V nmt\r First, Sec ,;ist and all the ii IT GROW ! 12 PAGES MX XI No. 14 An Independent Weekly Published in an inde pendent - part of these United States. . i ? POLK COUNTY - The Gateway of Western North Carolina Five Cents Per Copy Tryon, N. C., November 26, 1925 $1.50 a Year li f WS' THANKSGIVING m rLTON SECURITIES WILL OFFER ACTIVE OPPORTUNITY TO INVESTORS CsJI r't k of New Hotel Will Be Free of Taxation, an Per Cent Interest and Have Strong Spec ?dr? t aiue. ivw and strictly 'Vyoli has been up . ?. >?!'<?!? ii n*l every i"oi a long time, n int< unified during ::?< by tin* gicat in- 1 rat'fic and business .;il now, Tryon has j u t eater. Other ! > are providing ade-j accommodations for j fh?\se improved faeil- , .! 1 h< >se commuuitievi tit ions and attract all! . piiblie. Their J :i reaping the direct 1 t'ils from their wise' oiitiizeii t h i need for has giveif much con possibilitv of secur \aetly the right type. Lite formed the first vestment will be $200. That sum will purchase two shares of cumulative j preferred stoek bearing 7 per cent inter >st with which will go one share .?i' common stock. Particular attention is called to the investment value of the Tryon-Shelton securities. Un der a law enacted at the last session of the North Carolina Legislature these securities will not be subject to state taxa tion. They will carry guaran teed 7 per cent interest on the investment with probable earn ings much above that figure. It is hoped and believed by the com mits e that there are few in Tryon with any kind of income who will not | subscribe for at least four shares of tht' preferred stock in the Tryon Shelton . noil. The committee >11 greatly strengthened ? nt it has been able to ?he proposed Tryon ho n a gem out or tlie Con unpany. which is rec ? >.' the leading hotel |.-s in the United progress has been . - and it now seems rryon-Shehon Hotel s next spring. If mplisheil. however. >yal support to the ^rani which is now ?pie of Tryon. - t hat the building n will quicken the i 'I mini unity . It. will plans for other im will bring here from who with their efl : y will aid in mak ? ; iture intended it to r-av f ind resort . ? ik n for granted that -s- ntials to hotel suc i T hOtd n louifally chosen, i: 1 plans drawn to ine? t ? >;ir* nieiits. , ?n.r logical plan ot >;,} honest operation . Tr* oil's new liot' l in . -? ii t i: 1>. ! ? 1 is cone* dod by < Mion on tin- chosen Lake Lanier, at the I of Tryon's most psm nts. facing the j little more than a :'f, .'n the center of thrl location permits j i ? . , ? i? -aiit ? ful moun- 1 Tryon its famous I .V design provides I ! u>iness and social j *:. a- economy in con ;h the possibility of Th'' financial plan v upon that one ? communities in ei -fronting Tryon. ... j,y reliable an j ? r;tv;on by th- Con v il r.v an that vis . . to Tryon from .as ;a. from N<*vv Kng" . . - 1. and from the . ? i 1 treatment by < such as to meet . . ()f the tourist, to reiH^'in the f pnrnereial tn.v;' . . : ;,nd th-1 semi Ample provision . : . r , for the. use ot :f hv local residents; i.ings and fcoctal planned to/ have 1 live Tryon yhani* ? u th-. hotel. ?. . ?f the gross- anil :ilVi> b'.en made by v. rts in the conn* stiniates which (-..ntin-ntal Com management on ht-.-n regarded as ; ? ,tl investors . rsor. president rvjni.any. came *?? ..reasons I" make , ,?v.nt estimates. , ?.rate th- Tryon to pn v dividends investment and only ..liar for his own ihat arrangement in i i.e. earnings will Trvon's investors. |< to be strictly prise. U will be ..pie of Tryon for i and for their own vital influence . : this entire com . I i i be offer- d to ? i. i advantage will ? ..\ir another. No been formed . I ( earn, as is so This investment op ? placi d before the something which. : i,- self-interest, as . i, patriotism, i'ay v. ill he made easy smallest capitalist ? t<> buy an int. -rest This offered iu : i ?Hi tier of thrift. A5":e.