s pae?s this Week Volume XXX No. 1 . ? \ ****** ? TT, ' SSflP PRICE 5 Cts. POLK COUNTY? The Gateway of Western North Carolina Tryon, N. C., July 17, 1924 / $1.50 a Year Tryon Wallops Flat Rock Team s j In Dazzling Finish Local Ball Tossers Strut Their Stuff in Ninth In ning Rally? Fisher, phillips and Wafd Star The Tryon baseball team won ft'0111 *n a thrill er and well-played game at the Tryon ball park Saturday. The final score 10 to 9. - Tryon von with a spectacular 9th in ning rally, scoring 4 runs to win with none out. James Fisher, playing third base for Tryon. starrer at the bat with 2 doubles and 3 singes out of 6 times at bat. Phillips, center tieMer J'or Tryon, also had a good batting day, getting a triple, a double and two singles oat of five times up. For Flat Koek. C. Ward gets the batting laurels, with four singles out of five chances. Score : ? Flat Rock R H E 002120113 9 14 7 Tryon 0 0 2 1 2 0 1 0 4 10 14 3 Batteries ? for Flat Rock, Mabry, C. Ward and Greer; for Tryon. Harrison and Durham. t COLUMBUS | Entertained the Outlook Club Mrs. J. W. Jack entertained the members of the Outlook Club Wednesday afternoon. The study- of North Carolina Writ ers and their works was re sumed. Mrs. J. W. Jack read quite an interesting paper on John Henry Boner and Mrs. D. W. McChesney one on Mary Bayard Clarke. ^ J)dr&v If rank Sikes rendered a beautiful piano solo, after which the hos tess served an ice course to the following members: Mesdames E. W. S. Cbb, D. W. McChes ney, Fred Wl. Blanton, E. B. Cloud. H. H. Edwards, J. W. Mcintosh and Frank Sikes. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mcintosh, Mrs.- Fo u:te and Mary Elizabeth Mcintosh are spending a few days in Denver N. C. with with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Ledbet ter have gone to Detroit to make their home for the pres ent. Mrs. Ledbetter before her marriage was Miss Sally Lynch daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lynch. Mr. Ledbetter is a Rutherfordton county boy. The Circle of the Presbyter ian Church will meet with Mrp. Frank Sikes Monday afternoon at four o'clock. Mrs. J. W. Jack will have charge of the program. Baptist Ladies Aid Meet The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist Church met with Mrs. Stoup at the parsonage last Tuesday afternoon. . The business hour was spent in making and discussing ways and means by which the treas ury might be replenished. A committee was appointed to select a communion set which is to be a gift to the church. *'Jr- &(>up, the pastor put en thusiasm into the meeting by Jejng present and giving help ful suggestions. It was decid-j to have a report from the society read in church every |hree months when the church Measurer makeks his report. At the conclusion - of the Meeting refreshments were Serv'ed by the hostess. * ? Edward Shore Raper of wston-Salem is visiting his aunt, Mrs. E. W. S. Cobb. AI[. and Mrs. L. Ode Parker * Albemarle are visiting their n!fe, Airs. Fred W. Blanton. Major Hutcherson and chil spent several days the past week with her sister, Mrs. viHe c^we^ in Henderson* Ji!*SomS Carrie Efird and Han an bikes from Albemlarle who t e spending some time at a*rJunaluska spent" Tuesday W ;) ednesday with Mrs. Fred \Blanton. ' " " ? 1 rs- W. a. Bridges, nee Mis# F. P. Bacon Visits Historic Capital of Bonny Scotland Glad to Get Tryon News S#ys Local Captain of industry While Touring Europe North British Station Hotel Edinburgh, June 29, Dear Mr. Bush: By today's mail I received copies of the Polk County News June 5. and 12. These proved to be the most interest ing papers I have read since leaving Tryon. The home news "sounds" good to me. You asked me to write you. i Our trip has been most en joyable and as you can see from the above address we are visit ing the most wonderful city of Edinburgh, wonderful for its beauty and historic interests. We return to South England July 1st and from there to Paris when we will spend a week or ten days, sailing from Cherburg July 24th on the S. S. Ohio, arriving in good old U. S. A. about August 2nd. ' Give my kindest regards to all inquiring friends and be lieve me Yours Very Sincerly F. P. Bacon Ada Tallant, and baby of De troit are visiting friends and relatives in the county. Migs Omah Reynolds leaves Thursday for Washington, D. C., where she will spend a week or ten days. The Girl's Book Club held their semi-monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon , with Misses Dorathy and Katherine McChesney as hostesses. An interesting program was given