..I ? \ Thank you for the generous spirit you are dis ? v > - ? ; V - . playing toward my interest in the development of I ? T ? 4 \ LAKE LANIER. Your enthusiasm for the project ' ? * ? ? ? ?your belief in it? your willingness to invest in it i v ? ? v ' \ * * ? . > has already set into motion the machinery of dam construction and road building. It is my purpose ? ' . J /. *:? ?: ' to expend $125,000.00 r * " ^ . in the next few months, initiatory to the making of LAKE LANIER ' v. ? -4 - ? one of the most beautiful residential and playground 1 * communities in this favored land. v v ' 1 : / ? ? ' ? I * . At the splendid dinner Monday in the hospit able Oak Hall hotel, 27 Home Sites were purchased. Twenty-three others were bought Tuesday. This is certainly an example of wholehearted support. On next Monday our Spartanburg Sales Office will be opened. Other sales offices will be opened as rapidly as practicable. Approximately 75 sales men will be employed to market this beautiful property. r* ^r'ce> announced at Mon ^ting-of home sites-will untl] midnight Saturday. prices announced at Mon meeting? of home sites ? will ? ' ' ? ? ? - ' : Oftie KITCHEN CABINET s^SSSSSSSSSSSSS^SSSSSI^SSSS (?, 19J6, Western New?P?P?r Union.) "A llttle.-thlng, a sunny smile, A loving word at morn. And all day long the day shone bright . The cares of life were made more light "v And sweetest hopes were born." FOOD FOR THE FAMILY. A salad which Is oat of the ordinary and will be. enjoyed by all Is: Cheese 8alad.? Take four table spoonfuls of dry gift ted cheese (the snappy kind), mix with one pint of whipped cream and one table spoonful of gelatin. Season hlgh'.y with salt, cayenne and a "little d?\v mustard. When thoroughly mixed put Into individual molds and set in the Ice box. Serve in lettuce hearts wiih French dressing. Rolled/ Oats, Fruit Cookies. ? Take two cupfnls of rolled oats and brown or toast to a light brown in a mod erate^ oven or in an Iron frying pan on top of the range. Beat one cupful of butter or sweet fat of any kind with one cupful of sugar, add,the beaten yolks of two eggs, one-f' 1 1 I' '? ?9 DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear If You 6ee the Safety "Bayer Croat," .. Warning 1 Unless yon, tee the name ''Bayer" on packag* or on tableta yju are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions tfnd prescribed by physicians for 23 years. Say "Bayer" when yon bny Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous. ? Adv. Tuberculosis "Cure a" The public health service says that there Is an average of. one new cure per week proposed for tuberculosis, practically all of which are failures. Authorities are Investigating the new Mollegaard cure for ttiberculosls, and when they determine its value -the re sults will be announced. * For 78 Years people have used Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh for Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Mos quito Bites, Bee Stings, etc. 3 sizes.? Adv. Astronomy Ancient Science The earliest indications of th? ex istence of the science of astronomy are found in Babylonian records that date back to 2234 B. C. Astronomy was known in China at least as early as 1100 B. C. Why bay many bottles of other rermt f uces when one bottle of Dr. Peerjr'a "Dead Shot" will work without fall? Adv. New Safety Com The chemical warfare service of the United States Array Is experimenting with "sneeze gas," which may be mixed with illuminating gas so as to save lives by warning room occupants of the escape of gas. The Cutioura Toilet Trio. Having cleared your skin keep it clear by making Cuticora your everyday toilet preparations. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the bintment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and per fume. No toilet table is complete wlthont them. ? Advertisement. Shortage of Food Grains There is a shortage of 401,000,000 bushels of wheat and 173,000,000 bushels of rye In the world's crop this year, according to the International In stitute of Agriculture in Rome. CORNS Lift Off-No Pain! Doesn't hurt one bit ! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instant ly that com stops hurting, then short ly you lift It right off with fingers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness or irritation. Right Way to Lay Carpet Carpets should always be laid so that the pile Is smooth when brushed toward the door. This will save much trouble when sweeping. \ A' torpid liver prevents proper food as similation. