PAGE, SIX STVIFS IN P.INC'N FASHION SHOW CURVES AND All Retail Merch to A < Pretty models are to demonstrate the charm and beauty of tIi ' new style creations toy the coming spring and summer for the benefit of many local retail merchants at a Sprint; Fashion Pageant which will ho a tea ture of Market Week in Cincinnati. - ? " 1 to Thu Market Ollto, feoruary a iu i.. . ......... Week! and Pageant are to be staged undeij the auspices of the Wholesale Trad^ Department of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce on behalf <>t the manufacturers and wholesalers of the Cincinnati district. .Many titer chants from this city expect to lake advantage of the invit it ion t xteuled them by their business correspondents in Cincinnati to lake part in the Market Week activities. The Spring Fashion Page, tit wil' be extremely intero ting and import ant to the local retailers who wis!, to keep up to date becaus-- it will In their first opportunity to see what milady will wear this spring and summer so that they ititi> stock tin it shelves accordingly. Recent reports from i'aris stated that curves are coining back. This do. n't mean th it the girl of tin straight lines wil' be passe for lh< new styles also will take her into ac count, but many of the new style creations are designed for the girl with curves and will be shown off by pretty models in the course of the pageant. The approval to lie shown will range through the whole galaxy of women's attire from her sjioes to her^hat. The new ideas in mi'linery: the latest in street dresses, evening gowns, sport wear, coats and even house dresses will be displayed on the living models. The shoe manufacturers and wholesalers will be represented by their latest designs. Fashion experts stat.e that the influent e of the Florida and California bathing beaches will be noticeable in the bizarre bathing costumes which the models will wear will be popular at the northern beaches during the coming summer. Indeed, there is hardly E. W. S. Cobb, President Frank Jackson, Vice, Pre* M Polk Co Capital, $15,00 / ^ To Get New ! - r. i ' v . \-' . ' ^?.::.g, - an article of feminine wear mat win not be shown in the new designs. N'ot the least of the displays will be that to be made by the wholesale jewelers of Cincinnati. A big fortune in jewelry will be shown by the models for there are fashions in jewelry, S changing witli the seasons, just as 1 there are in clothes. These new fashions will be shown against a rich background of splendid entertainment. Stars of the opera, the theater and vaudeville siage have been engaged to add life and JLif IJ'i'lh iim?M jjf i nmr ii "IT 1 Ws That was Abroh ;i War when thfs ? to his unwavtjrin From that phiio: moral. Stand fii courage that giv portunity?an|d, ; Money, of course ings Account wit naught but a sue J. R. Sams, Chairman of INAT! SPRING TO BRING OUT STRAIGHT LINES iants Are Invited ttend. re In iho |>ro;:r:!^n. Arrangements alio have in en mudd t?' entertain the merchants and theirl families wlio ntt" Mil (lu Market Wool; and the Fashen ['aii-ant activities. Tin- semi annua' convent inn of the ! ui'ed l.'etail Merchants' Association will h in iiroitr. s.. in Cincinnati d'ur;n_:i tic first few days of Ilie affair, <t numbers wiJl i>0 invited to attend the F.i-hiou Show. elm11 s .1 Nelson is clinirinan and Knln-rt inn vice chairman of the hiO'Snie tiide coniiiiiltee of the ('' nia'e'j- ef Coniiiiercc. nnde whose nn-'jiie the affair will lie given, i .aarent i It. \eh is chtiiriirin am! It. nl, vice chairman of the hion Show eoijitiiitlce. .1. Ilarvejl i'li'Jiips is chairman of the imblicity ei.iiniiice ami Samuel f?. /Meyer is i iiiijnuaii of tlie rccc|itiou and elites ! ii- tm-nt committee. Howard S. (,: t tie. . inaiiairer of i Ii Wholesale Trade n! ici tiueiit of iin Cliamber of <' oiniioi. i- manager of the Pageant and Kramois Vatlie, nationally known 1' illei iua. t r. is rtaite director. iiii.iii merchants who are interest,! in attending the Market Week and. Sjt, in- Fashion Show may obtain full taii- liv writi itr to Mr. Greene at lite Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. v !' v v * * > > v ?