' $1.50 a Year _J_: i 0 p?ees his vVeek ,1^ c -MX No. 46 ; ' = ; . ; ? ?? Tryon, N. C., May 22, 1924 . /? ; PRICE 5 Cts. IP Mr Ling felc*,r :e < ! Dir. ' ic win >mn. |ppie 4iN< lers JuCct COftV-J' 3orwiJ ?\\? Justry In J ?olk Looks (food Corwith' the Apple !\)]ic County, wis- a ?. isitor at the News. of ?r the past weekf -,.ith waxes enthfisias* : i he questidh of the i development (if the iistvy is broached. .?Li-jn* in Americ| of* r r possibilities for ! ' ! v growing apples on ?jvial scale," sayf Mr. I can ed in come, more uda Wash ly the JVt our snt in h of enty Caro supply otherj are ve the market at our ^erv f oor- Spartanburg, |,}Ashe Hlle am* Greenville alon ibso'*; ? e\er\ apple pac [his s^4:on for years to: M0ne of' these cities ar than Thirty miles from At present, Orgeon and [ngton grown apples sup bulk <>f i heir market. - ' present rate of develop: :om pari son with the gr -those cities, it will be five years before Ncfrtl^ lirua apple growers can this' semi-focal demand. 'After looking oveil sections where apple grown, I believe now, juit as I believed twenty years a&o, that our section can grow J better flavored and better colled ap ples than any other pl^fe under the sun." In order ti prove | the superiority of Salt da ap ! pies, Mr. Corwith will J >ave a supply of last years Stark's Delicious ready for tht secre taries of the Southern Cham bers of Commerce wljqn they visit Tryon anct m flying trip through P ty on June 13th "Tasting is believing Mr. Corwith ? " and every visitor 'to have ^ tunity to sample an apple." theif Coun 0 ? say want oppoij refbrook First Shipment Polk County ILetti * . >f-j d pries THE STRAND frid4 Rurpert Famous REMEMB ; i' e of Mr. Hugh A Goldwyn SATUB" James Olive prese ?TilE BROKE. MONDAY and Contance in "EAST IS * IvfMils of eve < fining and no _ Don't Miss Com Oliver wi Jackie wogan best st icture urw SILE madge ST 99 hing nee in is One Twist ^nter pnee If. Mr. P. Squires, specjjl demon stration expert for ' he PGlk County Farmers JE ' deration, reports the first shipment <^f home grown head lettuce.* A truck load of per fectly de veloped head lettuce (was sent to Hendersonville and disposed of good price. If weather, condi favorable, Mr Sqii that Polk County fa ship approximately tjwenty-fwe car loads of choice ifttuce dur ing the next three)] or folir weeks. rea Friday y at a This simply goes!) to what t an be done in ty *vhen systematic! made. Mr. Squires endless days in the structing members . eration in the ci^l lettuce and other t wops, and his labors fruit. The Federat tunate in securing. shiw folk Coim effort j ia as spent fields tn the Ftd [vation of trick ng or was n Polk County fafmers Jiis services gen !ely immens ami erally will benefit! Mi rough his expert! Jcnowle^ge i-'-i his experience; in mariet : cash crops to ffe best vantage | MILL SPRING " f i v "?? ? * ? * ReV. J. M. Barber and broth el, J- T. Barber of Granite Falls N. C. visited their father J. M. Barber at /Mill Spring last week, and on Friday ilight Rev. J, M.. Barber preached a very able sermon at the Methodist church. They returned to their home Saturday* \ . I" Mr. R. E Waldrop of Spar tanburg "S. C. . visited his daughter, Mrs. W. C. Hague last week returning home on Monday of this week. . Little Edna, daughter of W. C. Hague was painfully but ser iously burned with hot water on last Sunday morning she was rushed to Dr. E- M. Ben, where she received medical aid inti is getting along nicely. Memorial services at Mill Spring Baptist Church on Sun day May 18, was , largely at tended bjf relatievs of those who sleep, beneath the sod at that place- There was no reg ular sermon on account of the 'absence of the pastor, but sev eral very interesting talks were milKle. > There will be an ~all day ser vice at the Methodist Church at Mill Spring on Sunday May 25th, at which time a short program will be re4idered,^fter which we will have a aadress on Sunday School Work by an able speaker. The noon ser vices will be devoted to singing. The public is very cordially in vited to attend these services. Come with well filled baskets, and lets have a real good time together. N -o MORGAN .CHAPEL R 1. Mr. A. Slattery and son were in this section Friday on busi ? V, ness- ? ? Miss Addie, Alice and Allie Kimberl spent Saturday , and Sunday with their sister, Mrs. ^^^farmera of this section are about through planting cot ton. , Misses Mirza kand Janie Con ston spent Sunday with Miss Bertha. Splawn- ' Miss Ruth Sharp and Miss Mildred Arledge spent Sunday evening with Miss Bertha Splawn. . < ' ? jVlr. Ben Wohfe was a caller at the home of Mr. G. H. Conston Sunday. . , . , Funeral services were neld last Thursday evening from tiie residence of Mr. Frank Wolfe for his infant' aged two weeks. The services were conducted by the Rev. George Wblfe, in terment was made in Morgans Chapel Cemetery. , AN OPPORTUNITY Some enterprising real estate concern can cash in on a golden opportunity by financing the building of twenty-five or more modern cottages in Saluda- ac