in. fiM Nasal Catarrti is a Dirty, FiKhy Disease That coctinml ' dripping of ca tarrhal mucus from the head down into the stomach finally poisons the whole body, a condition known as aystemio ' catarrh. For more than fifty years Pe-rn-na has held an envia ble record for re sults in the treat ment of all Ca tarrhal cooditicoa. Sold Evay vbara Tablets or Lfqui* Mothers, Do This? When the Children Cough, Rub Musterole on Throats ana Chests No telling how soon the symptoms may develop into croup, or worse. And then's when you're glad you have a jar of Musterole at hand to give prompt relief. It does not blister. As first aid, Musterole is excellent Thousands of mothers know it. You should keep a jar ready for instant use. It is the remedy for adults, too. Re lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsillitis, croups stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains and aches of back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the chest (it may prevent pneumonia). To Mothers t Muatoroloia also mad* in milder form for babies and Small children. Aak for Children's Musterole. 35c and 65c, jars and tuba. Better than m mustard piaster Slam Consuming Energy Doubtless the world's greatest waste of energy consists In denouncing the methods of a winner. ? Duluth Herald. DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Cross" Has Been Proved Safe by Millions. Warning 1 Unless you see the name "Bayer" on paekage or on tablets you are not getting the, genuine Bayer Aqpirln proved.jsaffi by. millions and prescribed by^pbysl dans "for 23 years. Saj "Bayer' wHen you buy Aspirin. Imitations ma; I ?! Brain* 9 Activity ? The human brain, according to a French physician, will discharge twelve and three-tenths thoughts per second. DO YOU KNOW That one-quarter teaspoon of Calu met Baking Powder sifted thoroughly with the Hour In making pastry helps produce a fluffy. cr^at? Om Saving Gracm - The nice thing about a phonograph Is that It doesn't read telegrams be tween numbers. ? Duluth Herald. "CA5CARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS? 10c A BOX Don't Stay Dizzy, Bilious, Headachy, Sick or Constipated. Feel fine ! Let "Cascarets" clean your bowels and L __ stimulate youf liver. No griping ly or overacting. Mll ^ IsA lions of men, women, and chll-1 dren take this s =" harmless laxa "" tlve-catbartlc. It $oesn't sicken you like pills, oils, calo mel and salts. Tastes nlee ? acts won derful. Sold at drug stores. China'* Vast Population Chir.? has a population approxi mately equal to that of the whole British empire. "Avoid excessive fatigue to keep from catching cold"; and you notice countless ones practicing it. Every one has known one or two men that boast who make good their boasts. | Well-Merited Success Honored politically and profession ally, Dr. R. V. Pierce, whose picture appears here, made a success few have equalled. H i s pure herbal rem edies which have stood the test for fifty years are still among the "best sell er!." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a blood medicine and stomach *fttfativ$.. vlt dftrs.t be. .. skin, beautiAee It, increases the blood supply and the circulation, and pim ples snd eruptions Teniae quickly. This Discovery of Doctor Pierce's puts you in fine condition, with all the organs active. AH dealers have it. Send 10 cents for trial pkc. of tab lets to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. MEN-WOMEN-AGENTS 1 will establish to* In permanent business IM? complete Una reliable household rem cdlN and toilet goods ? known and used aU over the world. TftfeMSNDOUS PROFITS. Only small capital Seeded to start. All ex perience needed Is that yen be wide-awake aad enthuslastlo. I show yea how! Write me today, established M yean. .u. THE WEEK'S EVENTS ?? IMPORTANT NEW8 OF 8TAT?, NA , TIOH. AND THE WORLO BRIEFLY TOLD ROUMa AB0UT_TI!E WORLD A Record Of Happening! Of InUroet From All Point# Of The World Foreign ? Greece has appealed to the league t)t nations against the action of Tur key In expelling the Most Rev. C)on stantinos. ecumenical patriarch of the Grek Catholic church, tfom Constanti nople. \ Considerable alarm Is felt In Lon*i don over dispatchos to morning