ymsppkk lj .to PAGES a XXI So. 22 mmn 01 Mas mi ^ v Matters of ] ^Miscussed at Fii sion, Large r\ T iREKSHIR ut I BMade by Many Promi tons That Will Mai Kw Tr> ' !! ("h'l.'iiluT of ComI B :lily meeting .. ino's hall. 1 .> lit u ly 'luted presi meeting. H > dors decided to I .'s Mr Clark of i of Com > act fall-time secretary. Trvon Cham vt-rv highly reconi ( i \pcCtod to take at ah uptown office seciif'-tii'l active w<will ill force. ^Bmberships Enrolled So Far. H. I,. Andrews, chairman of the ship division, stated that one and eighty-two memberships Hu sec n d. and out of all the hey had called upon only two to take out memberships, and ere they received 'a hearty Be. Additional members were Bo the campaign forces, to in the membership to a large I. Several ladies have been Bo take part in the drive, and Best appeal w.is made to have By ladies a- possible to beMember of V" newiy^wsM^i Idy. Bhow to Be Sponsored by New Chamber. I Try-on Hor's Show, proposed Car*' r Urowti, wilt bo spongy tin Chamber of Commerce, I much talked of event met i ry "'avoralile approval from all lllbers >{.. k?- of the advantages, i l >'t? nuhliritv I IBIMIHJ I '* U" I lUll Hi IUC *li:-- show, and was fol talks from several > ctned very much enI ? tiio announcement that a l?" I. lit In-ld here some time in ' . I ' J Iny Questions of Importance Brought Out. ICarrnl I: liters, president of the per ! i "inmerce of Henderson\v.i ,i on to offer some sugit *:?.. would he beneficial to It; He stated letters writOPLES BANK LECTS OFFICERS I! I'- : - i:ik and Trust Com' If : ! '! following officers at ,.f their board of ?r>: i1 ilmes, president; I.it i-tive vice president; Waliin i- i " president; Walter vi.-. i.lent; W. B. Weigal, 1 ' Island, assistant cashdorcau i) Morris, assistant cashKloyd IV. .t, teller. I-.it: I.-. >. lio has served this - hit v ,-iuce it was founded, prom d !n an active vice presi 'ie ?ill develop the trust deli . i'.iug i 'oik county as good i' the larger places, r. V : i l. the tiew cashier, needs introduction, as he has been a lient, i't Try on for a number of 's- ie has done substitute work Ins leii k s, wral years. Mr. gel v : auditor for a number of r> in one of Chicago's large manuuring lit!>iia s>es. lie hunk has a w |iassed! the third i million dollars in total resources had the host year in its history. I'.ss Ani'liti m. Wutsonj has her liner's work in the prbvince of !bef on exhibition in hjcr studio, 111. -r tlv.- rr - -* if i ui?_ wun also a van >f Southern subjects, jsiturs are-j welcome ori Wednesafternoon, or at any other time, i special exhibition of thirty of s Watson's Water Colors was held iny Hie month of November in the utifnl, new Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Texas. I '"S FlRST The f I ! COMMERCE RTANT MEET. ileal Importance st Regular SesAttendance ClVE A SUCCESS V* nent Men Offering Suggesse a Greater) Tryon ten to each number asking them (or some ideas or nuggQstions that would help the local body. He said this method was u ted in Hendersonville, and met with (Teat success. Mrs. Holden made a short but Interesting talk on 'City Planning,'' which was brought 011 in an able manner. Carter Browi spoke of the necessity of bettet paiking regulations, and Mayor Green s ated that^he city council was ready it all times to take the Chamber of G >mmerce into their con(Continued on page 8.) FURNITURE DEALER LEAVES FOR MARKET Mr. C. T. Price, local furniture dealer, leaves Tuesday for the furniture markets] Mr. Price is making this trip to make his purchases tor his new, largle store now beihg built on Trade strjeet. Mr. Price expects to be in the new bidding about and he states .that on this trip he will select a grea/ line of higngrade furniture to stock