-earner and the mive to save dol leiwtse would be j in. The unit of in GILLETTE PROPERTY GOING FAST Severn! Other Tryon Realty Deals Re ported Since Last Week. | Julian Hester reports that the Gil lette woods lots are selling very rap idly and t hat three lots recently were jsold to Tampa. Fla.. people who had not so mucins seen the property. It is also a pleasure to know that Tryon people are taking advantage of this beautiful piece and are making pur chase* . Tit' following people have recently j purchased Gillette woods lets; Mrs. j Leo iu Burgert, Mrs. Xatalie Gilniore. Mrs. R. M. Heartley, Mrs. Alice J Strickland and Mr*. Dqfhorah Gray, all el Tampa, Fla. The following are Tryon purchasers: Mrs. A. A. Mer ii(k. Mrs. Dr. Gray. Dr. Allen Jer vey . Mr. Hester has also closed deals tor the following Trade street prop erly: T A. Ballew. F. 1*. Bacon, |and W. L. Auzt. The Estehrook Hills at Pacolet Val ley has been l./iiht. by.jLhe Tryon Development company through Mr. Hester. We are more than pleased that v\ e have added Mr. Julian Hester to the I've real estate board. These sales aggregate some $50, U00. Tryon Girl in Limelight. 'The last issue of .Spur contained a picture of Miss Martha Lightner. on Stony Creekj. a famouss jumper. Miss Lightner recently won the junior jumping class at Grosse Point Hunt Club horse show, and second in the ehihlrcii horsemanship class at the sane time. ' Miss Lightner has spout many win ters h< and is a threat horse woman. Wle n she was only a few years 'old it was not an uncommon sight to see her starting out for the day tm horseback with a group of aider people. She is greatly missed mi' Tryon this winter, and it is the hope of her many friends hen' that J she will return in the spring. Tryon poises Again Win Out-of-Town Honors. ? The. Greenville Horse Show week Ix tore last was a great success and attracted horses troin Atlanta. Cam Men. Asheville. and Tryon. The fa - 1 1 (i ;s "Lady Minton" and "Gloria Sv anson" were among the Atlanta v uti'j, s Mrs. Garter Rrown exhibit led h'-r "Azalcsi Prince" and took the bin ribbon in the ladies' three gaited class. Mr. Carter Brown placed sec ond in 'he gentlemen's three gaited (class with the same horse. The sil | v? r cup. which was awarded to the best lady ridt;r. was won by Mrs. Brown. Dogs in Virginia-Carolina Field T rials. C% W. Ballenger, a great dog fan r and bird hunter., has entered his 1 fast Lorna Boon's Lady by John Bimp kin, Jr., out of Bristols Forry Queen * ? .ii trials at Barn kin, jr., oui ui ? . hi the free-for-all field trials Jit Barn well, s. C. Br. Waldrop of Landrum has also entered his famous old Spot in the same trials. Mr. Ballenger and Br. Waldrop expect to attend the trials which take place the last of the month . Memorial Resolution. The Woman's Auxiliary ?of Tryon Colunibus Presbyterian churches has sustain. (1 a great loss in the death of Mrs. K. M. McCown, November 12, 1 112", . The following resolution of. sorrow has been adopted; "One of our best beloved and most faithful members has gone to her reward. We who are left . to mourn her loss wish to express our deep gratitude for her de voted service to the auxiliary and to the church. Her cheerful pres ence and her quiet, helpful work will he greatly missed." * We who have associated with her a few years thank God for her and for what she has done, and feel that she has left us a blessed and inspir ; ing memory. She was always thoughtful for her , family and the many guests who found a cordial welcome in her hos : pi table house. COMMITTEE. ; Mrs. Von Lee Livingston has re j turned from a visit to Gaffney and iChesnee, S. C. GREETINGS TO II PROSPEROUS. CONTENTED. AND HAPPY TRTON ! Yes, Everything You 'Put On Is Wrong By 'Rube" Goldberg AufiOcatter Scrvice Coi mfttt mi R. L OoWWm i/1 ATTCR LOOk.1, CMG2. ALL Mf'roc-i : Foe AtiMOOPi.,THf?: IS "TTte Bt-SJ PAIR. I COULb FIW?> If-rv.l CP TiJiE5? ?SAMg \jTHlS <T-,-URr5HR.|Nl<.<5 "wjo BMTTOMS " Asi\* McRC I'LL HA\ie P-GEW off- U MA\I? -rc I MV y^eRweAR A 4SMALl.GR For a ySar ci Adam's a^?lg i joe^ a siAoe - u TO fSf.T THIS HAT OAi-V" rs;.r>i 3 1\ C TO CJET SfiALLfcVi. Tt-ta?e Arse note "Tt._rH -n . ,. vu '<-> usi oruM.uct- ; TR=vu I'vfS c3tt 1 f 1 M J . IM MY MGAl> ) v r-^ i A - t - | jW- jjf/ ^JELL, NJouj HAT- V'n Sa Ttt?" C pi .j'T i OF MY fAV . " >1 ?*. ? > 1 % " ?' A* ? . 1 K t r?-f > :.. ?. ! fejV j * t :> FOCLiSH QUg^TloaS- hO. 4 i .000 ? *e" r r r? ?? TLf ah ^ " XC'^^W 1 ,y / AT^-v ,;fcw is ' r v Co CMALL 1 I A'A-j ? TO srAMb COT t icv^e L0H\L6 ||\ K\ WIPE is /% \ \ . .C fv<? ^ ! r JiikL^ fa A BIRTHDAY PARTY Fifth Anniversary of Tryon P. T. A. Will Be Celebrated Next Thursday. On next Tuesday. December 1st, the Tryon Parrent-Teaeher Associa tion will celebrate its fifth birthday. This infant association of 1!?20 has grown into a bit;., robust and growing member of t h ? ? 