'"(King to "rhink Aboul | K ?r A-UMUCEK 111111111 llllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllR 0IIIIIIIIIH'" \ OUR TALEHT i Ih' :iu> of the L i,. k/H-vv Irs or her (5,) thill it '??' In fl'jH'J 1 1] r nod to int. | ;n which your pes fits Lg ml k It there. Ifrot J pillar to post lu Lr. an.! you will enjoy fakes liiV valuable. glad Kin;' by t.'i.-i: .V|,IJ have lour original intention. ? lilures in this work-a ? j K due to Ir.ortii-ienoy. ij by sh:frin.c from one fcr and the woeful lack lu the pursuit of a j i find f fie port you hope I persist In s.iiiin^' your fcnpdss am! rudder. The I winds will toss your lido the I'i'cu Jaws of Iburl It high and dry on fpcks from whii'h there I of escape. 1 talent for painting, produce pictures of j and attractive colors; left In the use of tools, wjJ the hammer and re ae shall excel you. conquer life, If you you long to do, liy on the man ose, on the plan, which your life began. that those who fall, are empty, lives are snse life never brought ? wished for, thing they lit was not what they Dt when they seized the before their eyes; thin?, not worth the love, the mirth, paid for It on earth. things, I found, were mere empty ease, it opulence had come, orth one-half the sum I paid for ev'ry crumb. Bo this their pray'r had labor at their trade, igs they loved to make, for the labor's fake, L?e to overtake ? Bht happy, these content, their fortunes went ; did not wait until final hill, Joy ? for no one will. around us. now; Jtopne o'er the plow, idle hums a gong ? ?its for Joy Is wrong, laughter all along I task, a well made thing, )oy* to make us sing. Jitath is often late, kkle as our fate? we need not wait BPlnSewapaptr Syndicate) ur Last iame 8?na,,m. Strang 110 *asT;r?!millw,t line mei % ,, Sr T'"e "lla l? de tv,. . Damp You cannot overcome difficulties nor rise above the common level by loung ing around In idleness, bemoaning your lot and envying the prosperous J men and women climbing towards the J hilltops. Whether you have one talent or five ! talents, there Is but one medium J through which you can achieve work, holding steadfastly to your course and | refusing to yield to discouragement. There is in every person's life the I crucial moment of choosing a per I raiment vocation, and when that is overcome, there remains nothing else to do but to drive straight ahead, de termined to win an honorable destina tion. To the men and women who are predisposed t& loafing, given to stop ping by the wayside to gather wild (lowers when they should be tramping resolutely upon the highway, this scarcely forms an agreeable subject for meditation. But these, as you may have already guessed, are they who have hidden their talent In a napkin and been crowded from the ranks of the suc cessful, because of their own fickle ness. ($ by McClar* Nmptptr Syndicate.) The young lady across tlie way says since the wireless was Invented many a ship In distress has been saved by sending ont the F. O. B. signal. ? IfiM D ?jr?ey MajiM App^tM Mi n i r Ckuumay Drmn AfftaH TT TAKES a great deal of coaxing on A the part of Ly gander John Apple ton to induce his wife to buy an old ben and stew It down, and he flndc that this la the cause of her objection : There la no French name for a stewed-down old ben. ? x ? Lysander John Appleton la never sure that his wife has forgiven him for an offense until apple dumplings ap pear. She may say she forgives him; she may even refrain from saying mean things about his kin, but he is never positive that forgiveness is full and complete until the apple dumplings appear. ? x ? Daysey Mayme Appleton claims to be such a good Judge of cooking that she can* go by any house and tell by the whiffs from the kitchen what is on the stove, how long it haa been on. and if the cook la leaving It on too long. < ?X? , : f When Cbauncey Devere Appleton was three years old he stopped kissing and hugging his father when he want ed a favor In return, making the dis covery by himself that it wasn't the manly thing to do, but Daysey Mayme ?till keeps dp the practice, and she Is to old she has worn oat three pianos. Excepting the tailored kind. elab orateness-Is the keynote of many, of these spring costume ensembles. Linings were never more fanciful, for