? minister BRINGS BUSINESSIMETHODS TO BROADWAY . ( Dojsner Builds Sky-Scraper Church Twenty-four (W"3" ,0fl8S High in Heart of Manhattan Bus iness Section I t u CT" is fh< iir.it::-.! ii Manner K soae^ -V u '? ?' " 'Vaders F^Li .1 re '?'? "" ft? K1.0I pr .v.: men Lw p::1 !: ' '' i,usint'ss f 5 perivn: ? ?' basis [eact. rht- ' " 1 '"ft-nil feij^K-n < *."? ?'?< ?' :.'u* now L, ,fp:i}:;:~ ?;iy. Jn Lfijiisf ?'> !: :lr" works lg Svnds) a.i ? ? - ;he other I,,- ft e>f "ut. ; ?' ? ? '-ring in Lgs church r h.: ; ? : 1 : in- upder Lf ot modern :p.io uafc, com L eicicacy >t ???:: <i.i> ^ in the Ls tvsd it: a >v - "J per that List to teav t'.'; ? i.t>, (j0tj [to Broid*:iy ,.:v mm? of tiie L rh:ch thr.-o ;i i>; business Lgf to enco::n,Ci ;?< ; U- to iu_ Lie: tbati coutni'i.i,. Lrsy Tem?lt. :< u> (^e jtl thif dn idt r.t- church ?Co fbe rear.-..? ;o::. m steel [we of thoidc.il ef l?r Christian HUD INVENTOR btonishes business KeNBY UNIQUE NETHODS [foster Loses Three Milllions To 'ivestofs in Gabriel Horn Fac M^lit Have Evaded Payment W0OO In Teias Thru Lim ft Legal Precedure city of Cleveland blinked un iflv one day uot long ago t fM revealed that one of its y Claude H Foster, the "Gab man had paid the greatest Hi income tai for 19-3, a sum it! JSuo.OOO. Then it gasped udibly, a few weeks later, iig hitherto obscure manufac iid his business to local bank, ijprciiaiaiely $3.i|i)0,o00, less t i^ht easily have secured, therefore, this man, Foster, to his own wishes, is one Idty's most talked about men, Kr'i business has always been L There have been no part Ht owned and operated it K i grocery store would be I When, out of a clear sky, it ? known that he desired to ? taints*. a <;roup of bankers ? rth fear that ^*ew York in Inight step in with a higher Bti gr: the business. But this ?i groundle^ To them Fos ? "If you will handle it the l*?nt it handled 1 will give B business fur $3.0UU,U0U less Pi have offered." "You see,' ? ecntffiued, "1 want the in I Tho come in to get their I tack within a reasonable Pm 1 meet my friends I B k able to meet them face B*ith a smile and that there Ik regrets." B4*' to understand where BW bis idea for a name for J- *ben it is known that he a3 a musician. He calL. V6 Gabriel horn" anj soon Vd was to sound its musical world ovt-r. Even Wil B^ sail the German emper B101 0Ce ?f tbese horns and, B^* he rode around as ^ a boy blithely working at aa^0;;' ba?- horn. Later ? fc turhed right around is B1 'imperial (.jlc{ barring B? it anywhere in Germany. I ^evfeland point out that f llave av"'d'-d paying his '? h*' wuuld have ^ "x?"'duiit of incor ? tn . busiIlt's:J- This Foster ? d(J believing ^at he hon th^ - government thai 1 ma^ money for the E! ' Wa-V Foster de sei r- r , m 1 '>* .success in busi fc o ni-ssei} to being I t> r '"ai ii<' W'H be called ^ lik^o l^hen lh; ' mUBlc *** 1 of his dCrif uncement of ?golf a( - wme was Lick, Indiana. F. Reisner, Mehodist minister from Kansas, whose vision of practical shirt sleeves Christianity ' is shared l>v such hard-headed business men the president of the " Columbia University, the president of the United States Steel Corporation, the j lYesident of the Dictaphone Com i puny, the president of the Bom&n Hotels, and others. The temple is to be a combination of church and skyscraper; business and Christi anity; spiritualism and industrialism ? all housed under the one roof. The building is to cover 26,000 sq. ft. of foundation space, fronting a whole block on Broadway, in the very heart of a population of four million people w^th only fifteen churches. Itie structure is to rise I j I I An unusual project has been set i in motion in New York. A busi ness building1, taller than the Wool worth, is to rise on Broadway ? and dedicated to Christianity. It is to be known as Broadway ! Temple, containing, a church, auditorium, schools, hotel, stores end business offices. "Help God j open an office on Broadway** is the bond slogan. Dr. Christian F. Reisner, a Methodidt mini?t?r from* Kansas, U the leader in the fpoye menL ~ twenty-four stories into the sky and will be surmounted by a thirty-four loot cross which, when illuminated at night, will be the focal point for ; the eyes of 8,000,000 people. Within the building will be an auditorium