> v v > v v v v > tl* v * > > !. REPLACEMENT v I y ? Wo have the poods. We have the qualit ? you must be right, % . waits for you. 25 tc ? I to dealt is. * Send us your orders have prompt attentit I J. S. Wingo * North Church and St. Joh * SPARTANI * ! : * > T mm " " * T I \. IJ. J Choice Residence a) Office one door North Pt Ve Stand 3 Shall Not Fa mi Lincoln's philosophy in the dai freat nation's solidity was threat g cburage, he lived to realize his sophy of his, you and I car, gat Tn in your determination to get a es you the strength to make the as Lincoln said, you can "not fail ?_ . . , is necessary to gaming your go; h this Bank, be firm in making r< :cessful future will be yours! the Board. Fred W. Bh W. T. Hamr 1. - P, S. Lewis . L Arledge, Asst. Cashier. tunty Bank & 1 10; Surplus, $5,000; Resc i.. Customers < - - r l-j c\ ':rir- ? Anaiinrn nr AAuuronr unHiDDcn ur vummtnuc ~rl f (Continued fifom tage 1.) fidence and co-operate (vith them to the fullest extent. Short talks were made by Mr. Burton of Rhode Islan'd, end Albert L. Berry of Chicago. 111. I Sheridan Talks on C ty Planning. Mr. Sheridan, an engi ieer of nation! al repute, spoke of th< necessity of ! a definite plan re^ardi ig the archi! tecture of the building p to be built in the future In the bu dness district. He spoke of a plan tha^ all buildings i could be built upon, to conform in ar! chitocture, that would \ not be any I more expensive and still add so much i to the beauty of Tryjn. He cited several towns that ha 1 a particular sjyle of architecture, at tl of the great ? - - - 1! _ 1 * i L : _/ results mat were omameu irum tw? pro);rant. He was asked by the local Chamber of Commerce to help theni solve the problem of developing the business district so as Wo make a City 'ike appearance before the town had ; voile too far in the way of building. Carter Brown also spoke of a plan for the city to purchase the old ball i park, which would provide a perina- j . pent place for the Heme Show, also ball team, and that tl e Hgih School I could use the same for games, and j make it a general playground for the city. Hi' strongly advised the |tur-1 chase of this property tkhi'e a reasonable price could be h: tj. WICHITA'S BEST FLOUR | SI DNIH V HOd JJd I .j. .}. j. * ** * * > : S FORD PARTS. 1 We have the prices. * y, anything we sell * If not, You money I ) 40 per cent discount * T 1 '* by mail and they w)$ * ?S* ; in, I I + ! 4* & Company | in Phone 1922 Z| BURG, S. C. I I > > '! v % < fr*!* ' | 1 3ERRY | I id Business Property ionics Bank and Trust Co. ' ! 51 ! H I Firm iil!" | k days of the Civil ened. And thanks ( hopes of victory! her a worth while head?keep up the most of every opt" i al. So open a Savegular deposits and , ? I . mton, Vice Pr^s. and Cash, nett, Vice P^eq. j Asst. Cashief. i frust Co. ' mrces, $}00,000 'I ind Keep the nifiiiiifii i I nvnTilr Tr THE POLK COUNTY NEW8. W. C. T. U. MEETING 3 ^ On Wednesday afternoon at 4 ^ o'clock, in the Parish Hall of (he Holy Cross Church, a meeting of W. C. T. m U. workers will be held, at which a b paper 011 the "Life and Work" of ||| Frances E. Willard, founder of the a( W. C. T. U., will be read, and an lad-1 In dress against 'Wines and Beer" will f< be given by Rev. C. P. Burnett, Rector of the Church of the Holy Cross, i rj. Signed pledges will be received; by | fr Mrs. J. F. Black, (chairman of the | charter membership committee.' | ol Holders of unsigned pledges are re- '' quested to mail as1 promptly as possible the signed i eoupotis to Mrs. Black, so that Mrs. W. 11. Lindsey, at state president ((Charlotte, N. C.,) s may be apprised i of thlr ' probable |' number of charter memberships of | J.