I j tryon MwEATHEfTj ^^^Krhwily probably I f'rlj.iv. I f? to the Nc :i 28 n is I c n MmilLLU u. MOWN EN OYS TRY ON Uiinks Future Great for This Section Home Observations By an interested ^Histt I To oil-- accustomed to the rigorous Hintrr climate and the blustry winds ^Hrd chill of early spring in the reof the Great lakes, the "balmy Hud invigorating air and bright sunShin "f the section of western North ^Jarolma. of which Tryon is the center s a r v-lation, and living a delight. Wh u the health giving climate and ^kcenio beauty of this region is known He its true relationship to human ^Happiness it will be a chore to proH-idv aoi omodatjions* for those ryho Hniil fir.i their way to this wonderful Hp::t of (i.'or play ground. During a rather strenuous business Hi::- covering a number of years, we Hhav. b-.en privileged to enjoy a Hniftderate degree of recreation in ^Hwld-lj scattered sections of Uncle BSams domain, and we hope we may b- indulged a; few comparative im presslcns: The balmy climate of BSouthern California; the enchanted Hvallcy .f the Yosemite, Its water falls, Blah's, flora, and rock formations; tl- bracing atrposphere of San Franchisee's Golden Gate; the lofty peaks Hand aco old glaciers of Ranier I National I'arkj the mirrored lakes of the huh Sierras of the Canadian the big woods of Mia with ifer myriad taices teamw: h garni fish; not to overlook th>: rr-at New England country, her -hurt s washed by thg Atlantic, and '!). nzoiitj wafted from the pines ; White lio'intains?each of these i'- iiwii especial charm and apl"-af in season. yet it seems to us Try ,a at.il injimediate vicinity prowl s a haven for peaceful Quite and rest f ;r tired nerves such as is not fi>\ad anywhere else. Th r, i- mm h to see and do that is e -urcnaous for one of moderate I'liy-i al endurance, yet sufficient to try the mettle of the more hardy adTile indications point to an all year climate so agreeable as visitors from the warmer a stajt-'s during the summer, i m tlji' bleak northern states i.::i:i, winter and spring. TM :'lv increasing number comr Permanent residence are I r..Mir il Iresult of the equable I ( aim. health conditions found I l' dojibt xists as to the severI - lujiiijents in progress being reI 1 Continued on last page.) I MEIVIN HILL COMMUNITY MEETING " !. 11. Twenty-five men. women. 1 b.ys and girls met with the Agr'l. teac'ne-.s ,>f Greens Creek and went into a I ' vh discussion of the Mr. Bean I It was shown that this pest C'.uld be mntroled by destroying the I h'oeraating places, such as; stumps, brush, straw, grass, etc. and when I the first adults appear pick them and egg l isters which are on the underneath side .,f the leaves, off. 11 I '!>i scein in lie making any headway then as.' calcium arsenate and duit the I apply::." the dust to the under I " !" "f -hi. leaves. <- iiiiumer meeting ai I i : - ' a 25. at 7.30 p. m. tc I 1 part ihat nitrogen, phos' I !'! potash plays in the I ai?-; 'iritv ot the plant and I tome out and help us. ' N HAS A Y TUa Miss Charlotte Whitton of Canada t I has been made chairman of the child welfare committee of the League of i Nations. She Is associated with Mils. ^ Helena Burnlaux of Belgium, Don ( Ismael VaJdez of Chile and Miss Julia i Lathrop of the United States. Miss v j Whitton has long been prominent In charitable work in Canada. e PAN-AMERICAN FILMS > TO BE SHOWN IN : TRYON ' / a t Interesting Program Promised j i Interesting Paa-American pictures ' ! will be shown at the Strand Theatre . j on Monday afternoon, March 22nd . These great pictures will deal with I the life and customs in the Latin I American countries, and are being j shown under the auspicies of the , various societies in Tryon. The f pictures are being sent here direct c from the Pan-American Building at t j Washington,, D. C. and are very in- j, teresting, having drawn enormous t crowds wherever they have been dis- c played. A large crowd is expected s and a small admission charge will be ' j made. j t it Chamber of Commerce j ; Meeting To Be Held : t 1 Many Important Matters 1 On Hand The Tryon Chamber of Commerce ^ will hold their regular monthly meeting on Friday night, March 26th, at Mlssildines hall. A full attendenoe is requested as many important matters will come , | before the body. An earnest request^ j is being made by the Chamber to ask < the various societies and