linings, be it known, sre meant to be seen. It is part of the play to "ac cidentally on purpose" throw back the coat in such a way as to reveal fas cinating glimpses of Its lining. In the Instance of an imported frock gtaclng a recent fashion show, the gown -was of blond georgette, the lining of the coat repeating the fabric. That this coat was of heavy black silk ottoman Is significant. It Is a suggestion worth considering by home dressmaker or by the woman of fashion who values hints as to whst to buy, this of J using practical black for the wrap, Indulging In color and daintiness for 1 the frock and lining. JUUA BOTTOMLEY. f- lemon Juice. Pile roughly over -th<^ pudding, sift a little uugar over t,lie top and brown lightly. In a moderate oven. t Celery Salad.? Cut two stalks of celery ~l?to fine pieces, add six cold boiled potatoes, cut into cubes,, one apple, cut Into cubes; add the apple last to keep from turning brown. Serve with mayonnaise dressing Italian Lima Beans.? Cut one-third of a cupful of salt pork Into dice and fry It 'with a large onion that has been sliced thin. When browned suff clent ly remove the bits of pork and pieces of onion, add the drained beansi (one cupful) to the fat, with six table spoon fuls of catsup or tomato juice; season to taste with salt, pepper or tabasco and cook until dry. Frozen Chocolate Pudding.? Pour one cupful of boiling water over one half cupful of sugar and sir ounces of grated .chocolate, stir until thick and smooth, then let cook. Mix lightly three cupfuls.of whipped crea.m fla vored with vanilla, turn into a fancy mold, cover securely and pack in ice and salt. Let stand for five hours. Serve with preserved strawberry sirup. Cook cabbage, carrots, turnip and potatoes in the liquor save^ from boiled ham. Tempting Good Things. A good vegetable soup should be served frequently In every family. n Cream Vegetable Soup.? Scrape and slice thin j three large parsnips and two carrots] Peel i and slice oiifi large onion, two white turnips and one cupful of the out side stalks of cel ery cut fine. Cook all slowly ip three tablespoonfuls of butter, unt il well browned. Sprinkle with t\\o table spoonfuls of flour, add gradually two quarts of boiling water, cover and simmer gently for an hour and a half. Add one pint of cooked chopped spin aeh, cook fifteen minutes longer and rub all through a sieve. Xeturn to the fire, add salt and pepper to season, two lumps of sugar, a plnchj of dry mustard, and one cupful of thir) cream. Simmer for ten minutes, take from the fire and stir In the yolks of fdur eggs beaten, with one-half cupful of cream. Apple Puffs.? Chop four sour apples very fine, stir them into'one-fourth of a cupful of molasses, oije beaten egg, a cupful and a half of corn ndeal sift ed, one-half teaspoonful of salt;dl? goive one-half teaspoonful of soda la warm water, add the above paixture, with enough water to make a batter. Bake In buttered cups in a quick oven. Orange Ice Cream.? Scald a pint of milk In a double boiler, add two ta blespoonfuls of flour blended with a little L>:ik, cook (wenty minutes. Add three well-beaten eggs, one and one half cui'fuls of sugar, the grated rind of two "oranges. Stir, cook carefully, ? strain. Chi" and add one pint of cream and one cupful of orange Juice. Freeze as usual. Sponge Pudding.? Htat to the boil ing point one cupful of mill:, stir In one-third of a cupful of flour which bas been stirred smooth in a little cold milk cook until smooth, then add a tablespoonful of butter, cool and add the beaten yolks of three eggs and one fourth of a cupful of sugar. Cut and fold In the stiffly beaten whites, flavor to taste, pour Into a buttered baking dish, set in water and bake until the pudding seems firm. Serve with pow dered sugar, a little cream and butter well-mixed. ?' Chocolate Cup.? Shave one ounce of chocolate and. cook with t*o table spoonfuls of sugar in one-fop rth of a cupful of water until thick. Add one pint of boiling water,, one cupful of the Juice from canned raspberries, one fourth of a cupful of lemon lulce. the Juice of two oranges and ths rind of one. Sweeten to taste, and bring to the boiling point, fill chocolate cups two-thirds full, garnish with nurShmal low and a cherry with strips of an gelica.