cording to Mr. R. B. , Staton, president of the Bank of Sal uda. "The demand for modern housing for exceeds the supply of available buildings and Sal uda people could readily use twenty-five or more modern cottages right now. "We have just let a contract for an adequate water system and every indication points to a continued and steady growth, A devlopment company would re ceive hearty co-operation here, and we believe earn hadsome dividends on the money invest ed." .. Mr. Staton recently returned from a trip to California, com ing home via the 7 Panama Canal, and he . evidently . ab sorbed a lot of the California spirit while visiting the West Coast. /*.. l' Boosting builds - cities any where, ci^>pp- Keep posted about the miarket, and whatever you do . don't neglect to subscribe for and carefully , read your County paper, as it is the only medium through which we can talk to each other in Polk County. Respectfully, .J R. Sams, County Agent Milk Goat Ranch Locates Near Saluda if Miss Belle F. Miller of Erie, Pa. will establish a goat ranch near Sahida at an early date in order to supply the sanitariums and Better Babies Camps with goats milk. Miss Miller has successfully raised goats in Pennsylvania and after looking over the ground decided that Saluda was admirably suited to that pur pose. | V ' ; I ^ ? - AN URGENT APPEAL During the stirring (days when every able bodied man was rallying to the colors for over-sFeas service, nothing was too good for the boys in oMve drab. Now that the war has ended we are aft to prone to forget the sacrifices our boys made when they faced the lurid ' hell of modern warfare in order that democracy might not be extin guished by the warlike Hun. Polk County has never as yet erected a memorial to those sons who perished in the gigan tic struggle. In order that some fitting memorial might be erected the Polk County Mem orial Fund was organized and Mr. W. A. Cannon, of Lynn, selected as secretary and treas urer. ? j It was planned at first to have the school children of the coun ty subscribe the necessary money to erect a suitable mem orial but in spits of their str&ious efforts $500.00 is yet needed : to complete the amoont required. Mr. Cannon's appeal follows: urgent appeal to Polk Couty residents in an effort to raise that sum and considering the cause for which it is desired we believe that every patriotic and loyal citizen wfil lend their active support in putting the proposed memlorial "Over the Top", j Mr- jCannon's Appeal foHow: ' We all know that the world war ended in .victory for our al lies several years ago and in that great conflict some of our Polk Couty boys sacrificed their lives, but to our shame we have failed to show gratitude and appreciation for their loy alty, bravery and sacrifice by erecting a monument to their memory. They felt fighting gloriously for manjdnd and world civiliza tion and are now sleeping on the battle field of Europe with out the honor of>the home peo ple that is so much their due. Let us now wipe out the stain of our failure. May we realize that every class and condition of our people are under obliga tion to the extent of their abil ity to contribute to the monu ment fund. A sum of money has been subscribed and . paid but the further sum of $500 is necessary to erect a suitable and respectable monument, the boys went "over the top" and out in the unfathomable gloom of death for us? let us go "over the top" for them. Then we can have the consciousness of having done our duty and can face our fellows unashamed and say we have not forgotten, we h^ve carved the gratitude on our hearts in enduring stone to perpetuate the memory of those who died that we might live. Send your contribution to W. A. I Cannon, Secretary and Treasurer, Lynn, N. C. j U ? ^ ft HOME DEMONSTRATION MEETING SCHEDULED ? Ji ? You are invited to attend any of these three meetings. Mon day, May 26th, at 10:30 in the school house. (Columbus) Tues day May' 27th, at 10:30 Greens Creek school house. Wednes day May 28, at 10:30 Mill Spring school house. Miss Maude Wallace, Assis tant State Home Demonstra tion Agent, will be present at each of these places to give an all day course on "Clothing" v A study of color, lines alteration LYNfc LOCALS Employees of the Green River Power Company have aroused considerable interest in / the vicinity of Lynn in their lab orious struggle to move a gigantic turbine over the state road without damaging the highway. . Mounted on a huge trailer the thirty ton turbine, hauled by tractors has been slowly progressing on its way to the new Green River plant near Mill Spring. In order to protect the 1 roadway it was found necessary to lay the road with v heavy planking over which the trailer passes- As it advances the employees pick ub the track and place it in front of the carriage? and its some undertaking. Farmers of Polk County are adopting modem method^ and the endless string of trucks loaded with fertilizer passing through Lynn daily testify to the fact that they are overlook ing no means to increase