news paper that a big liner had ^one ashore on the Essex coast and was sending up distress signals near Walton. Dr:-. Anton Hoefle, former minister of posts and the Clerical member in the Marx-Stresemann German cabinet, was recently arrested after a cross examination by the public prosecutor. The finance committee of the cham ber of deputies, in agreement with Pre mier Herriot. appointed a Subcommit tee charged with the duty of studying the question of the inter-allied debts from the French viewpoint. Premier Stanley Baldwin expects an inter-allied debt conference to con vene at London within three months. Around the table would sit represen tatives of France, Italy, Jugo-Slavia, Roumania. Greece and Portugal, with a Briton in the chair. The total in debtedness of these six nations to Great Britain is $6,370,000,000. Regret is expressed in British dip lomatic circles over America's with drawal from the international opium conference at Geneva. It is contend ed that the American delegation with drew Just when the conference was on the verge of attaining success. Greece has appealed to the league of nations to compel Turkey to per mit the expelled ecumenical patriarch of the Greek Catholic church to return to Constantinople and the control of the patriarchate. Premier Herriot of France has pro posed to a plenary joint session of the chamber of deputies foreign relations and finance committees the creation of a commission composed of fourteen members to study a settlement of the inter-allied debt The storm over the Turkish expul sion of the head of the Greek Catho lic church is subsiding. In an effort to prevent a recurrence of the quarrel over the patriarchate in Constantino ple Greece plans to demand an inter national guarantee against further Turkish interference. China, following the United States, has dropped from the international opium confernce, thus producing an other dramatic situation which had its climax with a violent attack on Ste phen G. Porter, head of the American delegation by J. J. Loudon. Dutch min ister in Paris, who is known as the master* diplomat of the conference. Washington ? There is still a chance for a buck private in the army. Brig. Gen. Camp bell King, who Joined to see the world as a private, has been appoint ed to be new a'Nlstant chief of staff of the army. General King Is a close friend of CJeneraJ Hlnes, successor to General Pershing as chief of staff, with whom he served in France. Investigation of alleged drinking by midshipmen at Annapolis naval acad emy has been ordered by Secretary of the Navy Wllbuh This action was taken on complaint of four ministers at Annapolis. Three midshipmen have been discharged this year for drinking or possessing liquor. Secre tary Wilbur declined to give any de tails regarding the complaints or the program of the inquiry.1 The Washington committee hand ling the city's plans for President Coolidge's inauguration has decided to reduce all expenditures to a minimum and abandon proposals to erect any stands along the route of march. Deportation of all aliens convicted of violating the national prohibition, narcotic or white slave laws is pro vided in a bill passed by the house. The vote was 213 to 39. The measure was framed by Representative Hoik day of Illinois, Republican. It now goes to the senate. The German commercial treaty was ratified by the senate with reserva | tions understood to be not wholly ac I ceptable to the state department. The principal reservation would reserve ta congress the sole authority to put into force preferential tariff duties in fa vor of American shipping at any time within one year after exchange of rat ifications. Repudiation by congress of recom mendation by the interstate commerce commission for retention of the Pull man surcharge was urged in the sen ate by Senator Smith, Democrat, South Carolina, chairman of the interstate commerce committee. , The first effects of President Cool idge's economy program became etft, dent with the announcement that fa large number of shipping board em ployes will be given their walking pa pers during the month and that sal ary cuts totaling a million dollars will soon be made. i ' ? - i ' t I Without a record vote the