up his newf store. The store will be very spacious, having two large floors, and lovely show windows. A complete line will be carried as found in the larger city stores. Great preparations are bein^ madel for the opening of the new store. PRIZES GIVEN AT SUNNY VIEW I I Many Take Part In Hot Lunch Contest i Prizes wbre awarded last Friday to four girls ih the Home Demonstration Club at the Sunny View School for the work they have done In the hot school lunch contest. This contest began last November with a health program for the entire school. The club girls'agreed that if the children would bring milk from' home, they would serve hot cocoa for lunch. One of the cloak rooms was converted into a small kitohen. The girls divided into groups of two as follows: First group, Colean Stepp and Gladys Jackson; second group, Nellie Lynch and Creola Taylor; third group, Sarah Elliott and Lula Jackson. The home demonstration agent gave the directions the preparation of the cocoa and the care of the kitchen. Each group served for three weeks. A Cutex manicuring set was awarded to each of the following girls: Sarah Elliott and Lula Jackson, for the best care of the kitchen, and to Nellie Lynch and Creola Taylor, for succeeding in getting, the greatest number of chil 1 dren to bring mint, me yuuco nogiven by Mrs. May 0. Kelley of Tryon. r HOUSE WARMING , AT COLUMBUS Con ing as quite a surprise to Mrs. W. S.1 McDowell was the house warming and miscellaneous shower which members of the Outlook Club gave her at her new home on Miller street last Friday evening. Club members assembled at the home of Mrs. H. F. Slkes and went in a body to the home of Mrs. McDowell, where they presented her with miscellaneous gifts for her new house and enjoyed a pleasant social hour. Before leaving, refreshments, which had previi ouslyj been prepared by club members,) were served. I ' -I j. 1 . * I . . .1 : ? B . . " v ' . j 1 r'i:- tfj' i ^ ANNUAI Polk L> . ;i. > v . |; , POLK COUNTY | I THE POLK GONE j u Ukf "STATE SUPERVISOR PLEASED WITH WORK AT TRYON SCHOOL" \ ________ Miss Hattie Parrott, assistant school supervisor of this state, spent Tuesday, January 26th, inspecting the work being done by the pupils and teaching force of the Tryon School. Miss Parrott was very much pleased with the work and states: "The work at the Tryon School is of a high quality. It compares with the work done in the larger schools in this state." Miss Parrott was particulary pleased with the interesst shown by the pupils and teachers in their work. She spoke of the general condition of contentment that existed throughout the school and the great prjde that the pupils showed towards their work and school. Miss Parrott says: "By all means, get your school on the standard elementary list." Two .more sets of supplementary readers in each room will place the Tryon School on this list. More playground equipment is needed at Tryon School. BOYS' AND GIRLS' AGRICULTURAL CLUBS During the recent Annual Conference of County and Home Demonstration Agents, club work was discussed more than any other phase of county agents' work. ?Therefore we may conclude that it is of prime importance to the individual, the community and the county. The reason why this is brought to your attention is explained by the action taken by all county agents at the conference referred to above. County agents in each of the five districts in North Carolina voted on the county in^their district in which they wanted Boys' and Girls' Clubs organized and carried on for demonstration purposes under the supervision of a specialist. Due to the influence of Mr. J. R Sams, and his appeal for the work, Polk county received the greatest number of votes; therefore as we have been 'thus