'J f "l? II" HI HI jj j I J . f f PAOff TEN - ' . . ' The Polk Coun I'jWisiwJ Weekly by I,is Na#s P li-UM Akl C, LUUI3 Lcnnmnp ti Entered at the postoffice at Tryon, N. C, as seco act of Congress ; TERMS OF 5UBSCR One Year...: Six Months J Three Months I DISPLAY ADVERTISII Forty Cents Per Colli Legal Advertising, One cent Per \ fhat which makes a roan ireat is the powi A GREAT STEP FOR The citizens' ma^s meeting1 last Wei the rejuvenation of/the Tryon Chambe ment that will be heralded as a real bles Nothing has been needed of rial impoi as an organization of this character. In the eyes of the world are centered on Tryonites could not have selected b mor movement of this kind. The Folk Coui 1 that the officers and directors of this o way clear to secure the services of an < retary. You succeeded in securing a public has responded generously, but > real results in order to merit a contin operation ana suppuii. Towns that had their Board of Tr merce would succeed in raising- funds at asm, which usually prevails at all meet terest would gradually drop off, and in 1iad a Chamber of Commerce in name bi This job of secretary in this day a sion. It takes a man capable of deliver: fully experienced in this particular phai expensive at the start, but if results are expensive in the end. What the jnembei expect it and shotild have it. You hav body; you have selected a high-powere* Directors. The whole-hearted support community has been secured, so it cann make it function properly. Do the job world through ou own new and larger the Golden Opportunities that axjrait th this Great Mounlain Paradise \yhieh 1 blessed by Mothe* Nature. J * iak f* 1 * * * Albert Corbin of Hull, England, v with all his 22 sons irf court. The childn mothers. r * * * An owl killed ? nd carried away a ca man of Davenport, la. r * * Ml SSI Marcraretl Sharp, formerly a England, has becon e a Unitarian minisi ; .. ** x * i ,' . ' ^0,v , v '' To conceal th movement of four gold belonging to she Bank of England the streets in a wMsky truck. " r ' "IT CAN I5E 1)0? In naming Chas. J. Lynch for the Pi ber of Commerce, the citizenship of this keen judgment. Chas. J. Lyn :h is the right man f right time. He ;s possessed with tha' greatly needed at this opportune mome ability and genius to perform the duties manner. I So, "go to it,' Chas. J. Remembe The Polk County News is for you, an ments for the Tryon Chamber of Commt x ? r OLD JCHN'S SPIRIT STILL ^llow far the Congress will be lined cation of the Volstead act may be a del certain the country is destined to face demon rumr The fifty-eight members sentatives, who have been conducting into the operation of the prohibition la\ and unquestionably will present to the of alterations. ; ) There is every indication that the cc a vet-v nractical view of the liquor situa ? f t . remain strongly in favor of prohibition have been reached more quickly had it the door of Temperance; and most of tl mit that the rampj nt lawlessness exhib lage is eating into the very vitals of rei To enforce the existing statute wc sources of the nation and turn every ot a national policenun to watch his neig true that from the economic angle the e | been to transfer vist government rev( thousands of bootleggers who have bee night. It is unquestionably true too that resistance, born peihaps of our history, bition. Self-government makes a stron American nation grrws restive under th "it is always ready o govern itself into * * A deserted bal y girl about 18 moi Chicago movie thea ;er. Pf i ity News 'iiMsIiiiia Company dltor nd olijiss mail matter under ' , IPTION [ * < 1-50 I 1.00 I j 75c; MG RATE mn Inch, Flat Vord Cash In Advance 1 I WARD. | inesduy night resulted in ! [ r of Commerce, a moveising for this community, i tance to Tryon as muchj i this day and time, when | Western North Carolina, i , ? e suitable time tor start a ljty N ?ws sincerely hopes irganiKation can sjee their jpcperienced full-time sectarge membership. The rpu've got to show them qance of this hearty co-j ^ I ade ot Chamber of Cornmeetings full of enthusiings ht first. Finally ina shbrt while they dnly at notlin action. 