?? Mtryon i ? ^>yither ii 5 yy \\ 6St 11 :?^aibTto the Ne li r ill IIE Iff IfNUIES OF III PORTAOT Sembership Increases Ai Mentioned, Several My re?ular monthly meeting ot the ' By,.; Chamber of Commerce "was held 1 Friday night at Missildlne's Hall, t meeting was well attended, many * Hv members taken in, and a general ^^Hriew of the past month's activities 1 Hre reported to the members. Quite J ^^^ numb'.T of matters of importance ^ brought up niJmts meeting and ( following .gport by President 1 was laid uefore the meeting: c ^^Hlluring the past'month we have re^^Hiv-d and answered 238 letters, Hiese letters were from fifteen dif-1 r Hrent states, the District of Colum- r an! Canada. The fifteen states c \orth Carolina. South Carolina, t Florida. Maryland, Michigan, Illinois. Ohio. Indiau'a. Wisconsin, t aine. New York, New Jersey, Penn- ( Mrauia and California. ( I The letters from Maine were all Britten because of an interview given < B Mrs. Eusebia Gammon to the Lew- i ten paper, which was reprinted in lie Polk County News last week. This roved such excellent publicity that I mediately secyred an interview from ' r. Devereux Emmet, the noted golf lourse builder, and had it published, Ind already ov.-r fifty copies of the psue containing his interview have leer, mailed 'out. We have secured the names of fuests at the 'various hotels and lodges , , Ind hav- had them published. Bv request of visitors, we have rrittet: the Southern Railway officials requesting better Pullman servce from Detroit and points north. Th- Horse Show to be held in ryoa April Sth is well under way. [southern will Improve heavy traffic lines Washing', ;a, D. %C., March 3?ExH tensive improvements will be made I by the Southern Railway System on j' 8i!t f i:> lii, s. aggregating approxiI mat"!y l.OOu miles of road, at a to- ' I tal rxpecciiurt of about four million II dollars, t'j ^ to increase traffic call Pacity and promote operating effi t'ieirv in bundling the growing busiI d"ss ui the South, the work to be t rted at once, according to an offi- 1 ! . <-iai duriT.nr- ment. J K <a<l"A uy 0iid structures will be i ' to permit the use of I bcivj-r ,1 ii'! more powerful locomo- i Hint passing track facilities will 1 ; .1 to accommodate the 1 1' 'it'- r ti,i:-M th-'t will be handled on 1 ^ ' .u- lines: Chattanooga to.t ; vi'i \i).oita, Bristol to Chat- l i f :T1 oi:.., Chattanooga to Memphis, 1 i: r'tacr.d ! , l)nn\ ilie, Winston-Salem i 11 nar'-'j' Selma to Suggsville,' 1 Alt. i th- line- ot tween Chattanooga 1 a:,'l ^ 'i. an important section of|i ,!i" S ' ..: tn's route between the ^ t and Florida, electric automatic ^finals and tel- phone train dispatch1 iviits will ;;teo be installed, improvements between Winj Hi an! Charlotte will give an ' line of heavy capacity be I: e.-nsboro and Charlotte; ill-r cv 1 " ~ -v..i o iina ana suggsvtue : i. rtasf ; ruin capacity between Si-ln... tod the port of Mobile; and t.io< - 1,11 the- other lines wil> cont generally tu the better han'dhn.t .,f 1,0th passenger and freight traffic. t I v HAS A Y The ws hamber o AP/ irrTiun nrin imiribntHu MATTERS UP ?V nd Plans For This Year I New Committes. . I The committee has received the silrer prizes to be awarded, and will irrange to have them put on display ihortly The government) climatologies! report for the month of January has ust been received, and in comparison vith other cities in the state of North Jarolina, Trvon stands out in a class >y itself when it comes to winter :limate. Motions made and seconded were: Motion by F. Bacon that busiless men meet a(t Missildine's Hall, rhursday March ?, for the purpose tf soliciting memberships at 10 o'clock i. ni. Motion by B. L.1 Ballenger provided o forward postjeardj to Asheville .^hamber of Commerce and others for listribution?1,00^ in number. By-laws as presented pertaining to :onduct of Chamber unanimously >assea. That Carolina mountains be request- j (Continued, on last page.) 9 Ships iri 3 'Tours ; i r * (AuTOCikCTCRl E ^ H. L. ^rguson, president of the Newport News Shipbuilding Co, cheered the hearts of American merchant marine advocates in his announcement that 9 ships will he launched and 3 keels laid within t hours on March 20. Missionary Society ' Meeting The ^Voman'Sj Missionary Society of he Baptist Church met with Mrs. A. L. McMurry list Tuesday evening, ifter a short business meeting in vhich members decided to subscribe :o Royal Service and follow programs n it, Mrs. McMurry in an interesting ivay conducted, the lesson inN "Winring to Christ!." During the social njur which followed the hostess served sandwiches and coffee. Those present were:! Mesdames Stroup, wnia i.ewis. McDowell, Walker, Or nond, Lawtert John Arledge aid Misses Minnie Ariedge, Pearl Tallant ind Gertrude Wes*. The next meeting will be with Mrs. James P. Ornond Tuesday evening, March 16th. THIS WEEK I FARM NEWS. COUNTY NEWS. SOCIETY NEWS. AUTOMOBILE PAGE. BRISBANE'S EDITORIALS. DR. GAINES' HEALTH HINTS. WEEKLY CARTOONS. FEATURE STORIES. WEEKLY COMICS.' CHURCH NEWS. x, V r E A R ROU Poik \ - PUBLISHED EVER TRYON, N. >f Comme IRTM * DISTINGUISHED I VISITOR HERE N We have with us today Mr. John Marsellus of Syracuse, N. Y.