house I has paused the Kelly postal pay and rate increase bill and sent it to the MMite, which already has passed3 a somewhat similar measure only" to have it turned back by the house ss infringing on its exclusive preroga tive to originate revenue-producing leg islation. A dispatch from Anchorage, Alaska, recites that the airplane expedition to carry diphtheria antitoxin from Fair banks to Nome, Alaska, has been can celled at the request of the United States nubile health service in Nome. ! A dispatch from Ancnor%*o, Alaska, says that 4S0.000 units of diphtheria antitoxin are being relayed from Ne nana to Nome by dog teams. The antitoxin has already arrived at Nu lato, '80 miles west of Ru6y, on Yukon ?'?river. 1 Owing to a shortage of funds, work at the navy yards on both the TacWc and 'Atlantic coasts will be curtailed beginning March 1. Production of petroleum in the Unit edStates during 1924 totaled approxi mate 714,000,000 barrels, at 2 per cent decrease from the 1'j23 figure, the geological survey says in a pre ' liminary estimate. The proposed "Nlckle Plate" rail road merger, which suddenly swept the Van Swearingen brothers of Cleve land-=two comparatively yaOng and unknown men ? into the class of pow erful railroad magnates, may become the object of senatorial investigation Senator Howell of Nebraska, Republi can, has asked the investigation of thi? consolidation. Domestic ? Counsel began their arguments in the trial of Ned Harvey of Orange, Texas, charged with being a double slayer, according to a dispatch re ceived at Lake Charles, La., by air plane from Cameron, La. Harvey tes tified he killed A. A. Byrd of Neder land, Texas, and John Springer of Lake Charles, officials of a tlrapping company, in self-defense. Riun Tra han. first witness for the defense, was placed in Jail for contempt of court when he refused to answer several questions. An order to show cause on Febru ary 24 why ten million dollars' worth of stock of the Southern Cotton Oil company, subsidiary of the iVrginfa Carolina Chemical company, should not be sold for $8,875,000 has been is sued to the stockholders of the com pany by Federal Judge Runyon in Nwe York City. With the release. of Louis Fish, 19 year-old Canton, Ohio, student at the Ohio state university, City Prosecutor John J. Chester, investigating the mys terious deaths of two university stu dents by strychnine poisoning, an nounced that Fish was not implicated in the affair and that he had been the victim of unfortunate circum stances. i At DesMoines, Iowa, the other day, a bank robber was shot and possibly fatally wounded and his two compan ions caught when the trio attempted to hold op the Booneville Savings b^nk. Charges of incompetency and ineffi ciency preferred against. Dr. Spight McDowell, president of the Alabama polytechnic institute, by alumni groups of Birmingham and Montgomery are expected to be' presented to the board of trustees of the institution at the office of Governor Brandon in Mont gomery. Joan London Abbott, daughter of the late Jack London, author, has been granted a divorce from Park Abbo't. The three-year-old son, Park London . Abbott, was given to the mother. Dorothy Ellington. 16, confessed slayer of her mother, pleaded not guilty when arraigned in auperior court at San Francisco on the charge of murder. W. J. Oliver of Knoxville, Tennes see, 1s charged in a bill filed in the chancery court recently by the South ern Surety company, for transferring a draft of one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars to his wife. Three life-terms and another prison er serving a nine-year sentence es caped from the Arkansas state farm at fTucker. Having begun his Wall street ca reer at the age bf 16 as a etock run ner at $6 a week, David U. Page, at the age of 41, becomes head of the New York curb market. Three hundred cases growing out of the armed march of men from the union coal fields of southern West Vir ginia against the non-union Logan re gion in 1921, were dismissed by Judge J. M. Woods at Charleston. W. Va. The Judge decided the evidence to convict was lacking. While Mrs. Clemens Ciucci lay at a Richmond, Va., - hospital in a serious condition as the reeult of two ham mer