Vt<? * ?\ I ?s ' ' . V - ? _ -?> ? .0^- uWgfg:^ \ ' ??" "??? . :? f - ? ' _ '?? '? ' / "?<! ** ?-^V5:"WR "' ' " . '.:' ?^'v ?' iil -^ ?_ * An Independent Weekly Published in:an inde pendent part of thesje United States. POLK COUNTY? The Gateway of Western North Carolina Tryon, N. C., April 9, 1925 Five Cents Per Copy $1.50^ a Year I 0111 DEVELOPMENT , MS MM ro SALUDA, ADOS ' I ro MOTIONS A J SUMMER RESORT I # Lj Near>ng CeaylstiM Shortens Route Froa Saluda hi | lake SumiTT and Makes it Easily Accessible L;: Lak? Summit shorten, the dis I, f I ' ?',, ,lar s:"'""erine place to Juet ' three miles" id;.:- !:::c 'he erect iori of a boating and bathinr [ r : ilJ ronnection w th other summer activities |ih, .?:? - :,u lake is co^fted the route, to Henderson-* I k > K'^ than at Present and the new rtad will I row ' : .?Mrvos and now existing % on the old % ? j,.. ? ?,!. Hod in It- :: - i0??j ? !...:: t moralg 1 ?c >t ? p|,.. i;; ; !. k.. S.imini:, j ? -rri'.ms hat ? inn. L-r f llit,(len ' ?j an,j r;; ? !- ?u: !? -n, finally j into 1 "''s hike ^ K 0th? r h i:s. presents a K]e vijhf Tti v> 1 are blue I m lake? ai.d < wr. i>n>wn lakes j Ke do?s (?:"?? ? a hike the ?this? j ?d atnu'-t ? 'iu:.' distant from ? Greon'.ille and Spartanburg tathprn Hailronu :ir.d easily ?by automobile as well, this In, sumnv r resort is one of ? ' ?t attractions of Western j Lolina I I lure of the Mountains la$ cot frl: the irrestable lure ?onthern mountains is to be j ?deed ! Fro;:; roast and plain ? ?ties, from all points of the ? ? during rho summer months,! ? beat-ridden prop'e to the re_ lbr?ezes of these incompara l&ods. Hero is rost. Hei^> is ?l. Here is glorious day and ?nmmer n;?!;'. Ft>r th^ nights Br bat nnd breathless after I ? tirinc d;iy of strenuous week ' fccred of restful sleep. Here j ?firing invigora jng air and hug water, for co'd springy ? mineral content abound In Ion Thfr- arc lythia. iron ? ?r curat iv. ? properties in most I paters of the Southern high. [ rink and Drink Again ate n he who drinks from al springs, for it is said that (uenche? his thirst from the 1:1 be sure to return. It must for once a visitor to these e traveler invariably returns, er many y.-ars. Trails lead lysterious t-orut-fs and into ing nooks. G.ay roads wind ' info the di tai.ee. And up n ar.d ail around art. love y j faut::'ul b-yr.nd th* power of ! ec or brush to depict. eichi mil- s in leng h and y a '.vt i; built boulevard 18 >und, th i - beautiful 'ake of tatae- !'!? iin found in this he * r' : W ; built* cottages ? rvery -.1 m convenience ikorn ?! hillsides of Lake boating, and t" . d in. The lake stock -d v.ih rout, bass, id oil;- < . r., t :.-s and it is tho*, v. >. . ? ti or rent pro ^ Can.., -? s are nuirer. ?everal w ? 1 ? known schools "?d?. 'ocited at the lake "Ts and irirl . i,.a(] a delight on of doors, building up "wing !> -?ii. . and filling with a ove of God's tt-of-doors. What good times Te- walking, tramping and i around mid* r the wa ch- ! toce of their faithful guar- j City Attractions flle and Hentlersonville ar? tagh so than any one may * picture slu >v, at- end dan ) inclined t awl (to whatever ; necessary K one can get needful .mil almost any ? could wish in these moun 6s. wor/V" ? nl trips can I from this ain resort! Chimn-y Kock Caeser's \ Glassy Mo\?itain, Pisgah M&J , Mouii*. Mitchell and f^r stately ami magnificient ^ "which th:- pion is so tad Th-re are literally kot^o-Ans \ .iV.i'/.cs and ham* ?es and fal s Kr^at beau Parm which ar? well worth 60 that on>. is n^ver at a somewhere tf, and some^ f do' And ea< h place has fecial attraction or i3 espec FJ*ned. r*t of i :,ii is its con p^ion on the Southern N'atwa\ lakes are almost the Southern Appala oversight on nature's r thing laWns in this ?Uo\md ot lbe south. You Are Invited! To a Banquet at Box Wood Inn, Columbus on Wednesday, at 8 P. M. to participate in the or ganization of The Polk Chjb. This Means YOU! An After Thought Strajnge as it may seem, when the great dam was built, to corral the watefi of (^reen river, in order to furnish light to the towns and cities nearby and power to the big cotton mills [of this and the Piedmont sec tion, ho thought was entertained of making a resort of Lake Summit It wag ojnly after the waters were wal led uj i and the lake spread itself fcrom hill to hill that the loriness and des. irabaHty of the place as a retreat for those I weary with the^heat and