An Independent Weekly Published in an inde dendent part of these United States. ) Five Cents Per Copy $1.50 a Year Ifl DEVELOPMENT SWINGS M RAPID RATEJHO CON STRUCTION ON OAM BEGINS m pans ol America Crawl Papular Resort and Mar ! Ofliis task tonfrootiDf UevoiopaiRt Caapaoy. ahe oasm Cleared to. Water Line. , ? inp i,u: UK ; i Ut rioiu t 011 -Chimney Hock road will convince the ^ u.t L'-ir? wilh ita hundreds of acre8 of crystal wa Jru, wivu.c ... assured fact and not the emplieral dream of an I ? ' |(fliwnuiK.u ilk. aam iia8 begun, and the land which will be .?aVu >lk muber and underbrush. The basin when fill ,f v . :ufefced scenery and views of the Gap.. J .11 i 'ii was LUUS.i*<> -* " " ' j, toaiiaa to con KUtl .oUiJii ^lleS ?l illu ^ .. . , _ Lure, ihey gtfObd ^ ; .... j 'j vUiVcrLd. 11 tfau.-o ^ UCW.-..UU -W. 5 4 5 llail ^ vl ^u&uieer s-i11-'"'"" 4.?C OL j ? elopnient loriv iv l3 iiuiu^ lor Wl'' , . u . j,. completed jjc ",l> , iiuisued e uc . I)cll. (.reeled lor the e uc.Lj, , 0 ^ miles long l U^C, U 1 Bb u? '."'?ai leet across tfre 4. I jpeciiicauous cull for ft te very latest approved sucure planned should ^ imperishable. A IF oi> ~? iter iQto'tbe ic plant will be of mod liihthe "remote control" rh-r turbines and elec srs will be automatic In ica. They are designed proof and so arranged | (ect or accident in oper \ immediately followed tioning of safety devices te to protect the mach ifrguard its operation. ?;ng forward rapidly by it Telephone Company special telephone line rfcrdton to Chimney U so on to Asheville a direct trunk line and every respect INTY'S OLDEST INT DIES AT 101 LIVED Iff SALUDA unpscn, Centenarian Grand i and Gieat Grand Mother ft Quietly Friday Night . Juue 5th. about 6 a. Ham, (Arena) Thompson k County'-, oldest living ed away and without struggle, ipson, who lived to be months and 19 days old for several days and had 13 helpless as an In 6 time and the end was :ed. ipson u as the mother of id one trirl, Mr. Hinton If- Elii.ah Thompson [ ^ Thompson, deceased, ?f8 amoiiL' the children ft>rre.-:t, Mr. Andy Thompson . >P8on was the grand 36 and the great of about 75 and the mother of one boy 5n. before her mar ina Ballard, and .rearej in Henderson ,Hls Kiver, and after tompson moved to ^"e shf- uved the rest lful member of the [?r some fio or 70 ery faithful to her ad w'as greatly *ed hy all who **?'-? held at the Church, Saturday cl?ck. with Rev. J !iaUll>' the last rites ed 8 rea tggreat -grand rrospects are now that Chimney Rock will have the best tourist sea son tn her history. Hundreds of people are booked four or fire months ahead. The hotels and boarding houses hare more reserva tions now than ever at the time of year. More people are visiting the rock than ever, at this season. Recently the Wolfe Way, Tour of Chicago brought a number of resi dents and- members- of the Geogra phic Society of Chicago to the re sort Headquarters were at Bsmer \ i alda Inn. About three days were spent in sigh-seeing and mountain climbing. Finest Playground In Country Mr. Leo. L. Riding, prominent New York Financier, after a recent visit to Chimney Rock said: "With work ready to start on the dam; with the state highway near ing completion, and the company ready t# have iti> highway around the lake the first U hole golf course and | fcigfc class hotel completed by the summer of 1I2C, the Laka Lure development may be said to lave en tered its Anal stage at consumma tion. I* is amidst a marvelous set? ting, ideally situated, and meeting Carolina Mine Hera FOLKS M CANADA STAY MARRIED SAYS STATISTICIAN New WorM li JMriMbl SSk IMmmI \< IVIS-AJUK8S J Once married, people have a way of staying married to the same per son. En, the entire Dominion of Can ada with its population of some ten million ppeople, only fifty-nine di vorces *ere reported during J.923. If the same ratio bold true in the city of New York, the courts there would be granting only three and one-half divorces a month. But New York City unhitches twice as many In a month as Canada 'does in a whole year. In the United States the most recently reported ratio of. divorcee to population was 18.2 percent. Dur ing the same year England's ratio was 2>.2 percent, 'New Zealand II percent and Australia I percent. This low figure for Australia Is es pecially interesting since It is only necessary for a man and woman to separate by mutual consent for a per. iod of thre^ years when a divorce may be otyained by either party. In our country Ihe laws are much more strict, yet Quite often a' man moves to his club on the first of the month and his wife secures a divorce before it is time to tear off the monthly page on the calendar. Perhaps a lenient three-year mutual consent ruling would be more effective. In three years many affections for the 'other* man or woman, inlght cool off. Howard Butler of Oonmoek, N. C. single-handed made a vain ef fort to save 60 fellow workmen in a mine there when three terrific ex plosions wracked the worka SUCH IS THE F Jfc ' ? - ' ? SALUDA ed for the Bummed under the man agement of the