"New I Am Well and ";the~ Mother of Two Children" Just Another - Story About the Goodnes* of PE-RU-NA Mrs. Anna Linder, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 44, Dassel, Meeker County, Minn., writes: "For two years I suffered with that terrible disease, chronic catarrh. Fortunately I saw your advertisement and took Pe-ru-na. Now I am well and the mother of two children. I owe it all to Pe-ru-na. I would not be without that great remedy for twice' its cost, for I am well and strong now. I cannot speak in too high terms of -its value as a medi cine." For more than half a century Dr. Hartman's Pe-ru-na has been per forming just such wonderwork as this. Pe-ru-na is sold everywhere in both tablet anw liquid form. In sist upon having genuine Pe-ru-na. Odd Malay Plant In tl?e Malay stales grows a four o'clock plant which opens Its 'flowers at four o'clock in the afternoon nnd closes them exactly 12 hours lifter. Guard Against "Flu" With Musterole Influenza, Grippe and Pneumonia usually start with a cold. The moment you get those warning aches, get busy with good old Musterole. Musterole is a counter-irritant that relieves congestion (which is what a cold really is) and stimulates circulation. It has all the good qualities of the old-fashioned mustard plaster without the blister. Just rub it on with your finger-tips. First you will feel a warm tingle as the healing ointment penetrates the pores, then a soothing, cooling sensation and quick relief. Have Musterole handy for emergency use. It may prevent serious illness. To Mother*: Musterole Is also made In milder form for babies and small children*! Ask for Children's Musterole^' 35c and 65c, in jars and tubes. Belter thorn a mustard plaster i ve% you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout ? Take RRBUMACIDK to remove tbecaose and drive the poison from Um if* lorn. -* wnuciBS 01 Tin nuns run ftSECSATiaa Of th* orntM" At AU DroisifU J SI. Bsily k Son, Whole ule Dirtribstor* Baltimore, McL LKCOMK OIK ALTHOKIZED BEFKK SENTAI1VK, selling 28-year established line. Household Remedies, Flavoring Ex tract*. Perfumes, PowdeN, ?Creams. Superior qua II t lea assuring repeat orders. Write for catalogue, free sample case offer. ELSI NORE 25 Rer*en St.. BROOKLYN. N. T. Take Picture*? Camera enthusiasts and col lectors join lnternal'l exchange club, land scapes. marine, farm, aviation, figure studies. Write W. Johnson, Box 243, Lakewood. N. J. Clear Your Skin With Cuticura Soap to Clsrfnse Ointment to Heal Absolutely Nothing lUtter Ancient Cathedral ^ There are no fewer than, six cathe drals and one burgh in Scotland which can In IJVJU lay claim to 700 jrenrs of authentic existence. if W?fm? or Tapeworm persist In your system.' use the real vermifuge. Of. Peery'S "Dead Only GO cents at "year drug gist or Pearl St., N. .Y. Adv. 1 < I'cdigree does Impress everyone somewhat, no matter haw raucjb he may discpunt it. ^ ^ ... No ?rti propensity of the human heart is so powerful that it may not be subdued i>y discipline. Is none too good for your oake. So why not, use Snow King Bak ing Powder, and hiTe the fcestf Highest quality ? and oaly 35 cents for 2 5 ?~v tr "*? t - *3(UD JUST lOOk AT mBSE f%0T0S - ThAT'^S ThB j.T>. Tattle mining CO. -me goin' down The Shaft J IHATft ONC OP THE' SMALLER PROPERTIED I JOHK 14 INTCReSTtPj K. " A FEEL ThAT NUGGET FEATHER HEAD ? Jusr a Sample of |. the gold we're taking out by "&4E CAR LOAD i .\", the comR^mv EXPECT* To DECLARE A BKS DIVIDEND NEXT MONTm *\N I'm awfully glad You Came over we THlNk you're Such interesting PEOPLE T IVI GLAD WE'RE NEIGHBORS, FEAlnERMfAD| ? AM? n TOO 'WANT lb ?C NO** MOOl ABOUT lUAT *T0C? , TXiO* w AT M OfUCl IbHOmtOW ?ni 'flTri jw^sa. MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL Afickie Investigates r Mv P? ' The highest yielding plot received only a light dormant pruning, the low est received a heavy dormant pruning and a heavy summer heading back. It is evident that summer pruning has not induced frultfulness as was for merly supposed, i The ratio of production in 1924 -was as follows: Light, corrective pruning, 100 fftnpruned, 94; light summer prun ing, 60; light dormant and light sum mer, 67; heavy summer, 63; heavy dormant, 62; and heavy dormant and heavy summer pruning, 85. In the light, corrective pruning which has required the least amount of labor and given the best results, .both in tree growth and production, only the cross ing and dead or dying branches were removed, together with a shortening in Of some of the leaders In order to de velop the modified leader or delayed ?pen-head type of tree. Origin of Bartlett Pear The colonists from England brought the Bartlett pear here in pre-Revo lutionary times while the mission aries, moving fsom Mexico into Cali fornia, took their . pear trees with them and pears were a popular fruit and sold to the forty-niners dur ing the gold rush which Opened Cali fornia. These pears came from trees in the old mission gardens. These old trees grafted with modern European and American varieties gave California Its first taste of the popular Eastern varieties. Odd Feature of Pear - ? peculiar feature of the pear is that many varieties are not self-fertile and require other trees near them to produce fruit Both the Bartlett and Keiffer arefe this class although their self-sterility varies in different locali ties, in some of which a lone tree oft either variety- will not producer pro duce very sparingly. The Bartlett came to ns from Eu rope whore it ;W known as the .Bofr ehretien, literally translated ' Good Christian. ? . Cabbage Plants ootproof." All leading Tartetfea. l.Otf 10 4,M? at fl.Xt pur f.