J I J 3 the Nt Jo. 35 i I F% IFFICES N MANY CITIES ,if thp Blue Ridire IHjQUll tuui' v. _ .will bo opened today and will Bharge of Mr. C. C. Bennett, who Met sales mauager of the con This magnificent Development L attracting widespread-atten over the entire country, and and scenic grandier It Is to none in this whole mountain I embracing every wanted featu goes to make a real residential Lurse hig..wM Elevation of any In Country Iof the outstanding features of Lmmoth project, is the excelk Course constructed by Dever mett the famous expert of the lie is a recognised authority pis line and much care has liven to this feature of the development. preat Forest of Seventeen Thousand Acres wonderful forest comprises IT,res lying along the line betKorth and South Carolina and lidents of Spartanburg, Greenfryon and the Piedmont secve had preserved for them the laenific.-nt virein forest, priv-1 Iwned in this part of the South, r many prominent people are^ ; plans to have their summer jn th- h-ights of this glorious tin residential section. todous Publicity Campaign P anned for This Forest 8 for publicity will be (Sn a laborate st ale, but on the other very pr. caution will be employprevent any advertising of the cw-r- 1 type Improvements of I'kinds will Ik- made as fast as e and when these actual imivnts have been completed this ni'iuntain colony will rank the L'r-atest of America's ir 'i-vei,,p:iit>nts. Campa gn In Charge of Noted Realty Man P-ii-r-tJ sales manager of the tidge Forest is Mr. William R. 3ns. rp. Company' used keen "vnt ip ihe selection of Mr. ans. ha.-,iic had years Of ex-' c" m 'V 'realty field handling be highest type of developments. untry club , | ESTATES) ^ lounceirient Is Made That Reservations Are in Demand ^ NLERSuNVILLK, N. C., May ^^fciEovnc were made today j B r>. Si.-r;, - amj Company, gen^Hsales nts 'at Hendereonvllle's ^Btry < 1 .t. States, that in the first days rnp- of County Club ^Bes lotn nervations of lots ^BgaimK .000 have been made t-r.-t u it known as the Club S' i iloiise section embrac^Btoui , f i lot9 an(j lt i8 preB that A it -,he general degree ^Pteresi !) in? evidenced In this B0Dni|n!, e.rat unit wtil he B< s.tu ' eu*11 - property embracee over ?- " au <;s located one mile "tnd. i i,?iiville ou the Ashevillerson\highway wltb HAS A 1 The 9ws ~ W ^ Ridge FST / McClure ENRIQUE BUSTOS * yS! JT t|l |g||l|M| W$Jm ?HMjHR9H I 1^.-4^^ ^B9K ^ - ' W^Swb^-^S^' JHkroS? i I A I Wm nor Enrique Bu?to?, recently appointed a secretary at the fhlloin m barty, hat'arrived In Washington to 1 mown hie new duties. Senor Buetoe, wive was accompanied by hie family, was formerly consul at Philadelphia. THIS WEEK FARM NEWS. COUNTY NEWS. SOCIETY NEWS WEATHER REPORTS. ILLUSTRATED FASHIONS SPORTING COMMENTS * WEEKLY CARTOONS. FEATURE STORIES. WEEKLY COMICS. f CHURCH NEWS STATE NEWS CONTRACT LET FOR NEW BRIDGE NEAR CITY Contracts were let yesterday for a new bridge to span the creek just a short distance from the entrance to Lake Lanier to replace the one that was destroyed by water from the lake disaster several weeks ago. The ne'w bridge will be much larger when completed and will be quite an addition to motorist's plying between < Tryon and the Squth Carolina line. i ! i Lanier Club To Hold Impor- i tant Meeting At 3:30 May 13, there will be a 1 Special and important meeting of the Lainier Club to . consider a matter of vital interest not oaly to the Club but to Tryon itself. It concerns the Library. For some time it has been ' apparent that a reorganization of the library system was imperative. The situation at present is acute. It is not only neccessary, to reorganize the autiquated catalogue system, but the method of changing as well. Miss Carpenter who has been acting dnring miss Olives illness is convinced that these changes should be made ( now if the library is not to cease functioning effectevely. j It will be necessary to employ sqme one wiht expert knownedge to superintend this work under her some volunteer help might be used. The meeting is called that this matter may be explained to the members who will then decide whether or not the work shall be undertaken and the money voted for this purpose. Continued on last page i f E A R ROI Polk PUBLISHED EVE j-- TRYOH, N I y r ? Fores! . rin rin Talks 'a CASH MARKET pai% f m naarriA rUK MKHItltt ^ Speech Followed By Big Barbecue V An important meeting of the greatest interest to everyone in Polk County assembled at the invitation of at the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lightner in their home Tuesday