) paaes ,js Week POLK COUNTY? The Gateway Tryon, N. C., i | PRICE SCte. Carolina $1.50 a Year tors! Society Gives j I Delightful Concert ; lrgA Audience Well Pleas ? G?. With hiitiai Recital |Kl.mi rung great credit upon me work " of Mrs. Carolina Ke<< n Fry, director and those took part in the singing as Kij well as upon the' com H.pl v r.s a while, the Tryon cii-ty made its initial K, v: . ,,.,0 before a large and Kpivciative audience last ?uesc y evening at the Parish ? I \ tiw time of the organiza 1()!; i he society many were Inn v !. at sceptical of its ultl 1 , sin-cess in view of the of t he community .The first ?eiiearsals started about a lui;; ) and half before the con Krt and were well attended, tactically the same ensemble j ..ring 'last Tuesday even ne m-lo their initial appear lice upon the organization of he society. Due largely to he' Sokindid training given the members by Mrs. Fry who has ad considerable expeprience in horal work, together with the aithful attendance of the nembfrs at the (innumerable ?ehearsals. the results of the loncert were a harmonious j >lemiing of the ? voices and a general expression on the part if those in the audience that ;he society repeat the pro gramme in the near future. Following the concert mem jers of the society presented to Mrs. Fry a painting of a Tryon scene done by Mr. Louis Howell, a local artist, in appre ciation of her efforts in behalf of the group. The program consisted of well selected numbers throughout, choral and solo. Following is the programme^ rendered : Chorus: Orpheus with His Lute, Edward German; The Brook. Arkangelsky1; Heav'n, Burleigh. Solo: Miss Mildred Payne: Call of Kad'ha, Harriet Ware; I am the Wind, Florence Parr De re. Solo: Lawrence Mazzanovich: IVlu'ii the King Went Forth to ft'ar. Koeneman. Choral : The Plume Grass, Sahknovsky. Solo: Lawrence Mazzannovich : | ine Pilgrim, Tschaikowsky. Womans Chorus: Odel mio itmato ben, Donaudy; Page's Kong. Harold Osborne Smith. Solo; Mrs. Stuart- Bailey:! One Fine Day from "Madame Butterfly", Puccini; Mi^a Marin r, Bartlett; An Open Sec ret, Woodman. ' iiouil :(iallia, Gounod. Members of Chorus :Sopranos -M isMis Grady, Stone, McFar hud, Smith, Taber, Morton, Stockard, Peery, Leslie; Me^dames. Hurst, Holmes, - trd. Conrad, Doubleday, Ver >r, Allen, Dickinson, Strong. Altos- ? blisses Hudson, Put -a i. Cassidy; Mesdames Den 1So;1; Bray, Clemons, Grady. Vnors ? Messrs Main, Jack son, Smith, Taber, Basses ? Mazzanovich, Up W eigel, Holmes. " ompanists ? Mrs. Walter jae?, Mrs. E. E. Missildine, Caroline B. Fry. ^ I V ??>????> *> ?J? 4* 4"$"$* 4?4MI* 4*^^ LYNN | * v ?>?{?????*? ?J? 4??J? 4* dement and G. M. Hicks Prospects, S. C., were -ru sts of H G. Cannon and y :ast Sunday. ; I". Swann, U. S. 'Deputy ^11 of Asheville was at >?'ie in Lynn last week. ( ? n B. Hicks returned to Srr.e at New Prospects ; i two months visit in Lynn. ' , and Mrs. Charles F. Can !!(i two sons, Paul and" Jr., visited relatives in 'ast Sunday. 5 ssor Bobo and the teach ! r,j the school are arranging ? ilise their quota of the Polk '-?int y Soldiers' Memorial ,.v;:?s Kate Matin of Grove Is , -i'ing her sister Miss N. W. '?^nuall. I Four Sunday Schools x j Hold Meet At Saluda The Saluda Township Con vention of the North Carolina Sunday School Association was held in the Saluda, Baptist Church, last Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock, Rev. M. C. Luns ford, pastor of the Baptist Church, presiding.) The four Sunday Schools, Friendship Baptist, Saluda Baptist, Sal uda Methodist and Saluda Episcopal, were represented filling the church despite the inclement weather. At the morning session of the Sunday Schools the following persons were elected as . dele gates to represent their res pective Sunday Schools at the Regional Convention to be held in Asheville, N/C. April 8, 9, and loth. Saluda Baptist Sunday School : Miss Grace Reed, Mrs. Ji^ian Pace, Mr. J. C. Staton. Saluda Methodiafc Sunday School: Mrs. H>. P. Cor with, Miss Edna Mae Capps?