9 881 ,vj ' 'I - , .5 ' f. . \ I THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1926. Columbus, N. C. Greeting old friends in Columbus during the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mcintosh and little daughter, Mary Elizabeth, from Lenoir, who were guests of Supt, and Mrs. E. W. S. Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh were greatly impressed with the many changes having taken place in the little county seat town since they, left it in July for Caldwell county, where Mr. Mcintosh is county superintend' ent. Handsomely engraved announceI ments were received in Columbus recently announcing the marriage on December 31st of Miss Celeste Legette to Mr. A. D. Huffine. The marriage took place at the home of the ^ j bride near Red Springs. This is the i culmination of a romance started in 'I J Columbus last winter when both were / j members of the Stearns High School ! faculty. Mr. and Mrs. Huffine will make their home in Denton, Texas, where Mr. Huffine is engaged in the aiitnmnhile business. Another marriage which came as quite a surprise to Columbus friends was that of Mr. Bostic Page to Miss Annie Belle Adams, which took place at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. James F. Ormond, in Columbus, Sunday afternoon, January 3rd. The ceremony was performed by Mr. Ormond. Mrs. Page, whose home is near Greenwood, S. C., has been nursing in the Tryon Infirmary for the past year and has made many friends in the county who will be interested to hear Of her marriage. j Mr. Page has a position with the W. S. McDowell Grocery Company, and is well known in Columbus where he has always lived. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Doar and baby Of Charlotte are again in Columbus, Stopping in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Smith. Rev. A. V. Reese of Hendersonville, who is engaged in evangelistic work throughout the South, preached at the Baptist Church in Columbus Sunday morning and night. Later in the spring Rev. Reese will return to Columbus and conduct a series of re( vival services. The many friends of Mrs. E. B. 'Cloud will be glad to know that she ) was able to return to her home the latter part of the wfcek from the Tryon Infirmary where she successfully underwent a very serious operation just I before Christmas. . < Mr/W. P. Cargel, superintendent of , the Columbus Cotton Mills, spent last ' 1 week-end with his family at Cherryville. Mr. Cargel expects to move his family to Columbus within the next few weeks. Mr. Claude R. Blanton, our wide awake and progressivee real estate | dealer, spent the past week-end at his home in Mooresboro. Columbus hopes soon to claim Mr. Blanton as one of her permanent residents also. Rev. T. F. Haney of Winston-Salem will preach at the Columbus Presbyterian Church nexit Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to hear him. I W YO By turning the leaves SAVINGS you can te in store for you. H prosperity, all depend pages. What is their "?and they lived hi snvincr rpcularlv. Sts 1V' ' BANK OF SAFE DEPOSIT I > Saludi 'r. ;; . ' ' \ N - ! j ! - I SbttNTIY ; . I onalographs MaHWWMRl . I I Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Major Hutchinson, Thursday, January 7th, a fine 1 son. Mr. Marshall Chitwpod, who has been quite ill with pneumonia at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. B. Burnett. with whom he lives, was carried to Tryoh Infirmary llast Thursday. His condition remains about the same. The regular Parent-Teacher meeting for the month of January will be held Friday evening tpe 22nd at 7 o'clock in the High School building. An interesting "Health Program" has been prepared. Parents and friends of the school are iuvitejl. j The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church \\|ill meet with Mrs. N. T. Mills next Tuesday evening, January 19th, at 7 i 30. ? A special hot luncheon program will be demonstrated during jthe month of February in the Stearns| High School under the supervision of Miss May- , wood, the Home Economics teacher, and Miss Holderbaum, Home Demon stration agent. This tjork will be financed by the farent-'ireacner Association. ' Mr. J. Austin Newmai of Gafney, S. C., spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Newman. Mr. J. B. Wilson and family moved the first of the year to Columbia, S. C. Mr. Wilson will 'have charge of the laundry at the Bap:ist Hdspital there. Mill Spring, Rouie 1. A. A. Edwards of Columbus, N. C., is visiting