10 Pases This Week I | . i. ?? - ? V ?* - ? *W "^V Volume XXIX No. 39 Xt' *? ^?' ?" ^jr ; - _ : * ; 1 o ? *Vvty4??. . >??&** - - ' " '". ? ^ r .* - /"* 4 , . \ ?- ' ./ , ?%- , ? ? -*;?* . ' r i v ' - - ? ? V**4? \ V< '-? -?? :' v ' v-.r - '?'?". ? ' t 'V' %?* ? ; . w~ - - ^ . - POLK COUNTY-The Gateway of Western North Carolina PRICE SCts. ?? h , Tryon, N. C., April 3, 1924 $1.50 a Year Spartanburg C. of C. ! | Talk Tryon and W. N.C. ? Will Appoint Committee to Help With Lake Project Requesting that the Spartan burg Chamber ? of Commerce appoint a committee to confer with the Tryon Chamber of Commerce with respect to the developing of a lake in Try on, Colonel Joseph Hyde Pratt, director of Western North Carolina, Inc. addressed the members of the Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce at their annual banquet held . last Fri day evening in the dining room of the Cleveland Hotel. In spite of the fact that tfhis meeting was an annual "get together" occasion at which time it is the custom of the or ganization to review work done for the past year and discuss future development of civic af fairs, Ihe Spartanburg Cham ber of Commerce devoted al most the entire meeting to Western North Carolina In genera) and Tryon in particu lar A special invitation was received by the local organiza tion to send a representation to the banquet. Those represent ing Tryon were B. L. Ballenger, Carter Brown, Eugene Brown leee, Oliver Andrews, W. H. Stearns, Charles J. Lynch and G. H- Holmes. During the dinner, Horace . L. Bomar, president of the Spartanburg organization presented the guests of the evening among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds of Boston, iMr. Reynolds being president of Lockwood, Greene and Com pany, Pierce Horn, of [the Southern Railway System Washington offices, and Paul H. Norcross, head of the At lanta Chamber ot Commerce, and one of the speakers of the evening, and B. L-Balteiger of Tryon who in turn was request ed to present his delegation. Mr. Ballenger wound up his list with the name of A. M. . Law which caused considerable mirth. Mr. Bomar, acting as toast master of the dinner upon, in troducing Col- Pra?t as the principal speaker of the \ oc casion paid a high tribute to both the speaker and to West ern North Carolina. | " Col. Pratt reviewed the worl to be carried on by his organiz ation throughout the twenty five counties already enrolled in .Western North Carolina, Inc. laying particular stress upon the value of this section both commercially and as a plavgound for our neighboring State. He pointed out the road program as outlined by his office and showed its value to South Carolina for pleasure drives and for .easy access to the merchants of that State. In speaking of Western North Carolina as a recreational feature for Spartanburg people lie outlined the lake develop ments planned for this section and strongly urged the mem* bers of the Spartanburg Cham ber of Commerce to give their support to any developments that may arise especially in the vicinity of Tryon. With the use of a map he showed the relative positions of the var ious lake enterprises now inthe making or as planned. Col- Pratt's talk was receiv ed with a great deal of enthus iasm and interest on the part of the members. v" I Following this speech,