< Miss Janie Thompson. Saluda Episcopal Sunday - School!: Mr. RjE. Blair. Saluda Presby terain ^.Sunday School, Mr. Ernest Leland. The delegates for Friendship Baptist Sunday School are to be appointed later. The program was as fol lows: "The Sunday School or ganized for Service", Rev. M. C. Lunsford; "Secrets of Sun day School 'Teachers", E. C. Barnard; "Opening and Clos ing Exercises for the Sunday Sdhool", Miss R. E. Blair; vantages and how to Use T|em", Mrs. P. Corwith; "The Sunday School and the Pastor Related", Mr. Hollister. Mr. E. F. Strother has gone to her home at Sumter, S. C.? for a short stay. Saluda Items * Dr. D. L. Smith and Mrs. Smith of Spartanburg, S. C., were Saluda visitors Sunday afternoon > Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailey, formerly of Saluda, now living at Hanes, S. C., spent Sunday with Mrs. Bailey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cullipher. 0 SUNNY VIEW/ Rev. J. W. Sinclair filled his regular appointment at Cooper Gap Sunday. Mr. 0. L. Wilson and wife vjsited her mother Mrs. S. J, Helton Sunday Mrs. Bill Jackson and chil dren visited at the home of J. L. Jackson Sunday last Mrs. G. L. Taylor and Mrs. A. H. Lynch visited Mrs. W. W. Stepp Monday. 'Misses Eunice and Gertrude Bradley were the guests of atid Emma Helton Sunday. [Mr. D. E. Staton and Terrel Taylor were dinner guestts at the home of A. H. Lyncl* Sun day. Miss Esther Wilson of Co lumbus spent Saturday night with her parents Hr. and Mrs. T. N. Wilson Mrs. Nellie Ammon and Em ma Helton were guests at the home of Pink Jackson Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ruby Brown and family of Forest City have moved in the house with his father, L. B. Brown. T. F. Mills and Bone Helton made a business trip to Tryon Tuesday Mr. D. Helton and Bill Jack son were callers at T. N. Wil son Saturdayy. , SILVER CREEJK - X Wvw A large number of people at tended services at Silver Creek Sunday and heard the interq3t jing sermoA preached by Rev. Martin. Mr. Harley fA rledge spent Satuday night with C. T. Ar ledge. ; Mr. W. J. Bishop visited his daughter, Mrs. B. H. A rledge Sunday. Misses Margie and Alice Ar and Mr. R. C. Hill took a boat ride Sunday afternoon. Pacolet Project Is Favored By Maj. Hall Engineer Points Out Value of Laks at C. of C. Meeting. Comparing the relative values of the two lake projects pre sented for the consideration of Western North Carolina, Inc., 1 ecently, Major Warren Hall; secretary of that organization and hydraulic engineer made a talk ' to the members of the Tryon Chamber of Commerce at the second bi-monthly meet ing held last night at Oak Hall. In pointing out the merits of the two projects, Lake Lanier j and Lake Pacolet (so termed -for convenient). Major Hall dwelt to some extent upon the power possibilities of the latter project and its income produc ing factor indicating that tb*V proposition would bey cwftj* eration by ^ cause of its vflHrc ^value to the community and its conse quent appeal to outside capital. In the event that either project is adopted he pointed out that Tryon would undoubtedly havej a beautiful body of water, ai thing which is of vital neces sity to this section in compet ing with Northern resorts. Major HaM further strongly urged for obvious reasons the name Lanier for either proposi tion that is finally developed. Committee reports were made foDowed by a short address by Mr. Boykin of Camden, S. C. in which he pointed out the growth of that resort. It later developed that Mr. Boykin is vitally interested in water pow er development and was in this section in the interests of t any power project that may bdj available. '?