# Mr. Marsellus has been a visitor to Western North Carolina for eleven consecutive ( years, and is now at the New , Hf.'.n/vnn T I nlnl II.. nlirhln iuimuau nuici. xit: to cigmjr years old, and takes the part J of a man in the fifties. Mr. Marsellus is president of the John Marsellus Casket Company. He organized the City Bank Trust Company of Syracuse, which now has over seventy ' thousand accounts. He is an s ex-president of the Syracuse ] Chamber of Commerce, secre- > tary of the Citizens' Club, and treasurer of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Marsellus and his wife were in the old Mimosa Hotel | fire here several years ago. ' He expressed keen delight in Tryon and has been a regular visitor here for many years. An interesting piece of poetry, "How One Can Feel at Eighty,*' written on his eightieth birthday by himself, will be published in the Polk County News of March 11th. Noted Writer Stopping At \ The M' ( Among Tryon's visitors this w^ek 1 is Miss Winifred Kirkland, the noted 1 writer. Miss Kirkland came to Tryon J for a week's recreation and to enjoy the beauty of the mountains and sur- , rounding country. She spends much e of her time in >the mountains and I makes Asheville her center. Miss Kirkland has written two vol- ? umes of collected essays on humorous. . observation that appeared in maga-1 j zines and have now been put into ? book form. The names of these books f g are "Joys of Being a Woman'' and \ "View Vertical." She writes for the Atlantic, Scribner's, Ladies' Home Journal. Century and many other magazines. During the war she j. wrote "The New Death." This ap- ( peared in the Atlantic'and was later L enlarged and published in book form. She has written sketches on the mountains in North Carolina that ap- j peared in the Outlook. Her recent work, "The Easter Peopie," and "Where the Star Still Shines," were both written at Win- ,, ston-Salem. These deal with the cus toms of the Moravian people at this place, and were published in the Ladies' flome Journal. They have now been put in booklet form. "The Easter People" tells of the Easter celebration of the Moravians and the serv- a ices are attended by over twenty thou- f sand people from over the United c States. "Where the Stal Still Shines" f gives the Christmas celebration. t DISTINGUISH patimm ta LtUIUKtK IU Seldom have Tryonites had the opportunity to hear on their nfative s heath so well known a speaker as will h come here on March 16th to tell oi i the development of our great capital city. F Mr. Charles Moore, chairman of the o Commission of Fine Arts, director of fi the historical department of the Li- h brary of Congress, trustee of the 8 American College at Rome, overseer n of Harvard College and author of 1 many books on history and biographyj 8 will describe with illustrations throw} a on the screen what has been done i? o: the last twenty-five years and what i? * - " wolrn ikk fi to De QUUC tu ?T asmuglUU LLT most beautiful capital city in tlfc tc world. .. r'f v*rf- - :/ < tf IV'V X f ; . . ? ND CLIMA Colli !Y WEEK IN THE " M , THURSDAY AFTERNOON :rce Revii IENT * ft * i MAKE DEAL THIS WEEK I Blanton & Green, real estate deaths in Columbia, give out the following ransactions made luring the past week: Sold?W. Y. Wilklns' farm, near Columbus, to Mrs. A. 0. Jackson >f Landrum; Mrs. A. 0. Jackson's jroperty near Hendersonville to C. L. Jase of Hendersonville; lot in Den.on Springs Park to W. A. Whiteddes; 22 acres In Valhalla valley for forest Hilton to J. B. Hester of rryon. CHORAL SOCIETY LAST FRIDAY / interesting Program 4 The first of the series of enter- j ainments under the auspices of the | Junior Choral Society, given last Fri-1 lay evening in the Lanier Library, j ivas well attended and verified the prediction that these talks on popilar subjects rill prove highly interesting. The feature of the evening ,vas the talk on violins and violin nuking, in which Mr. Rollo Dyer told ' i fascinating story of the progress of j hat "king of musical instruments" | Tom the military bow of the African j lavage, with its taut string and musical twang, through its various itages of development to its present perfection. Mrs. W. Wood bridge Dickenson flowed with a selection of song claslicfe with Mrs Grace demons at the )iano. Their rendition was so heartly applauded that Mrs. Dickenson