'S ind time is a real profesing the goods, one that i? se of work, it mjay seem : obtained it will jj>rove in s demand is results; they ej revived interest in this 1 President and floard of of thd citizenship of the qt be a herculean task to i up right. Let's tell the Chamber of Commerce of iej tourist and investor in lifts been so bountifully ?E." esiderit of the new Chamcommunity has c isplayed i" or the right place at the t move forward spirit so int. Ijfe has the pep, the 5 of this office in an able i\ "II] CAN BE DONE." d predicts great jachieve:rce under your guijdance. HAUNTS US. up on the side of modifi>atabl| question, tut it is another battle over the of the House of Repretheir own invesl igation v are now well organized national legislature a bill | >untry generally is taking tion. Many of the se who see that their goal would been approached through hem are compelled to adited in both city and vilspect for government. iiilH tav flip financial re her man and woman ihto hbor. It is indisputably :ffect of Volsteadism has :nue into the pockets of n made millionaires over there is an uncortscious to the very word prohi?er national appea . The e dictatorial lash, though reasonable restraint. ths old was found in a i|as convicted of bigamy in were by four different i ; ,jt owned by Conrad PortI . policewoman of; Oxford,' er. V 9 nillion dollars' worth of it was carried throug i \ - ' 1 - : 11 - m Tryon Route 1. hi Oh. t lie snow, the beautiful snow. Is ? fast falling outside, while I sit among ^ my beautiful flowers, hanging ferns ^ and .lees, ripe oranges, Florida palms, * '6 etc.. living" to scribble off a few dots to the News. 1 almost have the ^ "nine tidse Mountain Blues.'' Why? Because of the absent ones from home 1 aand not knowing where they are yet, . IV etc. Mav the seas of life be smooth r< and th ? skies smiling, and that they may be in the hollow of the hand of . ir the Heavenly Father, is my prayer. 1 111 I finist have good news to tell our VV. M. S. auxiiliarv. Our district sec * w retai-y writes from our conference ^ treasuier that the Marion (our) district paid out everything in full for 1925, Belie Bennett Memorial included, and a nice little surplus besides. ol The Quarterly Conference will be held at Bethlehem Saturday and Sun- * day, January 30th and 31st. Elder w Cole will preside. Some of the children on Route 1 are TV out of school on account of weather . t< and roads, and the inconvenience of the "bus" which should not be to the n ones who are taxed so heavily for w schools. W hy can't, we have a good h road through here, where it is needed seemingly more than anywhere u. der the sun? Our poor mail man a, ?] ? ? -~r '8 \bout your Health I Things You Should Know 'a| . by ]ohn Joseph Gaines, M. D. ? ' ' ei THE CHILD'S THROAT. _ Be very vigilant in caring for the child's throat in winter. Formaldehyde in solution is the most effective, reliable of the fumigants with which I am acquainted. In epidemics of infectious disease it is a servant of inestimable vali ue. The ease of scarlet fever demands isolation and quarantine, but the rest of the family may be protected by the fodidoua, timely Use of formaldehyde. Kept sprinkled about the bedding, clothing and ruga, ft is fatal to germs which are abroad in the ahr. ramaklehvde is a crood defense against pr. o aroonla, small-pax, sod influents R should be ueed in forty per ent solution, and its Oie mnited to a point where tt gently irritates the eyes and nasal pemnaflce. It is never need in tonfaei being too strong, bnt should be carefully I sprinkled about the toon and breathed in with the ?ar which it purifies. ( ) Germs that attack the throat are among the easiest to destroy, if J com batted eariy?before they be- . come deeply imbedded in the tkCes. Even a weak solution at < rack add is effective if need as a { gargle, spray, or nasal douche at the first sign of disturbance. Bar 1 bies and small children may be sprayed with a suitable atomiser for the nose and throat after tripe through dust, or after attendance on whiter gatherings where somebody coughs and thus sets free infectious bacteria. A good plan is to spray before going to bed and on rising, and the boradc add solution is one of the simplest and best preventives of trouble. . f Cold, icy air is dangerous for j i adults as well as children. Cover 1 baby's face with a light woolen I fabric, if he is to be carried J through extreme cold to a neigh- i bor's house, no matter how sheet 1 the 'distance. I Next Week;? t "DOCTORING YOITtSELF" | [ > ;< >* * * ;? > >: ?