Til CHAM II ICHCK TO II I .tO PAGES \.\ XI So. 21 ? F* * ^ tizeua ?w r CMTUII KM liiksiu 1 EM H I J. Lynch Named I. Peattie,'/ice Pr H. Holmes, Treas HMBERSHIP Dl !.! Wednesday nigf n 'am* < >n the la fee dif Hhidnd in ill'' t'ormiui; of ri l.tv t bomber of Con ^Br lilt' year' 1921 Hi- nil"' royressive meetin 1 in T: yon Hiard of directors include th promin< at business- men c I! I. Hallellyer. (J. f \\ H. .<; ?Nis, Mavor W. 5 t Ward. K. K. Missildini ^Bdretvs. W. (jaines. W. A ^knii \ !!. Jackson. J Kodgers. presid- nt of th >nvii!e chamber of Con ^ old the audience of the wot Hrti.eress made by /that bod 'I'' ' ^*itliiiQit nlan< an ilis thai he thought, woufd h | the Tryon Chamber, an IT-' h iiu-yf'Ty jjhv'W-ti lh.il. would eoini- from tll| it inn ja Try i ti Ilf advise laid si. ! :.try lie secured a ]??>:.in . and > .gin sled il:I .s ei>liipo>eil ill te a.l -. . i/.-ti'-. Mr. cha-. . l'? . T'.ii'ic. was named a : It. I!. IVittti , vie L 1. Inu.i 11. edits: . \' w -. as seen if iio'ines. jires Hunk iitnl Trui I '! of the new orgai fur nienilKrshi !'? ; >. about 250 men ' s.e.ir-d. 1 y - iieakirs wet ' ' 'uents from mar tens the greate: ' : - ever staged s t lade immediate! a full time se ; a ide experience i r i i-i' of work. '.Mine offered th . .! wlit neu r needei S ,1 usy securing men ? ivfch the thre I k' The drh Hi ?!i .'. Mi overwhelniin ?' confinue to poi I un rest displays ' /. U i t > 11. ' ' i he held Frida * > I. Sam. \ gent For -if i i A d dresses ; ? g Audience H( on Railroad ai S.iiii \V. V. ilkc< >[ Atlant l,Illicit \ 1 ior V. r the Gee ilwii . ;i.i t !i i W. i I'oint 1 tll'li .-1!. | lt IrU'L'f uti. r I ' mi 1::st Wedpesdl ? mi. i Will's. ;t railroi t all up { . ;.r-' experient [in ll. i .Mi- ads ..I' lliis cou il pnur, -..I in th< past fe Ha sji.i,..' of ih<- ionizing il p-tits ihid bail been made siin In ;:; I. s career as a ra . . i- <"- ~ ....... i *uvci nine ' ip. y tip. itominion h? reads. The control of t i-ii'Ul during the great woi i 1 I: s ! The 7 ^ N UTION 1 Attend ftambe SlflSTIC MEETELD IN TRTDN ?? President of New Bod] es, Louis Lehman Sec'yj urer and 10 Directors i I ?? RIVE BIG SUCCESS it night to discuss other matters p s- [ great importance pertaining to tin 11 j Chamber of CiAnmerce, and it wat . 1 stated that at this meeting eve^ 5. ' j J . ? I thing wHl be in readiness to mak< 'this organization a reality, and be e gin the work at once. The directors lf held a meeting -Monday afternoon t< J' i take up the mattei of the selectku } j of a full lime secretary, and a ful j' report of their findings will be rejac at the big meeting Friday night. At unusuallv large attendance is' lex e 1 pected and a great meeting is as I sured. The 'meeting will be held! it j the Missildine hall at 7:30 o'clock!. V if, .Helen In ^H is i v^y/W r-sZ? IWR v^flwHn ':' vn| ly HPr^ ; . iv L" K(s2i P WrocxCTCRl ;, / JH9BX>:!^ k 1 ; Miss Helen Wills, America's tenir1 rfs queen, is now in Europe to d (tady art but friends say she will battle Mile. Lenglen for the world's Bet crown before returning to_her >' wtt?e shores. Vilkes Publicity f < y-% ^~v /t /V ?> /%t yjvvtgiu i\y\. Lanier Club T~ w L . j jars Noted Speaker nd Other Matters , . a, war was a plan, to unify every djepart >r- nient which to his ipind was the onlj )i- proper course to pursue under sucl at conditions that prevailed at thatj time ' Colonel Wilkes piid high tribfute ti J thhe officials of all great roadi, an< 'e-1 said that there wfere no diffejrencei n" now between ownets and the people 'w that co-operation v^as the first wort m" with them, and that a partnership be ce tween the roads and the public no? existed. ! ir- i ; . The railroads are continually bor rowing money, asserted the speaker ;rto go forward with their expansiot i_ program, to take e^lre of the imjmensi Ill nt increase noted evjery month. | Cai da loading is gejUingj greater a|l th< ?? time, and they hardly build fas enough to take carje of businesjS, am he when all international relations ar rid (Continued en page 4.) ' ' ' I . I i f-v' V ; .)) '' .iff4 PolkC POLK COUNTY?The Gate Tryon, N. SADOPT * I ' Large Mass r of Comi *? ! I n THE POLK COUNTY M i - I "711 -X 1 || I ^ | i ' - * ,, ?