afternoon. It concerned the fortunes of the local Farmer^- Federation. The attendance comprised farmers, merchants and bankers of the* community. There had been invited to address the meeting J. G. K. McClure of Buncombe County who was instrumental in organizing the Mfhly successful Federation in that immunity. Affer-esniaining the origin of the people of Western North Carolina and how they came to settle in the mountains he showed how the lack of cash markets had held back the agricultural production in this region. Farmers In His Section Show Receipts $6,000 Daily He then told them how the farmers in this section organized to create such markets and of the success that attended their efforts. They now have six werehouses and over twenty trucks. The receipts are in iccess of $6,000 a day. Continued on last page LOTS IN GILLETTE ESTATE SELLING VERY FAST Mr. Ellsworth reports heavy selling of the lots in the Gillette Estate. A number were sold lagt YVeek and several deals expected to be closed his week. He stated that the beauty of these sales was that most every purchaser bought with the intention )f building homes, and many are to oegin building at once. This lovely sub-division is certainly lestined to be the Bon Ton residential I section of Tryon, it has every lmagin-' ible feature that is needed to make i high class section and every possible means is being impjloyed to carry out the Ideas of the owners, which is to spare no expense in the way of improvements. WEATHER For North Carolina: Fair tonight Thursday fair; rising temperature in west portion; moderate north and uorthest winds. Sun rises 5:33;sets 7:20. Rainfall for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m? inchee 0; total this month, In 06; deficiency since April 1, .49 deficiency since January 1, 3.09. Temperatures and Preciptation for other cities for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m., today: Min. Max. Precip. Atlanta 54 74 0 Atlantic City 40 60 0 Boston 40 60 0 Charleston 56 72 0 Charlotte 46 70 0 Chicago : 50 60 0 Cincinnati 43 56 0 Halena 46 66 12 Jacksonville 64 76 o Los Angeles 68 76 0 Memphis 52 70 0 Miami r 70 84 0 New Orleans 62 82 0 New York 40 56 0 Phoenix 62 86 0 Raleigh 42 68 0 St. Louis 62 66 0 Washington 38 60 0 f JND. CLIMA Coui RY WEEK IN.THE " M I. C., THURSDAY AFTERNO t Open >r ai L dl iboutiFar 0 . j STRAND TH PRESENT GRE NEW WARNER BROS. PIC TURE SAID TO BE BEST > TO BE SEEN IN TRYON "Below the Line." the Warner Bros. Classic of the Screen which is opening on May 12, at the*8trand Theater, has for Its theme the exciting story of a vicious, snarling dog made loyal and brave through loving training. Rta-Ten-Ten, who will be remembered by all enthusiasts of dog pictures, for his remarkable work in "Where the North Begins," "Find Your Sea" and "Tracked in the Snow Country," Is said to outshine aD previous performances in his latest production. June Marlowe, the girl "with the soulful eyes," who has appeared with Rinty in previous photoplays, is with him again in "Blow the Line" as the heroine, May Barton. John Harron plays Donald Cms, an uncouth but kindly boy, who, together with May Barton, befriends Rinty. Pat Hartigan, famous for his screen villainiee, is the village- bully, Jamber Niles, who attacks and robs a wealthy young woman and then attempts to steal the church funds from Donald; and Victor PJotel appear^ as Jamber's half-witted brother. ( The climax of the picture comes when the half-wit lets loose a pack of bloodhounds to follow Donald and May and Rinty flings himself at the pack. The terrific dog-fight, brutal as it looks on the screen, has the g indorsement of the Santa Monica ra Humane Society for being filmed with- m out injury to the dogs. ai hi WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH ra j COMPANY TO HAVE m OFFICE w The Western Union Telegraph VV Company will move Into their new fo quarters in one of the new stores of Holmes and Calhoun on trade street as soon as the necessary arrangement I are perfected. This wtlj give Tryon I two city telegraph offices the postal having recently moved into their new1 office some time ago in the new | Strand Theater building. / Dinner Given By Teachers of Holy Cross Church loi A dinner of Appreciation was given m to Bishop and Mrs. Tourette on April mi 22, by the Vestry and Church School di Teachers of Hody Cross. 