To avoid imitations, ahvayi look for the J 1 T?1 MOTHER;? Fletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harm less Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. I* . I . ? * A # But Only So Lofig liave little Friend ? it's so lovely to sisters, I think. Hitr Sister ? Yes ? so Ion don't lit your stockings an as they gloves. Say "Bayer Asjbirin INSIST! Unless yo "Bayer Cross'' on ta are not getting the Bayer Aspirin proved millions and prescribed sicians for 24 years. " Acce; Baye see the ?lets you genuine safe by by phy t only a package irections 12 tablets -Druggists jBayer Mann S&licyUcaeid which contains proven Handy "Bayer" boxes olj Also bottles of 24 and lOOi Aspirin is the trade mark ofl factore o f lioaoacetlcacldester qfl BIG ULC ALL "Here is another letter] | that makes me happy." says PetersonJ of Buffalo. 'One that I would ratherlliave than a thousand dollars. r I "Money isn't everythl: ig in this world. There is many aj big-hearted, rich man who would giv< all he has on earth to be able to prjcjduce a rem edy with such mighty as Peterson s Ointment, drugrgists for 60 cents a Dear Sirs: ? "I was an untold su ff# running sore and ulcers, most everything withoi# from pain. A friend tolf] wonderful ointment and took away the pain thati me before in years, anq just nine dollars' worth I am cured. The ulcer wife f U inches. Is all healed add I can walk. Never, never will I be wl son's aerain. "You may use this tl your ointment, if you wfth. I cannot say enough to praise it Mrs. Albert Southcott, L|| T." Mall orders filled Ointment sell at all {large box." er from old I had tried any relief me of your he first box had not left I after using pf the salve b 9 inches by thout Peter recommend, j ?Tours truly, ndonville, N. by Peterson All's Well "How are your sick goldfish, Mrs. B^ankheni?" "Oh, thank you. They're oii their feet again." A FEELING OF SECURITY WHEN YOU USE SWAMP-ROOT " S I ' ' You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit-producing drugs. j Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp IU>ot, kidney, liver and bladder medicine. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. { It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. f it is not a stimulant apd is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. i It is nature's great, helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with, every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp loot. If you need a medicine, you should have ,he best. On sale at all drug stores in x>ttles of two sizes, medium and large. | However, if you wish first to try this great preparation * send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a temple bottle. When writing, be sure And mention this paper.? Advertisement. Much Cheaper Bug ? Why do you carry your house around on your hack? Snail ? 'Cause it's1 cheaper to move [than pay rent! Freshen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented, economical face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes superfluous. One of the Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). ? Advertisement Purely Pro Tem Lily ? So yo' done mortgaged our in home? Mose ? Jes' temporarily, honey, till de mortgage am foreclosed. The occasional use of Roman Eye Balsam at night will prevent and relieve tired eyes and eye strain. 372 Pearl St., N. Y. Adv. Don't forget that machine-made poli ticians seldom become able statesmen. 4 puffs llllll llllll 11111'" """"SI 1 J * F L I E 5 Jt MOSQUITOES FLEAS " 0LOSE doo: dows, the quantity of Insect Powd of paper. B1 the tiny partic float about the these annoy: pests. Some j the powder. I ive. The cost Brand Insecj amazingly lo Insect Pow Mi In red sifting- to# cans ? ?t your grocer or druggist. Household sizesJiSc and 35c. Other sizes! 70c and $1.25. L+rgo Pomp Gjm? 75c. and win lace a small Branc on a piece upward? of powdei m and kill household efer to burn is also effect f using Bee Powder is most effective insecticides. Bee Brand is the most ef fective Powder. Bee Brand Insect Powder kills Flies, Fleas, Mosqui toes, Ants, Roaches, Water Bugs, Bed Bugs, Moths, Lice on Fowl, Weevil ? and many other house and gar den insects. Non-poisonous ? harmless to mankind, domestic ani mals and plants. Does not spot or is one of the stain-100% pure-no adulteration. k & Co., Baltimore, Md. If your dealer can't sup ply you, send 35c for large household size. Give dealer's name. Get our free booklet, "It kills, them", a guide for killing house or garden insects. IMSIC Mo. of Turns Manometer Wtf? Vernier 7 JTL 23^/ate 4 V