NOTICE I ,x | lie at the fallowing lncC,- -,n he dates nam&d ? for lr purpose of listing! the i A rryon Townsiflp for n> vr- <v 1924: a i {he old Schoo r? . .M -sciay May 26thj ?? ;n 29th. i v;-r ? t Post Office Hi? iii-day May 30th Build 27th, Friday ind 31 James Jadfson List) -o W jeti it'; M ao. ay. D. ru ftti: J a . reasman and .Hiirday and lives at AsheVil P Whitl in Tryon K oy was Taker umiiy Sunday tk of | Jatur Thompson, ci Lan in Tryon on bisiness down Ifor a i with his parents, u> ,.ii Hester came ?on Seville Saturda Mrs. J. B. Hestlk spent ?was Pay man, iort [r. ai!u- . Charlotte Yale st F'-iday in Asheville. p. H Bailey, of Saluda| [ Tryon on business FrT H T. Corwith, the appln mau, J Saiuda transacted business i Tryon Friday. . ? John (SI ray 9/ Gastonia ie week-end ir* Tryon wl arents. Mr. and Mrs. Y rav.* Prof, and Mrs. W, A. tter spent Saturday an ay at Union, S. C ' The entertainment :hoo> auditorium last renins netted the s 10.00. Waverly Hester returned Dme last week from a viiit to hicago, New York ancflother bints [A. V. Arledge and wijje, of lendersonville, were in fon'day on their way ?om Landrum, whei^ rTryon pome they h S3 li ? i i 0 %{7 * |ilv< lost It save t nafe riding Goodrich > II! CORD TIRES o Sit kes.Motor Company | Columbus, N. C. || Edgerton &. So? Mill Spring, N* C.I | T>. E. M. Salje; ' Saluda, N. C. [ i spent Sunday with Mrs. Ar ledge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S, Carpenter- ^ j Mr. Carter P. Brown, of Brown & Wilkie, left Monday for Castle Park, Mich, to super intend the opening 'The Castle', their summer resort at that p^ace. Pine Crest Inn will re main open this year all sum mer." v >v -j|Mr. and Mrs. Joe Montfredo and Miss Cora Montfredo of R iitherf ord' County were Ijjiiests of Mrs. Montfedo's brother ^ Jas. Moore and family Sunday. Rev. G. W. Sheffer will preach Sunday morning at the Presby terian Church. Subject "The White Harvest Field" ? Assem bly's Home Mission program. J Mrs. M. M.?Melvin. of^Reids ville, N. C. is visiting her fath ei|, Mr- J. C- Fisher. v Mrs. E. D. Cave of AsheviUe ai^d Mrs. E. G. McElhenny, of Spartanburg are Visiting Mrs. B(E. Samples. [Mrs. Ruth McFee ^spent Fri day in Spartanburg jFohn Kitterell spent last week end with friends in Henderson ville. JVtr. and Mrs. Arthur Wheeler of. Ashville were guests in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Vance Sunday. pr. and Mrs. W. H. Hawkins, Mi", and Mrs. Rupert Fitzpat rick of Savannah, Ga., and Mrs. J. ! S. Currie, of Knoxville, Tenn. visited A- H. Hawkins and fam ily in Henderso^ville Tuesday. JVliss Annie Ravanel* will leave today for an extended visit at Washington, D. C Miss Hattie Jackson, of At lanta, is visiting her parents Mr- and Mrs. J. L. Jackson near Tityon. jMiss Iris Jackson, of Ashe vijle is visiting her parents, Mr. atjd Mrs. Jas. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn, of Pitts biirg, Pa., are visiting Mr. Kuhn's father, who is occupy ing the C N. Sayre cottage. A. H. Hawkins and wife, of Hpndersonville spent Sunday , in Tryon guests of Mr. Hawkin's parents, Mr- and Mrs. W. H. Hawkins. Dr. B. B. Bishop of Atlanta, Georgia, will open a modernly equipped dental parlor in Tryon at an early date. The commun ity has felt the need for expert dental service and Dr. Bishop will undoubtedly receive one hundred per cent cooperation from the residents of Tryon and vicinity. Nothing under the sun is more disagreeable than an aching molar and a tifip to one of the nearby cities for dental service isn't exactly a pleasure jaunt. After Doctor Bishop gets established we can have it done at