'great and noble family of the National Association of .Moth ers" Congress and Parlent Teacher As sociation. .Mrs. lVppe was the primt? mover in its organization and first year president: Mrs. Kennedy stood at its head for th-i two following j years, ami Mrs. c. \Y. Morgan is now serving her second year as ?ueh . A strong, vigorous child of five years is to have a real trie true, good-old birthday party, and fall its fri< nds are invited to come. I The parish house has been offered for the place .of the i festivities, and s o'clock in the evenjing will he the time. As is the custom at fifth birth day parties, tasty refreshments will be served. All thosj' not ashamed >tf their own ag. are (asked to bring along a penny for tfach year that has passed over th'-ir {heads. Others might bring more and thus conceal the fact. It does not; matter to the ways and means committee which of tie se classes you belong to. Come along just the same, j Lights'of Brown Mountain. A recent issue of the Literary Di gest contained a long! article on the "Mysterious Lights ot Brown Moun tain." These lights have attracted the attention of the geological depart ment several times, but they have not bet n able to solve this unusual phe nomena. Brown Mountain is in the Plowing Rock section. The lights may be plainly seen from the May view Manor Hotel. ' A Highway Deluxe. Hog Back development is going for ward rapidly. At pj-es'-nt a large ( force is at work building the link of road v. Inch will connect Tryon direct ly with the (Jreenville* Asle ville high way by way of th?- beautiful little North Saluda river valley. The plan wnen completed will give Tryon a 2.r>-foot paved highway, start ing at the end of Melnjpe avenue, and , will be one of the most attractive' tourist scenic highways in the entire | western North Carolina section. Prison for Congressman 1 (? ?,$p * ? a;. -? Wkrm /V ^0 Hep. Jo!::, VV. f u'in.; i.-'y 01 ? n f ? ky. has T>een con.*) ' < ! t ??? j ?' piracy to witlidrau. ( \ !. rson <li: J.iilery foj il' ? his appeal v. ' ; < !j f?i5 ?. ! an< 'V;:< , ji for Coii/i ?t il. Both the Missildine and Tryon pharmacies are being redecorated throughout. ? Mr. Nelson Jackson is spending Thanksgiving week in New York City. WOUNDED FEUDIST RECOVERS Wallare Ray, Mountaineer Duelist, to Stand Trial for Killirg Dr. Burnett, Walltc from tin to .Mai in lh Kay lias been returned Cri 'ri villi*. Tenn., Hospital s'lJ.iU, where h occupies a cot .-idi^on f' tinty jail. Hay is tho fe? di Sheiten nott in a bllllHs f Waver in with road 'r"iln Tenn I lii> iruva ?.r tin* i \k ill*' moil l!W|* ? '-lit CollV- ! friends lino i" tl|i prompt : I {tirnci 1 and died \\ It. ii sco no lii din el nil 1 1 1 1 < T to r:ii si ran*- r Tlio Burnet hotli ; tt night. !>e ini? b? et f who In Ho' mountains near .aurol killed Dr. O. V. Bur duo], himself re eiving three 0111 !"?r. B ..melt's revolver, v Hosier, of this city, driv ! irii nd ov<m* tho mountain Ash' Villc to. Johnson City, me upon t1" *cow jn?t after dv. A crowd of the friends rii in n h: 1 gathered and ;it irnt if see lied probable that of flip wou.d bo done. Wiser |?!*evjiil*Mi. however, and Hay's hiskotl him over (lie st.it! ? Greenville Hospital, where I tent Ion saved his life. Dr. .as .shot through the heart ittslantly. . Mr. Hester c:.i:ie upon tie" road was blocked in 'iioth and these in the crowd Hillcnlv refused to discuss the the barriers and let. the through . Mihle between Hay and Dr. was of lony; standing. They nded a mountain party the ore the tragedy, a truce hay declared so that each man went inarmed . The (piarrel was re sumed th to arm friends tli heli' V d a lice oil two l'ou pro violin] record Ik men while killed at Tin after tlik a r ran pi car. T1 road ah< Iioiip hot wt ICacll ill they ws hen an If ore lie t lie lstti* r least, on wo men party morning by pre a small is known ? man. mot the apparently lent. Each drove ? ley passed each other on the itiit two miles south of Ray's Aiih ;i.'iout one hundred yards tiie two cars, they halted. . u i?. i l his automobile, and as .liNed toward each other they 1'il'ing their revolvers. Friends of lt:i y until a \ oh'er < the dot physieia sist. tha .topeni^ first . Cartdi . Mr. I this wt syndieat openuin Mr. A. nection