Mir mil cribe to the N 9hamh flW IE STREET KING RENTBALANCE : TEAR To Be Renovat ed At Once no ill BUSINESS DISTRICT I chamber of commerce as one rst steps in an active campaign advancement of Tryon, has the store room occupied by tier on Trade street for the !er of this year. The room redecorated and otherwise ttractive. and the people of and visitors are cordially incall there at any time after : next week for information o?,booklets. Suggestions wm iflly be welcomed and acted irever possible TS ON TRYON MUCH IN DEMAND AT PRESENT loklets recently gotten out by aber of commerce are being n large numbers, many df the d business houses have been with them and every letter f the local chamber includes bes? instructive folders, deTrynn. To those writing to n friends who desire to in? of the valuable booklets, cheerfully be supplied by the af comm-Tce. r Thompson es Suddenly at Shock to His [any Friends Ilster Thompson. employed by the 1 of Jackson & Jackson as oflicce tant, w i""und dead in bed at kome in Landrum, by his mother. Irently in the best of health, his Ih came as a distinct shock to his lly and friends. He was 29 years ke. a gradual" of Wofford College I had b'cn employed by the JackI firm for th- past year. pGRAM FOR POLK COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT ktt, Frida . April 9, 1926. pace, Try, u graded school building, Ion. X. c. |:3u? Sp, iiing eoiiy,est, 6th and 7th Ides. proup i m ] ij; ;;o ? Song, "AmerI the Ileum ifall the schools rep|ent,d 3- t" !1 J'' Itecitation contest, flS. lie, iotl COUtlSt, boys. il Jo -Presentation of 7th pfc t:p"- by Dr. E. M. Salley, Rinnan b?ard of education. 11.30 to U - Address by state sufinteurj.j,! (Jf public instruction, T. Alien. 2 to 1 : '0--Klementary choruses. 12.3(i to 1:Ho- Noon. All thfe grade Idr an,; th- ir arents and teachers 1-vii n>mtitr. 1 to 2.30?High school content BU-S'a. 2;3" u> 3.1T, -Singing or folk games. 3:1"' t.. 4:;iii Athletic contests. A special and pressing invitation is ttended t the entire public to attend let>. exercises. E. \Y. S. COBB, County Supt. of Schools. IDA E. SEIDEL, Kara.1 Elementary School Sup. i ** ' 4. . I . ? s ' I > ?. {V ' HAS A j The ews ier of ( -S*r on >c on i ^1 M_ n r - - -i Oldett Fiddler > a fc' Pi \ M l| AyTOCACTCfl^gSggMMB 2 A fiddling contest was held at ( Rome, New York and William Smith's, "Listen to the Mocking t Bird," won him the county cham- 'l pionship. "Billy" who hu been s urtAl/limM fLa KAW #A* 7R IniCIUlllg MIU IVM11VU lA/n 1V1 IV g year t^'isks he's the oldest f 1 ' r I T . ^ p TOURISTS SEASON HEAVIEST IN 4 MISrORV OF THIS RESORT POINT |J Necer before has Tryon enjoyed a j more prosperous tourists' season, all ! | hotels and inns report capacity crowds and reservations continue to cojm? 1* every day, scores of visitors from I section of the country are here enjoying the delightful winter climatd, and taking advantage of the numerous outdoor sports that Tryon offers her j j guests. 'RUSSELL OF SALUDA TO OPEN REAL ESTATE OFFICE* HERE Russell, the prominent real estate dealer of Saluda, N. C., will open a real estate office In Tryon at an early j I date it was learned this week; he hasj | been keen to see the great possibilities in Tryon and has been considering this cton fr?r unmn Hmo I WVV|/ ?V/? UV/Ui\y Offices have already been leased In the new buildings now being completed by Holmes & Calhoun. The firm will do a general real estate business specializing in farms and city property. ' j 1 Football Czar ) . I ton football star is now czar of v the "Red" Grange, professional t . ? ?orviitrht his services league, wium ?v?e... ? ... as a guiding influence similar to that which Landis exerts over base 8 ball Gregorian Calendar 1 The present calendar was adopted In the Sixteenth century, the Julian or ( old Roman calendar having become < greatly erroneous. Luigl Lllaa Qhiraldi, frequently called Aloysula LI lues, a ? physician, of Verone, projected a plan for amending the Julian calendar, which, after hla death was presented by his brother to Pope Gregory XIH. To carry It into execution, the Pope ' assembled a number of prelates and learned men. In 1577 the proposed < change was adopted by all the Oathollc < princes, and In 1582 Gregory leaned a brief abolishing the Julian calendar In all Catholic countries, and Introducing In Its stead the one now In use, under ? *\i the name of the Gregorian or rexormeu calendar, or the "new style," as the < other was now called the "old style." The Gregoylan calendar was not | adopted la England until 1762, r r E A R ROt Polk il . PUBLISHED EVE TRVON, N. )omme -3AMI 1 uvv Exibition of Paintings at Oak Hall Subjects of this Section I On Display There will be an exhibition of paintngs of Tryon by Ernest Barnes at )ak Hall, March 29 to April 10, lnclulive. Mr. Barnes has been instructor n drawing and painting at the Unirersity of Michigan for eight years ind has had work hung lii some of he most