> _ *-o Spring And Clean-Up Day Arrive Together Tryon, under the auspices of the Lanier Club, is about to undergo her annual Spring house-cleaning. The ^ Scouts under the direction of the Reverend G. A. Sheffer have been organized to police the down-town section ana wagons are to be provided by the town authorities to collect, all rubbish in the residential districts. f Every year the town ot lry on has a Clean-Up Day at which time efforts ?re made to dispose of the winter's accum lation of rubbish. . This year, Saturday, March 29, has been proclaimed Clean-Up Day. The public is urgently to have all tin cans, rubbish, etc., raked up and placed barrels or similar containers which are to be placed where they can be conveniently col- 1 lected and hauled away. j 0 I % PEA RIDGE I Mr. J. T. Edwards and daughter made a business trip to Rutherfordton Saturday afternoon. Mr. J. W. Fowler and Mr. Oat Whitesides were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fowler Monday. Mr. Ewell Bradley made a business trip to Tryon Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Z. Fowler and children visited jtheir brother Mr. and Mrs. R. B. fowler Sundayy. Mr. C. Fowler and wife visit ed her brother in Georgia last week. Mr. C. Womack and Mr. Clar ence Newman also Miss Gladys and Gertrude Phillips, Ola and Lucy Byars went to church at Hill Crest Sunday. Mr. B. Z. Fowler and wife spent last Sunday with his mother. Rev. H. Culbreth filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church last Sunday. * Mr. Grant Mills is very ill with pneumonia we hope he 'will soon recover. I Mr. Babe McAbee and wife ] spent last Sunday night with Th bert, boy j week Sheriff incide man, being county his vi ture, covered ee More / 7 Meet Apr. 6 Elect Offi M?cais.c , Howard Gil c an Arledge Cohimbus last r respects to Thompson ? and a bellow ^own Wilson who was pro tern in , the At about the time made ;heir depar ff Thompson dis he ws.s ' minus a prisoner and haste hing to the Co was sheriff ing G She: [that ? H is is beM wher^ their car to b(! parked, the ed ii apprehend ock and Arledge. Thompson . states has three for one enou ?h trade. It by the sheriff that the thr^e boys smuggled a saw to Wilson enabling him to thus take hfe departure i. The three alleged accomplices are being held raiiged with helping the prisoner to escape. y Meets y Society of 'Mission Sociej The Missionary the Baptist Church met with Mrs. Stroup at tie parsonage lastv Tuesday aflernoon -with quite a number of ladies present. It wap decided at this meeting to change the Mission ary Society into z, Ladies Aid Society and to meet very Tues day afternoon in each week at three o'clock. The next meeting will be hcjld with Mrs. H. H. I Id wards. The officers of the newly organised society are: Mis. Fred 1 Blantop, President; Mrs! 5 A. Strouffi: Vice-President ; Ml s. H-amjrards. Secretary ; Mj N. T. MiMs, Trea^i S. S. Convention, April 6 Several people bus, including 1$. Fred W. Blanton, N. T.. Mills, and attended the White Oak Sun day School Convention which met at Mill Spring last Sunday. A similar convention for lumbus township will be here at the Baptist church Sun day, April 6th beginning at one o'clock. It is hoped that a large "crowd will attend. A very interesting program has been arranged. urer. [from Cotan B. Cloud, J. E. Sams, Rev. Stroup Mrs. J. B. Doar and baby of Charlotte .arrive i Wednesday to be with