honored, it DenooveE us to pool our efforts and make a success of dlub activities during the year. ** At least one Agricultural Club will be organized in each township where the young people and their parents are in sympathy with the movement It is hoped that both jchildren and parents will foresee the benefits de rived from the training! in these pro posed clubs, and that they will co operate with the home and count) (Continued on page 4.) * > p- . .j. jj . , , HORSE j ?' V '*$ I ' & ;jkf JCOUI ?The Gateway of Western N< Tryok, N. C., February 4, 19 1 IAN [ COUNTY NEWS WEEKLY - : Hi?4? 1 ' 1 I ] BUT NOT FORGO ?- I . J I * ** Trvnn'Q Fi ret Willie Heid i i i Event All Ready Ga j Publicity; Many F I ! Out of Town I j ; Expected t l I The firsst annual Horse Show for i iTrypn will be held in April. Elaborate I | plans are being made for the occasion ' I which promises to be on > of the outv j i standing events of the y;ar. tyany entries are anticipated, and a j, j large number is expected fropr Green- | | vilje, Asheville and numerous South- '< I ern cities. . I . 1 ] I Funds have been raised locally to ! take care of the situation, and an I evdnt of widespread interest is expected. The local Chamber of Commerce heartily indorsed the movement and plidged their earnest sjipport in making the affair a real success from c evjery angle. j Mr. Carter Brown is the originator of the show in Tryon, and has spent . a good deal of time in trying to get matters shaped so the event could be a reality. / Tjhis jjfvent will 119 Idoubt give the city of Tryon the class of publicity So badly needed at this time. It | liieans that hundreds of society peo- ? pie Will be attracted there, and many I social functions will be given during I the show. Already the news of this affair j ( Columbus Meeting of I nl . /-N -l 1 The Phunoioty Ulub < L i A novel meeting of the Phunoloty ! Club was held at the home of Mrs. { H. P. Sikes Thursday evening at 8 ; o'clock. A unique) featjure of the meeting was that the members came ( dressed in aprons and overalls. Even ] the games reverter to "Ye Days ofi | , Yore." The refreshments were In i keeping with tne costumes,' for all , participated in the making of candj, , popping of corn and toasting apples. Everybody seemed to have a most I enjoyahjle time and voted to have aty, other Such meeting soon. Members ! of this newly organized club are): 'a<> saiHoi Miks Minnie ArledgC, ' I illlOO 1UU IJV>UW<) [ Miss Lois Holderbaum, Miss Thelmk Mills, Miss Bodie, Miss Crawley, Mifs Katherine McChesney, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Sikes, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vr. r Blanton, Mr. W. T, Hammett, Mr. R. Blanton, Mr. A. V. Green, Mr. Join W. Artz and Mr. Archie Feagan. -L ? .. Jv ' J * , - - -*r; i ;i . 1 E G I N S 'i IS ?-? ; .t Jews _ Fiv i . V/ i -, / SHOW LB ? rity P ?rth Carolina 26. CARTOON f ! i 1 1 TTEN | i'mmm" W (SE/NEVIEVE,^^ l|^j S'coaae /m an'j= JvHI?;? M* "' L- Rd in "' v-r^~~i , r|r S'ljjf i );?-. w | i f ;$?*-<* i * ! 4 L-- ? ? r- ', f 't e< J-jg&J ?cp p'^ntv rn^r^VA^NT/Ajn M GAVE A <SU-URL/' 1 H Horse Shoi [Earn Apr ining Wide Sprea 'rpminent In and Society Folks o Attend. s attracting ja good deal of intere 'ron outside sources%which shows ldvanee, of success that is to sxpected ffom this notable mowno That the show will be an annual 'aip is beyond question. For once i itjzens and sponsors see the hem hat will be divided. They wiil is ill of their efforts to make it pt i tic every year. Out of town pap ivill no doubt carry .many interes:: dories about it, which means in i liable advertising material for Try ;! "i. "Look Who's Here.'" "Pop" Kitson, the venerable and ulstrious Kitson, returned to T*j usterday. He has'circled the f lc lince leaving Tryon and stated he v ickled to be back in the "Mount! 