8h In a feiw informal toasts, led by fo Mr. Frost, some alight appreciation th was expressed of all that the pres- ar once of Bishop and Mrs Tourette has meant to this Parish during the la past two Winters. mi The Bishop's chalenging sermons th together with the abounding zeal and ly intelligent support of every worthy cause by Bishop and Mrs Tourette lei have been real inspirations to all si: with whom they have come into mi contact w( Both the Bishop and Mrs. Tourette be responded delightfully. While rejoic- th ing in the return of health to the ba Bishop, everyone hoped that we may sw again honored by their coming to Ti us in the not too distant furture. M - - - " J-l-'"- oh A delicious dinner wm uommj s? mu on Capt. and Mrs. Jervey. AUTOISTS OF N. C. tii PAY $11,053,933 w. TAXES THIS YEAR to RaJeigh, May 4,?(AP)?The state is auto 'license bureau has collected br license amd gasoline taxes for the first th ten mounths of the fiscal year am- on ounting to $11,063,933.91. fe I % " ' ~ \\ I < lTE EQUA3 ity N OUNTAIN PARADISI ON, MAY 6, 1926 soffi * DLL 4 I / mers Fe eatre to :at picture LYNCH MOVES INTO ' NEW QUARTERS ON TRADE STREET Chas J. Lynch has moved into his new offices in the Strand Theater building on Trade Street on the street floor. Mr. Lynch is one of the leading realtors in this section and many of his large deals have attracted widespread attention throughout this section and he has been a great factor in Tryon's phen- ominal growth. In Moving Into his new spacious, quarters, Mr. Lynch stated to' a correspondent yesterday that the new arrangement will fill a long wanted need in taking care of his client!. Mr. Lynch. Is also President Of the nevdy organized Chamber of Commerce and has devoted much time to this organization to make it a success,. An invitation is extended to all to visit the new location. CITY AT WORK WIDENING CURVE ON GRADY AVENUE The work of widening the curve on rady Avenue^ is progressing very ipfdly, and with this improvement any accidents in the future will be raided. This has always been a very izardous part of the beautiful street aking it almost impossible for the > otorist to be able to see any great ays ahead. The Mayor and Chief 1 'it'son should be highly conynended r this great improvement. 1 .YNCH'SLAKE 0 OPEN SOON Lynch's Lake for many summers ist the only srwimmiin' hole and the ndezcous for devotees of the King Sport, has been leased to Mr. iwrence Goellet. The Lake is now being widened to ford, a 1500 foot lake frontageads of gravel are being hauled to ake a pebbly bottom and beacch, odern appurtenances, such as invidual bathhouses and lockers, ower baths, diving boards, slides r the kidddies, row-boat patrol for e greater safety of swimmers etc.; e being installed. It is contemplated to maintain the ] ke and its facilities on a club basis, Bmberships are being soUcltied on e bases of Twenty dollars per tamlfor the season. Early application to Lawrence Goel- 1 t will assure reservation, as when t sty memberships are received no ? are will be accepted. A restricted, ? ;11 kept, well managed, bathing t ach, with all modern facilities for e e greater comfort and enjoyment of a thing privileges, the only natural t rimming pool in the environs of yon-Lynch's Lake, under the able ? omoomrahin r\f I.HWrflnW frOfillet I Hiiagviuui|/ w? - ? v? ? ould be a real asset to Tryon. 8 i Tryon will be presented with big ' ne Vaudeville on fYiday night A i ?11 balanced bill has been secured t r the first night and Manager Early preparing to take care of a record f eaking crowd. The attendance1 of f e first vaudeviUe here will depend ' i the advisability of making it a c ature at the theater every week. 1 ... \/v/ ; ^ ;T0 THE , lews . _ / " -:- -:ce In ' . RAC ^deration! H. M. WURZBACH | Wj I Al d I ai 1^^ fc JBpi j. ix tt Harry M. Wufxbach la the only Re publican congressman from Texas. Amateur Bill To Be J Staged " ' si On the evening of the fourteenth 81 of May, Friday, an amateur show is t( to be staged at the New Strand a. Theater under the auspicies of the C1 Chamber or Commeroe. The proceeds 0| are to be diverted to- take care of ;t the Hofirlt under whirh the Horse u, LT1 Show and subsequently the Tourna- c( ment were staged. Under the able leadership of Jerome Fowler of Spartamburg, formerly a Keith Vaude*villian, specialty number man, local C, talent ie being trained to give an even- A fcngi entertainment not exceeded on X iny of the variety show stages. Tryon- pi Ites who have agreed to donate their th services to this affair are: Lawrence to Mazzancvitch, Mrs. Pat Hebbert, Mrs. A Dickinson, Mrs. Missildlne, Mrs. w lemons, Dwight Smith, Ted Devore pi Lawrence Goellet, Mary Pratt, Carter Brown and Mrs. Brpwn, Elizabeth ef Drady, F. W. Weigel, P. T. Richard- tt