A NOSE for the KING ? -X Story l'ut>. Co.) . , jjj; t;.:;-' calm of Korea, . ( .. and tranquillity -j ?r> ancient r.ume, ? ( mii. lived a politician . ^ I I le w as a uiau ? v'?all say ? ? per . , : , v? >. Mian politicians 1; t. unlike lus breth s \i < ' 1 1 . n lli? was in :.v : ; of cash he . iiii. and lie lay in : ?? . :rn< ?? ?'i death. There ? to the situation ? ? , ; ; in which to v . ? ?' 1 1 well. Then i,.| \ t'r 'r . . u . .? ?.*.!. with me if you I i. 1 1 1 here in 1 Jive, nt^ii I know 1 ?ill ! obtain the money : . \ tl.c government. I t will save me from : fried the jailer. siid Vi ("hill Ho. "A re r.ose. if 1 may. say so.'' . ,r threw* up his hands "Ah. what a wag you ?;.:it .t w;u\" he laughed. he turned and went in the end. being a man ail and h?-art. when the night ur.i he permitted Yi Chin ?a..-!.* !.e went to the governor. i: alone and arousing him :.s ?. tlin Ih ? or I'm no governor!" the governor. "What do you uh'i should he in prison waiting iecLhp|'inj block?" I ray ymsr excellency to listen to Chin Ho. squatting on his t>v the bedside and lighting his from the fire-box. "A tfead man tlu-ut value. Hut if. so to say, lexv'l r.cy were to give me my ; presented himself p'vern"r's bedside. i: ti?u. Yi Chin Ho?" asked the or. "Arnl have you the plan?" > I. y<>ur excellency." answered e IK "and th?j plan is here." iak." commanded the governor. > i-ian is here." repeated Yi Chin in uty band." |F-tern??r sat up and opened his Yi Chin llo proffered In his I sheet <>f paper. The governor [to the light. hins hut a nose," said he. it {tlnoheil, so. and so, your ex f sail! Yi Chin Ho. unusual nose," admitted the ir. " is a wart upon it," said YI t'. "St u:. usual nose," said the ' "Never have I seen the like, i" do yi -u with this nose, Yi Itk it whereby to repay the ?to the government," said Yi ?>< "1 seek it to be of service 1 excellency, and I seek It to I own worthless head. Further, wit excellency's seal upon this ?t'f the n..se," P* P'xernor laughed and af P" Seal of state, and YI Chin ?nwi i ,,r a month and a day King's road which ? the shore of the Eastern sea; "i,e night, at the gate of js: mansion of a wealthy city !"U'ily for admittance. than the master of the P: 1 said he fiercely to ?'"hi-i v.-rvants. "I travel upon ? ? hMsiheSS." B"tw:iy was lie led to an inner master of the house from his sleep and brought ^ffore him. f^r M?-t h? Miist minister tells a p><>d woman In ?*jihi>ned the minister's Is ?t-l .? pi! ie most amsttnffvthiBff ' Ie that she really hasn't greed. ,. v ? '? ? This was Old Mr. Giant's verse : I am big and Magglt is small, But that doesn't mu.ke any difference at all. For I can look down and at Maggie smile Hoping she'll look up Just once 1ft v awhile. This was OUle Onfs verle: t Maggie, Maggie is full of fun. How on her little feet she can run! But it hasn't kept her from getting fat, Mercy me, it hasn't done that! This was the Fairy Wondrous Se crets' verse: , . 'I know a secret, But yoti must know It too. It's that all who know Maggie Just love her through and through, i - Wanted to Kill Germ* Johnny, aged four, had been very 111 with typhoid fever and had been per mitted to have nothing but broth. One day he coaxed his mother to give him ait apple, but she refused him, saying: "No, my dear. If you were to eat an apple now It might kill you." ?"Well, then," answered the young diplomat, -"give me just a little piece, enough to kill the germs." 0 "i , Sunday School Hymn "Did you sing a hymn at Sunday school?" asked the polite visitor. "Oh, yes. we sanfc {he one about doc toring," sa id little Elizabeth. , t "About doctoring?" puzzled the vis itor. %i. "Yes. you know that nice marchy one about one In hdpe attd doctoring one In chairs and tea," -Bald the little maid. ~ , Riddtm WTiy did the white-wash? Because It saw the enamel batlv Tfhat flower jo^mao untruth with a 'girl's hair? Lie-locks ? lilacs. . ? e e Why are cheap gloves like mice? Because they quickly run into boles. ? ? ? What is that which was tomorrow and will be yesterday? Today e. - e e "What is the least valuable thing i boy can have In his pocket? A hole. e e e If your uncle's sister. Is not your aunt what > relation Is she to you? ' Your mother. - When History Doesn't Repeat "tanny it never repeats itself to me," said the puzzled student over his history examination. . Lo> ok Ahead No prudent man lays his designs only for a day, without any consider ation of the remaining part of his lift. THE SAME THING Sybil ? It's no use denying it, Maud. It was too. dark for me to see who It was, but I saw some youngj man kiss you in the garden. I'm aphamed of you. Maud ? I don't see why jtou should be. I've often seen George kiss you. Sybil (engaged to- George) ? Yes, but I allow nobody but Geofge to kiss me. Maud ? Well, nobody biit George ever kissed me. Many a True W^rd "Pnpa, what is a low-broW?" "A low-brow, my son, Isj a person who likes the funny papers, snappy stories, girl shows and thp like and doesn't mind saying so." "And what is a high-brow, pap?" "A high-brow, my son. is 9 low brow who won't admit it." ? Ncirth Shore 'Bulletin. DO YOU GET THE POINT ? LL Fair Voter? I wouldn't