'nradise." "Pop" formerly wa? c lected with the Polk ?ounty jP e' ijntil the publication had gro^va ijuch large proportions jhe had j to ijgn to assume oth^duties. ! ?t-? ; B Y. P. U. AT COLUMBIi HAS BEEN REORGANIZE j I The B. Y. P. U. of the Bapt "hnrch has recently been reorgajniz The membership;, which has pea loubled itself, his been divided ii ; ! J wo groups. Mips Gertrude [Wjest laptain of one group, and Misp plar Reagan captain of the other!. j Gri nterest is being manifested in sec ng new members and making the tanization a winning factor am^ng I Zoung people. |New officers jof I Union are: Mrs. P. S. Lewis[ pri dent; Mrs. W, S. McDowell v president: Annie Lois Mills, secret: and treasurer, i rt r??4 THIS WEEK iPage Brisbane's Editorials ? .1..-10 The Charm of Tryon... J... .10 The People's Column .. J 10 Farm News . T.... 5 ' County News i W Classified Ads 4 i il a . >tv. -Ji ] DRAMA FORI PRESENTS [Guitry's " Debura French Story, D Fashion, Play I s ! ' | " CLUB GAINING POP In venturing; read Guitry's "D< burau," the rjrama Fortnightly laf week showed jitjself to be extremel ambitious. Thd story is that of celebrated Palrjsian pantoniimist ( about 1840, wtd was the idol of th town,'and whom statesmen, poets an : women of distinction loved to hqno With the pasfeing of time his hoi on the popularj imagination wanes an fate deals cruel blows to his prid and his affections. His young so aspires to sutjcfeed him, but Debura discourages himj ur.itl|news comes th! an inferior rival of the old star 1 about to assume the latter's rol > Then in a furprj of parental pride, D burau lifts th? boy to the pedestal h himself has hatp to abandon. The play wjas costumed and, owir to the efforts! jand good taste of th Messrs. Crandall, the stage was s< in an elaborate manner. Mr. Dwight Smith read the tit! part with marked distinction and mo ing sympathy. Miss Pratt as Mari Duplessis galvje- the character wit such charm afid Subtlety that it w? difficult to believe that she was a amateur. Mp. Mazzanovitch as tt "barker'" of the theatre was one i Iflf the most inspiriting things that tt V Drama Forth ghtly has ever hear and both Mr Ha'rold Crandall an w Mr. Lawrence)' Goulet are to be coi I mended for tfie intelligence and si: I cdrity of th ;!r reading. Mrs. Hoh en/ as a fortune telle won the imjtant applause of the a adience,' and! upon conclusion of h< scene received a curtain call and bouquet. , It may bh I truly said that no on A Valentine Dinner. The women of the P.-T. A. are bu ily caring Iftjr the Valentine dinni which they (expect to give at tt tss Parish Houpej on Friday evening, Fe I in ruary 12th.j This Valentine dinnerbe an annualj affair with the Paren snt. Teachers' AsSociatioiir-and those wh af- have attended heretofore are lookin the forward to tljis one with a great de< ;fit of pleasure. i(s\ti_sual!) there will t md a program) of m,usjc and reading. ssi- I ?Ht era I PMAAV #iv%pn/n "JIYIK. NDSI mm ~ ON WORLD PEACI 11ron On Tuesday afternoon lot this wee )be the .Woman's Auxiliary of Holy Croe fas Kpiscopal Church j Were j foHunate i ajn having as a speaker Mii. Edward V\ on. FrosJ, now one ofj Tryon's winter rei jyg idents, who talked Jon the subject c t0 "Locarno and Wjbrld Peace," a sill re. ject that Mr. Frqst is especially we! qualified to handle, both^ because c his general knowledge of world a) fairs and becausn he was in Locarn |C at the time of tl e last summer's coi ference that resulted in the pact t > Q which that place gives its name. Regretting as the speaker did tha the United Statjus had held itself s 1st far aloof from I participation -in th ed- settlement of those questions