reiponded to the encore with some ne;ro spiritual melodies in which the mdience joined with much fervor and vith delightful effect. Mrs. Pat Hebbert brought a most mjoyable evening to a close with a eading of a Kipling favorite, followed >y two recitations that excited her aulience to alternate tears and laugher. Friday evening, March 5th, the secind entertainment will be given with dr. A. L. Berry's feature talk on The Side Lights of Paris Life," and i musical and recitative prog'r m of iqual interest. An admission ;e of 15 cents is charged, the proceeds gong to the fund which serves to sup-# j >ort the work of the Junior Choral. Small Forest Fire at Valhalla. There was a miniature forest fire it Valhalla Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Smith, Mr. Howes, Mr. Hester and ithers assisted in extinguishing the lames, which were seen at some disance. iiiihh ima?a?( ED NATIONAL!: SPEAK HERE! I ? .. - - - ~ f Even before the aloption or tne uon- ? titution, the Continental Congress ad decided to create a capital under 1 ;s own control and this determination 1 ound expression in the Constitution, tesident Washington was in charge e f the negotiations to secure the land v com the states of Virginia and Mary- s md. In 1790, as the result of a barain by Alexander Hamilton at a din- v er arranged for the purpose by t homas Jefferson, the seat of Con- j; ress was fixed for ten years at Phil- v delphia and after that permanently t n the Potomac. - 1 t In 1789 Major Pierre Charles L'En- e mt, a young French engineer, known q ) Washington personally for his f (Continued on last page.) n \ . % i ' . .TE EQUA] / irty N IOUNTAIN PARADISI I, MARCH 4, 1926 ews First ? ' i S FO Oak Hall Adds New Cottages To Property Quite an addition id now being added to the Oak Hall property. Three new cottages are being built, one of wtyich is nearly completed. In building these cottages, Mr> Brownlee is putting into effect an idea which is being used by other high class hotels. These cottages are being built at a great expense and are modern in every detail. They have six rooms to each cottage, four bed rooms, four baths, living room, dining room and kitchen. These cottages'are connected with the main hotel building by concrete walkways and 'command the same panoramic view as seen from the large hotel. This hostelry is growing more popular each season, and bookings continue to come in for guests who expect U) arrive here during this month and April. Many improvements are being made to the hotel, including private baths being installed and other anticipated improvements to take effect shortly. All of this new work is under the personal supervision of W. W. Creasman of Tryon, and the work is being rushed to an early completion. Oak Hall is known to tourists throughout the entire Doited States. It is ideally located and presents a magnificent view of the mountains, situated in the heart of the town, yet quiet and restful and covers quite a large area of ground. FAMOUS GLOBE MM iNftfON Samuel Pogurman of Winnipeg, conn., World's Famous liioue Trotter, was in Tryon Saturday and spent a law hours. Pogurman is a World War Veteran and has walked 23,out) miles. He stated that ne exDected to near the end of his journey in a short time, and that nowhere during his tour had he been better treated by people along the wayside man in North Carolina. He stated to a correspondent that each day he seemed to be covering more ground and his speed in time was on the increase, that he felt fine fronr the trip and had experienced no difficulty. black To Retire Soon From Hotel / Business In /V. C. , t Prominent In Cmmney Rock Announcement that J, M. Flack, )wner of Mountain View Hotel at chimney Rock, intends to retire soon rom the hotel business is of considsrable interest here. . Mr. Flack is a pipneer in the hotel msiness in Western North Carolina, ie located at Chimney Rock 28 years igo, going there from his native town, tutherfordton. Mr, Flack purchased i considerable tract of land at the oot of Chimney Rpck mountain and irected what proved to> be the first init of what now is the large Mounain View Hotel. The hotel is spacious and well quipped. It is situated on State Highway No. 20, the Mountains to seahore trail. Mr. Flack, it was learned, is still >i?? a/?vtrdinff to informa ery auuvc a??