irrita tations of the long Southern sum mers became apparent and the seed of the idea took root and began to grow.; Just now the hills and valleys are particulaxly appealing. The birds are tilling the woods with their sonp* of ectacsy. Shy, delicate wild flow4r? " are carpeting ^1'#^ with all the colors of the rainbow and jihe trees are putting on their lacey covering of buds and blossoms in lavish profusion, so that one has an almost holy feeling od the mys teries of nature, spread out before the eye to contemplate and enjoy Hundreds of automobiles are seen lere dal'y, the vanguard of that migh y tbrong which turns mountainward to escape from the wear and tear of life when summer comes, you are contemplating a 'sum , home in the mountains there is thing that you must bear in mind. s eeping giant has been slbmuer ing tho these many centuries but the" hour bas struck, for the awakeninng! Nowhere in our country is there a sectlon toward which the eyes of the world are turning as Western North Carolina. Today land is cheap. To morrow it will be beyond the aver age | man's power to buy so fast is realty value increasing. And in all this fast area of hills, valleys atyl dalos there is no more beautiful spot than Lake Summit. There is no development that offers just what is offered here. There is no morei cen* traHy located spot to be found than this wonder Jand, and the traveller from the east, north, sonth or west and) nowhere can there be found a better place for the .making of an investment, financial or otherwise. city If mer one The NEW RESORT HOTEL FINANCED BY SALUDA AND TRITON CAPITAL I \ Six Per Cart Bats To Cfm CapftilizA BwToBe SoM Ttmrt SlMi And Tijh Bate V V - I At last Saluda Is to have* a first class 'hotel! After weeks of negotia tions thb deal is finally closed by which a syndicate headed by Dr. J. Lt Smi'h and Dr. J. R. Little have purchased the large building owned byj the American Missions Associa tiqn of New York and wiD immedia tely convert it into $ fine and modern hqteL The buiding a wa#v formerly used as a school - conducted by the Congregational Churchy and is' ad mirably adkpted for hotel purposes. The purchase price of the proper ty is understood to be $10,000. The syndicate will issue $26,000 in 6 per cent bonds and seK them lpcally to assist in financing of the project The Carolina State Bank vof Saluda and tye Peopleg Band and Trust Co., of Try on will be in charge of the bond sales. These bonds should be a goo# investment^ for a first class modern hotel fills that celebrated ^'long felt waht'V and it will certainly be pat' ronized to its capacity. This sum* mer season promises tjt be a record breaker in the mountains, and Sal tjda wlU ba orefOovkig with Visitors The Easter-Tide ? ^ ? m I <Capyrifht. W. N.U.) $400,000 BOND ISSUE FOR SPARTANBURG GO. ROAD BUILDING PROGRAM Appalachian Highway is to be Im proved by State if Nember 8 is Completed by Comity Spartanburg County after consider- 1 abl? actixe lobbying managed to jComjpletQ the enactment of a county *ond. an issue of 9409 000 the proceeds of which will be used to improve th? highways of our neighboring county below the ine. Under the terms of the act the Greer.Spartanburg-Cowpens high. way known a? Number Eight, must be pared first, but. it is understood that the Spartanburg delegation has an agreement with the State High, way Commission providing a hard surface road through from Union to Landrum and through to the state IJne, on condition that the county complete U}e P*vin? program v on the Greer-Spart^nburg_Cowpnes road. Just when the Highway Depart ment 'will be able to begin paving on the Appalachian Highway In the event that Route 8 is completely taken care of by Spartanburg County hasn't been definitely settled. Charles Hearon, the Spartanburg member of the Highway Commission, at a meeting in Polk County prom ised the Chairman of the North Car olina Highway Commission that the ' Palmetto State Intended paving their part of the Appaliachian Trail and secured his verbal agreement to meet hem at thte line with a hard surface road through to ?Hendersonvil!e ^ Number Nineteen traversing Polk County by way of Columbus, , Mill Spring and Rutherfordton will be improved with the money past due Polk County whicir 'will be available shortly, and the .Chimney Rock inter ests are clamoring for im'provemen s in the link of Number Nineteen which connects Columbus with