(' the Union to be organized at. a mass meeting at a not ijnr distant date to w be held in the new theatre after the J W picture, "Lest We iForgetl" , .!s' I * | -: I>< -4?- - lit; r I . I" Having qualified! as :ikllli:ili::lfill??: 11< I [ I of the estate of J. {I. 11nand wile, j fennel ta Ruppe, deceased. late of!', I " Polk county. North Carolm.*!, tins is ; Jn to notify all persons having claims Vt against, the estate of said deceased 'h to exhibit them to the undersign'd j'1 at Rutherfordton, N. Route No. i. ; 011 ot[j, before (he 2Nlh day of .latin- [ ary, 1927, or this notice will be plead-' ed in bar of their recovery. All p> r- , sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. J. T. RUPPfl, Administrator. ('. O. RIDINGS. Aitorncy. f I Feb 2"! h pd I "' lit i . . 11 i notice of Sale. j Pursuant to the powir of sale con- ' tabled in that mortgage deed exe-j" cuted by G. Duff Jackson and Sarah 0; Jackson, his wife, to \V, B. Lawrence d. ++ t 1 4 vmru 1JT 1,Y "I'l ?i? M ^ ? * M M AM AM i\ A. A | CONTRAC I KSTIMATKS CIlKKKl'J % COLUMBUS I'I I H l i 1 I *' 4 i- *! *: * *t* < *:> * > < *> ;* > 4 1 This I I * Is playing an important part in I | inent now going on in Saluda. | LET US SER t ******** i The Bank c SALUDA ^ ^ i '*1 i l&ilft JU t IF you can't supply your no * hour and a half; drive to i | complete Department Store, i * "Lowest-in-the| MAIL ORDER SERVICE ! Western Nor I Real Estate is Payii | to the Wise i | See Tryc I The I c. j. i I " Real I I can't sell all the ] | offer you t | Try on Dirt W: | "It Can B | CHAS. J. I Real E f Phone 173 I Old Ones Comi . I it-. . . 1 u the 21th day of October, 1934, and [ record ..ip the office of Register if ceds for Polk County in Book 22 it i^re 142, to secure the indebtedne is njd conveying the lands therein de' *?? vio/lft n li-ibed, default naving iweu lliauc iu ij> payment of said indebtedness,,'the ntlersigned will sell at auction to; toe ighest bidder for cash, at the Courtnjuse door of Polk County, on Mqnsijy, the 8th day of February, 1926, I Eleven o'clock, A; M., the Baiid nds described in said Mortgage as (flows: Situated in the County of Polk and Itite of North Carolina and in Tryon wwnship, bounded and described is illows: JPef.inning at a stake, S. E. cornsr la lot sold to James Page and >n allenger's lino, and running with lid line S. 40 E. 14 poles to a state (lie South side of the road, leadi ig mi the Town of Tryon to the Howd Cap road; thence with said roid 84 E. 11 poles to the Junction of r Howard Cap road near Vau^h i'a oil.; thence with the Howard (lip all's. 11 W. 16 polos to the midile. (lie creek above ford; thence up lb (lie creek S. 62 VV. 10 polos S. 67 . 6 poles, S. 59 \V. 7 poles to a latfge one on (lie side of the crepk and I :..i, ..... n,\i 35 W. 31.4 pofles i; i ii i.' i o , iin ?v?. ? | ;i stake and pointers at theifoot of e h-ili; thence N. 58 3-4 R. 3(0 poles Hi beginning, containing 5 14-100 res, more 01* less. This being the sanie land conveyed Mrs. R. M. Harlow to M. W. Page (b ed dated December 22, 190ft, tended in Hook 10. plige 413, offij-c of agister of I), eds tUir I'olk County, d conveyed lo saicl G. Huff Jacking deed from-J. S. Shaver. This 4th tlav of January, 1920. \V. B. LAWRENCBL Mortgage >. WADTRR JONRS, Attorney. 379\" February 4th I NOTICE. I t'ndor and by vir ue of the power sale contained in that certain engage deed executed i>y Foyd lis and wife, Res lie Liles, to For;t City Motor Company |of date arch 18, 1925, of record in mortgage ed hook No. 22 at page 219 reiord mortgages for Polk County, Nnrth sirnlinu. to secure an indebtedness Four Hundred Fifty-nine Dollars; fault having been made in the pay <-v ; v ;- *;* -i- ; ; ; ! -{ > -s ! -j- -i- -> > UC COMPANY ! ZTTOttS | L * * I-I.Y FtH.MSIIKI) . . ? , N. C. * * > > >v v v 4? W + 4* ?5? 