REPORT OP THB CONDITION OF THE PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. at Tryon, in the state of North Carolina, at the close of business, December 31, 1924. RESOURCES ?.^ans and Discounts $168,557.24 Overdrafts, secured, $80.50 unsecured $26.62 107.12 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 39,450.00 Banking Houses $7,145.41 Furniture and Fix ture8 $2,900.00 .... 10.045.41 Cash in - vault and net amocunt due from Banks Bankers and Trust Com panies 25,693.17 TOTAL $243,852.94 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid, in $25,000.00 Surplus Fund 6,900.00 Undivided profits less cur. ' rent expenses and taxes paid 106.04 Bills Payable 28.000.00 Deposits subject to check, Individual, S9.491.18 Cashier's Checks outstand ing 375.73 , Time Certificates of deposit Due on or After 30 Days 1 9.540.15 Savings Deposits 49,189.84 j U. S. Liberty Bond Certifi, cate of Deposit for Cus tomer $35,250.00 i TOTAL $243,852.94 1 State of North Carolina. County of ! Folk, January, 9^ 1925. I, V. A. Bland, Ass't Cashier of the, above named Bank do solemnly { swear that the above statement Is j trie to the best of my knowledge I and belief. V. A. Bland, Asst Cashier. Otorrect ? Attest : Q. H. Holmes W. F. Little, Walter Jones Directors. &tbscribed and sworn to before ne this 9th day of 'January 1925. J J. B. Hester Notary Fablic Expert Plumbing ' , ' I We have opened a mod- i em plymbing establish ra ent on Trade Street in the Ballew buildi ng. Expert attention given to plumbing and heating equipment and installa tion. SEE US % Shields & Morris TRYON, N. C. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP CAROLINA STATE BANK at Saluda in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, December 31, 19$4. RESOURCES . j Loans and Discounts, .... $68, 58fcf. 38 Demand Loans ! 1,703.87 All other stocks, bonds and Mortgages I 8,830.00 Banking house, $2,000, Furni. ture and Fixtures $1,000 3<000.00 All other Real Estate owned 301.57 Cash in vault . and net amounts due from Banks Bankers and Truat Companies.. 12,960.30 Cash items held over 24 ho.nirs, .10 Checks for clearing 800.44 Collection Account 141.00 TOTAL I $96,325.66 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in .... $10,000.00 Surplus Fund 1^000.00 Undivided profits less cur. rent expenses and tax_ es paid 1 076.89' T " I Deposits subject t0 checks Individual 35(682.37 ! Demand certificates of de posit 16,623.52 Cashier's Checks outstand ing 315.11 j Time Certificates of Deposit, Due on or After 30 Days 25,260.16 wettifti THE NFWS $1.50 per year Guaranteed hosiery, samples i your size free to agents. Write j for proposition paying $75.00 weekly full time, $1.50 an hour; sprire time, selling guaranteed i hosiery to wearer; must wear or replaced free. Quick sales, re-] peat orders. International Stocking Mills, j 17-25. 5809 Noiristown, Pa. Bishop's Garage OPEN ALL THE TIME All makes of Batteries repaired. All makes of cars re paired. - Full line of Tires and Accessories. FURMAN BISHQ* Proprietor Phone 33 Landrum, S C. Savings Deposits ; '...-"nlntn|n|?ii? ????<< I WANTED: A Mj;.:,,,. wanting to mala- ? ly in Polk County , complete line n<,;: tracts. Toilet Art!. i. . etc. house to giuaranteed to Cherry of Alab.i five days; Middle $96. Team or perience necessar. particulars today cupation. The H. C \\'h Dept. 198 ?!* ?*? "GOOD LUCK" TO YOU Without Cost! i . i ? '< * , '? Highest Grade Domestic China, Colonial Design, with Exclusive "Good Luck" Decoration Save Your Coupons They are Valuable! The opportunity to secure a beautiful Dinner Set FREE, in exchange for cash trade accord ing to pur Profit Sharing Plan. >' Cordially yours i Save Money by making your Purchase I THE RIPPIAN WAY ?CASH and CARRY? Th A. RIPPY J. L. BOBO TRYON, N. C. PURETEST CODLIVKR m Full Pint Regular Price - $1 .'Mi Special ....... The Best "After a Cold" T?.'.v i "The Rexall Store" i Missildine's Pharmacy Phone 4 Tryon, \. ( Keep His li _ In The Air! If his feet drag, his head droops and his eyes are dim and tired, you're taking horse power out of the horse phf nrvr^ I and not out of the feed he gets. Give him a sack or two of Tuxedo Chop. Watch his head come' up, his eyes brighten. That's because Tuxedo Chop is carefully mixed and balance J to give the greatest possible power for the least cost. THE TUXEDO LINE OF FEEDS C?-r*-a-lia Sweets Tuxedo Dairy Tuxedo Chop Tuxedo Hog Ration Tuxedo Pigeon Peed Tuxedo Egg Mash Tuxedo Scratch Tuxedo Chick Tuxedo Puttcrmilk Start _r aivJ Glowing M-:.h Tuxedo D'Svc'oper Tuxedo Po-iltry Fattener, -le J- " F. GANTRELL Land rum, S. C. farmers SUPPLY CO. Laodnun, S. C. C'ttdtrMWfl I January White Clearance MONEY RAISING SALE k V Beginning Thursday, January 15th and Closing Saturday, Jan. 31st Unseasonable weather has slowed up the Sale of Fall and Winter Goods. We are Compelled to Sell Our Stocks in order to do this, and Frankly, to Get Money with which to pay -for Spring Goods now being received We Are SACRIFICING PROFITS. V ^ PROFITS and NOT OUR GOODS WILL BE SACRI FICED. DRENNER-PENNV Ddepartment store I HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. New ^Spring Apparel, As It Is Being Received, Will Be Included In This Sale QUALITY and P R I C E S PRECISLLY las ADVER TISED. 0 ?