. "Vr"' rial :TI0N Polk County News c TRYON, N. C. This Section Supplied by, Skyuka Sales Service, Tryon, N. C. 1 - Tryon, N. C., October 30, 1924 TC,e Polk County Court House at Columbus, ? a ctnndinar today as a monument to the U*p "/s MdVtandingtodajr M ? monument to thf^XiSSjhfp jSjJof* b.^?n,e/?e; wa> er*cted Sitting Bull roamed the West 4in Mtylf his warpaint por a Stiff Back OLD CHIEF KILLED SmiNQ BULL ci AjTCC^STCC. u= y I Willie Irene, athlete, recommend* I inching the hands with toes while life feet in the atr in a broad jump, fa a cure for stiff back. Try It' And here's a photograph of the heap big Injun who sent Sitting Bull to the Happy Hunting Grounds of his fathers. He s very much alive and able to draw and eat Uncle Sam's rations at a Western reservation. To the Right? Have you done your bit by the Red Cross? Their annpal drive is now on and NOW is the time to join. Help them help the fellow who isn't able to help himself. ? ? FINGERPRINT BOSSY'S NOSE ione an- the days when the old ranch smells of burning flesh as the boys stamp home the brand of "Circle X." No more will bossy bave to submit to a paioivl week AuTOCASTER as an owner's brand of her hip heals. Because,* it has been discov ered that a cow's nose, like human finger tips, are no two alike. In the east, dairymen % are inking bossy's nose ? finger-printing her as shown in the picture ? and filing the identification pfiats for any future need*. General Pershing Goes And Gets Jem' "^"Jack" Peishing may have retired from the Army but he hasn't retired - from active participation in out-door sports; and being an ardent duck-shooter he is shown here hugging a blind down in the Maryland marshes south of Washington where canvas backs are beginning to tempt gun-slingers from swivel chair assignments. Serves Humanity