other organ- ' izations to kindly arrange dates for their affairs so as not to interfere ( with the regular meeting night of the > t . Chamber of Commerce. Nothing means more to Tryon at this particular time than this org&n! ization as a great deal of money is beI ing spent besides the great amount of 6ttoKh?i to this body, and by a . num. _ f little careful thought on the part of i r others they can arrange their dates j so as not to conflict with the meet\ 1 ing of his important body. Please bear in mind that the date of the next : meeting is Friday, Mar. 26th, and be kind enough to not plan any other - affair on this particular date that I ) would keep any member away. 1 By doing this you wjiU render inJjraluable assistance and ^elp this great work go on with great speed I....*-. 11^ I iws mi / Resident *rHARLOTTE WHITTON ' ' J^^SBgEjl / ^jj^L ^^BL >:\-:<-iv'' ;< V-.v ^ ik;\ .?:-v: . ^hra^b^;:::.:;:.v? h&. ': j<;.:: >:i j B&. * ^E w ^L ;1H I EAR ROU Polk PUBLISHED EVEI TPVflN N P vii} vi JB-DI _ Writes I \ Tryon He Gala Eye IndicationsPoi Breaking From the inquires that cor IYyon Horse Show to be held X) be a huge success. This, tl )e held here has already gain various committees are bu ihe details worked into shape for this i ;reat event to be held in the early j >art of April. Bntry blanks will be I nailed ont this week to various towns 1 Mnrth ParnHna flnH I illU L'lLies ill UULll nuuu vuiwtiMw t.MM . Virginia, and invitations to the lead- J ng society people In the south will' te mailed inviting them to be present o this much talked of affair. Handiorne posters are in readiness to be listributed all over this section and j lisplay alvertislng will be inserted I n several of the leading dailies that | rill reach a great number of people, j Handsome Trophies To be Award- j d ..Are Now on Display In Show. Vindows. Handsome trophies fu^nisheid by he leading business people of Tryon .re now on display in the show winlows, these trophies were selecteS rith great care and would be a credit o a show that they hold in much arger towns, and have been greatly idmired by many who- have seen hem, many social affairs will be ;iven to the large number of visitors hat'are expected for the occassion, he most interesting one is the big j oil rt >,Q crlvan at t.h o Oak Hall 'ail IU l/V Ql> VU WW w? w. The Fourth Fanners and Farm Women Meeting for New Hope Feb. 9, The farmers and farm wonen met at New Hope and entered nto a discussion with J. W. Artz, :ounty agent, and W. J. Isbell Agr'l eacher. J. W. Artz, gave the life listory of the Mexican Bean Beetle, heir hibernating places, means of jontrol. And the lecture was made ill the more interesting by the eager >eople wishing to learn more about he pest They ask questions form he beginning to the end. W. J. Isbell, worked out a fertilizer iroblem comparing the value of a 101-4 at the rate of 600 lbs. to the acre, vith an equal percentage of nitrate of ioda, phosphoric acid and potash, ihowing that then later would be 'rom. 75c-80c cheaper per acre by land mixing. ELLSWORTH TO BE SALESJANAGER The Owners of Gillette Estate selectBd Mr. W. M. Ellsworth of Louisville, Ky? to represent them in the sale of Grilletfce Estate, and he, reported to Mr. Hester weane?ua>. Mr. Ellsworth came to Tryon a year ago and was connected with the Tryon Dev. Co. but spent the winter in Florida and returned to Louisville, Ky., this spring to be associated with Leslie W. Moonhouse in placing Southlawn and Norboune two of the cities exclusive sub-divisions, on the market this season Mr. Ellsworth states, when he received Mr. Hester invitaton to return to Tryon he was greatly infulenced bjy a desire to live in Tryon and makei his future residence here. Having been in sales organization and lecture work for many years Mr. Ellsworth has traveled extensively over the States and the Dominion of Canada and considers our city the most attractive place to live he has found anywhere. J ND CLIMA UOUI 1 tY WEEK IN THE " M 7 THURSDAY flFTERN^Of ivisi ! 