r h S I : Thursday, April 15, 1926. - ? i .. Churches in Business An old Jewish synagogue In Maiden lane, London, Is now used as a theater tor rehearsals, and a Methodist chapel In Southwark, where Wesley preached Is used as a paper warehouse. The famous Surrey chapel, where Rowland Hill preached, la today the gre. : hosing rendezvous known as the Ring. At Willesden an old chapel has t been converted Into a draper's estab- , Ushrnent, the pulpit being used as the , cash desk; another, In the Hainpstead ( road, has been turned Into a picture palace. The Union Jack club, opposite Wa ' terloo station, stands on the site of i 1 Methodist chapel which had lost Its ' worshipers, while St. Andrew's, Tavl ( stock place, was once a fashionable i church, hut has been In turn a cycle | store and a ciuo.?London Answers. Fire Alarm Lighta Because the use of red lights for motor-car stop signs, and other warnings, tends to detract from the effectiveness of the color when applied to locating fire alarm boxes and stations. Detroit's city council has recommended that purple be adopted for tire pur poses. Boxes are to be illuminated by . a special type of lamp with a purple lens on each side. Experiments are said to have shown that this shade Is visible under unfavorable conditions caused by smoke or fog. The words "fire alarm box" are to be placed on the posts in letters discernible at a s distance of 300 feet. It is proposed to forbid the use of the color for other purposes.?Popular Mechanics Mag- " axine. I Decorative Plantt Plants, bulbs, flowers or fruit form house decorations which give much return in pleasure for very little money J spent. The Important thing, however, j Is to be on the lookout for something ^ that will give the touch to a room that Replacement Auto Parts < V ^ Phono 4415 ?? ^ jj 373 Blltmore Avenue '> X j t ANTIQUE FURNITURE f We buy and sell. Tell us zn I what you have to tell. Beds, T * Tablet, Chairt, Deekt, Side- ' J [ f boards, whatnots, any other ,, J J f antiques. | < > + Alto upholstering Refllnlthlng J J ?1 I Cabinet work etc. '' ? > t ->:: * The Galer Furniture Shop ;; o ? 97 Patton Ave. Phone 1674 J J | TYPEWRITERS !! ? UNDERWOOD I: ;; ? The World's Standard ' > ?? | TYPEWRITER * The Machine of Supreme Ao- <> $ curacy and Speed: Let Ut j| ' * Demonstrate I O > $ underwood ;; t TYPEWRITER coh^PANY <; ?> [ 9 Miles Bldg. Phone 916 ?> liiimm* mi w >++++++++++++++++++++++++ e I MUSIC TEACHER if I BURNHAM I VOCAL TEACHER > I A Teacher of Experience T and Establiahed < > * Reputation 4! I 8TUDIO ' ' j) 14 N. Pack Square T * Phone 3442-J T ; ENGINEERS SUPPLIES \\ "YandE" o ? o | Drawing, Materials, Filing 8ys- 11 tems, Blank Books. < > > *> J| OFFICE 8UPPLIE8 ** j; and ;; ;; equipment ; [ ; i burt. l. ownbey a co. \ | 24 Broadway Phone 2106 | [ ' \ ... .. 1 > Hi ;; CAFETERIA \\ i. < 0 < I: Guillet's 1 o ;; CAFETERIA \\ J; BETTER FOOD ;; ! [ ' si k X 21 Haywood 8t Aaheville, N.C. , A . _ a f - - i y I . ''W ' f \ _ ' - " V ' 4 j * ? . * f t he Polk County News h " " 3 N< Strand Op f Saturdc rmBMi flv * VB ? ;1P ' ? ' ' ' ' ''' : ' ?: T?.. >? TVT?,. ii yuii a E " ' ROOM FOR I ' ,>?I " - * * , .*y J Invest those hard earned. . | savings in something substantial?in other words J a Home > * i I Let Us Figure With You 11 On Your | | JOB PRINTING I t POLK COUNTY NEWS E t M H ?-J*-l l... -. ,.'l- ??? r? - I 1 M 111 nin'W M* |f - SALUDA IS GROWING ?i SO ARE WE ; | LET US SERVE YOU. I i The Bank of Saludfl if SALUDA - - - n.H ^ t _ ,. t WE DO ALL KINDS OF GENERAL CONTRACTING & i will gladly furnish you estimatesovjj i} your building requirements aniifluak^'m !! excellent service-work that YOV JM i * proud of. i now have contracts for * 'jm ' ber of tryon buildings. may i fkju?b :: you? i BRICK - WOOD AMD CONCRETE fl I R. A. SEXTON H . > General Contractor ^ 1 ,ff ,,,,,,,,,,,,, |t^ 1 ^ We will soon be in Our New ; Our Mr. Allison can be found a new building. TRYON MOTOR C?'H "Chevrolet" ^ (I TRYON, jMI