Mr. De ar who will be here several weeks longer auditing the county books. They are stopping at Mr. Lind sey Smith's. J. Allen Stuart of Charlotte is assisting Mr. Doar in audit ing the County books. Mrs. E. B. Cloud spent last i week 'with her ps rents, Mr. and, Mrs. Ellis Walker, of Greens j Creek. ! Mrs. John Arledge of Ashe ville is spending) with Mrs. John a few days Hutchinson. Rev. S. A. Stfoup went to Maiden N. C., and was accompanied % home by his daughter, Laney, and her small son. They will be here for peveral weeks. Paul Drum, young ministerial last Tuesday Mrs, Grady a promising student of Mars Hill College, filled the pulpit at the Baptist Church Sunday morning. Mrs. M. H. Hul chinson has as her guests her mother, Mrs. S. E. Williams of Lynn, and her sister Mrs. Ben I Black well * of Hendersonville. Both Prof, anp Mrs E. W. S. Cobb who have the past week are improving atid hope to be out soon. Federal Prohibition Agent, M. H. Hutchinson, was called to Philadelphia last week and will be located there[ for sixty days* Ibeen sick for with lagrippe her mother. Mr. C. S. VI spent Sunday rest and wife with Mr. and Mrs. B. V. NeWman. Miss Lucy Price visited Miss ' % Elizabeth afternoon Newman Sunday Presbyterians Plan New Church Building Plans are being made by the 'members of the Presbyterian Church of Tryon for the con ; struction of a new church I building to be erected in the near future according to an. nouncement this week. Fol- j lowing the services last Sun-| day a building committee was appointed consisting of the fol-! lowng members : R. M. Mc Cown, Fred Swann, W. A. Schilletter, Mrs. Lois Preston, and Mrs. Caldwell. The cqm-| mittee met Tuesday afternoon j to discuss tentative plans. The building as outlined to: .fit the needs of the local rapid- 1 ly growing congregation will cost in the neighborhood , of $5,000. It is planned to spend about $9,000 in the equipment: including the lot and instalda-j tion of equipment. The services of the Reverend G. W. Shefferd, who had ex-| pected to go to another field this Spring have been retained! by the membeis of the church j until at least next Autumn. The every-member Canvass for thechurch was started last Sunday, the loc^J church ac cepting its quota as assigned by the King's Mountain Pres bytery. o ' | C. F. HOW DIES SUDDENLY | Funeral services for Calvin' j Fisher How, age "68, of Duluth, ' who died last Saturday were held' Sunday af ternoonf rom the Congregational Church. Mr. How had been visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Howard Strong when he was stricken. ffiteeix>dy was shipped to St. PatfLfor interment ana- was ac eorfTiniec4 1 / Mr. Strong who jPMfl&ed from a business trip in the North in time for the funeral. |p-- COLUMBUS 1 | February Honor Roll for the Stearns High School | First Grade ? Keyton Roach, 1 Russel Constance, Frances ' Constance. Second. Grade ? Clifford Tal lent, Charles Ormanrd, Hugh Hill. Third Grade? Jesse Roach, j James Ormanti, Garnette ; jHutcherson, Emma Katherine Cobb, Gladys Owens, Clarence' Davenport. Fourth Grade ? Opal Cloud, Coy Smith, Gwendoline Con-; stance, Ruth Constance. .i Fifth Grade ? Walden Thomp son, Moina Smith, Harriet Fea gan. Sixth Grade ? Eloise Cobb, j Ruth Cobb. Mr. H. F.