Misses Heriot, and ] tourist are also filling this large ho tel. Summer tourists are beginning to poor into oar little town, as it is now hot "weather In the South. v Mrs. H. I*. Locke and Miss Rosa Box hate opened thc4r large board ing house, * "ffcir View" also their oottages are rented (or the summer, a very large num this summer. Mis* Annie Waring of Cliarleston has opened her boarding hduse for the summer. % Mr. Hugh Thompson, Mrs. Hugh Thompson, Misses Lillie and Clara Thompsbn and Mr. J. A. Johnson and Miss Ada Johnson spent the Week end with relatives in Gaffney, s. c. \ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson spent the week end fet Mill Spring. Mr. H. P. Corwith of Overbrook Orchard) realizing the need of more summer homes in Saluda has begun grading for two new cottages just j back of Overbrook on Laurel Drive and hopes to* have the houses com pleted in the near future. That is fine, and we are vefy glad to hear of this and we hope others ^ill take as much interest as we are dorely in need of more summer homes. /?- ? ? Mr, Walter Thompson has started a nice bungalow on Louisai^a Avenue Miss CllTe Hill of Saluda and Mr. Arnold Vickers of' Hendersonville, [ were quietly married in Spartan burg on Sunday, May, 31. H'&: I Mr. John T. Coates, Jr. of Saluda and 'formerly of Macon, Ga., and Miss Janle Matthews of Columbia, S. C. were quietly married at the home of the bride in Columbia, Sunday May 31.^ Mr. Coates and bride re turned to Saluda to ihake their home We wish the happy couple a pros perous life. ? - \ Among the boys" and , girls who have returned from different col leges for the summer vacation are: Misses Dorothy Corwith, Dorothy Sawyer, Cathrine Garren, Edna Fish er and Mary Salley, and Mr. L. D. Capps, and Mr. Mack Salley. / - > /, - ? 1 . Miss Ophelia Thompson of Forest City spent the week end in Saluda. ? ? - j Miss Pearl Metcalf spent the week end in Henderson vllle. Miss Delia Rhodes and Miss Bon nie Fisher of lYyon spent the week end with Misses Florence and Lou ise Thompson. - Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thompson, Mr. Adgar Thompson and Miss Ada John son spent Suunday in H^ndersonvllls '&?. Hi'-kZtkS* ?}?;> ? SAYS IOTER "Tex" Austin Wtt SDOftftMSS IfMtffl! emiuMfs *s ?'An apology is tie 1,6011 uetUi held up so ro tWJF*i $srnr&'L- _ America* greate* , ueef cattle industry. And a. long . h?ef we'll h&ve ??w as people eat beei r rone brand and handle ?? uoys to rope, "w" aieers ot the range. ??Tex." -mat's the bombshell t*at Auatin. world famous leading exponent o t the ^ . ? .Led into an eager crowd America, tossea ui?o ? ot reporters that greeted bun on Me jhe wembley exposition return from tbe ^ in Kngiand wbere be stag greatest rodeo contest outside tbe t j r\ urates Tbe Chicago Round United btates. Dntieo UP and world'. Chmnplonahip Kodeo U, be held in Chicago August ? W ? by the Chicago relation ot commerce, wUl bo uunder the dlrec liou o? "Tex". "Entirely too many people f*8 tbe Idea that cowboye dout exie^ex. cept in the movies and on the stag. ??Tex" told the newspapermen Bras. ?tA -m England and over herethe impression Is prevalent "nongmany Jt the cowboy Is merely a toolo t interests. The cowboy ?_ j 1 lust as important *ith his herds is ^ a8 ^ a part of our Industrial lite a. th man wbo plants com, the lab0"r tbe factory, the business man to his store, the president ot the bsnk.^ certainly Just a. ' a product ot certain conditions " iating in the western country and his part In the development otthe country cannot be ove?.tb?a?d. ?Tex" then explained th, habtoe ana custom, peculalr to the cowboy. "U a cowboy wears a big handkerchief around his neck, lea er pants or high-heeled sboes.j!0" think tor a moment that anything theatrical about It. th things serve for him tie same u? ful purposes that the apron doe. tor the workman, the robes tor the Judge and tbe cassock and I ootta tor the minister. Tha big SteUon 1. needed as a detemw from the bura ing sun of tha ranges, and a sort of umbrella to wet weather. The handkerchief 1. a ?roloc'' 0'' against dust when moving behind livestock . 'in motion. The Ctapa serve to prevent injury to the rtoe^. legs in a mishap and from web?* as well from rain and coW wtod The big heels heip keep hi. teet from going through the .Urrnp. the same way, other parte ot the cowboy-a raiment can be explained strictly on the basis ot use and not for decoration." ' Cowboys taking part in ro merely the best to their work "Tex" explained. Those that will come to the Chlc^ ^P hold the ??. ^ tesalon as th. major <*? to baseball, and same place to the mind, pie a. do*-Bab? Ruth or Ty Cobb. I- - .r* y..