as Cam this spl mountai(u open to unexpected While T largely it night and Hay \yept away himself. Dr. Burnett's reupon took him away. It is that sumo common aequaint ried measures between t In list . each of whom had Hay had killed two shot Dr. Burnett, to have (assert that he did not shoot ull ?) from Dr. Burnett's re leased his scalp. Friends of or. who was a successful i practicing at Mars Hill, in it was Hay who forced the of the ancient feud and shot ha Mountains Development. . E. Cliilds is in New York k in consultation with the * of bankers who are co : with Mr. li. E. Hemick, M. Law and hiinselt' in con witli the development known ina Mountains, Inc. Although ndid property on Hog Hack has not yet been thrown investors, there ha** come an demand for home sites, ryon heretofore has drawn i y from the South for its tran sient residents, it seems probable that don acres which are being de by tho Carolina Mountains nim,,,.,.. will bring summer and- win ter visitors here from the North. Mr. wpects to be able to make it announcements soon after rn from New York . I he 1 veloped eompan Cliilds importa his reti LaMe Local much nier. when tl dam . or uppt As the urea w it will We it your news. Give utj Lenier Is Fast Filling. people are watching with interest the filling of Lake La: Wagers are being made as to first water will go over the [\t the present time the third fr basin is completely flooded, water rises, the* lake area be comes much broader, so no past fig Ill help ill. in determining when Help! Help! Help! eed your support. * Wo want dvertising. We want local We want new subscribers, a hand. The paper is yours. GAINES PROPERTY SOLD Trade Street Frontage Bought by Well Known Spartanburg Investor. At the moment of going to press ! \vilh tli isy edition of The Polk County I News ;ii/noMncement was received of lone; of t lie most important transac' I ?lions in real estate in the business j section of Tryon made during the , present year. Charles .1. Lynch, it is "understood,! has arranged the sale of the prop ert.v on Trade" street occupied by the C.-'sli Mid Carry Store. The property is owned by W. J. CJaines of this iiiy. II. Skalowski. the purchaser. a well I iiown business man of Spartanburg. who, it is believed, is buying as an iiiiVe tnient and because he In lioves ,rh;if Trvon is on the eve of ;i bi o ill development . The lot has a frontage on Trade street of about twenty nine tVet and a depth .?f filly i iglit feet . The building will be completely ! pverha>il<*d and put into first class condition throughout, making it one ; of the most desirable 'building on 'l^iHTe street. ' .Mr. Lynch refused to discuss price,' but from other sources it was learned I that th< price was something less ! than $1 s,000. ?' . . First Dinner Dance. Mrs. Ibirleson will give the first dinner dance of the season at Log f'abin Tt a Reom on Thanksgiving iiii.-ht. .Mrs. I5.ii le.-on wants to co rporate with the Drama Fortnightly, so is starting the dance late enough itliai those who* who sljould 'ike to attend the reading of "Passing of the Third Floor Hack" may do so and still ba at the dance in time. A sup per is to be served at midnight after I the dance1 instead of before. Mr. Gilbert Demorest and Mr, 11. L. (looch ol New York have taken up iheir winter residence at Mr. Oliver Andrews' cottage on Pine Crest lane. These gentknien art- southern repre sentatives of W. O. Gay & Co. A1 though their business does not brini: tin in to Tryon, they prefer this city to other places in the South as a headquarters- ? because ol its lovely surroundings and social life. Mrs. Demorest will join mini later -.in Life season. < Divorce? i i ! i I ? V "1. ^A-jki-ar J&r-srsm- , ' , . ^ , Leonhrd Kip Rbinelar !er. scion of wraoh and social r'v'.ion, "ho Is suing his wife for divorce, c i ; ? i m - ing she's coloreo. 