^Sikes spent Friday in Spartanburg on business. The telephone line is being j extended from Columbus to the office of the Blue Ridge Power Co., at the dam on Green River Miss Viola Jackson of the Stearns High School faculty spent the past week-end at her home in Davidson, N. C. Miss Omah Reynolds who teaches at Sunny View will re-; sume her work Monday after spending three weeks at home. Her school was closed for three weeks on account of the measle epidemic. TRYON ROUTE ONE Miss Laura Jack spent the! week-end with the Misses An-1 nie and Irene Edwards. We were sorry to here recent ly of the death of Reverend Mr. Noblett of Chimney Rock. j Mr. Hadley Jackson spent Sunday afternoon in Green's Creek section. Mr. Loren Toney was called to the bed side of his father this week but- arrived too late, ! Mr. Toney dying before his ar rival. * Lettuce setting is the new order of the day. We hope that the Iceberg lettuce cam paign will not fail. i Superior Court Will ConveneMonday Apr.21 Judge Finley Will Preside Jury List for Court Term The Spring Term of the Su perior Court of Polk County will convene on Monday, April 21, with Judge F. B. Finley presiding. Following is the jury list for the term. First Week J.. L. Walker, J. R. Moore, T witty Jackson, R. B.WilMams, W. H. Ledbetter, M. C. Gosnell, David Halli W. M. Thompson, John Lankford, W. E. Davis, W. F. Greenway, J. C. Raines, W. F. Pack, K. J. Davis, Grant Mills, C. E. Levi, J. B. McCraw, C. P. Fitzsimmons, Clarence Elliotte, Royv Walker, D. T. Helton, William C. Hill; John T; Coats, E. B. Ruff, Rolland Ruppe, J. W. Turner, Henry Thompson, G. C. Turner, Samuel Owensby, S. P. Gilbert, V. Davidson, J. H. A. Gilbert, Bowan Constance, M. D. Shield, S. N. Case, E. F. Hol mes. Second Week James Jackson, Hobart Whitesides, B. E. Cantrell, T. B. Bradley, H. F. Young, W. B. Laughter, J. H. Roddy, J. W. Cure, L. A. Miller, M. C. Butler, W.'J. Bishop, J. M. Butler, Marvin Edwards, Bale Pace, T. P. Clark, Pearson Greenway, J. J. Raines, Mark Fisher, Lee Green, H, G. Laughter, Earl Head, Brooks G. White, King Stepp, Ellis D. Pace. * 0 SCHOOL TRIANGULAR DEBATES HERE FRIDAY j J | The first of the triangulat de bates arranged between the j schools of Try on, Saluda and Tuxedo will be held Friday, the ! Try on affirmative team oppos- , jing the negative team of Tux edo. The local supporters of ! the nagative side bf the ques tion for debate will journey to i Saluda on the same day to com pete for the honors. j The subject as outlined for debate is "Resolved: that the inter-allied War Debt should | be cancelled." Members of the affirmative team for Tryon are Katherine Hardy, William Burnett and. ! Franklin Little. The negative teapi is composed of Rudolph Hardy, Elizabeth Doubleday and Miriam Strong. o GOLF TOURNAMENT AT COUNTRY CLUB FRIDAY Two cups will be awarded for low scores in the golf tour nament planned for Friday afternoon of this week at the Tryon Country Club. The recent good weather has brought a large number of golf enthusiasts onto the . cours# which is reported to be in ex cellent condition. That -the Tryon Country Club will actually have a swim ming pool was decided last Fri day evening at a meeting of the stock-holders of the club at which time the swimming pool committee composed of G. H. Holmes, chairman, F. P. Bacon and B. L. Ballenger made their report. .The pool will cost in the neighborhood of $3,500 which will include bath houses and other conveniences. x The pool as planned and ready to be submitted to contractors for bids will be forty by sixty feet in size, eight feet deep at one end and two and one half feet at the other. Members of the Cleveland County Poultry Association are staging an egg-laying con test. With 113 hens on a test, Lawrence Hawkins led for January with 2,173 eggs pro duced. He used electric lights, turning them on at four o'clock in the morning, and found that it paid. O - ?- - The sales made by club wo men on the curb market at Wadesboro during one week amounted to about as much as the county pays towards the salary of the home agent.

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