his son, Albeita Edwards. Misses Vernie Hyder and Maude Womack have returned to their school at Hill Crest. Mr. and Mrs. W. Snurlin spent Thursday at the home of IV. W. Womack. Mr. and Mrs. John CI. Lynch of Tryon spent two weeks .with Mr. and Mrs. L. L,.1 Womack. ,Rev. H. L. Powell is visiting his father, J. C. Powell. Misses Maude and Clcra Womack spent Sunday with their "fiends, Vernie and Valnta Hyder. Green's Creek, At a meeting of the b mrd of deacons of the Green's Creek Baptist Church recently the following resolutions were adopted and presented to the congregation at the* la it preaching service. On motion the resolutions were left open for discussion until the third Sunday of the present m< nth: "Be it resolved that one of the greatest assets that can e added to the Green's Creeks community is the building of a parsohage. Some of the advantages of having a parsonage in the community are the iollowing: "Having a pastor in the Icommunity, whether full time preaching or part time, would raise the religious and moral standard of the community. The first community to build a parsonage will be the community that will get the pastor. T^he pastor would be where he could meet with the different committees. He would be more able to advise and handle the diffl Cult pruuieuia max luuie up lrum nine [ to time. He would be a great help in i It Hold For ?u? of a little book marked 11 what the futdre has appiness, comfort and on the figures on its story? Make it read, appily ever after," by art NOW!! sALUDA joxes for rent t, n| c. 1 -vl - . f ^ / ' the Sunday School work, B. T. P. U. work, missionary work, and Young People's Unions. He would be on I hand to visit the sick and attend fuIneral services. "Building material is as cheap as it will ever be, and is getting more costly each year. "The church has advanced about as far as it can under the leadership of an nhspnt.ee nastor." ? ,, Much progress Is being made in the Green's Creek section this winter. Several new homes are either under construction or wtti be at an early date. Motion pictures for the high school were prbcured through the State Board of Education some time ago, and good programs are being presented each Saturday evenipg. The performances are well attepded and are adding a great deal to the social life of the community. t A CARD. We, at Crestwood, desire to express our gratitude to neighbors and friends who came so promptly to our assistance. when the house caught fire. So efficiently and quietly was it extinguished that very little damage was done, and even the sick mother was not awakened until all danger was past. "And so we say with Tiny Tim, God bless you every one." MARY W. PEEERY. January 12, 1926. I * REPORT OF THE 1 ? The Bank of Tryon, Tryon, N. C., * the close of business, December 31, a. i % RESOU 5* || 1. Loans and Discounts * 2. Demand Loans < 3. Overdrafts, secured * 4. United States Bonds and Liber * 5. North Carolina State Bonds .. ? 6. All other Stocks, Bonds, and W. j. 7. Premium on Bonds * 8. Banking Houses, Furniture anc jj, 9. All other Real Estate owned.., * 10. Cash in vault and net amounts ? ers, and Trust Companies . i.. > 11. Cash Items held over 24 hours! * 12. Checks for Clearing * 13. Customers' Liability on Accept | TOU, * f LIABIL >> !}, 1. Capital Stock paid in ? 2. Surplus Fund ? 3. Undivided Profits, less current > 4. Unearned Discount 4. 5. Dividends Unpaid ^ 6. Notes and Bills Rediscounted + 7. Bills payable 8. Certificates of Deposit represei 9. Deposits Due Banks, Bankers, |j 10. Deposits subject to check, Indi 11. Deposits Due State of N. C. an 4, 12. Demand Certificates of Deposit > 13. Time Certificates of Deposit, Dt ^ 14. Cashier's Checks outstanding ?fr 15. Certified Checks ? 16. Time Certificates of Deposit, D T 17 C<n,r{nnn rtATvooUfl ?j? xi. oaviu5D x/cyvDiio * 18. Trust Deposits (net) 19. Accrued Interest Due Depositori * 20. Domestic and Foreign Acceptai * *5* * Total _ _ * State of North Carolina, Count If I, J. B. Hester, Cashier of the ? swear that the above statement is * and belief. ?5> Correct?Attest: * * fr > Subscribed and sworn to before | W. F. LITTLE, Notary Public. 4? My, commission expires March f ^ 11 11 l"|n|,,| 1111 | Report of the The Carolina State Bank, at Salu< at the close of business, December RES01 1. Loans and Diacounts 2. Demands Loans . 3. Overdrafts, secured, none; uns 4. United States Bonds and Libei 5. North Carolina State Bonds .. 6. All other Stocks, Bonds and M . 