that variety is the Williamson Farm Snow Flake and plant about one peck to the acre. Nil rate of Soda. While there is no special hurry it will be wise to have a supply of Xtrate of Soda on hand for side dressing the let tuce. Tiie plants should be well started and growing in order to derive the greatest benefit from the application of this pusher. Soda is extremely volatile and much of it would be wasted if applied before there is sulljcient warmth* in the soil t<> ailow the plant to assimulate and receive full benefit from this stimulant. Apply as a sie." loO to 200 pounds Per acre, taking care that no soda touches the foliage I al u\vs like to make application just before a rain, first crush !I'^ the lumns. Early Potato Planting. ( ;i' ": i give up planting Cob-. 1 ' ? ! ' H'latoes because you seem. I'*1 late with this feature of| ?'???? ruck planting. The coun :i,'~ North of us can only bene "m late summer shipments cities of the extreme j while Polk County Ji' ' ? ;'s may have a share in Jnc northern demand, and sure-' j- ??'ill be in position to supply; ' ' . > > ithern trade in advance! i Me growers in the north 'U-rn counties. So don't ! on your early potato, while March shows on ' calander. ' Jueer Sort of Advice. . . | realize that conditions are l!i.' ' in the many sections country, aftid yet some of -rro papers seem to give <; that is far fronrHbeing i ;i'^" ' ? For example I picked ;'l.; ' arm paper on the train corning which tells its yJ'd ' to mix quickly with /!! (' !'h fresh poultry ma J1Uh' ; nd store the mixture until ready to use. If the ' follows this advice there ' but little ammonia left Mixture at time of using. ? unci her page we read that ,'l1i ' ! : modification, it is not i^^able to fertilize a straw Syy batch in the early spring. * ' Writer and neighbors have proves without doubt that a good (Jose of 8-5-5 fertiliser ap 1 lied |n early spring more than pays. | Again we read that >'fartne|s should, go show k in planting soy beans. We wonder >? etnellmes Vvho has the job of answering these questions, and what | the tax paying farmer thinks of such advice he some timesjhas to help pay for. The Eastern Shore of Virginia 50' years ago Accomac and Northhampton Counties in the state |of Virginia were isolated and undeveloped. Situated on a , narrow* peninsula between the Atlaraic Ocean and Chesapeake Ba^ihe only meansof commun ication with the main land was by sail boat, except on the northern boundary of Accomac f where country roads led to the 'southern counties of Maryland. Few jpf the inhabitants of the interior of these counties ever passed the three mile limit from their shores and had little conception 'of what was going on iij the out side world. It is related that when the first lap of tfhe rail road which now traverses the two counties, was completed to Tasley In upper part [of Ac comae, a celebration was ja ranged befitting the aus . pieiofis occasion. Couriers* were sent [advertising the event to the uttermost part of the coun ties. fwith the result- that the day [appointed for the celebra tion .(round vthe little town of Tasley filled to overflowing with|; people, many of who had coma a distance of fifty to sixty miles to see the wonderful Iron horsje whose nostrils belched forth (it was said) steam and whose shriek as it dashed down the iron road could be heard I'ronjj one end of the country to the other. The locomotive selected forvthe trial trip was one qf the old wood burner type witl^flaring smoke stack,, and the'jjstart was to make from a poirrt about ten miles up the rOcVi. Unfortunately rain be gan, to fall just before the hour set for the arrival of the traijn putting' into commission a conglomeration of umbrellas, but: the heavy do vn pour dis tressing tho it wai failed to dis pel Jthe enthusisam of the peo ple J and every oi.e was in a stafie of expectantsy, which Wi4 intensified when the shrill sound of the whistle up the line announced the approach of the wonderful Iron horse. As the enmne appeared around a curve a. quarter mile away, a young clufp (and something of a wag) leaped upon the track and dash iiidjfng down the line between thq rails, shouted, "Down with your umbrellas" you will scare fie engine. Like magic every unjprolla Carrie down on the in stant, the awe stricken crowd standing1 in silence, unmindful of [ the moisture trickling down th^ir necks as the engine and trdpn passed on to the tempor ary terminal in the lower end of St own. There are little in dications of the unsopnisticat erlfcas our modern pullman train passed' thru the thriving towns of Accomac ancf North hampton counties this March mjjning, in the year 1924. Oil every hand is evidence of thi'ift and prosperity. Com M'table 'and attractive farm farm buildings surrounded by t extile fields are not seen simply here and there, as our train mpves northward, but this beautiful aspect is continuous Oiji either side of the heavily balJasteted road we are moving oyer so smoothly. What has brought about this wo n d e r f u 1 tor an f or CARS ? TRUCKS ? TRACTORS ' M. ? - I * J