important exhibitions in the :ountry. He is a member of the Scarab Club * nmA n# tbfl PnT>T1Qrtinilt 'I 1/CllUll . anu ui iuo wuuvw*vwv Academy of Fine Arts, and is repreented in the Detroit Institute of Arts ind the Art Collection of the State of Michigan. He has been painting in Tryon for he last three seasons. His work Is o be seen in New York and Detroit it well known galleries. News Bulletin FARM NEWS. COUNTY NEWS. SOCIETY NEWS. WEATHER REPORTS BRISBANE'S EDITORIALS.' ' DR. GAINES' HEALTH HINTis. WEEKLY CARTOONS. FEATURE STORIES. WEEKLY COMICS. CHURCH NEWS. STATE NEWS. NORTH CAROLINA I INDUSTRIf - ? " - * II Carolina forging "he Present Practice of Increjslng , Demand Ratheif Than Reducing Production and ' Indulging in Conservative Buying, Augurs Well for This Country's Future Business. | I Mount Olive?City receives new fire ruck; plans on foot to install new ire alarm system. Lexington?Plains on foot forereclon here of two furniture plants, with ombined capitalization of $375,000. Kinston?Large Irish potato crop iredicted for this section. Leakeville?^Free mall delivery servce to be established. Wilmington?Additional repairs will te made to Fourth street bridge. Kinston?Road will be built from layview, on Pollico river, to connect vith state highway from Washington o Helhaven. Charlotte?City will launch extenlive street paving program. High Point?Tomlinson Chair Manifacturing Company erecting $200,000 milding. Asheville?Plans on foot to bring >ne or two new railrloads Into this :ity. Charlotte?City plans to purchase idditional Are truck. Rutherfordton?Paving of Ro ute 20 o begin soon. Hendersonville?New heating plant )eing installed in Lutheran church. Wilmington?Plans announced, for establishing municipall radio broadcasting statio.n Charlotte?Bids opened for cokstruc;ion of new Cutter theater building. Washington ? Washington Packing Company will occupy building formerly used by SwindelllFulford Co. Washington?Hood System Bank to be opened here soon. Washington?Plans under way to J I ... J . . nf) CLIM1 Cou 1 ! I a . ill.. RY WEEK fN THE " I MiSlHc rce to rJU: D IU D Forest Warden Asks For Aia II . I Working Hard to Prevent Forest Fires M. Howes, county forest warder of Polk county, la asking the co-opera tion t>f all the people In the county tc help prevent and alld to help suppresi all foiest flres^and wishes to draw the attention of land ojwners to sectlor 4312 consolidated statutes which readf thus: "Certain fires to be guarded bj watchman. All persons, firms, or cor poratlons who shall burn any tar kill or pit or charin^ali or set fire to 01 H ?-1 ?*Vi m o burn any Drusn,j grpiss, 01 "?? terial, whereby any' property may be endangered or destroyed, shah keei and maintain a carefful and cqfinpetem watchman in charge of such kiln, pit brush, or other material wJile burn ing. Any person, firm or tprporatior violating the proviaiona of mis sectior shall bo punishable by a/flnej of not ; less thanten dollars nor more (bar I fifty dollars, or by impisodment for nol 'exceeding thirty (JO) days. iFire es caping fwwn ouch kiln/ pit, blush, oj oOi?t material wfcffi -eu^-Aing b*>*u bt prima facie evijdence of neglect of i these provisions]'' I Copies of the (fire laws canl be hat . free for the asking from John Artz j county agent The many fri[ends of Dr. and Mrs j Bishop were shbcked to learn of tit ! death of their ;19-months-old baby, ? [victim of acidosis, brought atjout by c [diseased condition of the tonails. Jn terment was made in the family plot at Spartansburr, with the Rev. Wil O'Neill, of the Congregational churcl officiating. L I .III. -lilli-M-- ? I L WEEKLY j ! U REVIEW | REPORT id In Buiidiig Act vity ibuild road from pu ter's bridge to I Pantego. Elizabeth City?$2p 100 bond issue proposed for streit |i Jrovenients. Building boom aide way In Western North Carblini. Kinston?Proposed !< drain Adkin Creek. Wilmington ? ]#b:*M'y pojsta] receits amounted tcj|25 ! 15,03, as compared with $18,74pi 'r samje period in 1925. I . j Continued pom jage i WEATHER~ Thursday fair jnd Lflder; | strong southwest and wit w :ds. J Sun rises: 6:j R infall for 24; hours ending at a. ru, inches .91; total this month incl ss, 3.04; deficiency since Mar i 1. 91; deficiency since January 1 .00. Temperatures id I ecipitation for other cities for : ho -s ending at 8 a. m., today: Mil Max. Precip. Atlanta .... j 1 i 46 2.24 Atlantic City : 48 .20 ' A Boston .... i...... ou " Charleston J ' 80 136 Charlotte ' 48 1,48 Chicago i ' 38 Cincinnatti ' 56 32 Helena ....I ' 32 8 Jacksonville; ( 88 -48 Los Angeleij 1 84 0 Memphis ..I ? 88 '?2 Miami 1 82 0 New Orleani .. ' j 78 *-84 New York 3 54 84 Phoenix ..