Chimney Rock. In any event is seems assured that Polk County will soon be con nected with the main arteries of tour. 1st travel by hard surfaced roads and as it is estimated that some half a million motorists will visit ??The Land of the , Sky" during the coming summer anil that the number will increase wi h each passig year it behooves every man jack living in# this section to get busy and keep be hind the paving program in our sec tion. . V- mO . \ H the present floo& of , applications for accomodations contlntte. An important lin6 of patrons for this hotel will be iurnlshed -by Dr. Smith's' jatientg and their families. Dr dmlth has been "conducting two baby hospitals here every summer for a long time, and has often had to turn away patientB for want of hotel accommodations, although one at the hospitls has a number of cot. tages and annexes. Dr. Smith also conducts what is known *s a "Pedia tric Seminary" every summer lasting 2 to 6 weeks. No matter .what th s pedantic s. nomeclature signifies, it brings to Salttda in the middle of the summer as many doctor8 s can find ? place to ?I?ep, der to awap theories and experien on the care and treatment ot ?' ' " The Lure Of Sparkling* Lakes Carotins litest Asset Jlnd Attraction Lakes, lakes lakes! Carolina is determined to have water In plenty and experience has prdVcnf the val ue of lakes in the development of any resort section. Greenvi!le will shortly begin the construction of an immense water reservoir at the base of Table Eork, just below Caesar's Head. $ A dam 130 feet high and 600 leet lopg will create an inupe^sqi lake, 2 miles wide and a*out~ thre? mikes long surrounded on ev&ry Bide by tow ering mountains with 7?ble Rock on one side and Caesar's Head on the other. This great natural lake will add much tc the charm of the beautiful country, and it is understood that certain Pinehearst hotel operators have plans for the development of the Caesar's Head section which will call for an expedituer of appro vL mately $1,000,000. ? / ? f R. C. Remick's Hog Back Moun. tain road if extended to Greenville Highway will place Tryon in direct .ouch wi h this development and un doobedly those who spend their vac a ions near Caesar's Head will take advantage of the opportunity to visit Hog Back and Tryon, while enroute to Chimney Rock or Lake James. Lakes offer n0 compeition, neith er do resort developments. Florida nas proven this. Miami, St. Peters burg, Palm Beach, and other resorts divide the business equally, the jeop e passing from one attraction to the other as the mood moves them, this will apply in "The Land of the Sky" ? and every development in the Blue Ridge Country will Indirectly help every other institution of simi lar character. The more lakes, the more attrac tive places to see. The more to^eej the more people to see them. The coming "Playground of America" has penty of room for development for a century without overcrowding HIGH SCHOOL 6IRLS PRESENT POPULAR PLAY AT PARISH HOUSE "A Case For Sherlock Holmes" Makes Hit Wtth Audience. Miss Eva Miss Hdine Proves Excellent Coach v At the Parish House Friday night last to a good sized audiance the girls of Tryon High School gave "A Case for Sherlock Holmes'* a play in two acts. . As the title indl cates^ the p'ay was a ''Gum 8hoe" affair and chucked full of mirth provoking incidents! As is usually the case when a Sherlock Holmes and several Watsons start sniffin' around^ the mystery of the shy bank robber, in this case, is solved and everything is explained before the end of the last act^ Miss Betty Doubleday headed a fine local cast Including Carolyn Jer veyf Lonora Lankfordt Rosa Amar. osa, Gerald ine Sayre and Ruh An drews. Much credit^ is due to Mist Eva Miisildihe, Athle te instructor at the High Schtfol, . for the exceL lent coaching manifest In the quality of /the t>erformance. \ The proceeds of the evening's entertainment are to be used for the purchase of uniforms tot T School GirVa Basketball Hi E. Mason of Tamworth, N. fcL, has a team of mongrel dogs which he values at about $56, which won the race at the winter sports at Newporj, N. H., defeating teams that are.valneri at thousands of dollars. Mason Is shown with his lead dog, "Mack." THE OOSTMUMI BALLOT FOR POLK COBNIT SIMPLIFIES VOTINO / ? ' / Bill Introduced by Representative Hunter Becomes lew end New System 6nes Into Effect For jjpars the voters of PoTt County have