home and save tijme and tempers jMesdames Justice. T. J. Ken nedy and Milliken, together with Dr. Justice spent Wednes day in Hendersonville. ]The Rose Tea given by the Ladies Club at the Lanier Lib rary for the .benefit of the "roof fujnd" on Tuesday afternoon nejtted the sum of $85-00. An entertaining musical program was renderer and, Mrs. Peattie grc ive an excellent reading of selected "Rose Pbems". Re- j frfeshments were served after the program and those present spent a most ? pleasant' after noion. A PLEASANT VISIT I , ? Last Thursday the College of St. Genevieve-ofthe-Pines en tertained a large number of students at a picnic in Tryon given in honor of the graduates, Miss Elma Wilson of Asheville, N? C., and Miss Margaret Pike of Ambridge, ^enn. 1a motor trip over the wind ing roads near Tryon proved an roads near Tryon Droved an attractive feature or the days entertainment- 1 The visitors were visibly impressed with the splendid views of the moun tains and the . laurel borded driveways which make the highways of this section things of real beauty. Luncheon was served at Pine Crest Inn and the Seniors were toasted by Miss Mabel Lee Dooley. The "Wili" was read by Miss Dolly Rutledge and both were heartily applauded by those present. After luncheon the party visited the Tryon Toymakers The Blue Ridge Weavers, and The Tryon Homespun Factory, Where the arts and crafts of tile mountain people were ex plained in detail to an interest ed audience. In the evening a picnic sijp p?r was served and 4 the party returned to Asheville, with pleasant memorits of Tryon ahd of the kind friends who I j had welcomed them with such generous hospitality.? ONE OF THE PARTY- . o / ? ? ? The campaign to raise funds for Boy Scout work in Tryon a great success. - -Twenty lead-, ing business and professional ijien and women gave the - en tire day Tuesday. The ' objec tive was $500,00 amount turn ed in at 6 P. M- Tuesday was $520.15. Money is still coming in STRAWBERRIES Fine preserving berries ? 40 cents per gallon. Selected table berries ? a little higher. Big Wonder plants, and Champion, the best Everbear ing plants, for sale. Now is the time to plant for FaH crop. Call or phone A. S- Caldwell. We are . able to supply you with tha best bread. We aim to please and in carrying out this aim we seek your cooper ation. Tell U6 if you like our br4ad. if not tell us anyhow. "Most nourishing fcod" QUALITY BAKERY BETTER BAKED BREAD Tryon, N..C. 1 * ; ' \ ! When you get paid will you spend it all and then when misfortune befalls will you have to look for a job? or will you save a part each pay day and be ready with a good cash balance to meet any bad luck with a smile. Then, too, if ypu have saved, and an opportunity comes for a good investment, you may be able to make yourself financially independent. We pay 4 per cent interest on all savings deposits. 1 ? ? ? ? 1 <? ~ ' '*< 7 ^ ' j Capital $25,000 Surplus over $6,000 Resources over $200,000 No loans are made by this? bank to any of its officers or directors. G.H.HOLMES, ' W. F. LITTLE President Cashier J. T. WALDROP ? V. A. BLAND , | Vice President Asst. Cashier WALTER J6NES ; FOSTER THOMSON ? Vice President . Asst. Cashier PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member American Bankers Association Try on, North Carolina aoinji Down. I ? . / Do Not Envy. If your brains^ won't jjet you into ? great i many heartaches would print, you can always sign a patent i cease if we would all try to be satis* medicine testimonial and grab off^some fle<j oar 0wn gifts and prlTilfegei," publicity for your stomach.? New York \ ^ gtop envying other ptople thoir*. i Tribune. , ? OWN YOUR HOME ? * . JL ?] The second series of stock of Polk County Building and . t : ? ? [; Loan Association was opened April 1st. Shares $100.00 Payments 25? per week per share Polk County Bulding & Loan Association W. S. Green, Pres. Fred W. Blanton Vice Pres. H. H. Carson, Secretary Hobbs-Henderson Co. / I . "i _ . " Spartanburg, S. C. / . ? . Special Sale Ladies Shoes at' 1-2 Price and Less ' ' . 