4* 4* ?j? ?*? ?*? ?* ?*? ?j? ****** ??? ^4 ??? ?J* 4*4* 4* 4*>*4* 4* f ?csam ' the great progressive move- ;; ! :: ? ve you. ! :: i ? I ? H44 <? if Saluda | i! - - N. CL | I cds in Tryon, it's only an ? KILMER'S, Ashcville's most $ elling at Uitv-Prices." j * , ASHEVILLE, N. C. | '3' C' 'I' 'I' i' 'I' <X' ||< ift A<iAifr ,|, I ?J? ?J? v ?5* *5* *5* ? ? ?J? ?$ ?$ $? $? ?J? ?$? ?J? ?$? ?j ih Carolina ! I J* nig Large Profits * < * Investor | >n First | m | jynch | tor" Earth, so I only % he Best. f ill Clean Up ! * _ ' T * p Finnp19 v \s r ' ? 4 > 4? M '* *> * LYNCH 4 ? state j Tryon, N C. :: ?j i 4? 41 . i .t| A A ttnlt A J | A A A A A |t, A >*. A A . . . . j . VVVTTTTTTVTITTTvtTTWTVTTT infif. You Mu< O" r- "?' - ; ' I THURSDAY r I ment of the same, I will on Monday,j hundr. ii .. the lath day of February, 192C, at in <vt>\ ;1,t I o'cloeli at the court house door in 1 <. 1. I Colontbns, offer for sal. to t|io hijch-i I'ul.'; I est bidder for cash, to satisfy km id f,ni< \ I --.i. i ...Uli | in?It ht''<lrnSS, rnguuiei ?iiu ....... ... ahd cost, (he following described j n . I tract "f land as conveyed by said Imi , mo t nfr: Beginning j>t a pine, Tor-.- ;;, ,1 ; I er's cnrm r; thence N. so 1:2 s H . I pole< to a stone; thence N. 27! " W. ' - I 22 pol'-s l<> a pine: tlifeiir-- N. 7! K. f,,r . I J 9 po'es to two black oaks ill tdgi ? !'; c: I road; thence villi the road HO poles jj i.- I to Henderson's line; thence with iiis |.,>v I line S. 2 W. 37 poles to the Ixiginiiin:-. r, I co'tainine 34 acres, more or ' ss. ,p. I ? This 9tli day of .ianiiarv. fa 26. , f o , I FOftKST CITY MOTOK CO.. .. , Mortgagee. j, I .i. it. nun .loss. Atty. ,. . ,h v. K. li. I I NOTICE OF SPFCIAL TAX FLFCTION. 0. I Hv crier of lie- Hoard of Coined.: * I sioi. r< of Polk Ooiin'y, a peeial lev ''l:" I sell I e'l-etion liri beca < 11.-d and ' | will ! Iff Id in and for all of : pedal ' !.. i sclie: district included within tic I'- ee ; bound- of Coli i in 11 u s Township on '"''I : eluding ad of C. I :,alias Townsliipi, on Tuesday, tii I'ith d >y of March. C " il.t : I 192 . ! I- ill.- |th *i of :'S- .:tiHill- lax. the > of tli - !i? f:!-' within said H special sclioi'i (lisiii' l. v h< ilii-r ilreiv cm i shi :i ii il :iii ! < ?!? (-!?'il in .ii-i |,v y - I disliii l a c|>: cial initial lax of 110' mo. Mian filly i-VM v. 'its on Hie one 4 FT. A. MKUllfql I Engineering Serv' o I !|. ^ Try oil, N. i ^ I . *. . ,> ?..j. ?> ; [ I N\ >VKAT if :M i* II PLUMBING & HE A .3 I ! > *> !| Ri:i>AlW WORK A SI'. < : | I f LET US FIGURE WITH H * 1 ^ ' V V V V *?' V V V 'I* V V V V V V * " * * 'I''?' V V -'.fl >. .j.A i V ' Mail Ordrr S?*-'vic|. < > ? | j-; Oar Mail Order Department - in is always at your co rnnand. T i K ill for you and use all possible goo I : B ment in making selections. Why not I atrial? We are always readv i> ' ? ;; counts with responsible parties and \ H ? lj; up to fifty miles, B ZfyenJ^aKche I "VtvjhtVlttt's Qualify r^csrtr.cnt SB TORT noun* * 1 ~ t J? JAKUtrK ill Asheville. ?? 11 k -< s* > v % v vv > { + -j- { r v.- > > ]; j:| WE DO ALL KIN PS >r I i: GENERAL CONTRACTING I WILL .GLADLY FURNISH YOU i-l-o YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMENTS I: EXCELLENT SERVICE-WORK I :i \ ;; I'ROUDOF. I NOW HAVE CONTRA' i < BER OF TRYON BUILDINGS. ( MAY " YOU? ;; BRICK WOOD A Nl) COXCB1.1I " ~j R. A. SEXTON . > General Contractor ? > ? > 1 m Why's and Other 9 VAbout . . x.? ?- ! -i vfcav %--UT * ^ ~~^\ 0 be ~ ? ." "T.TaaHamnoBt- I Jersey Sweet Milk. Sweet Cream, Double Strength. One-half of 1-* Per Cent Chalniei J"I < mm j riavor?tne hind You l.u I Every Bite a Delight m Phone 174 I TRYON PHARI^l it flDVf RUSE CON j

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