>. :i*r .. HW.iSkMUK TRYON One of the most interesting and ex citing contests ever seen on the Try onon Country Club greens was stag ed Sunday afternoon when Clarence Owens, Charlotte pro teamed with "Scotty'' Stuart played 27 holes, with "Chuck" Glennie, Tryon-Detroit pro and Claude Ballenger the local wls ard. ^ Gtoanta and Ballenger playing an one up, the second to tfee same tuft*] and the last nine holes in two up. ? Paul Bishop of Ladrum, S. C. who was was injured in a motor accident on the Tryon-Landrum highway, is reported resting easily at the Tryon Infirmary and it is stated that he hag every chance to recover. The other young men have been dischar ged from the hospital where they received treatment for minor injur ies. OiiveT Andrewa, proprietor of Andrews Bros, store claims to have the only hare-lipped cat in captivity. Those having seen the unique speci man of fellnlty say that it is indeed an unusual speciman. Incidently, Oliver is always pleased to show his - The NEWS this week received a change of address from Mrs. Elvira Lyons, a former Tryon resident* who is spending the summer at Grosse Ste, Wayne County Mich, which will be of interest to her many friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Morgan of the Carolina Hardware Company mo tored to Spartanburg /and attended Wednesday's session of the Carolina Hardware Dealers Convention held in that city thfe week. Mr. J. N. Garrett and Mr. Jfrank Garrett of Mill Spring have been ad ded to the NEWS' rapidly growing list subscribers. I^ore and more the up-to-date farmers throughout the county are realising that the NEWS in their home is an asset, not a luxury. \ . _____ W. M. U. ANNUAL MEETING CAR OLINA A880CIATI0N _______ < " The Woman's Missionary Union of the Carolina Baptist Association will hold its annual session at Tryon Bap tist Church June 30, 1925. The pro gram follows j ? v ' 10 a. m. Devotional Exercises, by Dr. ,T. L. Justice. Address of Welcome. Response, by Mrs. Jno. T. Cole man. Reports from the. various so cieties. ^7 Yearly report o f the superinten dent 11:30 a. m. Missionary Sennoa, , by Rev. M. C. Lunsford. 12:30 p. m. Dinner 1:30 p. m. Young People's meeting v by Miss Peimel, State Leader Young People's work. r: Elections of ofQoers for not ? ? ? '"T\ '"fimrfrrr "ifliraMilg NO MAN CAN PLEASE ALL THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME AND ANGUS McLEAN ISN'T THE KIND OF GOVERNpR JEI TRY IT Chief Executive Hits Snag When Economy Program Sees Into Effect Bet Has Public Opinion Solidly Behind Kin In His Attempt To. Curtail Senseless Expenditure of State Fends. In a recent editorial the Wilmington Star ably voiced the opinion of the majority of the residents of North Carolina when it said: "The people of the State are beginning to realize the Governor of North Carolina is daily facing a severe test of his courage and steadfastness of purpose. Mr. McLean made a pledge that the affairs of the state would be placed upon pi fair business foundation and the spending of public money limited to the present income. True to his promise Mr McLean is devoting his unusual executive and business ability to this great task. Every sane thinking citizen of the state stands ready to assist him and lend aid and comfort to the Gover nor in his determination to rid the State of excessive spending of money in excess of revenue. True to form when the Governor begin8 his /battle for economy and' against waste in the money belong ing to the tax payers of the State, the snipers appear and begin their attacks from ambush. Wild tales of waste and extravagance upon one band and hungry, starving wards of the State who are suffering' because of the economy program of the Gov ernor are used, seeking to defeat him in his laudable undertaking. Daily the majority of the press of the State is realizing the unfair figB^ being waged against the Governor, and are joining the forces that are assisting him arid are giving him their loyal support. CommentiLg upon the fairy story issued out of Raleigh about an elec tric bath, with trained attendants io wait upon the Governor, the Laurin burg Exchange has an editorial headed, ^'Another Lie Nailed," quot ing in full from Dr. Livingston John son an editorial to the same effect nates, from Raleigh to the effect that because of the Governor's economy program, the Caswell Training school must turn away 30 or 40 of its sever al inmates. This story was put out by Dr. C. Banks McNary, superin New Champion Psu), Berlenbaeh o t New York COLUMBUS CIMB MMKEI BRINGS HIT BUYERS IN ' BIG OMKS SATURDAY May inquiries for Products ml on Dismay, Says Miss HoUeriuun The institution of the curb-mar keting plan in Columbus by the Wo men's Home Demonstration Club of the county under the direction of tion agent marked the beginning-of an entirely new method of selling farm products in this section. Saturday when the markdt opened people from various towns were pre sent and everything brought to mar ket and displayed for sale was dis posed of. - Miss Holderbaum was very much pleased with the progress made and said that she had received Inquiries for many articles not dis played, and which wt. : j on display in. an insufficient QJc- ? y. Farmers all over the county are urged to bring their surplus produce of every description to Columbus on ach Saturday and this includes but ter, chickens, and eggs as well as } vegetables and fruits. Residents of the towns sui