had to wrestle with the most complicated voting machinery ever invented \by human ingenuity. A conglomeration of printed ballots of various shapes, and pises were offered the voter at the polls and he could pick, choose and arrange them* as best he or she might be able t0 do. A mistake in the correct box, a mistake in selecting the -proper slip oh, there were many ways of mak ing mistakes and with no adequate checking system- elections were pretty much guess work when the count was tallied* ' \ Rev. R. N. Hunter, representa tive from Polk County, and well kpow Carolinian educator introdu ced a bill in Polk County and ham mered at it untQ the btli became law as set forth In the following act duly ratified by the late legislature. An act to proved the Australian Ballot for Polk County. Chapter 606^ public-local laws of 1917 providing the Australian Bal lot f?r a number of counties in the State is made applicable to the County of Polk and all elections hereafter held in the County must be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this act. So the next time you> vote in Polk County you can at least do # it in telligently, thanks to Mf. Hunter. ? - v- ' ' ' * ? . > - - Q. i II SWAT THE FIT Now approache* the summer pas time of swatting the fly. And Ma aL ' most a waste of time Tile task seems hopeless The fly multiplies too rapid ly to he repulsed by a* simple swat ing campaign. : " Don't gire the fly a change toljyaad. clean op ihe ^irt and see thit yfer neighbor gets the habit HIS MONGRELS WON 1' I EVENING IN .THE GREAT 8M0KIE8 This is their moment, when the brimming skies Tilt mellow radiance along the wind To pour through drowsy val leys, and behinjd , Far peaks. Compassionate the mountains rise 'Dim with the wistful dimness of old eves ? That, having looked on l\fe time out of mind Know that the simple gift of I8 greater "tb?in all wisdom of being kind -?*- , the wise. In this deep moment,' hushed and intimate, "When the great hi'ls lean close and understand ' .* - Children in life's dark house may swing a gate That let8 into a lucent, ample land Where lips struck dumb may learn to sing again. ? Du Bose Heyward COMPLETION MUSGMVE BRIDGE OPENS NEW ROIjTE TO MOUNTAINS Tourists traveling 'from South Carolina to the Blue Ridge Moun. tains or those going in the opposite direction may now use the Saliuda. Tryon-Spartanburg, Pauline Cross Anchor-Clinton HoUte and traverse a splendid road all the way at the same time cutting off several miles from the Greenville route or the present Newberry-Whitmire, Union route from -Spartanburg. The completion of the ifew stretch of highway between Clinton, \ S. C. and M us grave Bridge over the En oree River near Qross Anchor provid es this direct route to the mountain country tor our Southern visitors. ' . t . ? o ? Miss Leiise Tain, Fsraer Tiyon Girl Protege Of Mrs. Kiifdia Gould The New York Times of last Son. day, April 5, gave a detailed ac_, count nf the piano recital given In New York City by Miss Louise TaL ma, a protege of Mrs Klngdon Gould This will be a most interesting ftem to Try on folk " whcT remember Dr. Oan-iqnes as Miss Talma is a grand daughter, and spent her early girl hood in Tryon. At tha early tage she showed remarkable talent, and Mrs. Gould has #at<^ ov? ;*er musical development sinee ?he wa. seven years old. Mis8 Talma ig nog 18, and appqjured in a prognun qff U?t, Brahms, and Chopin. Her genius la not an aoctdent, tor her father m$- a *oted Russian orches many, aid England. Mist Talma is rmfktfmsL . _ < i LET US ALL PULL TOOF.ther Wednesday ev4\ _ . at 8 O'clock at Bolwood Inn, Columbus, N. C.f will be a meeting of Polk County Club, for the election of of ficers and for any business that may come up for consideration affecting Jie County. Now this club was not organized for the benefit of any person, it was organised for the benefit of aW. , Now in the beginning, every per son who has the spirit of coopera tion should Join to help wake Polk County up Those who are .not progressive ind do not have .he spirit of co. >peration should join and learn to >e progressive and to work \ with their neighbors id a good and laud ible undertaking. ^Then the time has come that the County people ind the town people must learn that they are all one flesh and blood and iUderatand that they must know ud l6ve each other better. The jountry people and town peop'e must know more of what is going