growin rly directly out of the great World Wai lt0 he nevertheless heralded as an al is but-miraculous event the outcome c lch the Locarno co aference; in which, fo 8at the first time since the close of th ur" war In 1918, Germany jwas admitte or" upon equal te-ms witlj the nation the that as victors ip that] struggle ha the forced their b iaten fop to sign thi to it, humiliating Treaty of Ve 'ce sallies. arT Mr. Frost illustrated from histor the indisputable fact that ho natio has ever been able to |' finish from conquered foe thi wai . it and sul stituts for it anything approachin harmonious relations as long as th vanquished pebbles were neia in su jection by the presence upon their so of the armien pf the victors; an claimed as a aorellary thht neith< could'1 or can I here ever be lastin peace; oh any ptier tjhan the Christia basis qf hun^aaj equality and goc will, both of iwhjichjhad of necessil I to be established a,t Locarno beta I the minds and hfearts of the deldgati I i T _J (Continued on page 4.) 11 r ; h.j , Li. ? *-JLv-i - | H r - - - <T-,r- ' ~r*l k ' [ APRIL | i W PAGES T Q^DAY - 4. \ - e Cents Per Copy h' $1.50 a Year i NIGHTLY CLUB GGOD CAST tu" the Celebrated isplayed In Great Well Attended. I TTT.ARTTV FVF.RV DAY 3- {who took part in the performance did jt I otherwise than well. The east was y|as follows: j Jean Gaspard Deburau a j Mr. Dwight Smith : Marie Duplessis... Miss^Marie Pratt e Of the Follies Theatre: Bertrand Mr. Crandall r' Robillard Mr. Harold Crandall d I Laurient ...! Mr. Embury Smith 4 Justine Miss Keenan ie Madame Rebart Miss Miles ? Clara Miss Schoff u Clement Mr. Hume Fraser The Barker Mr. Mazzanovitch 18 Madame Rabouin Mrs. Holden 8' Charles Deburau Mr. Goulet e' A Young Man Mr. Goulet ie A Doctor Mr. Crandall A Lady Miss Monday 8 A Journalist Mr?" Peattie ie Marie's Maid Bettie Doubleday ;t . The hall was nearly full with one le of the most enthusiastic audiences ^ v- which has ever attended these readie ings. The next play to be read is ;h "The Swan," and the date is Eebruis | ar)* 10. in | DISTRICT TEACHERS < MEETING HELD AT : - THE TRYON SCHOOL t, - - ujr The second meeting of the teachers a of this district was held at Tryon ' f, Sobool, January 26th. The purpose of is this meeting was: ? j 1. To study better methods of teaching reading.; 2. Conduct?readiug classes accord>r ing to most 'modern methods and ie then criticize 4he results of the class, b- 3. Discuss fnethods by which work i s could be done- more efficiently. The following visitors were pres- 5 10 (g ent: Miss Hattie Parrott, assistant 11 state supervisor; Mr. E. W. S. Cobb, ie county superintendent; Miss Ida E. Seidel, county supervisor; the entire teaching force of tht Lynn School- , The meeting was conducted in the I following manner: Reading classes Ewere conducted in the first grade, i second grade, fourth grade, sixth grade and seventh grade. The visitors observed the work as conducted 8 - by the teachers of these grades, then 18 1 at a/joint meeting of Tryon teacheFB n and visitors the work was taken up ^ step by step and all points thorough3" ly gone over to see where improvements could be made. h These meetings are extremely valliable, as each teacher has a chance to see where they can make Improve- . f' ments in their teaching methods. * 0 Miss Seidel, county supervisor, is \ due much credit for the excellent 0 work that she is doing, in this county. * | NEW CUE CHAMP. e n I Here is Edward Horemans, ? ' >d j jjian cue sensation whose s.;. y I wrested the World's Billiard Crown e I from the brow of young Jake Shaeffer. Tie ?s is the same cOwn ;s| that Willie \};Jpe held_ for so i Dflny ywurs w no bw i * . . i V ...P.

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