**? j*._jjB|Mm , *>. jjjji c' V - -p" -^^>-? . 7 GrtA^fJ "'"' *"' Vs Tt 1" \ TO THE DEMOCRATIC Pnlk VOTERS OF TENTH CON-' GRESSIONAL DISTRICT "Ual I I I To the Democratic Voters of the The Polk Cc ^ Tenth Cpngressional District. j Anal meeting a Tr.von on Jan of the club sei In the earlier states of each cam- I dinner to ahou paign since) 1910, loyal friends,ami friends, throughout tlje district have been kind The main s enough to suggest that I enter the: was "Roads," i race for the democratic nomination | talks by prot for Congress. , them H. D. Al It has always been my'desire and j B. Clou, Mrs. aspiration to represent my people in I H. Gibbs. A r j that office, but in eaclf instance 1 j ing of F. P. Be have deferred my wishes to the am-1 Haiienger, r . hition jof some other mail and have nard, C. I?. Rc contented myself with working for H. Holmes am his and my party's success. pointed to, pus) On the sixth day of last dune, by .surfacing of tl my authority, the Waynesville Moun- derson County taineer announced that 1 would at lina link ' this time be a candidate, and prac-, Mr. J. R. Si Uically al! of the newspapers of the Polk county h I district v^ry kindly repeated the an-; banner county Inouncement and gave it prominence. | Within the last few days the state- j ment has been repeatedly made to me j D|||| fllMP that rumor is going the rounds to the I DUILUIIlU ' effect th it I may not. remain in the _ _ _ race. Tl is rumor, like the report of H 111 II r U - (Continued on p^ge 6 -i The stockho DENTON SPRING PARK r pr IIS DEVELOPING FAST -fc ?! made hs repo; 1 ifying to the i. Work in the new suburb develop- lowing were < 5 inent at Columbus, namely, Denton the assjciatior j Springs Park, is progressing rapidly-. W. S; Greer 3 The stn ets are being graded, side- ,w. Blanton, T. . walks ai e being laid off and th? park son, G. L. T1 j is beinf beautified. Work on the brook, IE. W. Springs will begin at once, such as Law. After f building rock houses and concreting journed, the i the Springs. The Citizens Lumber elected W. S. Company has just completed the first W. Blanton, house to be built in the new devel- Carson, secret . TViio hmwD will he occupied S. Lewis was n oyiiieiii. | * uio iiuu^v 1 by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones, from and treasurer e Georgia. Contracts have been let for passed on, and other houses which will be erected at the office of 5 an early date. Lots in this develop- Polk County ] 1 ment have only been on the market ence of the ma ^ for a short while, yet within the past ers. About tw " ? ~' nn'ft0 Vioo Kfton Knnn onhccrihl f?W flays 9- IIumDGT Ui oaito uuo uccu | uctu oui;ov?.-^ I reported. \ [which opened j ' ,-i I ' '"W* rTf': fM Q""ty I way off Western North Carolina C., January 28, 1926 , ED ON 0 Meeting Las merce Foi NEWS WEEKLY CARTOON ^Ji < Ir^rtllyi JP1 I V|^S e/UifPu" ^ v.V^ r:rr^ei-^*i '7 , r, " "r..0^'[ I Jz.V * . ?' < . w i ; j i " * County Club Holds Ai Meeting at Lanier Chi . > inly Club hold its an- club work .jmong the boys am! t the Lanier Library in and that a special e?p >rt to push uary 19th. The ladies work would be sent to Polk. lit ved a-delicious turkey told t:s that he had .been apppi seventy-five members pasture specialist for this part of state, and would not be ah'e to| b lbject of the "evening | Polk much of th<| time, and he it jnd there were several duced .Mr. .1. Artz, a veteran of hinent people, among j late war. Who would succeed hiin. bbott, C. P. Rogers, E. j The treasurer and secretary 1 W. T. Lindsey and J. i made their, annua) reports, and oad committee, consist-I following