*.x,? __ ion here, he Intends to remain active a connection with the corporations in /hich he is interested, should he reire from the hotel business. Among he companies in which he is intersted are the Chimney Rock Trust ,'ompany, the Chimney Rock Realty lompany, Inc., the Flat RocK Apart- j lent Corporation and others. I ' ' i > L Mi &L p . \ , V,? V I '' - '' ijrs I . I \ . | U TO THE) lews E" y ; Month's R TV I I* * i * r * r- 1 | Wears Tilden Crown m -mmm******-'--: / " #Nft This knt th? French tennis ace who pot our own Big Bill TUden i out of the National Indoor championship play?but he did defeat Ma fellow countryman, Borotra, who beat Big Bill, thereby winning the title. He is Bone Lacoste, no# champion. JOINT MEETING HELD FRIDAY jjOON | Western Carolina Chamber of Commerce I r. I A joint meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of Western North Carolina was held Friday, February 26th, at Asheville, and Tryon's delegates were Chas. J. Lynch, Eugene Brownlee, G. H. Holmes and A. L. Berry_ There j were thirty-four bodies represented at J this meeting. I The purpose of the meeting was to unite in a permanent organization the different Chambers of Commerce so i that there would be closer co-opera-1 tion in the matter of advertising and} making known the advantages of i Western North Carolina. The name ' chosen for the permanent organization was Western North Carolina Federated, Chamber of Commerce. The following officers Were elected: Carroll 'P. Rogers, Flat Rock, presi- j dent; F. H. Coffey, Lenoir, vice pres-1 ident; Roger Miller of Asheville, sec retary and treasurer. The executive committee is composed of H. T. Henry of Spruce Pine, Frank A. Carr, N. VVillke8boro, E. L, Wethers of Waynesville, and Dr. D. R. Bryson of Bryson City. N Thev meetings of the association will be held quarterly and will rotate throughout the district as far as practical. The next meeting will be held in Asheville in April, the date to be set by the executive committee. The organization adopted the following resolution presented hy the Truon Hfilee-ation: 'IThat loOD 8Cenic ] has been arranged for the entertainment, and the public is cordially invited to attend. I. RIVIERA | t<, ~ I ur^Kl' M H Thirty First Year ?ive Cents Per Copy Activity I WUI.UIUW <-V ?V w .W j stucco, severely plain in mass, with j interesting wrought iron Retails, and i n&tfe to %?foi?n "The Shelter," ? . Mr. Crandall's residence on?^ the j. grounds adjoining. * Each apartment will have a large living }oom, two good sized bedrooms, bath, breakfast room and kitchen, and will be equipped with all the modern conveniences. Heating , will be by the Vapor system, generati ed by an oil heated boiler. Frigidaire generation" and electric ranges i are supplied in all kitchens. Built-in [ porcelain tubs wil\ be in the tiled I bath rooms. The ' "Kernerator" will I incinerate all garbage, etc. Work will begin immediately and I permit Occupancy by this fall_ The apartments will be rented either furnished or unfurnished. A number of inquiries for apartments in "Spanish Court" have been received by Mr. Har1 old Crandall, vice president and man ager of Crandall, Inc., and one apartment has bee? definitely engaged. This building will be made as near routes be provided with information as to distance between each city with the points of interest and places where luncheon might be had, properly set i out, and that these routes be advertised in the most advantageous manner. And that a committee be appointed to provide ways and means of advertising Western North Caro-j lina as a whole." JUNIOR CHORAL JCIETY j_ The second of a series of talks be- | ing given for the benefit of the Jun-ji ior Choral Society will be given Fri- [ day evening, March 5th, at 8 o'clock j at the Library. Mr. Albert L. Berry, will give the talk and his subject will be "Lights and Shadows of Paris r.ife." A BDlendid musical program (YON SPANISH DESIGN Dinn ULI/U. Contract Given To Spartanburg Concern Grandall, Inc., have just closed a Contract with Fiske Carter Construction Company of Spartanburg, S. C., for the construction of a five apart| ment building to be erected on Meli rose avenue. ? | This apartment building was de| signed by J. Foster Searles, architect, Tryon, N. C.t and will be known as "Spanish Court.'' It will be built of hollow tile, the I nntoi/la fa ha nf rnnehlv f'nished | ly sound and fireproof as possible, land will add materially to Tryon's ' facilities for caring for the tourists'. . | Who's Who I POLK COUNTY NEWS .j Sf } / ARTHUR BRISBANE Famous Editorial Writer* His column, "This Week," Is the most widely rea'd and quoted of all newspaper articles. . Millions read his editorials weekly. Brisbane handles the news topics of the day In a masterly way iting them with, a * touch of las. His English is clear, concise and sparkling. J Thqy are a Joy and an education to read. The Polk County News is proud to number Mr. Brisbane's article among its features and we know that once you have read "This Week" you will join our enthusiastic praise of his column. 1 , S Arthur Brisbane's Column "THIS WEEK" Read "This Week" Every Week.

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