on in 4he country. To mow this, they must meet together often and discuss their problems face to fac^ whereby they can know and under stand. Let us have the greatest meeting yet on the 15th of April, at 8 O'Clock^ P. M. at -old Boxwood Inn. While we* are pulling for everything good In Polk County^ don't forget to pull for Polk County NEWS, for] it Is polling for all. 4 J. R. Sams, County Agt. T DAM AT LAKE LURE UNDEHCONSTRUCTION ? BY CHARLOTTE BUILDERS, I . . Dunavant-Gunter and E.H. Clement Companies Awarded Contracts v Calling for 15 Months Work With awarding of contract for , construction of the dam and hydro electro- plant at Lake Liye; machin ery has been set in motion for im mediately proceeding with the pro gram 'hat is to convert the property of Chimney Rock Mountains> Jnc. into a scenic playground resort and residential devlopment of first mag nitude. Announcement a -few days ago that the contract had been awarded to Duuavan _Gunter annd the E. H. Clement Companies? joint bidders of ^harlottej was received with wide interest throughout this section^ and to the indus rial w!md generally. While 15 months remain in which this construction may be completed so that the protorty will be ready for the first re?|f estate subdivision by June, 1926, every precaution will be taken so that it will be finished on time. The taskjs a tremendous one, yet a thorough organization will be per fected for carrying it out - success fully and with the allotted time. A vast amount of machinery and equipment will be brought into use. A camp sufficient to house 200 work men will be started soon, Co3t of the dam and hydro-electric plant will be in the neghborhood of $700,000. The dam wilf be 104 feet high", and 585 feet across the top. j Plans and specifications call for a design of the very latest approved type. The structure planned - should prove virjilly imperishable. A trem-. endous amount of concrete and steel will enter into the dam. The hydro. Jestric p ant will be of modern design with the "reptio e control" embodied nerj eration, ThaT to be 1 "tool 'proof and' bo arranged that any defect or accident to operation will be Immediately followed by the functioning of safety devices which operate to prptect the machinery and safeguard its operation. Several contrac ors were represen. ted at the meeting held in Charlotte at which the construction contract was awarded, and the event attract, cd much interest in building circles. , The Dunavant Gunter and E# H. Clement Companies^ while not per manently associated, have joined* hands on the job for the purpose of ipeedily completing the contract. The Dunavant-Gunfcer * Company ha3 been wilely known throughout 'he South for 30 years as prominent railroad and " bridge contractors, having. done a large share of the work of the Southern Railway doubl*3 :racking project through the Caro lina^. The E. H. Clement Cbmpany has just completed the raising of Waterlee dam in South Carolina for he Southern Power Company. "Steps have been taken", said Mr. Clement, "to push the work to rapid completion: Our full erection and cons ruction * equipment consisting of crushers, concrete mixers and all other necessary eQuipmentr is being unloaded today at Lugof?, S. C., the site of our Job just completed, and will be unloaded at Rutherfordton and hau>ed to the Lake Lure dam site during the next two weeks. . 0 w SALUDA GLEANS UP IN PREPARATION FOR jSBMMER VISITORS Opening of New Hotel, Completion of Like Sonorit Highway and other Im provements hp. Up Population Saldda on top of the . mountain is ge .ting ready for its banner year as a summer resort, according to G. R. Little, one of the leading business men of that thriving community. Laat Friday Saluda bad a general o'ean-up day in preparation for the coining influx of visitors, and every effort wHl be made to keep the ci y in a presentable condition during the entire summer. * - The playground furnished and fitted by the Saluda Civic League proved most attractive during the past season- 'and new. equipment will be added this year. The grounds have been cleaned up and the shrub ?tt%immed and the visttinf kid die's as well *Ifve in Saluda the year round find It a ifrarwfrf spot during the spring #umm?r I Ztp'l. o! ' Tbe many wttatas, boarding hoqs esf a m hotels are undergoing the asjjftjftfrtnc overhauling and JJalu^a ,

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