> ? * * < > * * * f m THE P E ! *: ;* > *> *> * * *;* * *i* * *< * * -j- { { ? -j-* -{ s* "Tryon the Unspoiled Paradise." st Editor Polk County News: pi Whoever invented that phrase de- le serves credit -for a very concise and fi] appropriate description of the place a where our town is located. ' gi But?and there are always those Uf troublesome buts?but what have the citizens of this delectable valley done as individuals not to create?for that 'e was done before they were citizens of ?but not to aid, maintain or perpet- ry uate Tryon as an unspoiled Paradise? be History records another Paradise which was unspoiled till its citizens Pa took a hand in its affairs, and his- th torry has a way of repeating^ltself. fr< I sshall never foirget my first visit se to this place. We left Detroit in a th cold, biting, driving snowstorm late an in Mnrcli Pnminrv nn thp VallftV of SO the French Broad rivef^T there was an au occasional flicker of grefen and a tr< glimpse of a dogwood tree whose lir blossoms were turning white. Ashe- it ville was cold, dark and gloomy; Hen- wl dersonville, all of that and more. Ouf of hearts began to sink. . Had! we left tr< our steam-heated city hpartnient' for ba this? Where was that delecable land fr< of flowers, blooming tre< sj birds, foi balmy wiilds and sunshine? Had we it come.too poon? Saluda showed slight Tr improvement over Asheville ancf'Hen- ad dersonville, and then iwe began the slide down the mountains. A t Melrose ag ' ' I ' 1 I - - . \ ..... as wade out and be pulled out.' a h, It's too bad! ^ Making hooked rugs seems to be ? le (jirder of the day in this vicinity. a ctujally it is becoming one ojf our 81 auing mountain muuBii ?co. Mr. Brownie Lindsey has thp misirttine of a broken arm. the result ^ f c-anking a ^ord truck. M ss Sallie Carpenter and sister, S frs. Sitten, were visiting on the >uto. 0 Mi. John Henry Ford is now resid- ? lg on Route 1 in the Joe IGreen 11 bus ;. ^ Mi? Grace Hamilton spenij last eek in Spartanburg with her sisters, ^ ertlia and Bessie. Gh d to hear of the great success w f o lr one-time friend and sphool- ^ ate and his sisters whom the thouuht 0 C br ngs back happy days. We allmost ^ uvy their happy life in the lakid of 11 owers. Perhaps v we would i|f we p ere not nestled among such here n monjg the hillss of North Carolina a L P here we can also enjoy the pnow, )0. We Christian Herald readers must ow take a trip to the Holy Land ^ ith the Republic voyagers, though at n ome| . | Mill Spring Route 1. Rev. H. G. Liner filled his regular ppointment at Big Level Sunday. A d irge crowd attended. Misses Vernie Hyder and Maude a 'omack, students of Hill C'est choo , spent the week-end with home i'ks. I Little Mary Kate Earley sjpent 'ednesday night with Eva Wilson. * Sallie Jane Elliott spent Wednesday D 'ternoon with her little cousin, Florv * r Fl ice Hyder. Mist Anlo Green had the miafor- ' ine of breaking her arm a few lays co. d' 0 Garland and Roy Hyder called on ^ leir friends, Ray and Norman El- A Dtt. Wednesday. Mrs. Q. M. Powell spent Sunday aft noor with Mrs. W. E. Elliott. tl Lake Nation Sufler " ~~ Z~~ f-? ? J '"> Ml 61 UffW' '$$$ * fl* w Onie?or both of these men are fuiltv. Mr. Citiien doesn't care minVt whirh /in* l? H?rht PITT " te does say to Uncle Sam; "Open cl .he mines. Give as coal at a fair si jrice. It is a public necessity? 8] md we need it NOW." Upper. Major W. W. Inglis, head of th? ]oal Owners and Operators; Lowsjrj^Imhn L. Lewis, head of ths P' dine Workara. * z< ; ? oVle"'s'c'o' { *+****+ *** ****** -M- ******* 4 atioi we began to see traces ot the th omised land, finally the Pacolei val- yc y w th its background of mounjtains gi Itered, as it seemed to be, thrlough e> screen of trees robed In the delicate lil een i of newborn leaves bursst upon lil I. \ A] Interspersed were clusters of pure wi bite dogwood; further down the val- lil y, peach trees were huge bouquets a delicate pink; white plum and chertrees made theiir contributions of bi lautiful blossoms. ] sp We were dragged up the then un- be ived road leading to Miss Ravawel's, wi en nearly hub-deep in red mudj and Ti am ber porch caught a view of that dii mi-t irele of mountains, which enrich gu e va Hey, protecting it from the north ho ia west winas. as i got out o^ tie to: cal ed carriage (there were few do itos iu those days) I faced a peacik in ae 1 jaded to the extreme tips cjf its nbs with pink blossoms. In frojnt of ex wa i a smaller tree equally fuill of lot lite flowers, the two making a mass wi