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills tone up the liver. They act gently bnt surely. S72 Pearl 8t., New York. Adv. Hardly Hewitt ? Money talks. Jewdtt ? It" can't when It goes \so fast It gets out of breath. Feel Achy After Every Cold? A RE you lame and stiff; tired and nervous? constantly A\ troubled with backache and twinges of pain) Have vou given any attention to your kidneys? Grip, colds and chills, you know, are apt to be mighty hard on the kidneys. And if the overtaxed kidneyafail to prdp * erly filter the blood, impurities accumulate and throw the whole system out of tune. Then may follow daily back ache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness and annoying kidney irregularities. In such conditions a good stimulant diuretic should help the kidneys flush die poisons out of your syftem. Use Doan's Puis. Doan's have helped thousands. Are recommended by folks you know. Ask your neighbor t A North Carolina Cate S. C. Milner, mechanic, 112 Depot St, Wayflesrillei N. C., says: "I had the grip and ft settled in ray kid neys, causing them to become disordered. My back ached and sharp, catching pains darted across It when I stooped. I had to get up at night on account of the weak, too free action of my kidneys. I read about Doanls Pills and tried them. One box of Doan's rid me of every symptom of kidney trouble." Doan's Pills Stimalant Diuretic to the Kidney* At all dealers, 60c a bos. Fmlm Ifilhiim Co, Mfg. CKenwh, Bdhlo, N. Y. Sold in red/ cS Ha it your grocer's or fi druggist'*. W Household ^ sixes, 10c and 2 Other sires. 50ft, gu unrequired. Puffer gun, 10c. "House Was Full of BED BUGS-r but no bed bugs now", says Arkansas marl Here's evidence that can't be disputed: "I am tiring in an old /safe ioned houee. When I mored in, the houee was fairly walking with bed bufe. I hare entirely rid the pramiaea oftheee using only Boa Brand Inaeot Powder Take thla first-hand testimony and profit by ft. Kill Bed Bufa lceap Bed Bogs away with Bee Brand Insect Powder. Dust it in cr and crevicefe, or about the furniture. Bee Brand Infeect Powder Plies, Flees, Mosquitoes, Antfcv Roaches, Water Bugs, Bed Bui. . Moths, Lice orNFowl and PlanAend many other Houee and Garden InsectsK Close tfik doors and wiadows and blow Bee Brand Insect Powder jfnto the aiMrom a piece Jbf paper and watch the insects die. It's harnfeess to domestic animals and plan^-? non-poison ous ? nonWrploeive. If your dealjjf cen'r suppltf7e-V iend 25c fo large ^Tiousehold Give dealer's name our free booklet. Them", a guide for ? ? and garden insect pests. Bee Brand Necessary^ as Soap and Every home needs ihe protection of Bee Brand Insect It should be used regularly to prevent insects. Keep a on hand? end Mow or scatter it wherever insects may be McConnick & Company, Baltimore, MA Undersea City Submerged 30 feet below the surface of the Mediterranean sea, off the coast of Tunis, the ruhis of an ancient city have been found by divers. They re port that many large stone buildings were visible, outlined in dim shadows and sandy bottom, and that fish swarm in and out of crumbled doorways. Scientists are preparing to make fur ther explorations. Additional Interest is attached to the discovery, as the city lies in waters described by Virgil and near the, "Isle of the Lotus Eat ^r^|" of which Homer sang. In friendship we are willing to give everything except enough of self. (Try for MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harm less Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, espe for Infants in arms and Children all ages. ?u nature of Proren directions oh each package. Physician* everywhere recommend Jt cially prepared To avoid imitation*, If your day is full of duties think of at least one recreation far relief. Sure Relief FOR INDK5I ACHIMENE A moat attractive window box plant, blooms freely if?' blooms freely a purple (lowers, beautiful foliage; delivered postpai dozen; four dosen for $1 Mr*. Oscar Tack* Weatjn and porch summer; [ioh green bulbs iOo iter. 8. CV THE IMPRO WELL Fl SIMPLEST. BCSVMOSlI COMMENT , SELF-FILLING WELL BUCKETS CAN'T MUDDY THE WTER ? BRIGGS-SHAFFNERCa WlNSTON-SALtHNC. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ? Dandruff -Stop* Hair FaJllaf tertareo Color ud r aad Faded Hair ?.w.y. HINDERCORNS looses, eta, stops all pain, i ?jvaulnf ? WANTED Bast eeOsc* in the South. Jobs SwsJtin* oar crsdoats* Charlotte Barker Cellos*, CiurMM? N. C. W. N. U? CHARLOTTE, NO. 11-1925. K* A fNJUrACTI.JP T O liV N.Q.J05EV GUANn WlLMINGTO^.fJ.C. 10-3-3 FOR COTTON Under preseet condition t, the authorities advfse /bore Acfd Phosphate than woe formerly used. Therefore, we rec^mmed of / tost 10% Acfd Phosphate. The Ammonia ts P,aW^ d>. A /so /% /pore Soda. tXu ura$ etcof/ent fertf/fzer. TAere ?s o sa/esmon 7n ever^ba^ of Jo soy's For sa/e Ay tending mercAoofs a/most every where. tf there n qo deo/or aeeryov, wrrte C-3 ye. OBMCfSU ' w-*-3 tm arrrafi Mct? rt?t LTw% mX