'IV. c- sensational trial ha-s society gasping. Drama Fortnightly reads 'Passing of the Third Floor Back ' at the Parish House To-Night TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION MEET The -'Yesterday" and "Today" of Their Profession Compared. The Polk County Teachers' Asso ciation held \ts regular meeting No vember 21st at the Green's Creek school. If ever come, perfect days, it was such on this date- for Polk county ? the ideal weather made it possible for nearly all the teachers to be present and the speaker brought a very valuable message. The meeting opened with some peppy community singing which every one thoroughly enjoyed; but it was hard to decide which township had the best songsters. Invocation by Rev. Black, and the inspirational ad dress was given by Professor Adolph / Vermont, Converse College, Spartan burg, S. C. He discussed "The teacher of yesterday, and the teacher of today" with suggestive truths: It has not been so many years since you could hire a fine teacher ? one with all kinds of recommendations, one satisfied with herself any time, any place, just so she was fed three times a day ? for $40.00 a month. But the South is changed, and North Car olina is developing from the little, red, log schoolhouse from which the dust came out of the door a cloud ;lnd the dipper floated in the dust, to fine,- consolidated schools, which are modernly equipped, beautiful in struc ture, and sanitary. The teacher who has not grown with the times and teaches only to draw her check will be crowded o?4^ far. thousands of col lege graduates are knocking at the door* for positions. Tomorrow is not coming; today is here. The teacher is in a great profession ? she has great responsibility. Professor Vermont's challegne was "Let us be the best, strongest, most . progressive teachers, and let us go with that great sun light in our soul, so that we keep pace with the developing ot the" time and be able to meet the demands of the patrons.'' "The teaching of reading as it was demonstrated in the group center meetings" was discussed by the rural supervisor. Miss Ida E. Seidel. This year the educational program for the county is tin- emphasis of the better teaching of reading, a subject which is fundament ly to the effective teach ing of all other subjects. Superin tendent E. \V. S. Cobb talked con cerning "The attitude of the teacher to her profession." The general .meeting adjourned to departmental meetings in which prob lems of specific interest were dis cussed. Tlie teachers spread their lunch picnic fashion and the hospital ity of the Green's Creek teachers w<is onlv exceeded by the delicious hot chocolate and coffee wljich they served. The association is exerting every effort to make of this a highly successful and profitable school term. Mr. Lawrence V. Sheridan, the nationally known landscape architect, of Indianapolis, will address real es tate men and others interested in various phases of landscape architect ure and beaut$fieation on Monday night. Time and place to be an nounced . Miss "Riesdale and Miss Peat, who have recently returned to their winter iiom * on Stern Hill, have put chased two saddle horses. They are both very enthusiastic horse women and are enjoying this delightful fall weather by riding through the moun tains each morning. A small fire of unknown origin started at Mrs. La Count's house on Pacolet Road. Our local volunteer lire fighters made a good run after they got the truck started. Tell you folks that until we get some n<*w fire fighting apparatus you best keep vo ir fires small. - John McCall of Flat Rock has re cently moved his stable of saddle horses to Tryon. occupying the stable ,,Sfd bv the St read wick brothers last season. With the increased de mand for saddle horses his arrival here is very timely. C. \V. Ballenger is having his house place surveyed and platted into bus iness lots. Holmes & Calhoun are surveying ji street way in back of their Trade street property and expect to start grading it very soon to open more business lots. Rev. E. G. Carson of Charlotte, N. C, will preach in the Columbus Presbyterian church at 11 a. m. next Sunday at Tryon at 7:30 p. m. He is an attractive speak " :.?ar him. Mr. \V. W. Reed wem io Orlando,: Fla.. last Monday, expectlnp, how ever, to return to Tryon to spend the greater part of the winter season here. Mr. Eugene Brownlee has recov. J ered so rapidly from his recent ill ness that he is able to attend to his business and hopes to be able soon to play golf. Mrs. B. B. Bishop, jr., and Miss Elizabeth Marsh are in Florida for a ' week. ' 'i " " v V ?