pitk and white, which was a j rare w? irat to our northern eyes. Oiyn a rei ckg round of mountains stretching im White Oak to Hog Back, and a m( regi ound: such as I have described, ite was not difficult to understand why th yon was called "The Unspoiled Par- ob ise.' j j -1 I i ap But! Here's that horrible old but j] ain But what is that discordant ad 1 " l ' . i&jii MM 2 fa I I : COLulwBI The Colambus Parent-Teacher AsDciation met In the school bonding ist Friday evening. Despite the cold eather, quite a number wore present ad listened with interest |o the proram which dealt with child nutrition. I Ir. Cobb had charge of the devotion-1 1, after which Miss Mavwood, intructor of Home Economjlca in the teams High School, mate a very iteresting talk on "Value 3f Milk in ! ae Diet." This was follt wed toy a layette given by pupils o ! the fifth rade, in which the value of proper let in school children wi s brought ut in a most interesting ray. Miss iolderbaum explained the work she ad* been doing in the scl ool during le past week, and outlii 3d a plan )r hot school lunches wh ch the P.A.^is fostering. The principal peaker of the evening Was Dr. Smith, ell known baby specialist, from Sparinburg and Saluda, and a i authority n child nutrition." Dr. ? mfth's adress was highly instructs 3 and was stened to with eagernesi hy those resent. The P.-T. A. feels very fortuate in having Dr. Smith i ddress the ssociation, and very grat iful to Dr. aimer of Tryon for secui ing him. After a short business meeting re eshments, consisting of hot chocoite and cookies, were seiyed by dolestic science girls. Miss Lois Holderbaum, assisted by Irs. E. W. S. Cobb, spent! last week 1 weighing and measuring the chilren in the Stearns High School, prearatory to some nutrition work which to follow. The childrenjwere very | luch interested in finding out how iey measured up to the standard. Among those 'from, Colqmbus who .tended the Polk County Club meetig at the Lanier Library In Tryon ,8t Tuesday night were M: . and Mrs. red W. Blanton, Mr. and lira. E. W. Cobb, Mr. j and Mrs. C. S. Bird, Iss Minnie ^rledge, Mist Lois Hol;rbaum, Col. J. R. Sams, Mr. E. B. loud, Mr. John W. Artz, Mr. P. S. ewls, Mr. James P. Ormo: id and Mr rchie Feagan. . 1 After completing a year of clothing le Columbus girls under I the direcon of Miss Holderbauin, County ome Agent, they are now taking up iod work. The young ladles who >mprise this club are mm h intereSti in the work and are deriving a reat deal of benefit froi a it. The lub meets every two weeks with the liferent club members. Next meetig will be on Monday afternopn, Febtary 1st, at the home of Futh, Elolse ad Emma Katherine Cobb. Mrs. J. W. Jack, Mrs. J. A. Feagan ad Mrs. E. W. S. Cobb aijtended the leetiing of the Tryon-Colt mbus Auxiary of the Presbyteria 1 Church, Mx>re About D Built Bi ' I (Continued from page 1.) ho did not attend the noi n session. Mr. Broaddus Ballenger, president [ the Chamber of Commerce, presid1 at both meetings. Short (talks were lade by many prominent men: Dr. L. Justice, Carter Bro tvn, C. J. ogers, W. M. Hester, C. J. Lynch, red Bianton of Columbus, ( Mr. Lanrum of Landrum, S. C., Mr. Whit>cck of Landrum, Mayor ] Green of ryon and Mr. G. H. Holmes. Bishop Terrett of Idaly> spoke about le wonderful manner in rhich the tizens of Tryon were hai dling the tuation, and praised the city upon lowing such . a spirit. Mr. P. L. Wright, president of the ryon Development Company, expessed his hedrty thanks t( the cltirns of Tryon for offering thbir assist? ? ? ? ? ) < ? ?< LUMN ? |; dng, object, creation, or what would >u call it, whicfy stands in the fore ound and persists in holding the re, spoiling the picture, standing out re the traditional sore thumb, or se a boil on the end of one's nose? a antiauated. dlsrnnntfthle nhnhhv iter tank, its llegs sprawling apart ce a drunken rowdy in the center of beautiful park. Only a water tank on a high stand, it, oh, what a blot on the picture, filing its symmetry, harmony and auty! I'll bet that that shabby old iter tank has cost the citizeiiss of yon an untold sum in disillusioning, siappointing and discouraging the lests whom we try to attract and id. The party who is responsible rj that atrocity cannot claim to have i^e much to keep the Tryon Paradise an unspoiled condition. Only the most dire necessity could cuse the creation of such an ill diking object, and I understand that th the development of the Tryon iter workB any need for itlhaB been moved. 