persons Were elected as icon, C. J. Lynch, B. L. ! fit-ens for the coming year: W. Blanton, E. C. Bar- f President. W. S. Green; vice p igers, C. 0. Herron,'G. dent, J. H. Gilrbs; sergeant-at-a 1 G. R. Little, was ap-! E. W. S. Cobb; cirectors, F. P. 3 particularly the hard con, II. H. Carson, E. C. Barnard le road frcm the Hen- F. W. Blanton. line to the South Caro- Six persons joined the club night, and two renewed their mem ims told the club that ship. las been selected as a W. S. Green was asked to again in which to develop sent his report on "taxation and coi . government, and itlwas moved, onded and carried that the re lAlftl PTflOV should be printled and distrib I LUHH OlUufV" among the members so they in . familiarize themselves with it be J J |f| E EI I N U votinB on thft Pr?P?s't'on of acceE The treasurer's report sho lders of the Polk Coun- $158 on hand. JOniy OI LllC atuciuii/m- j ? ) o hundred sliares have The meeting was in charge of 1 jd in the rew series M. E. Summey, and was a splei January 1st success and enjoyed by everyone I | . j A - ' . y - *>*** fkflI Mews j Five C iKETRI ! / ! t Wednesd* . ?> r Tryonil , ! Pat Crowe'8 Ransom I Above la "Eddie" Cuidshy, who ! '"< when a yoangeter was kidnapped ? preunty port He Formerly Repre "County In the St fnrp I t lting /I ' [The HenderSonville -Times of last ci wed Tuesday carridd a news story of in- si te|est to the citizens of Bolk county r; , in, that it states that Carroll P. Rog- i>< |ers, formerly representative from le [1IJ Henderson county, ,and one of the b: JII two Democratic representatives elect- tj ' || ed in that couity since the Civil War, m I U would be a candidate for the State . " , Senate, to represent the Twenty-fifth Senatorial District, whi<|h Includes : the Polk and Hehderson counties. Two _ s a 'years ago Polk county had the nomination for this important office, and ' pro- this year it goes to Henderson. Not j only, is Mr. Rogers utr ally well ^ (Jar qualified to represent Li' . n county she, in the, State Senate, due! to his pasi ! Da- txperience in [the Legislature, and his | . G. knowledge of j the needs! of Hender-! iton sonville and Jlenderson county, as a iton/result of the! fact that he has just I " 0 , rom completed a nfost aggressive and she- j 3 of cessful year as president of the ,Hen- j ttle dersonville Chamber of Commerce, | and said to be the most successful year j C. in the history pf that organization, but i Rev but he is "probably better qualified,' adid through his kjnowledge of, and inter- j est in, Polk county, to represent this V. * '*" ; | 1. ( ' ! ' . . - i Loan Association held ? meeting at the court- AA1|.|.ll.r bus January 19th. ' SINGING CONVENTII secretary and treasurer, t ~ BAPTIST CHORI sleeted as directors of j 1: j The singing convention held at i, H. H. Carson, Fred. Baptist Church last Sunday wa A. Roppy, Frank Jack- j great success, lompson, W. D. West- j The following took part in the ~ ^' > ?i a i cram: b. UOUU ctllU ?JUXiii n.. | o the stockholders ad Paul' Collin", Mr. M. Fox, Mri iirectors met and re- jrison and several others from1-1A Green president; Fred. ' ville, N. C.;'B. J. Rhodes, Fslte vice presider t; H. H. vis, Herbert Pace and wife, U, ary and tre; surer. P. | Jones of Saluda, Mr.' Early St. tade assistant secretary ' from Mimosa, and Mr. Henry Sti Several loans w-erejand wife of Tryon; Mr. Castle f it was decidi d to move | Campobello, S. C., and Mr. Jc nei the association to the Gramlin, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Li Bank for the conveni- john and wife from Spartanburg, ? I?i,i. I Mi- Mt-n Weems from Easly. [S. > f" ' *1 , "; - ; . ' W' PAGES tOPAY .. Jents Per Copy $1.50 a Year JUBLE ; . iy Night JAM TO BE v BUILT BACK AT flNPF n i viiub lany Prominent Speakers on the Program Wright Makes Talk t 3y a Staff Correspondent. A mass meeting of the citizens of ryon and nearby towns was held Friy 'night at Missiljline's hall to pass .'solutions on the Lake Lanier dam isaster of last Wednesday. The meeting was largely attended, icluding many citizens from LanTil/1 P/illnuflna by the notorious "Pair Crowe and 1 a, held until a $26,01)0 ransom was paid by Codahy Sr. Edward, Jfr, now 40, is president ot the $75r U" | ;; CLAUD WASHBURN FORMER TRYON MAN:: WRITES POPULAR BOOK j, ~[ INTO A MAGIC FtlREST. d J . I j C' "The Gr^en Arc^i," by Claude Washburn?Reviewed by Ruth Sbinfel. L 1 " I' I The following news item that will !