after which refreshments were served. To Polk County* owers A new disease of cotton (cot ton blight) has appeared in many counties of the state.Mr. Fredrick A. Wolfe, State Plant Pathologist describes leaves or branches, dark brown sunken spots may be found at the base of the affected leaves and spots appear as brown streaks along the main steams. The leaves are so weakened that that1 the leaves shed or drop off, as well as the stems or branches. - In severe cases* the plant may become destitute of leaves and consequently die. This disease has never been epidemic in N. C. It appeared in epidemic form in Arkansas in 1920, which was a very wet season there. Cloudy wet weather appears to be the c&use of infection. SunsKlne effectually stops this trouble. If any cotton grower discov ers such trouble; please let me know. Respectfully, J. R. SAMS, y Sunday Services at Tryon Churches Congregational Church Of Christ Rev. Joseph L. Daniels, D. D. L. L. D., Pastor Emiritus Rev, Will O'Neffl, Minister Church School 10 A. M. Nelson Jackson Jr. Supt. A graded school with classes for all. ' | Morning worship ..,..11 A.M. Y. P. S. C. E..... ...... 3.P.M. Wednesday ' . ? The Quiet Hour 4 P. M. Everybody .welcome and visitors in the city are especial ly invited to worship with us. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. C. P. Burnett, rector Sunday Service: Holy Communion 7:30; Sunday School ........ 10 :00 Morning Prayer and sermon Friday 5 P. M. Litany and in tercessions for the sick. Tryc" 'Church Thomas L. -Jiu'tkc, D. D. Pastor. , __ _ Sunday School at 10 A. M.' C. E. Hagaman, Supt./ Regular Service at 11 A. M. Rev. C. P. Linebarger Who is conducting a service of meetings at the Mill Spring Baptist Church. Presbyterian Church Items. Rev. George %V. Sheffer, pas tor, will preaeh at the Presby terian Church, Sunday night. Services begin at 8:15 o'clock. The subject for the- evening is, The Unpardonable Sin, and Who May Commit It. If you are at all disturbed over this ^question you should attend 'this service and hear a Scrip tural presentation of the whole matter. Friends of the pastor, away off in Texas and in other States are showing an interest in the building campaign by sending contributions to help erect a church in Tryon to the glory of God and the good of the com munity. o W. C. Ward, Superintendent of the . Southern Mercerizing Company, was in Asheville last Saturday looking after busi ness matters. Items of Local Interest About Tryon People and Their Friends Miss * Elizabeth Kinloch left Monday for New Jersey and other Northern points to visit relatives. Mrs. Carl Underwood of Spartanburg. S. C., spent Mon day with Mrs. W. C. Ward and family. The many friends of Miss Alice Jackson are glad to have her home again and to learn that she is imroving so rapittyy. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Justice, with their sons Frances and Thomas Logan, and maid, left last Friday in their car for a vacation trip in the mountains. Ther itinerary included Saluda, Chimney Rock, Hendersonville, Asheville and other points. Misses Betty Clark and Sarah Paris of Columbia ate visiting at Country home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lynch. Mrs. Mary Murphey and son, Ed of St Mathew have return ed to their home after a month's visit with Mrs. Mur phey's daughter, Mrs. iFrank Cain. M. R. McCown of Clemston, was the week end visitor of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McCown. * Mrs. S. H. Rion is visiting in the home of her son, James j Rion and family. Mrs. W. C. Ward v spent the latter art of last week in Sal- j uda the guest of her friend, i Mrs, Wi. H. Pace. Miss Louise Monroe, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. j Monroe, of Tryon and Mr. Roy Delon, a young business man of Brevard were married in lat ter place on Monday of this week. They will make their home in Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bullard andj two little son's J. J. Jr. and Wil liam of Spartanburg were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Cormick. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hart and Miss Virginia Sherfey were Chimney Rock visitors Tues day. Dr. Edward Rutledge And family have taken Mrs. Charles Wilson's house on Melrose Ave. for the summer months. Dr. Robert, Dean of College of Medecine of Charleston' was in town on Saturday,- on his way to his summer tome in Saluda. If the hot weather continues there won't be many*left in the South to fight the Boll Weevil, while Tryon and adjoining re sorts will be full to verflowing. Dr. John Graham, his wife and niece of the University of Tuskaloosta, Alabama, will be in Tryon for a short visit next week. Mrs. Graham is a friend of Mrs. Holden's known to her in the long ago in Munich' Bayira. Dr. Graham has been professor of biology for many years in Tuskatoosa. Mrs. Harshman has sub-let the Leonard cottage to the new dentist who proposes to make Tryon his permanent home. A difficult question of road morals arose near the Erskine Bridge on Sunday. Whether to run into the three flappers who were stretched across the the street or to drive right on into a car 1 was the question. The driver decideded on in vading the car..Miss Lois Cook Inman, S. C. was . badly hurt. She was taken to the hospital for an operation from which she Is rapidly recovering. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Peattie left for Washington yesterday. Thence they will go to Stam ford Conn, and Falmouth Mass. to spend at least two months with their children and grand children. Miss Grover who has been for sometime at Miss ? Petti er ew's will go North soon. Mrs. Harshman will leave, [this week for Washington, with her nephew, taking the remains of her husband, Com mander Harshman for , burial in the cemetary at Arlington. * Miss Martha Lightner 'writes rejoiceing from Camp Orduna. She has escaped the ignomy of being classed with the "baby's in the swimming contests. She is now a "Junior". Castle Park Mich., has proved a fine market for Polk Co. in dustries, of all. sorts, baskets,^ pottery and woven goods. J. T. Camp and wife of Greens Creek were visitors in Tryon Saturday. J. G. Landrum, Cashier of the Mutual Bank of Landrum S. C. was in Tryon on business Saturday. j Judge Dan Hart of Wewoka, Okla. is visiting his sister. Mrs. S. Edwards and family. R. L. Newman of Saluda was exchanging hand grips with old friends in Tryon during the week end. i Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Osborne of Spartanburg are in Tryon for an indefinite stay. Mrs. J. W. Houghston and children of Spartanburg have taken a cottage for a month s stay in our midst. Mrs. Catherine Mulligan who has been visiting friends returned to her home in Spar tanburg last week. Mrs. Sallie Watson under wet an operation for appen dices at the Tryon Hospital Monday. Friends and acquain tances will be pleased to hear that Mrs. Watson is recovering rapidly according to the at tending physician. Dr. E. M. Salley of Saluda paid a visit to Tryon during the week. Mrs. D. G. Lewis of Golds boro N. C. who is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Rhodes, was the guest of Mrs. W. C. Ward one day last week. Miss Clyde Metcalf left Sun day for Spartanburg, S. C. where she will enter Spartan burg Business College. ^ Mi3s Metcalf, it will be remembered, won the valuable schorship to this institution through the ex cellence of her essay on Busi ness Education, which won fist prize over a long list of entries this spring. Dr. B. B. Bishop Dental Expert to Open Office Former Resident of fnman Locates Permanently in Tryon-Well Known in This Section B. B. Bishop formerly of In man S. C will locate in Tryon where he will continue to prac tice his profession as a dentist. He is an A.B. graduate of Wof ford College' where he was most popular with the faculty and student body. Immediate ly after fininshing the course at Wofford, Dr. Bishop matric ulated at the Atlanta v Dental College, Atlanta, where he graduated the past June, again with high honors. This is re flected in that he was success ful in passing the dental boards of Georgia, Florida and North Carolina, as well as that of his own native state Dr Bishop wili have an office equipped with the most modern apparatus and this backed up with the ability to render real dental service will fill a long felt want in this community. - 0 PHONE DIRECTORY The Polk County Telephone Company will shortly issue an attractive and up to date Tele phone Directory something Jyhich the business men of Try on and vicinity have wanted badly for some time. The Company states that flas soon as the directory is in the hands of the public central operators wiH be instructed to handle phone connections by number only in order to speed up the service and eldmiate unneces sary delay. o MILL spIUN6 R 1 ;; Rev. Roland Wlhite preached a very interesting sermon at Lebanon last Sunday to a large congregation. The Lebanon choir sang at Marus Chapel last Sunday af ternoon. Rev. Freeman gave a very beneficial and interest ing leccure on 'Preparation