1 Can't the Tryon Chambei ot Comirce, the mayor or the pi blic spirH1 citizens of this city pre ail upon a owner of that tank to i more so noxious a blot on an othe wise fair (1 beautiful picture? I<et's not spoil our Unspdled Partoe. A. N. C OMUL % '* < y 'y J . y;V / TtO - < - US NEWS-.-{ H which met with Mrs. Eudy In Tryon last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Slkes and two children spent several days the first of the week with relatives in Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Arledge and little daughter, Betty, of Hendersonville, were guests Sunday of Mr. and j Mrs. John Arledge. Thfe friends of Mr. ira u. awaameu. county health officer, are glad to know that he is improving after having been confined to hia bed for some time with la grippe^^ Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Jackson and little daughter, Mary, from Tryon, ctnont siindnv with Mr. and Mrs. H. | H. Carson. ^ Mr. W. T. Hammett spent last week-end with relatives near Inman, S. C. Mr. C. R. Blanton, A. V. Green and C. E. Blantdn spent the past week-eid at their homes in Mooresboro. Misses Siedel, Arledge and Hilderbaum delightfully entertained a few of their friends at the home of Mrs. H. F. Sikes last Thursday evening. Rook was played at four tables. Tally cards were attractive pen and ink sketches drawn by Miss SiedeL After several interesting progressions, the ladies' high score prize, a lovely maderia handkerchief, fell to Miss CrawBwhile Mr. Artz received the men's score prize, a novelty Chinese luck charm. After cards were laid aside, the hostesses, assisted by I Mrs, Sikes, served delicious chicken : salad, sandwiches, coffee, cake and mints to the following guests: Miss {Catherine McChesney, Miss Bodie, Mis$ Crawley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. W. fBlaiton, Mr: W. T. Hammett, Mr. C3dude R. Blanton, Mr. John W. Arts, Mr. A. V. Green and Mr. Archie Pea*r Mr. W. A. McGutre of Chicago was looking after business affairs in Columbus several days last week. Mr. P. S. Lewis of the Polk County Bank was look lug after business matters in Inman and Spartanburg Tuesday T(ie Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church held a pleasant ipectlng with Mrs. N. T. Mills last Tuesday evening. After a short business meeting and a study of "Winnine to tlhrM," the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Miss Thelma Mills, ser ed delicious hot chocolate and sjanlwiches to the following: Mrs. P. 3. Lewis, Mrs. S. A. Stroup, Mrs. Heiman Walker, Mrs. H. G. Laughter, Mn. J. F. Ormond, Miss Gertrude We it. Miss Pearl Tallant, Mrs. C. B. White and Mrs. O. S. Henderson, who t^as a welcome visitor. f*- l- I IS I. I I I LJ afri To Be aick At Once 1 ; Scis, and assured them that everytng that had been promised to Try >n In the way of making the project a success would positively be put into effect just asi though nothing had happened. Mr. Wright's talk was very interesting and brought forth greetings from all corners in the hall, I Mr. Dudley, a corporation lawyer of New York City, who accompanied Mb. Wright from New York to Tryon just 'after the disaster occurred, made a brief but interesting talk. He told his hearers of never having attended sMchi an interesting meeting, and com merited on the way the Tryonites had conn to Mr. Wright's rescue. Dr T. L. Justice spoke of the duty of all citizens to offset any talk of a depreciation of Lake Lanier lots, and said that it was hi6 firm belief that the reaction would have a tendene/ to create a greater demand for this magnificent property. Citizens of Landrum, headed by Mr. Whit ock and Mr. Landrum, stated that hey felt that Lake was an asset to their city as well as Tryon, and any assistance needed from their end could be counted upon. Several committees were named to call upon property owners of some of the lands that were possibly damaged by tl e break to prevent any suits againut the development company. Mr, Chas. J. Lynch, local realtor who owns considerable property in the devastaied district and whose property waa damaged to some extent, stated that no action whatever on his part Si would be brought against the. com- at pany. Si Phfla B! WdHHpII nntoH nnnanltlnw Vi engineer, was at the scene immediately after it happened, mapping out plans for the