Future Farmers Have a Trip to Washington r'. ' ,,f ;;(H? l??>ys and girls who are attending the University of Maryland for- a summer farm course bein A ?"! j ,'v secretary of Agriculture Wallace at the Agriculture department. Mr. Wallace is on the right and on th d,ireS i'ir r Postmaster General Bartlett, who extended an invitation to the children to visit the Pos ,ft is r ir>l * ' ' ^M-arinu'nt. - ? " ??????? Municipal Stadium of Chicago Nearly Completed -M ? ni I ? View of Chicago's new ' municipal stadium in Grant park, near the Field museum, which is nearly completed, t rill be formally, opened early in September by the policemen's athletic carnival. \ Davis Honored by Iroquofs Club MAKES RECORD CATCH I I Members ??f the Iroquois club of Chicago member of J"!in W. Davis, Democratic Presidential nominee, an Hi* organization. He Is the eighth man to be so honored. Omaha Baby Made Ydungest Klansman \ i K^==svi=^-.~. 1 *' :ula w^8 mode the' youngest Ku-Kluxer in the United States. m *tin# ret?J!|0ne ot a class of candidates initiated at a big open air klan .a,l'sinan | y 1,eJd Just outside of Omaha, Neb. The photograph shows a ?u^ O f ) lnK llis baJt)y ?on* clothed in tiny white robes, while the tot takes 1 klan. , i Th, UlH. In view of the previous champion, H. J. Mullen, a Los Angeles stock broker and sportsman, caught a 528 pound broadbill swordflsh and broke the world's record. Mallen's catch, was 12 feet 0 inches long and had a girth of 4 feet 10 inches. Its bill was 48 inches long. Photograph shews Mal len being congratulated by Mack Sen nett. < . , SHE IS POLICEWOMAN ? Mrs. Douglas McArthur, wife of General McArthur, now detailed in the Philippines, has Just been appoint ed a special' officer of the Manila police (force. Her first arrest was of a Fil ipino accused of beating his horse. JOOOI i ** mm "Fighting Bob" LaFollette of Wisconsin, Independent Progressive nominee, is seen rehearsing parts of. a speech before the newly invented radio talking moving picture machine which he will use during his campaign. This machine was invented by Lee De Forest. New Foundland Landing Place for U. S. Flyers n r Here is a view of Port Saunders, Hawkes hay, Newfoundland, where the American flyers will muke their anchor ape while enroute to Plctou, N. S. From there they will proceed to Boston. This village consists of Just nine houses. At the right, kneeling at the grave of his son who was killed in the war, Is seven ty-seven-year-old Abraham House, appointed by the British government to guard the anchor buoys in the bay for the aviators. BRAVE CLERK HONORED Eugene Stack, mail clerk, who shot and killed John J. Manyon, mail Imndit, at East Orange, N. .T.t July HI. being congratulated at the White House by President Coolidge. Before meeting the I'resldent, Young Stack was received at the Post-Office depart ment by Postmaster General New ftho presented him with a check ror $2,000, the maximum sum allowed by oonirrpes for deeds of bravery in the postal service. SEVEN FEET OF HAIR Mrs. Charles D. McPherson of Los\ Angeles believes that she can claim 'he title of the longest-haired woman in the city. Her "crowning glory" Pleasures seven feet in length and veighs ten pounds. Direct Hit in Mimic Warfare Were this a real dynamite bomb, the tank and crew would be a mass of twisted steel and mutilated bodies; but it was only a phosphorus bomb, bring ing joy to the aviators who scored the j>erfect shot ? but no grief to anyone ? at the aerial maneuvers of the Twenty-seventh (Aerial) division of the Na tional Guafd, New York, at Miller field, Staten Island. Q Forward Throw Cripples a Cowboy Guy Shutze. cowboy, was put out of the race for the Roosevelt trophy when he was liie victim of the dreaded "forward throw'* of p man-killing broncho. The broncho did a somersault, pinning the rider underneath, and Shutze Ilea near death in the hospital. The photographer was preparing to shoot the backing broncho when the animal leaped into the air and somersaulted.