> be of interest :o Trvon people ap- '' J peared in the Hew York Herald-Tri? ! bune. Mr. Washburn lived in Tryon " - ! about a year and before that time a nwas a regular vi jitor here. He is now .esiding in Levi, Italy, near the city !of Genoa: I I w Cures without number have been I |v devised for the! post-war pessimism, , IWI cynicism, disillusionment of what you l ! will; practical |cures than dance to ' the tune of economic normalcy, An-j ;irls, i I 11 this ',aean cures ''y Nature ai|d spiritual .j. ajso cures by God, muthful ci^res by ac- c, nted ' robatic stunts en dance floors or on | the | airplane wings, .desperate final cures ,, e in j with the aid of Colts or illuminating j d itro-1 gas or the nearest body of water. ;l] the i Iluut the pleasintest dose. of them j ri all, perhaps also the most) logical? C both Claude YYasshburn could,Mno doubt, j fi the prove the latter contention as well | a i of- as he has demonstrated the former? d is to ride through a greenj rhododen- ii rcsi* (Continued on page' 7.) rms, j j Ba- [ --- J? | CARROLL P. that I I ! CAN I DATE F 1.11111 aim V UIUIHUIIO. 1111- niiiun isolutions, prepared by C. J. Rogers, ere read at, the meeting and dopted: "As a result or the fact that on esterday, due to a weakness in the nehorage of the west wing of the am, a small portion of the dam at iake Lanier, was washed out, and a ortion of the water impounded by te dam drained off. A meeting of epresentative citizens of Tryon was eld at noon today, and the following isolutions unanimously adopted: "Resolved, That with the loss of r ortion of the,Lake Lanier dam, and tie resultant lowering of the waters f Lake Lanier is a fact that is 'to be eplored as'a temporary delay, to. the omplete development of the wondei ul Lake 'Lanier Property. We, the itjzens of Tryon, in mass mecfag asembled, take-this opportunity of ex Teasing our complete confidence in tie Tryon Development Company, and 1 the genius and vision of its preslent, Mr. P.* L. Wright, and in the bility 6f Mr. W. M. Hester, treasurer nd general manager of the company, nil our belief that, in spite of this inporary setback and delay in the ork of developing this attractive roperty, the complete fulfilment of tie vision of the promoters*-of the 'ryon Development Company and of ake? Lanier will be vigorously carted on to an early completion, and to lis consummation we, the citizens of ryon, pledge o.ir hearty support and a-operation.'' The meeting was the second one i the day, the first being held in the irectors' room of the People's Hank ud Trust Company at noon at the ;rpiest of the Tryon Chamber "of oninierce, attended by about twentyve of the leading citizens, and on ccount of such short notice it was ecided to call a general mass meetlg at night-for the benefit of those ' Continued on page 10 ROGERS IS aHD cry ATC . vn gtnn i k. isented Henderson ;ate Legislature Dunty than any man who might be Reeled for the place. The Democicy of Polk county will heartily supirt the nominee of the party, as seictpd for this responsible position Y the Democrats of Henderson counr,. but no selection' which can be ade will be received with more sarty approval and enthusiastic supjrt than that of Carroll P. Rogers. SUMMARV OF THIS WEEK'S DEWS. Page Brisbane's Editorials 10 Farm News 5 Health Hints by John Joseph Gaines, M. D..'. 10 County News ;... 1(^ Classified Ads 7 1