7. Premius on Boinds 8. Banking Houses, $2,000; F $1,000 9. All other Real Estate owned.. 10. Cash in vault and net dmountf ers. and Trust Companies ... 11. Cash Items held over 24 hours 12. Checks for Clearing 12%. Collection Acpount 13. Customers' Liability on Accept Total LIABI1 1. Capital Stock paid in Z. Surplus Fund 3. Undivided Profilts, less current 4. Unearned Discount 5. Dividends Unpaid 6. Notes and Bills Rediscounted. T. Bills Payable .1 8. 'Certificates of Deposit represe 9. Deposits Due Banks, Bankers, 10. Deposits subject to check, Ind 11. Deposits Due State of N. C. ant 12. Demand Certificates of Deposl 13. Time Certificates of Deposit, E 14. Cashier's Checks outstanding . 15. Certified Checks 16. Time Certificates of Deposit, D 17. Savings" Deposits 18. Trust Deposits (net) 19. Accrued Interest due Depositoi 20. Domestic and Foreign Accepta ' 1 ' I Total i State of North Carolina, Count I, E. C. Barnard, Cashier of tl swear that the above statement is and belief. Correct?Attest: Subscribed and sworn to befo WALTER THOMPSON, Notar My commission expires March I . ' V THI POLK COUNTY NBWt. Lpcaja Miss Oliver, the librarian at the Lanier Library, underwent an operation at the Tryon Hospital for appendicitis last Friday, j The operation was successful. ; "TT " * "? ??Sheridan Mr. ana mm. uvn?ouv? of Indianapolis, Ind., arrived in Tryon last Thursday and are stopping at Pine Crest Inn. Mr. Sheridan, who is an emiinent landscape architect and engineer, is here in the interests of Ryxhaven and the Gillette Estates, where extensive Improvements are being made on these properties, of which Mr. A. A. Merrick is co-operating with him in this scenic work. i The first snow of the season and the first to fall in Tryon in the past Stive years fell all of last Thursday night and Friday to a depth of six inches. All parts of North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia reported heavy falls of snow also. < ' A very pleasant dinner party was given January 6th at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Smith in honor of Miss Margaret Leonard's sixteenth ; ? ? i, ,i,? > ,|,? >1? ?'! '! * 'I' * !"? CONDITION OF | in the State of North Carolina, at ? 1936:. , | RCES. f $126,091.78 | 2,225.31 1 ty Bonds 1,150.00 T iortgagea J... J *1 <|j| I Fixtures 12,693.85 * due from Banks, Bank- ' Z 48,604.39 + ^ | lances J J190,765.33 ];* ITIES. f I 15,000.00 | 9,000.00 | expenses and taxes paid 1,912.14 + iting money borrowed.. Z and Trust Companies.. ? vidual 105,522.42 f d any Official thereof.. ie in less than 30 days.. 13,522.18 ? 5,330.29 T ue on or after 30 days. I ! 40,438.30 | ices X ^ IX $190,765.33 ? y of Polk, January 9, 1926. + s above named Bank?*do solemnly X true to the best of my knowledge X J. B. HESTER, Cashier. J F. P. BACON, f B. L. BALLENGER, X JOHN L. JACKSON, f Directors. X ! me, this 9th day of January, 1926. X 14, 1927. I > ? ? ? ) Condition of la, In the State of North Carolina, 31, 1925: JRCES. 74,763.14 , 1,000.00 ecured, $8.48 t...... 8.48 rty Bonds ortgages.. .... y ...... 7,630.00 urnlture and Fixtures, 3,000.00 ;.. | 1,679.95 s due from Banks, Bank J 16,567.67 i J 219.92 J 196.91 J 52.00 ances J $105,117.07 i LiITIES. . i $ 10.000.00 1,000.00 expenses and taxes paid 899.01 !!!!".'. 400.00 nting money borrowed.. and Trust Companies... lvidual. 29,123.81 1 any Official thereof.... >ue in Less than 30 Days 4,473.35 tie on or after 30 Days.. 34,209.68 j, 26,011.22 s | nces I, $105,117.07 ty of Polk, January 8, 1936. le above named Bank, do solemnly tPllfi trt thd hoflt nf rr?xr VnnT*rln/l vv.? va. au/ AUVnlOUgO E. C. BARNARD, Cashier. -j M. A. PACE, Q. C. SONNER, H. L. CAPPS, Directors, re me, this 8th day January, 1926. y Public. 1, 1926. (Seal) b ; , . . . / i * ' 1 , j , . . / j^lews birthday. The table was prettily decI ?w<fh hirthdav cake and can IUi aicu ?? ?w j~- ? * dies. I J In honor of Miss Margaret Leonard's sixteenth birthday, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Leonard, gave her a very delightful surprise party of about twenty! > of her friends from Tryon and Landrum. They enjoyed the evening ill playing games and danoing. During the evening refreshments were served of ice cream in Cupids and a wonderful birthday cake decorated with candles. The young people enjbyed the eevening until midnight. Miss Margaret received many pretty gifts. L The January meeting of the Garden Club was held at the Parish House on Tuesday afternoon. The Rev.. Dr. Justice returned Monday