#M and over aJiZ sr.'?&i 'arja^ar ?*or IMU.H. Nlw btcK-irate pl.au. ompt ihlimnt. Safe arrival gaaranteed. "s m-sor PAH*. M W. iim?. ODOKOU. iSELF-FILUNG rmyWElZ BUCKETS THETMNKANDnUANDCANY ? MUDOrTUEVKm BHfiGS SHAFFNEROQ WDOT0N-SALEMJ4.C. SOU) BT HARDWAM RTORBi Don't Cut Out a Shoe Boil, CvM ABSORBINE reduce tham ?pd Imti no btan 8 tops hnnnm promptly. Dots Ulster or noon the hair, and ... can ba worfcad* |2J0 I bottla livarad. Book < A free. F.Tmc k 510 li? SC 1m. We Will Trust You A post card will trine you theae flvo beauti ful new aacred songs; | "From the Garden to tharCroaa Alone" "Some Day We'll Know" ' "No OUier Name" "What Will Jeaua Bay- ' "That Still Small Voloe" I f yon like them, eend ua $1.00; if not, return them. That'a fair. Addreaa SOUTHERN 1117810 CO, . ltl? L Btsaat Washington, D. 0. HAY ? TIMOTHY, CLOVER OB MIXED. Aleo alfalfa. Satisfaction guaranteed. Delivered prlcea. Harry D. Oatea Co.. Jackson, Mloh. GLADIOLI? 100 BULB LET 8 Mc 1,000 ? 11.00; 60 blooming else bulbs, $1.00. all prepaid. Many baautlful colore. Send for descriptive price llat. K B. PALMITKK A BON, JaoearUle, Wto. FLORIDA PROPERTI Eft? Orange groreZ farma, lands, city property In Florida's finest county; aaphalt roads, lake*, fine cltlea. R. S. STIVBNDBR A BON, L#Juland. Fla. PISO'S t / COUgllS Qmtck *JWf Agliwtifti t! 35ctad60erini V Amd txmnaOy, dm PUC8 Throat aadCMM U/A MTFn Y*?fl Mca foLiara TV All I LU the BAR0C8 TIAOE llat collage la tha Sooth. . Joba awiWni oar Barkt/csllHa CfearMK NfC. Bart ooOage = mkA mi Nothing to Do The pupils of the fourth grade In the Scipio schools were preparing an essay on the subject of what their three wishes would be if they were to have their wishes granted. Miss Green, the teacher of the class, was somewhat chagrined when the following wish was read by one ef the class while four visitors were present: *T wish I had a lot of money, so that I could go to college, and be a teacher and wouldn't have to work." ? Indian apolis News. m Women, Wh> Dorham, N severe case of fct n>v^j work properly, v. Pierces Favorite 1' ver took a med;' ,.f , much good. It Mrs. L. A. Main: Ave. All dealers Pierce, BufTal' , \ y package tablet'. JtTST how to case much f crlng ^ f or ^ you m ?1 f u on. Important thlngi In the world U H Know, right now, roothr r-to-U I I alapW truth i follow th. almpU rain^i.p,hy*lci.,in who an hbiiwii poy?ician who dvdicstsd tiU to thl*^r?at accwij>iwW?n{ benefit I 1 "I wu in labor only 25 mlr.uUs ?? laet child, but BuiTurci kk'or.'.fj ^ previous children," write* an toother who ueed "Mother's Fritni" Rleht now, from thl? day on. sm< ^ to the day of childbulh "MotWi r,J ifcoold be used. TBEE BOOKLET Wrfta Bradfleld Relator Co.. fr* a Atlanta. Ga.. for fret Booklet (sent ^ #2 envelope) telling many things mry aj2 mother ehould know. "Mother's frUnfJd at all good drug itores. Full direction ??! found with each bottle. Hegin *o? will realise the wiedum of dotbg is a i wa eka roll byl 1 CARBOIl GENEROUS 5Qik? _ GENEROUS SOt to at aQ Drejglrta-i-MonrrbitkGim*)* Boy a Encouraged to Box Boys that are out of work In L? don are encouraged to t^-nd M time In boxing and other sjiorj | juvenile unemployment renters m talned by the government. Do You Know When making an omelet, If > % apoon of Calumet Baking Powder | added to every four eggs, and baa in thoroughly, the omelet wilibtca ?lderably lighter, more attractive u taaty. Mean Howell ? He's pretty mean. Powell ? Mean? He'd Mb his n henroost to get ahead of his SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSISTI Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe ?- ??. prescribed by physicians 24 years for Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism Cdlds Toothache K?kage which contains proven direction t*bIet*~AJ*? kottlee of 24 and KXMW* Pvtr MmUa etnt ?f itaMcvticacidMter of Cautioua Kitty "Why didn't you sign for the pack ages when the expression came, Kitty?" Inquired Mrs. Brown of her new little country maid. t. With a very shy look, Kitty replied: "I ain't going to write my name In no strange man's autograph album ? not me." ? Country Gentleman. The United States Imported nearly 1,800,000 bushels of onions last year and all but 400,000 bushels of them came from Spain and Egypt. Doris, three years ? ? othe? morning full of the of being alive. First she wuii tlcally hugged mother, then a* p] fully hugged daddy. She waiteo din seconds and,' there Muff fi" aPPJ Intention on the part