for life'g work' especially for the the young people. A large crowd was there Mrs A. A. Edwards Is spend ing this week at AsheviUte with her daughter Mrs Thos. C. Aut rey. Mr. A. A. Womack and family of Greens Creek, spent last week-end with relatives here. Messrs. Ben Edwards and Roscoe Whiteside spent Satur day in HendersonyiUe. Mr. W. G. Gilbert and child ren, also his sister, Miss Sarah, spent Saturday night with his sister, Mrs. Mary Lynch, near Rutherfordton. Mr. L. H. Sheehan, of near Tryon, spent Tuesday at the home of A. A. Edwards. Miss Lela Womack, who has. a position at Spindadle, N. C., spent l&st week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Womack. Several people from Greens Creek attended services at Leb anon last Sunday. Mr. Sampson Fowler of Green Hilll, visited relatives here last week. Mrs. R. R. Melton of near Rutherfordton, is spending sev eral days with her daughter, Mrs. Waiter Dyer. Mr. Clinton Johnson of Mel vin Hill and Miss Mildred Wo mack motored to Pearidge list Sunday. Miss Maggie Sue Eddwards has been sick for several days with tonsilitis. <? Mr. Ralph Edwards and littie Ralph Jr.rwho have been visit ing relatives here, have return ed to their-home at Inman, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Talmage Allen, both formerly of this viciniy, but now of Charlotte, are the proud parents of a fine boy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Q. M. Powell on last Monday, a boy. o Don't crok, if you cannot see any good in this world, keep the bad to yourself. i ? *' I Hooch Hound's Flirt With Undertaker Says Noted Chicago Medico Distilled Poison Populates Nut Factories and Peni tentiaries According to Famous Alienist . A Texas peace officer when requested to arrest a- hooch crazed cowpuncher said -No suh! I'll leave Jim alone until he gets sober. When I commit suicide, I does it natural! And the hooch-hound loaded to the gunnels with the brand of liquid dynamite dispensed by moonshine peddlfers is a potential killer.- Bang! goes his little gun, and somebody turns up his toes or maybe he just slams his benzine buggy along the highway taking the turns on high until he bumps into a victim. In any case liquor is to blame. It was bad enough when the whiskey addict got simon pure corn juice but NOW?well listen to what Dr. Francis J. Gentry of Chicago has to say about the ] "bottled in bond brands dispensed by thrist alle viators of the present period. There is np competition among bootleggers, and any compound which may pass for whiskey or gin findjB a steady sale. The profits from this iljegitmate industry are enor mous, and these persons have not the spur of commerical honesty to stimulate their scrupulosity. Asa result, a mash of corn meal which has been inaccurately fermented in some dirty cellar is distilled entire- and the resultant pro duct contains large quantities of aldehyds and fusel oil . A ! few drops of the essence of I juniper added to alcohol of doubtful purity and shaken up with some water, produces gin. A little caramel, some moonshine whiskey. The effects of the drinking of such compounds are reflected in the increased admissions to insane asylums, and in the ever in I creasing number of automobile accidents, murders- and other crimes. Practically all of the home brewed products contain acetic acid, aldehyds, fusel oil, and various decomposition pro ducts. A high percentage of the labeled goods which are al leged to have been imported in to the United States are spur ious imitations. Safety lies en tirely in leaving strickly alone any alcoholic beverages in the United States, no matter by whom prepared or by whom offered. A I w {Another Boquet From Carolina Booster N. Buckner of Asheville Prais es News Publicity Editon Asheville, N. C. July 10, 1924. Mr. C. Bush, Tryon, N. C. Dear Mr. Bush: Just a line to congratulate you on the splendid edition of the Polk County News, Nation al Publicity Edition. It was fine and ought to be a big factor in attracting more at tention to the beautiful city of Tryon. With the opening up of the Dixie Route A from Cincinnati through N. C. many thousands of motor car tourists will come through here every fall and ? spring and add to our popula tion and business. ? Cordially yours, N. Buckner. 0 CATHOLIC CHURCH St. John's Church Cor. Mtlrose Ave and Lanier St. MASS? Sunday 9 A.M. REV. J. A. MANLEY, Rector. o? ? Postponment is nearly al ways a sign of weakness. - It's twice as easy to become rich as to become respectable.

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