reconstruction work which is to take place as soon as possible. It was stated by the officials h? of th) company that every possible or preca ution would be taken to prevent te an oicurrence of a similar nature. Pi Severn 1 other noted engineers were co also i t the scene to give their opln- D? ions i.s to the beat procedure for the *? ha work I of reconstruction. H| No expense will be spared in rushing tie repair work as speedily as possll le, and it is expected that in about ninety days Lake Lanier will take oq the appearance of a great y? development as was intended at the m( outset of the project ag if B3PAY, JANUARY 28, i? iwiAA * Aifi). By ATSut BS^^, THE MONKEYS Tried r? IMAGINATIONS Pniln.. I CORN LOW, HOGS ZERO WILL HELP. Chariee Garland, to Hj. young New Englander, lnhtj^ large fortune, refuaed ?t | tako the money, saying q, ^ had A right to money not U n Kle ? ' "'-1|W mmmm 1UUIU BJlfl df+4 into a sidetrack. Convine^jjj haps, that he waa an origin ^ er, he decided that marrai^ n an unnecessary Institution, v he is arrested, because a w child bora on hie farm died, k, faw for its mother an annual ShL The ycxiug man should ^ that hi/ experience was trie;, our alleged simian anoeetan <j thousands of yean befon s appeared, and abandoned by, human mi?ten of 100,000 ^ Not to do away with mani but to make men WORTHY <* is the task of the human a "Away from the monkey lift* a better motto than "Reek nature." Imagination is more per**, than fact. James Dempeey, , the Dempsoy you mean, o*a restaurant. TVo men ema held him up, he delivered >, money. "! A policeman da.-,hed in, aiv^l too man "pointii, the jnr." |B Dcmpsey. The only g :r. wai t*H fingers that had be n pointed. The second man, e sc.-red. ccfl b?r: that afternoc.i. pri-t.y r f ? o4: TVmpaey, n.ui the :> H r ' Mil j..vc up whi.. mct.ry . t | Lorn prices are low, "hop n Ugh.' This t jzzles farmer? .1 packers. Com and nop pufl should go "*> and down togeticH since the pig is really ccfl changed into meat. There is eH ways something to puzzle arc uB trass the fanner. He has no siB dent national organization.! I after election day he hadn't .1 influence in government, corop?B with railroads and other :B financial units. . At the midday luncheon dui H New York you can see eatir.? the same time those tliat c<r.:B ten thousand millions >of dei'srwC Fanners are scattered all overt land, and if you could get imH together there wouldn't be c hnfi that could hold them. UneU Sam is riding alone t wtwt Severe competition sin is the world's markets at hottifl U to be ahead of our produce Jet everything, including Pr.? denee, seems to be with us no*. QWhens of Minnesota get fm M State University intered information about their State. \ contained the beginning of life i this planet, in the form of alpfl two hundred million years if The first life came aa soon u al earth's temperature fell below* hsflfag point. One of the first real arim was an ancestor of our frog! n yriaoaiiden, living on land a ta wsfetr, with a fcot four be* ' diameter It is from the I" (Mi of the salamander, y,>o b1 (Mk we get the fire finger? gk^haad, according to the r* MBdor had had six toes. " ?wU have given as the f (holms! system instead of the * Ml system, which is base: ' Mr tan fingers and thumbs " duodecimal system would '* swat improvement on the deci= twelve having four divisor*,' having only two. llr. Green, "of the Am?* ikhsmtloa of Labor, predictMlly end of the coal strike," dhtiesiing the East ar.d c3 parts of the country. The ts ammeter at sero may help cans are "docOe," as Northsaid. "Von must pineh their with^ the cold or pinch 'J pockets lyrrd to make then: t action. And, unlike mine wot** and^oiroei*, the people are Notice. The Second Baptist Church ' laday School every Sunday 10 o'clock; preaching on the=^ inday morning and evenings tation is extended to everyone . REV.-M. E. SUMMEV. 1'^' He Wine the Prize. The most absent-minded niaren found at last. A fri<-u>i l him the other night and talk* n minutes. Suddenly he eked up his visitor's hat and at, begged the astonished " trdon for talking so long and' od-bye. He left his own lion*'1 an't been seen or heard "f; ive you seen him wandering 3 More Truth Than Poetry- I "Lend me five dollars?" "Nothing doing. You never ur debts." ) A "I need ft badly. Just lend we dollars and you'll never aln." . I

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