son, Pat Hebbert, Romaine and Gerald Stone, andd others. Many of the i fl) aforementioned have \ demonstrated n( :heir abilities on the stage in the va- eE rious plays given under the Drama Te jlortnightly's schedule this year, rickets are to be on sale the latter 3 an or mis weea ana u is urgeu mat ill Tryonltes attend and take this at ipportunity to Indulge their fancy in be performance, and at the same time co iuahle the Ohamlber of Commerce la o keep clear of deficits in order that In, t may be unrestrained in its efforts th o' do its tatmost for the community ba it large. mi sc KENTUCKY HOME TO HAVE A LA CARTE SERVICE & ON MAY THE 1st tit Mi On May the 1st, the Kentucky co lome of Hendersonvllle, N. C., be- lit ;an the A La Carte service for their to lining room. Mr. Noble the manager fo if this famous holstery htm Just re- tii urned from Washington where he bu lecured the servicee of the beet avail- mi ible cooks to make the cuisine second of o none .in the entire State, w< This arrangement will be heralded pr is a great step forward to so many teople that will want an ajl day 01 lervice, special attention will give to nntnr rmrHon anrl IHa HInInc rnnm vill be open from 7 a. m.,until mid- Ta light. Mr. Noble needs no introduc- Ai ion to the public having had years of po xperience in the hotel business be- th ore coming to Hendersonville,. This 22: amous Hotel has always been noted by or its hosfiitajity and wonderful wl ulslne and even a still better service eti a promised. co .J. jut- , .,, -. -.It. .K'? ... : ::... ?. >- RiyiERA I .1 / tpi ? ?-1 vj WP AG ES TODAY Thirty First Year ' ?r ive Cents Per Copy Tryon iING SEVERAL COUNTIES AFFECTED Hundreds of Men Mus tered In Service To Check Flames Fires that are sweeping unDntrolled across the northwest borer of Grandfather mountain divfion of Pisgah National Forest 'uesday had spread over an area vo miles wide and four miles long, - cording to a wire received at the >restry offices in Asheville from , W. McNair, assistant supervisor. Available man-power mustered into arvice so far insufficient to check le fire, he said, and there is ain. rgent need for fresh fire'fighters to jlieve those worn ont with their iro day battle with the blaze. Another Near Linvilie Near Linvilie a fire is scour.igging le lands of the Linvilie. Developtent company and more men are Beded there to, it was declared uesday afternoon. The fire on the government lands ;arted near Pepper Creek Fails and vept along Cold Mountain ridge >ward the headwaters of Harpers' nd Burke counties. One entire reek spreading through Avery side t Grandfather mountain is in flames, is ' stated. The whole northwest Drder of the foreest is burning acjrding to reports. Urges Bombar'dment Tuesday morning a wire from Major IT TTn1/> TT?.'tnJ C?4?4rv? n. naic, u iiil^u ouibcs riciu rtillery, of MiaiJii, urging that orth Carolina artillery regiments be 'esertted into service to bombard e borders of the burning districts i check the fire, was received at the shevilje Chamber of Commerce. It as referred to the foresters for Dssible action. More than eight hundred men are stimatec^to be fighting the fire on ie government lands. The Buncombe-McDowell county e that raged for nearly a week is >w under control. Forty-five wardis are patrolling its borders to prernt an outbreak if high winds occur. Hiah Winds Hinder Practically all other available men id all fire-fighting apiparatus have ien rushed from the fire on the iimty line to that on the government nds in the Boone area. High rack- , > 5 through the flameswept forests to e northwest making the unequal .ttle of the men with the fire still ore difficult, telegrams from the ene declared. Already a quantity of valuable ivernment timber has been praojally destroyed in the Grandfather ountain section ^nd the fire is ntinuing to gather headway. The ;nt ram tnat leu Monday aia nttie check the oprush of the blaze resters say. The whole area Is ider-dry. Tuesday the weather ireau reports hale little encourageent for the fire fighter^! in the way probable rains. Dry and cool sather v/ J.: considerable wind was edicted. r 'ERA STAR TO APPEAR IN ASHEVILLE Asheville, N. C., May 9th,?Marion illey, the phenominal 19 yars old nerican Prima Donna of the Metro- * litan Opera Co. will sing here at e Auditorium Saturday night iiiav nd. Her Concert will be manag d A. H. Lowe of 81 Chestnut St. to reports the advance sale of tick3 to be enormous, many people ming from the nearby towns. " V* (L fill - f ^

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