ftjohi a visit of a week or more to New York and Philadelphia. The Polk County Club will hold Its regular meeting at the Lanier Library " ' 'l I RE Polk Count ' at Co Financial Condition of the t RESOURCES T Liuans Stocks and Bonds / . ( Overdrafts Banking House Furniture and Fixtures... Real Estate Cash and Due from Banks. Commenced Bus J. R. Sams, Chairman E. W. S. Cobb, Presid Frank Jackson, Vice I W. T. Hammett. , J. R. Sams. J. H.'Gibbs. ft On the basis of the above Success during trying times, ai are very nappy indeed to invite gpOBMSBMOBM SSOLE AGENT Thfl BUTTERIGK ' PAnERNS ! Order On At "Rest Room for Li {New Art I Cottoi BORDERED SILB TO In beautiful new patterns an - opnxijf snaues. ? $6.45 Yd. m PRINTED CREPJ W In lovely new designs and a jfitt colors. $2 and $3.45 Yi PRINTED RAYOh ft 36 inches wide, and in lovely i M $1 and $1.50 Yd. I NewSpri ft Now that Christmas has pass< Ms and our first thoughts are, ' jra tbe new colors T ft Although our stock is not nea H showing, and you can see fo] H and colors. ^ These new Spring Dresses ar | 1 $16.50 8SECC SPRING MI ft Chic Felt Hats in Beautiful s< ^ Silk Hats in lovely bright sha< m Children^ Spring Hats if rN" SECO H WISS SCISSORS if Stay Sharp ft Buttonhole,, Barber, Manicure, I Embroidery Shears, $1.00 to i . _ 1 ^ I.. ; ' I. : I, i . on the evening of the 19th, lnat. The Parent-Teafeher Association ^ ?Hti meat nert Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the school building. A full attendance of members is urged. This will be the first meeting since the third Monday in November, and matters of importance will come before the association. National Constitutional Prohibition. On January 16th, at Tryon High Steam Heat EDGEW C TOURIST AND Rates Re Hot and Cold Wate Phone 167 * i if you can't supply your n t hour and a half drive, to t complete Department Store. T "Lowest-in-the I MAIL ORDER SERVIC1 IPORT OF THE CONDITION OF ty Bank and Trust lumbus, in the State of'North Carolina Polk County Bank and Trust Co. December 31, 1925: . LL .. .$145,176.86 Capital Stock .. 2,170.00 Surplus and Pro: 476.45 Certificate for L 6,000.00 Cashier's Check* 3,700.00 Rediscounts 482.04 Bills Payable ... 39,315.16 Deposits i $197,320.51 . iness October 31st, 1929? OFFICERS : i of the Board. Fred W. Blanton, lent. I P. S. Lewis, Asst 'res. M. L. Arledge, A DIRECTORS P. D. Williams. J. W. Newman. E. B. Cloud. * statement?backed by six years of Pre ad by the good will of more than fifi i you to transact your business with us l : Aug. W. Smith Spartanburg, S. C ir Samples and Compare wfl idies Maid in Attendance ivals in 5 n Piece C :s SILK AN] d the newest 36 inches wide, g j ' ' ^ 'good line of 36 inches wide' * Ki fS A new Rayon p: lew patterns. a complete lirie i 1 FTP ST pmnp I A AA?K/ A A* AJWAW ing Dresses id, our thoughts turn toward Spri; 'What Wiethe style be?" "What a i V r complete, !we have a representati r yourself ^rhat are the new sty] i e moderately priced from to $59 JO >ND FLOOR LLINERY WHIMS j >ft shades $5.00 and $5. ies $5.00 to $9. $1.75 up to $3. ND FLOOR " ONYX Full fashiohed, Pointex, S Hose. A new shipment of the new shades just arriv< pair $1. >T FLOOR wmm&mmiaaf I School, will be held a meeting c memoratlng the birthday annivcr, ^ I of National Prohibition, a num*? I r\t anoolrora will ? 1 vr* UCttrU, 2111 (j V y playlets by the children of the s< 1,7*' You are all cordially invited . tend. Three o'clock p. m. js tii,.-H,,7 Prof. Schilletter is arranging a able program for a celebration^ the birthday anniversary of (;?u, ^ert E Lee on Tuesday, January Good Meals >OD INN COMMERCIAL asonable r in Every Room. Tryon, N. C. ++***< I i M M | | ++++++4 ii&M eeds in Tryon, it's only an t GILMER'S, Asheville's most + Selling at ' I -City-Prices." J E, ASHEVILLE, N. C.' \ ....... + ***** >???? ???++ Company at the Close of Business ABILITIES. $ 15,000.00 fits 7,975.11 1. S. Bonds... 150.00 i'- 1,476.30 * 5,000.00 25,000.00 142,719.10 $197,320.51 Six Years Ago Vice Pres. and Cash. . Cashier, isst. Cashier. Frank Jackson. El W. S. Qobb. Fred W. Blanton. igresaive Public Service' and teen hundred customers-n-we t I P A PROMPT ft VO- MAIL - | ORDER ? th others SERVICE j| r Second Floor" ?=n~ i NIK ClllUg ioods f D COTTON CREPES , and moderately priced at W 95c Yd. ? lYON CREPE ? and in "all solid colors. SS 75c Yd. OKO REPE roduct, 36 inches wide, and jf of new shades. 85e Yd. . ft I ?JL ?!l I v v I"

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