blows on her head, police follow ed eveir available clue to apprehend her assailant. , William C. Durant, motor manufac .turer and stock operator, is credited by Wall street with having made about two and a half million dollars during the last few days in the rise of Unit ed Statees cast iron pipe. ' After Graham Baughn, inmate of the Atlanta, Ga., penitentiary, had testi fied that he had been granted a pa role which previously had ben denied, after swearing out a warrant for A. B. Sartain, former warden at the prison on December 23, 1924, the prosecution introduced reqords containing a gr^nd Jury resolution recommending parole to the federal parole board. The bulk of the estate of the late Julius Fleischnpan, yeast magnate, e* timated at frtnn fifty million to sixty million dollars, is left to his children, the filing of hie will in New York City discloses. He left a bequest of $200/ 00 for charitable and educational pur? pose?. , : ? The will of Frederick M. Haistead, wealthy Richmond, Va., eccentric, who left $400,000 for the erection of a Con federate monjimeat,.. fcas bpen broken by court action. The money will he distributed among the daad man's 'e gal heirs. ' jf j l , . , ? v > t Ty Ff&ncir, redoubtable cop and erstwhUe guardian of the J. S. Cos den estate- gateway during the visit of the Prtaco< ,af WileS to Port Wash ington, L. I J bis been stripped of his badge and uniform sad will return to his old trade of clam digging. After being convicted by a Jury and facing a 25-year sentence,- Edgar F. Whalen walked from a courtroom at New York City, a free man. An in vestigation following his fervent plea of innocence revealed thftt he was in nocent, and the Judge declared him a free man. ??' .- it ?' M JAliK AS SECRETARY ? ? ? ; I , 'RESIDENT COOLIDGE COM PLETES CABINET HE WILL TAKE INTO OFFICE. Washington, ? President Cool.'dge completed the cabinet he will take Into off ce with him March 4 when he be gins the termuo which he was elected last November in his own right. He chose William M. Jardlne of Kansas as secretary of agriculture and sent has nomination to the senate along with that of Frank B. Kellogg of Minnesota, whose election as secretary of state to succeed Charles E. Hughes was announced a month" ago. The nomination to fill the ^hlrd va cancy In the cabinet, that of (Charles B. Warren of Michigan to be attorney general, was made early In January and his met with bo much opposition, hat administration leaders in the sen ate have hesitated to seek confirma tion at this session because it might operate to prevent enactment of im portant legislation. Immediately after completing his cabinet the president Issued a procla mation calling the new senate in extra session "to receive such communica tions as may be made by the execu tive" Should the cabinet nominations now pending be disposed of before March 4 there would rema|ivllttle; for .he senate to dispose ofyexcept theire ippolntment of present cabinet mem )era to whom Mr. Coolldge desiresUO ?!ve commissions in his own name. Both Republicans and Democratic leaders said that so far as they knew ?.here would be no serkms opposition :o the confirmation of either Mr. Kel logg, who is a former senator, or Mr. Jardine, who Is president of the Kan sas Agricultural college and has the Indorsement of the entire Kansas dele gation In congress. The way to the confirmation of Mr. Warren, however, is not so clear. After conferences with President Coolldge early In the week some of the majority leaders said they would make no ef fort to force action at this session, but apparently a change in this program now is being considered. Senator Curtis of Kansas, the Repub 'lean floor Reader, said if the judiciary committee reported the nomination out the senate would act. Senator Butler of^Massachusetts, one of the closest o? the president's advisers, de clared flatly that action would be, had at this session. Police Round Up Lawless Drivers. New York.? Dennis J. Kenny, 20 year old victim of a gunt toting taxi cab driver, was buried, while the po lice wound up their drive against law less taxi chauffeurs. As a long cortage, Including Gov. Alfred E Smith and his military staff, followed the body of the >x)uth firom the Fifth avenue residence to a cemetery, the police continued their activities, arresting 48 drivers and summoning 947 others fof appear ance in traffic court. It was the shooting of Kenny that induced Police Commissioner Enright to begin a sur prise inspection of the 17,500 cabs in the city. , Kenney's funeral was impressive. A nephew of Edward J. Kenny, honorary deputy fire chief, the youth was popu lar and had many friends. High re quiem mass was sung for him ^n the Church of St. Vincent Merrer's. Gov ernor Smith came here from Albany to attend the funeral. Kenny died of revolver wounds in flicted by John Leventine, 24 year old ex-convict and taxicab chauffeur, .en jtnuary 29. Leventine had driven the youth and Miss Annabelle Flower from a Greenwich Village cabaret to the young woman's Brooklyn home. fare dispute arose, ending in the fatal shooting. Leventine, indicted for first degree murder, will go to trial March 9. ^ L'; 1 "P T ' 1 Appropriation Bill Patted by Senate. Washington. ? The Independent of fices appropriation bill, seventh of the annual supply measures w^s pass ed by the Senate after having been under consideration in that body two daya The bill, as passed, carries a total of $452,000,000 of which more than $400,000,000 is for the veterans bureau There was no record vote on the passage. ?* Federal Judge Commits Suicide. Minneapolis, Minn. ? John F. McGee, United States district ijudge, died In the federal building hare of a gunshot wound, self-inflicted. . A note ascribed the act to fear of falling health He always had been a hard worker; and of late he had become fearful that his physical -strength was beginning to wane. War Dead Honored. Paris.? President Doumergue. Gen eral Nolle tt, minister of war, ad M^ron T Herrick, the American ambassador, were present at a mass celebrated in the Church of St. Louis of the Invalids in memory of the Am6rtoans and Trench killed in the fighting tn Cham >a^ne during tHe world, j^ar. The mas* wis held at the request of the com mittee which Inaugurated the monu ment at the Naravln farm last Septem ber. Qulntin Roosevelt is one of the three soldiers depicted on the monu ment. /Country Club Burned. Montgomery, Ala.? Fire of unknown origin swept through the club house of the Montgomery Country club, completely destroying the building and causing a loss estimated at $100, 000. The club house was a large wooden structure built about 20 year* ago and was fnsoured for $40,000. Harry Schalff, a fireman, was se riously Injured by a falling chfmney and removed to a local hospital where 4t was announced that he had sustain* ed six broken ribs an da punctured lung*. A,,. ... W i rBlf W: MiT iW NEW BAD CHECK BILL IS PASSED t * ?> ? ? t ? ACT MAKC8 THOSE GIVING BAD CHECKS GUIllTY OF MIS - DEMEANOR. ... ( son's and fell face down on the floor. The doctor then^came and did what he could for me. I want to live to raise my little children and to work for my Saviour." It was the last re quest of Mrs. Wooten that her story bq broadcast that it may be a warning to people to be careful of fire. 1 Truck Growers Join Aasoeiation. Wilmington. ? The Wilmington Co operative Truck Growers' Association, comprising a majority of the local growers aligned itself with a nation? wide co-operative organisation when the board of directors meeting in Wrlghteborb, formally authorized the signing of a marketing agreement with the Federated Fruit and Vegetable Qrowerb. The agreement was signed to take effect immediately, by L. N. Johnston, president, asd W. C. Mont gomery, manager. _ Plan Lone Flight. Detroit ? Plans for the dawn to dusk flight which the first pursuit group at Belfrldge Field will make from thai station to Miami about March 1 con template but two stops en route, it wa? announced. The first will be at Dayto and the second either at Macon o Augusta, Ga. Official approval of . flight haa bean received. The date of the flight will be governed largely bj weather conditions, Major T. G. Lan ttfrr. eOHM&dant. mid. Jn $ k HOMt WITHOUT CKftj] Lacks the Greatest Joys of ?jfe Many Wiv4* are Childless Became of IllHea i, r, assess^ fjpl? A v wS . MARY R. BENEDICT STREET, KEWANEE, ILLINOIS 5, Illinois. #- "When I was married about a year and a half I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable because of ill health. I children. I now ~ 1 1 am them had Compot did not have any children. l have two healthy little girls and sure I would not have had them it not been for your medicine. Last and summer I got all run ? 