that will seat 2,200 and there is to be a huge organ which will at times be supplemented by a great orches tra. At the head of this institution will stand Dr. Reisner, fighting to I put the Cross above the cinema. Revenue to support the project ! aad pay the dividends is to be deriv. ed from an apartment hotel and 1 domitory in the tower over the | church containing 644 rooms ? public I offices, cafeterias, diningrooms and ! the rentals from some fine stores on the ground floor. The temple will cost 14,000,000, one-half ot which i8 to be raised by popular subscription ? that is by the purchase of bonds. Already over one and a quarter of this amount j has been subscribed. In offering i the bonds for sale, tne supporters : maintain that Christ did not come to I earth hat_in-hand ? he did not sup plicate for charity but offered it "You cannot,'' they say, "cite a sin gle instance where he asked for something for nothing." "Always he spoke in term8 of reward." "He ap proved of the man who makes mon ey in the Parable of the Ten Talents and he said the, laborer is worthy of his hire." "By the same token, the investor is entitled to his income." 'ifeese appeals along with "Make a 5 percent investment in your fellow_ man's salvation/' "Religion and rev enue" and "Salvation and five-per cent", are the methods sparkling re freshing in church financing. DoYou Want a Boyish Figure? Do as Miss Lila Everett of Lo? Angeles if you would keep a girlish figure. She does it to keep fit for swimming ? and many victories. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY I ERSKINE MEMORIAL (Congregational) , Rev. Will B. O'Neill, Minister. Sunday 8ervlces Church School 9:45 A. M. A graded ?chool with claases tor ilL ' Wednesday "Quiet Hour''^ 4:30 P. M A friendly welcome awaits you! BAPTIST Regular services each Sunday 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Special Music Evening Services. Sabbath School at 10 A. M. Public Cordially invited. Thomas L. Justicef D. D., Pastor. CATHOLIC St John's Churchy corner Mel rose Avenue and Lanier St MASS ? Sunday, 9 A. M. Rev. J. A. Manley, Rector. METHODIST First and Third Sunday8 at 11 A. M. Second and Fourth Sundays at 7:30 P. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 A. M. Rev. P. B. Parker, Pastor. EPISCOPAL Sunday Service : Holy Communion 7:30 Sunday School 10:00 Morning ^Prayer and Sermon 11:00 Friday 5 P. M. Litany and inter cessions for the sick. Rev. C. P. Burnett^ Rector. PRESBYTERIAN Tryon; 2nd and 4th Sundays each month at 11 a. m. 1st and 3rd Sun. days at 7:30 p. m. Columbus; 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays at 7:30 p. m. O Grammatical Slip ? "Educated men don't say 'don't,' " remarked a great mayor of New York, now gone to rest. But they do. They did, even then. They also say "ala t when they are not thinking about it. and may yet come to saying It delib erately. While they are about It, they may even take "It's me" under their protecting wings. ? New York World. i] PLUMBING and 1 HEATING i MATERIALS! j 'At Cost and Below Cost' j To anyone wanting It, our j ? large stock of Plumbing A 1 J Heating materials. Come and jj ? get what you want at less than )j X Wholesale Cost while it lasts. ^ i 1 Its going fast, send us a list of 4 4? what you want and we will J 4? quote you. \ t J. R. RICH PLUMBING CO. i + ? | 21 Broadway AsMIe, N. C. < ? ? + t t J AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE KEEPING OF HOQ8 WITH IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF TRYON. i WHEREAS, the keeping of hogs within the corporate limits of the Town of Tryon is unsanitary, pro motes the breeding of flies, is de trimental to the public health and is a nusiance: Therefore; Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Tryon: Section L That it shall be unlaw, ful for any person to keep or permit to be kept, any hog or hogs in pens or at large on his premises or on any land owned, occupied or controlled by him within the corporate limits of the Tbwn of Tryon, Section 2. That each and every day any hog or hogs shall be kept, or permitted to be kept within the corporate limits of the Town of Try on in violation ot Section 1, of this / 9 Ordinance shall constitute a separ_ ate offense. Section 