s A Y S helieve< ?n.vst to "S0? " tins "?>' is 10 ,f yu ?? ? ei,od h;:;: mi'" foni man dean- ,j c\n his (ore and Hut* v. mi min_ (he kifi-lu-n walls will ,ve uew pap-r an.! some ft d the man has lo have ?t and some new skia. I up to kissitii; .1 >;irl the jis a mattiT of tact thinks the first kiss . ma? the seooml iV a mat __ the rest of the kig_ patter.oLfact. a time hubbies of this p slip their better three dime on Sunday morn, join? to ihnreh Tor shav leek. It's different now. fs each other's neck and le .goes to church. ?irl the prettiest girl face is on the dollar I ?me is Liberty. She will i she will feed yout she too out of soaJvf and with |e in your pocket you will broke. I L minded Henderson .^nd-he's a motor car j- went out to his gar. rtarsday night just before Bd carefully drained all of ie out of a 50 gallon tank water in the radiator ?! take care of itself the laid. a colored farm tenant Green's Creek settle was in debt to his land certain merchants. He was of the tenant system his soul but not his stood on > corner and > Salvation Army sing men a tambourine was io hie He ignored it. "just t said repeatedly. "You the Lord." he was told. bow it' but He am t push ike the rest." he average run of human cnrious lot," mused a local A lot of people will |dc fifty to one hundred more to see a football ij 12.50 to $5.00 fo r a wonder why they don't lore sit for several hours ke open with a cold chilly prating to the very bone Ibnes in the snow or rain; while seated in a church ?e ill is comfort^ limit the ?on to 5 cents and wonder ph folks do with so much pd why the hat has to be often." ? , phiosopher has saidV Ifc is impossible. B\it did 1 try ^ i mattress upstairs, ?nt what a woman is '>bout {a letter with a post in a hammock t Ih'e per.cent of your p your wife out of wear Ptreme style of garment F innocent while on the pand ? ? 1 ^up bone from your ?to nothing J frorn New York to Liv_ ^ an armful of el!?\ y a*ay from a party ^ t0 go to. " a sli tooth, rh0W SOme guys i; along. f* near-beer h IU. trombone i? a i hnw Ft v\ay cards- but ?'? 1 ^ IK a sanitary gambler like r toys. \t says in a book K that, they wuvh the Wore they play." Wion barton, noted 1) tos just dud in the ? Me. Overwork ) the physL. W. *as a contributing, cause. too great tor l)r. Bur ?tkle. Eigh'een hours a day 1* too long lor him to labor. MB to in>iuue? Isn't ^ ' sometimes ? for men Wts to work a little less preventing theiT F Irom wearing out toe ? thus giving the world gifts tor a little QUERY a I ANSWER ?p|K^^wyvv If You 6?nt Know Us Lan C. K. L. send any monei big Chicago fire how much can Ana. Europe' after the fire $973,879.30 in mous quantity other supplies. Pro. Coulmb drum ? Did Europe for relief after the back in 1871? If so, e from Germany. ? 8 aid t o Chicago bf 1871 amounted to qash besides an enor of clothing and lis ? To settle an ar_ gument will you kindly answer in the Query and Answer column if a Prohibitionist iras elected Governor, of Maine in, lj|02. And what was his name? Ans. No. In a Republican^ nor of Maine. 1902, John F. Hill, was elected Gover Susie M.t Saluda ? What is the nickname and 1 the flower of state of Colorado? Ans. Colorado's nickname is the "Centennial State," and the state flower is the |columbine. K. S? Tryofi state in your.. is the /'Monro^ Ans. It was dent Monroe that is was d and safety for attempt to ext any portion of sphere. Congre^ and it become roe Doctrine." . ? Will you please Question column what Doctrine?" enunciated by Presi fo 'Congress in 1823 erous to- our peace any foreign power to ind their system to the western hemL s pased the lawf known as the "Mon ahg Sam Sunny r us what is the thing in the we: Ans. The nun his wife has on U S.. Columpj founder of the ligion and whe Ans. The Chii was founded by at Boston in J. K.f Coopf please answer iew ? Can you tell most remarakable rid? who notices that a new hat. us? Who was the Christian Science re in? stain Science church Mary Baker Eddy 1879. r's Gap ? Will you how many people there are in the world f ANs. It is net known but accord. f ing to the 192< census and estimat es where no cr about two billion in roundd numbers. crosses a body! of water? L. R., -Turners Shoals ? Where is the higest bridge in the world that E. G. H.^ Tr^on ? I wish to ask in your question I column when and where Lord Salisbury of England died? Ans. Lord Salisbury died Aug. 22. 1903, at Hatfield House, England vaj>eu< Tis s:iid rliii] own level, yet jr *\ery man finds hla we all know fellows who don't come) up to the mark.? Bos ton Transcript. FIVE GALS. PAINT FREE A large paint concern, in further ance of an advertising and lntroduc. tory campaign now in progress, offers to give^ free of charge^ fire gallons of itg best house paint, any color, to Etoile de France, Red Marhan Cqchet^ Rhea Reld and Paul Neyron Of the Whites^ Snow Queen Em press^ White Maman Cochet and Karl Drushkl, are the leaders. The varieties producing yellow blooms <^o not as a rule produce as strAng plants as the other colors but there are several good ones that will do well if given good attention The Alexander Hillf which is a rather soft yellow, is one of the leader's. Sunburst and Etoile de Ly_ on are two more good yellow var., ieties. A11 of the varieties mentioned a bove are the so-called ever-blooming roses and grow in bush form. Of the climbing varieties^' theMarechal Niel Is one of ,the best. The yellow ish white flowers produced are beautiful indeed. Other good climb, ing