* >JL ' l yd t. ? gfrSkMriri ENTIRE COUNTRY PROSPERING J. N. Jackson Found the West Look ing With Favor Upon Tryon Mr. J. N. Jacksosn is home from an extended trip through the west where, particularly in Chicago and St. Louis, he made a study of in dustrial conditions. "I found the country entirely pros perous,'' said Mr. Jackson, "though in many quarters there seemss to be an inclination to believe that Wall .street prices have been somewhat in flated. For that reason the recent reaction is a healthy symptom. There have been two failures in the tex tile trade, one in Chicago and one in St. Louis; but the shock was easily absorbed and, if anything, conditions are better now tfyan before those breaks. "Perhaps the most gratifying situ ation in the entire business world Is to be found in the steel trade. There is a big demand for steel, and that means continued good times for mer chants and producers. With specu lators- 1 have no concern. "Florida continues to hold the cen ter of the stage, of course, and prob ably will continue to do so through the present season, though there is more and more a disposition to look with favor upon this Western North Carolina country. Tryon is probably ihe best advertised town of its size in the entire country. Florida is doing us a real service. Tourists are planning to pass through this valley either going to or returning from Florida, and wg. know that if hey have an opportunity to get ac quainted with Tryon many will re main here to make at least semi permanent homes. That is why the proposed new hotel here will be of so much value." Baptist Bazaar Preparations Pro gressmg. Tiie various committees in charge :>f the Xmas Bazaar to b iicld at the Lanier Library on December 2nd by the ladies of the Baptist church are busily getting their departments in shape for this affair. The doors will open at 3 o'clock, and there will 'he booths for the sale of cakes, pies, preserved fruits, jellies, a candy table and a fancy-article booth. The kitchen committee announce that they will serve chicken salad, frozen fruit salad, cake, tea and cof fee. .Mrs. Conrad will have charge of thf tables and the waitresses. Mrs. Justice is chairman of the fancy work committee; Mrs. Ward has the foodstuffs in charge ; Mrs. DeCount and Miss Alva Jackson will conduct the candy sale, and the kitchen com mittee is composed of Mesdames Wil kins, Weathers, Jackson and Millikin. Decorations will be under the super vision of Mrs. Hester. Mr. Otto Bannard in Tryon. Mr. Otto Bannard of New York City, with a party of friends is spending a few days over Thanksgiv ing at his winter home in the Tryon mountaiins. Mr. Bannard, who ex pressed himself as surprised at the evidences of unusual prosp, rity in this entire North Carolina country, says that conditions broadly are good, and that tin present good times are to remain for a long series of years. The recent settlement of the Italian indebtedness to the Unit' d States on ? crms satisfactory to both parties, and the prospect of a similar set tlement. with France, has, in his opin ion, stabilized the world situation. Mr. Bannard believes that the coal strike, which is hitting New York harder than any other city, will be settled in the early future. It is his opinion that more tourists will visit Tryon this winter than ever before. P. T. A Meeting. The Parent-Teacher Association met in regular session on the third Mon day afternoon with MiV Doubleday presiding. Regrets were expressed that the president., Mrs. Morgan, could not be present because of ill ness. Besides the business program, which according to custom holds first place at the meetings, a program was rendered, the first number being a piano selection by Miss Geraldine Sayre of the hiph school, and a talk by Mrs. Kennedy, who spoke of her recent trip to Florida. The social committee served delicious refresh ments after the meeting adjourned. .AT". Walter Jones has secured as a junior law r -tner Mr. R. H. Mc Cown. Mi t('own is a graduate of the Un: :y of South Carolino and has been practicing law for the 1>ast five years at Florence, S. C. Mr. Jones is fortunate in securing such a partner and the town is fortu nate in having so fine a man locate here. Mr. Eugene Brownlee, who has completely recovered from the serious illness which came upon him 1 ' month when he was visiting i . Asheville, reports that Oak Hall res ervations are the heaviest ever known and that the season of 1925-26 is opening a full thirty days earlier than usual.

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