4- r* 4 ilLCI CSUII^ * irse Show nt of Th< < nt To Record I Crowd. r itinue to come in about the April, 8th, the affair promises he fiipt event of this kind to ed widespread publicity, the isily engaged getting all of Hotel through the coiirtesy of Mr. Eugene Brownlee, the manager of this j well known holste^y. UCU AC ACCAIDC men ur ftrrmiw i We have with us this week Mf. Lawrence V. Sheridan of Indianapolis Indiana, prominent landscape architect and natioally known city planner, Mr. Sheridan is here looking after several subdivisions of which he has plans to beutify, and speaks most optimistic regarding future of Tryon, and the I surounding country. It will be remembered that he made an interesting talk here before the Chamber of Commerce advocating the i^ea of a permanent plan of architecture for the business district of Tryon. He states that in the near future he will bring to Tryon a well known Architect that will go into this matter with the citizens of this city. Miss Mary E. Hawley, guest at the Homestead, having spent ten weeks at Tryon has returned to her home Duncannon, Penna., stopping enroute at Winston Salem, N. C., and Washington, D. C. BISHOP HORNER TO PREACH SUNDAY Next Sunday, March 1st, at the 11 o'clock service the Rt. Rev. Junius M. Horner, D. D. Bishop of the diocese of Western North Carolina, will administer the rite of Confirmation at the Church of the Holy Cross. He will also preach the sermon. The rector of the parish extends a most cordial invitation to all to tome hear the Bishop ( HSU SHIH-YINQ m * wl ? jMm Bfe. y&nk^' v^^^B in' iima Hn Shih-Ying, one of China's most noted Jurists, wtio has bssn appointed prlate minister. - ^ ' i lTE EQUAl I . ntyN IOUNTAIN PARADISI 4. MARCH 18. 1926 ONS " v I Story / / Will Be a Season OPENING OF STORE A BIG SUCCESS Price Entertained Large Crowd ??r Music and Refreshments The opening of Price# new furniture store was a marked succeMi being attended by hundreds of people of Tryon and Polk County, tke store was beautifully arranged and many new ideas in home j furnishings were shown. One of the most attractive features of the new store was the display given by the | Loath Stove & Range Company of j Waynesboro, Va. They were represented here by their special factory represenative Mr. Lynch, He is traveling in his "House On Wheels" A model house mounted on a Dodge chassis, whloh proved to be the main attraction of the entire affair. Mr. Price the owner of the new establishment stated that he was more than pleased witty the hearty welcome given him by j the people of this section and was very optimistic I about Tryon and ! the surrounding country. He hak only been in business here a short time having occupied a small store now being occupied by the Chrysler Auto Agency, but soon j found that larger a Ka !ononwul an/1 a HAW CJUHITtl O iiau lu i/c hcvuivw, w ?? building was Immediately started and rushed to completion. A complete line of new home furnishings will be handled by the new firm and at prices that will compare with those in larger cities, arid In most Instances much lower on account of a smaller ovenhead. Those who did not hare the chance to be on hand on the openlnf days he has extended a oordlal Invitation for them to come hi and see the new. store. ' uT? iUNION SIGNAL) MEETING Union Signal Day will be celebrated at the Parrish House on Saturday, March the 20, at 3.30 p. m., the Rdr. J. F. Black will be the speaker for this occasion. A large crowd is expected and everybody ie enrlted to | attend this interesting meeting. i Junior Chorials Society Entertains Another successful entertainment for the benefit of the Junior Choral Society tookplace at the Lanier Library last Friday; nlgfht with a diversifJ led program. Mr. Ella W. Peattle I gave_an address on; "The Making of a Book," drawn presumably from her own experience as an author. I The progress of the construction of a novel from the first inspiration of the idea was traced to the completion of the subject in book form The hopes and doubts^ of th?_^rriter during the work the rewriting and ti-ui ?