varieties are the Dr. VanVleet, Mrs. Robert Peary, and Rente Marei Henriette. , o ? ; Uncle Sam still has an army in spite of the "Peace at any Price" propaganda, and recniting officers are enlisting men for * the regular |ervice right along. Any young man who wishes to "take on" can get quick action by making application to Sgt. William Herren . at the recuitlng station In the postoffice building in/ Asheville. While both . tnental and physical re quirments are high there are many youngsters who would benefit im mensly from the technical training afforded in the service and after all military training is some, thing that has never failed to make a man self reliant, and confident of his own ability to do the thing that other men have done. NEW QUOTA FOR THE U. S. &RMY AT LOCAL RECRUITING STATION, -ASHEVILLE, N. C. 1. Man that is a High, School graduate t0 train a& 1st Class Radio work, at Fort Bragg, N. C.f the lar gest Radio Station in the South. 1. Man to train as 1st Class Cookt at Fort Bfagg, N. C. 4. Men for the 8th Infantry, at Fort Moultrie S. C. 9 41. Men for the Motorized Field Artillery; at Fort Bragg, to learn a Trade as Truck Mechanic, Trac tor Mechanic, Touring Car "" Mech anic. CAN ENLIST FOR ONE (1) OR THREE (3) YEARS.' 0 RUSSEL 'ROAD (Intended for last week.) The farmers of this section are taking adavantage of the good weather that we have had for thtf last two weeks. The uplands Are getting pretty well broken up, and I notice Mr. Joe Edwards and Mr. Pottell of Green River are breaking J uj) their bottom lands on the old Mills place. V ? 1 Mr Lewis ' Mills visited his old friends today, the Hodges and I t * . - " . A. L MAYRAND MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES ! Spartanburg, S- C. All Our Work it Dona Her# In Our Shop MMMMt W. G. Edn'ey TELEPHONE 150 Electrical Supplies & Equipment Repairing and Installation Our Specialty. LET'S GO TO THE Cleveland Tea Parlor For Colored People Only ^ TEA ICE CREAM COLD DRINKS f ; o *? r a prosperous year, and he thai {ias faitb in the Lord and lives his faith, will prosper. Nothing can be done without the help of the Lord. s- * Read your Bible. / I will wy '"bello" to BiQ Level, and Tryon, Rt. L I am with you again, and will be glad to bear from yon all and will answer every time if yon want to know about hogs, cattle, and chickens in our section, just let me he ar from you. Let me tell yon to go see your neighbor . > and your neighbor to see his neigh bor to see his neighbor, and help one another in their sickness, and the Lord will bless yon. We have the Golden Spot of the world right here in Polk opunt] Lets make it shine, and. the. way t do it is to help the News, the best paper in the world. Let people knoi about what you are raising chickens, hogs,*' cattle, corn, co*t grass * pastures, and other things that build up your county. ? ?N ? : ' Weather is pretty today after a blizzard and snow storm. The far mers are glad to see it, for there 8k a sight of siclpies* throughout v he country. The Death Angel visit ed the home of Richard and called him home. Hts remains were placed ? in the cemetery at Margin Chapel and burial services were conducte# by John Arledge, the pastor of tha% church. B. B. Land rum, Rt. 3. has been sick and hasn't gathered much ne** this week. B. B . sent in a letter last week, but didn't see it in the paper, but the old Webster Spelling Book says if you don't succeed at first, try, try, again. So we will try and give you a longer letter for next week. X The Past Year in Tryon Development Has ; DemonstratecTThat . - "It Can Be Done" , May we, as residents of this wonderful country look forward to the future to bring our dreams to a tangible awakening. If you have Tryon or Country property for sale or rent, see me, for I have several splendid propositions to offer. chas j Lynch I have several good bargains ? Office over J. L. Jackson, rhone 173 "It dan Be Done" First Breath Of Spring! Magnolia Gardens ! Charleston, Si C. - ? li-\v - Special excursion fares named below have been authorized by the Southern Railway to afford all an opportunity to visit this wonderful garden of flowers. > i ' i i - . ? . . I ' 4.Z. : % I Round-trip tickets good on Trains 2 and 28 will be sold Friday April 3rd and Saturday, April 4th, to Charleston, S. C., with final limit to reach original starting point before midnight Wednesday, April 8th, 1925. Tickets good in Parlor Cars or Sleeping Cars on paymentnof regular Pullman charges. ' [. s ?- - No Baggage Will be Checked on these Tickets Round-Trip Fares $8.00 From Asheville and Biltmore - Skyland to Hendersonyille, Incl - 7.50 Flat Rock to Saluda, Incl - - - 7.25 Tryon - - - 7.00 Brevard to Horse Shoe, Incl - - 7.50 .. . I All extra cars operated on trains April 3rd and 4th will ' be consolidated at Columbia and special train operated to Charleston s-c-., . . v., 'T . , The Southern Railwuy City Ticket Office has a limited num ber of illustrated booklets showing the beauties of this wonderful showplace. - Passengers holding round-trip to Charleston will be given 25 per cent reduction on ride from Charleston to Magnolia Gardens on application to Thompson Transfer Co., 145 Calhoun St., Charles ton, & C; " v For additional information, write to br call on the undersigned Southern R^ilWay Passenger Representatives: / I ' v V -1 ' * v'v A H. GRAHj Dim. Paw. X, ? , J. H, ..'V Dim. Pass. Agant \ Ashswllls, N. C. CHaHotte, It C. COTHER (Mat Pass. Agant Spartanburg, %. C. ' ' .y .'