1! 1 ?This is news worth passing around among your friends, for no such values have been offered or are likely to be offered ^this season. As previously mentioned, we are forced to close out our' Shoe stock for additional new lines. Our assortment is not as complete as formerly, but every pair in the sizes mentioned below is new, fashionable and of dependable quality. Buy your Summer supply now and save one-half and more on smart F<j>otwear. 18 pairs white Kid One-Strap Pumps, cut-out, with J. R. Louis heel; sizes 31-2 to 7; $7.95 value now $4.95 X. ' 48 pairs Black Satin One-Strap Pumps, with J. R. Louis heel, suede inlay; sizes 3 to 8; value to $8.50; now, $3.95 24 pairs Wlii te Canvas Low Rub ber Heel Pumps; sizes 31-2 to 71 value $6.00; now $3.00 now. 4 $3.95 12 pairs Brown Suede Cutout One-Strap Pumps, J. R. Louis heel: sizes 4 to 7: value $8.60, now.-'. 4J? $4.95 36 pairs Black Kid One-Strap Pumps, J. R; Louis heel; all sizes value to $7.95. now $3.95 24 pairs Black, Suede Patent Trimmed 1-Strap Pumps, all sizes and widths; value $8.50 now J..;. $4.95 24 pairs White Canvas Oxfords, low heel, with white kid trim- ? ( n ming; sizes 3 1-2 to 7; value $7.50 12 pairs Queen Quality Sitinone " CO*OC Sfran Pumos. sizes 31-2 to 7, now-.: $3.95 12 pairs low heel Grey Sandals; sizes 4 to 6; value $8.50; now $4.95 72 pairs Brown Kid and Russian Calf Oxfords in low and medium heels; all sizes and widths; value $8.50, now $4.45 Strap Pumps, sizes value $7.95, now 31-2 to 7, $2.95 ? " 111 ' ? 12 pairs Queen Quality Patent Pumps; sizes 4 to 7, value $7.00 now 4tjj, : $2.95 48 pairs Black Oxfords in low and medium heels; all sizes and widths; value to $8.5C * j \ 9 24 pairs Queen Quality Black Kid One-Strap pumps; sizes 3 1-2 to 7, value $6.95, now $2.95 24 yairs Queen Quality Oxfords, low to medium heels, sizes 31-2 to 7, value $7.60, nov/ .... $3.95 j . ' , s ' ? \ ? S . Isn't It a Fact7 "Somebody has Invented a motor cycle with ljjnouslne body." "A great many people conduct their entire ca reers on that principle." ? Dayton ' Insects Oo Big Damage. The damage done by Insects and d|? ease to living trees and to forest prod ucts amounts to about $130,000,000 a year. Department of Agriculture ex perts estimate. ^ 4 T ryon- Rutherf ordton Touring Car. ? Leave Rutherford ton ^ 9:00 a.,m. Arrive Tryon ^ ?l 10:35" a. m. Leave Tryon i 2:30 p. m. Arrive Rutherfordton .j ? 4:00 p. m. FARE $1.50 i ? A. S. JACKSON, Proyrietor Costs More? Worth It Dairy Tuxedo cent of what it thetuxedo line OFFENDS Ca-re-a-lia Sweets Dairy Tuxedo Toxedo Chop Taxedo Hog Ration Taxedo Pigeon Food Taxedo Egg Mash Taxedo Scratch - Taxedo Chick Taxedo Btlttermilk ?tarter and Growing is not a cheap feed, but it is worth every costs. It contains 24% protein, the max imum that a cow can readily assimilate, combined with ail the other food ele ments necessary to high milk production, in just the right proportions. The proof of a feed is in the milk pail That's where Dairy Tuxedo proves itself ? in actual increased production. SOLD BV Taxedo Developer ete. J. F. Cantrell, Landrail, S. C. Farmers Supply Co. Landrnm, S. C

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