* Jt/iHon onH fhfi ftnh. PUHBIlIIlg UI UiC UlV/HVil, IWU www WW. mission of the manuscript in its completed form to the publisher was followed in detail (Continued on last PH*0 - i ..' IW iri ] \' , TO THE iawc I I r I ; j! I , E" -: I -: |i ? BOO i U)6ut T1 ??r?? ;?4 ALFRED P. THOM An especially posed portrait of fred Pembroke Thom, general cour for the Association of Railway Exi tlves and the American Railway a elation. ' j DIIMTHN ? fiRFf WW1I1 I vn w VIIU MOVE TO THEIR NEW IfOME More Salesmen Added To Force Blanton and Gre n are ready move into their new! real estate of) that has been completed especially them. The new pffice is loca next to the Pollf County B i and Tijust Company and will affi much better facilties for their nu customers. They a^e adding seve extra salesman to their force and I very enthusiastic 9h?ut outlook* the coming spring. This concern owns the beaut) Denton spring ran, a auu-uum tihat is attracting so much attent and is now listed tor sale in Dor and Hendersonville} Asheville, Salt anl Tryon. Numbers of these 1 have been Bold and already hou are hagining to be ^constructed in t lovely mountain cplony. They planning for a big advertising ci paign this season that will give P County some valuable publicity. CHEVROLET MANAGEI MOVES 10 TRYO -f i Ilr. A. C. ^llisofc who will be new Manager of The Chevrolet ency will move to Tryon at an es date bringing witl} him his fam Mrs. AlliSffii and Miss Allison. Tl liave already rentjed a house h and expects to move in by May, Mr. Allison is ixi the city every i looking after the new building be built here to honse The Chevrt Motor Car. He lis very entusiai ibout the possibi ittea of Tryon, i stated thaf he was very pleased make his home here. TV. new bu Ing will be finished Apri 1st, am grand opening will be given in ho lot the opening of the new establ Iment, which Willi be announced a later date in this paper. CARD OF THANKS ~1 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rollins, Mr. M. Arledge and Miss Hattie Artec Wish to take this method of thank " nalo-Vihrtra tf\T laeir incuuo auu uoeuwvtui ?v* kindness shown them during the I Illness, and death of their mot! r 4 .siU' I. . ;i i '. . . " - ..'tfiaH * 1 tS RIVIERA 1 'I I 1A RAGES I. I ic TODAYThirty First Year Five Cents Per Copy Ing "*?S lis Section SEVENGREAT SUB-DIVISIONS Large Sales Being Reported Every Day Thousands of Dollars Spent In Beautifying These Properties I No place in Western North CaroAl-!lina has the beauty and advantages 1M' of Tryon as a place for residence, tcuThe great range of high mountains that form an almost complete circle ?i around the place give a picturesque scenery unsurpassed anywhere/. >M The climate of Tryon the fact that ' real estate can be Secured at _jnuph i lower price and the new choice 8nbdivsions that has just been opened up makes Tryon a very desirable point among the new Subdivisions which are all in close aproximity to the business district of Tryon. i i LAKE LANIER Lake Lanier is considered one of the most beautiful development in this section of the country and a great 'ce deal of money has been-' spent to for make it the success that k already ted js. Hundreds of choice lots have 10,1 been sold and a number of nice 3rd homes have been built with plans iny going forward for man^ more to be ra* erected at "an early date. This ire magnificent lake development corafor mands some of the prettiest mountains views in this entire section and purchasers from every; part of the *on country own lots here. 1 " ion The new Tryon Selton Hotel will soon be erected on the property and lda elaborate improvements are being i ota planned this summer for this (high V 868 class property. This property has his been given publicity all over the enare tire country and the sales are con-P im" tinueing to come in from the many oUt sales offices that are located in other cities. This company maintains bus schedules from different towns bringinig people here that invest in this | fast growing development. 11^| The Estabrook A | The Estabrook 8ection of the Thermal Hills In the Pacolet Valley, the opposite the Washburn Estate, has ** 1 Ag- a complete view of the whole range irly of mountains from Hog Back to White ily, Oak, as well aS a view of the aey Pacolet Valev. It is thickly wooded ere (and winding roads are being conlst. gtructed through the entire section. lay There are sixty-five lots, a number ing of which have been sold with build)let ing restrictions. stlc j The Warrior Woods 10 The Wa:rfr>r Woods subdivision 'Id* comprises rS:.:e fifteen building sites * a and has Just been placed on the "or market. The property has improved '8^* sand and gravel roads connectlsg 1 a with the Asheyille Highway and 18 only a short distance from the Val- ' halla bridge. Rotemont This is the most valuable piece of 'jM ?e" reeidential property in or around Tryon and has recently been acquired^'' Jj tlie by A. L. Berry and 1b now being put ang , ier, (Continued from page L) j t - _