1 1 A T Ua<1 OTTT^tll igular, "and I had awful and my back and side hurt it I could stay up only a Td get so _i>wn, headach me so' ? short tired an . ?started pound Beauty and the Brute "He hud pretended to be what she thought hip), a strong, ruthless brute. Women liked that kind of man, only there weren't any, really. No men that he knew were strong, or brutes. They were weak, really, and shy, and lonely, ohly they couldn't admit It, be cause their women wouldn't love them If they did."'? From "Three Pilgrims and a Tinker," by Mary Borden. md Jt was not I0r~ , I relieved Now I do all a^dbelj) others. I sure ?^Pini&iam's medicines to anv meet that is suffering f-om M troubles. I think if r.-,other3% gir Is would give it to them S they come to womanhood it JJ make them strenger. iwu have known me all my lif0 ^ , 1 J ished to see me now as i Waa jJL sickly when in my 'wl3 J started taking the V..-mablP rj pound-"? Mrs. Mary ft. 313 Payson Street,, l? ^ Has a Beautiful Baby Girl ^ Bridport, Vermont. - "I;, ^ , place I wanted a baby, but ^ seemed to come to m?. I ju?t J? children and my hu.sbar.d is away S day, so I was not harmy at all a doctor told me I could not hav* . baby until I went to a hospital. B* my sisters said, 'Take Lyd.aE.F4. ham's Vegetable Compound and ft. will be O.K.' I wan nervous, luj organic weakness, with backache, sioeache, headache and no stre^ I had been in bed nearly a week?!*, I began taking the Vegetable ^ pound, r It was all that ever helped me and I just winh you could stem, beautiful Daby eirl. I am fine u+. and so is she. 1 am still tak ? ? medicine as it keeps me well., You may1 be sure I km recommending ti* Vegetable Compound and aW will."? Mrs. A. W. Howe, Bridp^ Vermont. Masic Score The word scon- Li* ings in music. Full s.-??r?- a.;a parts of a composition. In-trun^ score, for instruments ..nly, score, generally applied t<> a XVi score with a piano ..r nriran ^ panlment. Vocal sn.ri', uh^re q voice nas a line to Itself. l'isuio yq where the orchestral <>r viwal are compressed into n plan., SAY ""BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safi by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Headache Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven direction I Hand] \ w Also IMpirtn la the tndt Ulk of Bayer Mianfictw of IConoacetlcacldestrr of SaKqUadJ ir "Bayer" boxes of 12 tibia bottles of 24 snd 100? Drugjiih Every Woman Love supplies a woman with quali ties she hasn't had Ull she loved. Every woman, even the dearest, con siders ber husband sarcastically at moments. And the worst of it is thai I'm sure every woman's got Jolly good reason for doing so.? From "After the Verdict," Ky Robert Hlehens. Shakespeare's Philosophy Why, what should be the fetr do not set my life at a pin's fre for my soul, what can It do tottfl being a thing immortal ?? Sliukesp^ Few men are greater than th?J vironment, but great minds theirs. MOTHER:- Fletcher's O toria is a pleasant, harml* ? ? Substitute for Castor Oil, goric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prep^ for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere rccoc Grow Hair On Your Bald Head Yoa have mad many remedies to crow hair, that hav? failed 7 Now try Fortt'i Original Bare-to- Hair, and grow hair on your bald bead. \ Drtf Storaa and Barker 8Kbps. W.H. Forst, Mfg. SCOTTDALE, PA. Cor reap? d? ct Ghrn Personal AttmtUm.' Ma?ie Goods, Card Tricks, Mriterta Kxpoaed. rnond Nov. Co.. P. O. Box 4IT. Richmond. Va. SELF-FILLING WELL BUCKETS THEY SINK AND FILL AND CANY MUDOV THEATER BMGGSSHAFFNEROQ WINSTON -SALEM.N.C. ?OLD BT HARDWARB STORKS t i'J , ^ , ?? ?" v^.* ?? ?? ' H " pis?;sou4 Quirt RttUf! A pU?*?nt * 35c and 60c ?u'lS(^ A*d*x*rn*Uj,^WV Throat and Cbe* Sal^e. 35c_ ATTRACTIVE, WEL1 I 'M ? Proved 8-horae farm; 1? r ' Hthta. mar cost. HAY? TIMOTHY, CLOVtK alao Alfalfa. Satisfaction ered prices Harry D <-??**" ,J?cl