Spartanburg Shopping List Ever v Know Man , The LLGIN I , :,ve* up to I ,t txpecta K lb-j?wel i y ,?djust?dt t ?n or Whit* . d uaNcme d? 28 CO TH | s t \QUIS'TE q t S i -* N tl" WRiST WATCH A Lad,..' Watch #f #\c?ption^l "orth -tha cas? it Whit# Gold with a scientifically built. parfact. fully jewelod movement, S15 00 up. Sa*. i doll-r t?ll ? *n?nd? - thitl th# kind ?)eu'?tomiri wt'r? loohmf FARMER & LONG 103 Weit Main ?traat, Spartanburg, S. C. i r ixpert Cleaning -? "at- aru: wrajs the r prist ' e ?irari' ^ * "k an<: ' . ai ?a ??? ? ai <: ? e ?: rryon Agant, Cash's Stare ias. F. Stinette & Co. Spartanburg, S. C. partanburg Visitors t? Spartaibirg kntw FINCH'S V\ here appetizing food is appetizingly c-rved. Finch's Restaurant Spartanburg, S. C. FURNITURE - RUGS - DRAPERIES Let us make your window shades and draperies. We make all kinds and carry a complete stock of Draperies. It will be a pleasure to show You our fine Furniture. Vogel & Son, Inc., Established 1911 SPARTANBURG, S. C. NU-GRAPE! A Flavor You Can't Forget Nil-Grape S j i . i* Co. SPARTANBURG, S. C. J Open a Charge Account keep your dollars working lor you. Use your credit and pay a little at a t itne. Clothing and furnishings for nu'ii and women on the week ly payment plan. " We Trust You " SUPERIOR CLOTHING CO., 145 Main Street Spartanburg, S. C. Manufactured by EVER-STICK COMPANY, Spartanburg, S. C. Min If ?,? t M'lect e> 1 pun* |?ara rubber. art ual\ vulcani.v^ its >??lf to the tube. The hotter it tfet>. tile tighter it sticks, .'??> square inches of pure white rubber in ev ery I ?? ? x . f KILPIN MOTOR CO., Inc. Distributors Tryon, N. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Shoes For the Whole Family g Over G.R. Nothing $4b93 Always Ask For Butter-Nut Bread Have You Tried Butter-Nut Tea Biscuits ? Something New 19 for 15c Virginia Dare Cake Made In Many Varieties and its all good. Try our Fruitcake get it at your grocers. Becker's Bakery SPARTANBURG, S. C. Roto Ads Pay Ballenger's Paints Stand the Test of Time ( iood paint spells economy and paint should be purchased by its covering capacity rather than by the gallon. A gallon of good house paint should cover IfiV) ?(]. ft. with two coats. Ours will. * Complete Line of Paints, Varnish, Stains, Enamel. Glass. Picture Framing. BALLENGER PAINT STORE 125 North Church Street. Spartanburg, S. C. \ Is The Fastest Growing City in The South" *