3. Ithat any person vio lating this ordinance or any provis ion of the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction shall be fined Ten Dollars for each and every offense. Section 4. That this ordinance shall be published for four weeks in the Polk County News, a newspa per published in said town and shall | When You Visit Tryon j| You will find that the LIVING STONE HOTEL, affords every modern convenience at very rea sonable rates. The traveling public i* particu larly requested to investigate be fore motoring further. Steem Heat, Attractive Cui sine, Modern Equipment "Try the Livingston and Yon f will be satisfied" | LIVINGSTON HOTEL | Tryon, N. C. t TS0r* New Summer MILLINERY Just Arrived! A gToup of charming new styles in Sum mer Hats-hardly (2) models alike in design & trimming. Fashioned of Milan Straws, Woven Straws, Swiss Milan Silk and Straw combinations Ladies Exclusive Shop Mrs. E. Rhodes t Prop. Tryonf N. C. Our Business Is Growing BECAUSE We Know How! We pride ourselves on the work turned out by our trained mechanics. Men whose skill has made our garage popular. DODGE OVERLAND WILLYS-KNIGHT Sole Agents For MICHELIN TIRES c. W. BALLENGER MOTOR CO. TRYON, N. C. be In effect from, on and after the 15th day of June 1925, ? NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of James Leonard, deceas ed, late of Polk County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned executor, at Try on, C.f within twelve months from date or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. All per^ sons indebted to said estate . will please make immediate payment. This April 22, 1922, 1925. Peoples Bank & Trust Company Executor. June 4, ex. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Chas. C. Hinsdale, deceased this is 9 to notify all persons indebted to said estate to pay said indebtedness to the undersigned and any person or persons holding any claim or claims against said estate will present same to the undersigned properly verified | for payment within the time allowed < by law, or this notice, will be pleaded I in bar of their recovery. This April 30, 1925. / (Signed) B. EL Hinsdale. B. R. Hicks. 0 NOTICE Having qualified as administrator with will annexed, of the estate of Helen Leonard deceased this is to ft notify all persona having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned administrator within twelve month8 from date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This April 22, 1922, 1826. Peoples Bank & Trust Company Administrator. VETERINARY HOSPITAL H. M. Clarvo?, D. V. M. 7th Ave. East, Hendersonville, N. C. Res. Phone 2S4-W. Office Phone 52-J BULL Jersey Bull at Your | Service j Gash $1.50 at Birth $2.00 j GORDON GIBBS, Mills Springs, N.C. + 4 i | FOLKS IN OUR TOWN i ? Right At Home By Edward McCulIough| AUTOCASTER HA5" 60NE 'PCOH 6aD TO WOQSE AH* I NESFD1 hOONEV K jjsT A Badlv 3 ? hope i lakid that / minute ftoP JO? "lO'CAV DOWN AT TH' THINK. I'LL GrO OVEC, AN' MUMOft, HIM ALONG" A BIT Y WELL roc TH' LOVA ucoq\ ce lookpt TMAT NOT PI&HIN' OUT} OP A PAIL WELL. eRdTHEQ, HOW MANY have mdu CAU6HT Tb-DW? YOU'RH TH* TENTH Straight to tkcMark. You! and You! Time is fleeting. Tomorrow? next week? next month? and next year? come and are gone while one still plans to start action for that "someday" of ease, comfort, peace and plenty. \ The YOU of today, in the full power of earning capacity, is responsible for the YOU of tomorrow, when earning ability is decreased. Heed these words from the pages of experience. Call it charity? but start foday for the other man? the YOU of to morrow?so that he may live in comfort and without worry. Spend less than you make to-day-and bank the difference. We pay 4 per cet on savings accounts or certificates of de-. posit. We pay 4 per cent on Savings Capital $25,000 Surplus over $6,000 Resources over $200,000 No loans are made by this bank to any of it's Officers or Directors. G. H. HOLMES stGEf**. W F- LITTLE President Cashier In T. WALDROP V. A. BLAND Vice President As 3-;. Cash. WALTER JONES MORGAN MORRIS Vice President Asst Cash. PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member American Bankers Association Tryon, North Carolina

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