[ 8 82 4-78 Raleigh 8 82j -78 St. Louis . i 2 48 LQ2 Washington 4 82 -40 n. . . r . . I . I - I ' I ?i ! \ i ^TE EQU^ nty f MOUNTAIN PARADI ION, APRIL 1, 1926 Move r ion L W _ _ J i , I fashion Tal At Library Friday j I F. W. Crandall W Be Speaker I j On Friday evening, April 9, at 8 1 F. W. Crandall will speak at the nier- library oni "Overhead Exper or the history ahd development of ! liners. Admission will be 25 ce ' The proceeds Will go to the Lanie 1 brary. So far ats possible this addi ' will be illustrated by hats of diffei periods. It is earnestly deisired that any ' onite who has i^ats in their possesi that are more than ten years old s permit them to; be shovm at this t and place. ^ny abl^ and willing to dc wni materially' contribute to the oeas of the evening and to the libi if they will phone Miss Marie Pi giving her full information as to * articles that aiie available. The La * I library will asiunfe full responsibl i for the safe return of the hats. NOTED ARTISTS TO ! APPEAR HERE An interesting program is ar ranged for! Wednesday, April ' 14th, gUfn under the aspicei 1 of the Women's Guild of thi Parish Hoiise. The artists t< appear are: Miss Alice Cothrai of New -York City, Mezz< Soprano, and Mr. Charles Burn ham, famous Barritone of Ashe i vine, N. G-j The regular program of this affair will be in next weeki issue of the News. A recorc crowd of tnusic lovers is ex pected to httend this notable evenj and an interesjlng affaii is promised. Both J of these famous arjtists are well known throughout! the entire country and Tryon should feel proud to have them appear here. "Golden Anniversary' _ I ? a ? _ _ gationaJ^Cfcurch b I Irooklyn for 25 year*. Tpe anniversary event was celebrated with a great ovation. President OoolJdg* sent eongratulatione. The congregation presented Dr-Cadman with a purse of |25,000, a thousand dollars for every year of Mffvica. +W v ?; >1' 4 t Use this Polk County News 2 Want Column for quick reI suits, jit will pay you well, | an. JaL cost is small. - tjscc as 'iiirta'rlit I fiL TO THE \ f brown faces of the t. :..bs from the tl desert with their picturesque silken P rober, the banners aid drums, the si vendors of fruit; all presented a spec- p tacle that charmed tie; imagination p and brought to the e re all the rich d ? coloring of the orient. u One of the most interesting sights C was the students squatted in a circle st | in the great open court of the univer- ol T sity studying the Kor^n, each with a c< ? piece of bread beside hiin.j Their in- ti 2 telligent faces, the fine mould of their fc * Continued on last page ai RIVIERA 10 PAGES Ifc TODAY Thirty First Year 'ive Cents Per Copy Home ifENT BIG SHOW ON APRIL EIGHTH PLANS ALL READY Entries Coming In Fast All Details Worked Out For Great ' Affair Everything is in readiness for the great Horse Show to be held in Tryou April 8th. The workers on the event are very much encouraged over the success that they are having with the first show and indications point to a tremendous crowd to witness this affair. The responses that hav3 been received from those who intend to be present are coming in to headquarters at rapid rate. The grounds are being worked over into good shape and all other details getting shaped up for this niuch looked forward to event, below are some of the high spots of the great snow. Tryon's lovers of the thoroughbred saddle horse will also be numerously iu the how ring, eager and, we believe, able to offer stiff competition to all comers. The greater the success of the first annual horse show, the earlier wide recognition will be given to Ti-yon as an important cog in the horse world. You can hasten that day by your presence next Thursday. Parking space will be provided for 100 automobiles; each machine being assigned a space number to which it will be directed. As far as possible seats will be provided for holders of single admission tickets. Tryon's entry into the Horse Show world has been widely and well advertised, and at this early date there is positive assurance that its initial meeting will take equal rank with Continued on last page STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO GIVE ADDRESS IN TRYON Mr. A. T. Allen, state superintend;nt of public schools, will give an adiress at the county school commencenent to be held at the Tryon graded ichool, this address is being looked orward with a great deal of interest hroughout the entire county, and a arge crowd is expected to beybn hand or this event. Everybody is invited o attend this interesting address. ARRETT & COMPANY TO OCCUPY NEW QUARTERS IN BANK OF TRYON BUILDING Garrett and Company of Spartanurg are making improvements to the asement < .V; Bank of Tryon which i to be t! tew quarters as soon as aese improvements are fully com- < leted. An entrance from ' Trade treet in front of the Ballenger Cornany by a stairway which will also rovide the concern with show winows and this entrance will also be sed for an entrance to Ballenger ompany's bargain basetnent from the reet. Garrett & Co. have don.; Icks t high class jobs In Tryon, and have . antracts for many more. The connual building activity here has irced them to have a permanent shop ad display room In Tryon. /