K TRY ON home i ?piti on| ^ bscribe to the Ne fl. XXXI No. 38 fviiV Si A Creai fVELOPERS 111 adverKE W. N. C. eo. P. Johansen Name I President of New I Organization ^^ ore th.ir. J.'i.i'oo.OOlr will be spent ILq intensive advertising campaign fcfoclaim the attractions of WestI North Carolina to tile world, It I been announced by members ot I advertising committee of the tern North Carolina Developers' lactation. Approximately $50,000,I will be spent within the next Ke years to bring modern improveLu to A&heville and vicinity. leorge P. Johansen, general sales Lager of Stradley Mountain Park, I elected president of the assoclaL and N. C. Hines, general sales lit of Wildacres, was chosen first I president. Other officers elected | re: E. E. Siler, general sales dllor. Royal Pines, second vice prestB; A E. Bohling, third vice preslk; A R. Thomas, of Fountalneku. treasurer; J. D. Miot, director tales,-Beverly Hills, secretary; and ft. Jair. - . general sales director, irel Park Estates, executive comleemaa at large. leports of committees on a constfbn. salesmen and sales commis13. adverti-ing. publicity and translation were made to the assoclat, and the president ordered that ies of the reports be made ana t to -uch member of the associa Hi. as thtry contained valuable inHnatiom Hhe by laws committee, compose* I He N. Sapp of Wildacres, chairman. ^Brry W Hoff, general sales director I Stradley Mountain Park, and Leo Blland of Royal Pines, was instructIto submit a set of by laws for apBo: by th- association at the next lew Street I In Sight I FOR TRYON Mr. Keist-r. general superintendent, Hr Killui'. i. ' 11 struction department, Mr. M ,.n*.y, division superinBndtnt, all i f tlie Southern Railway, B*re in .Tryov. Tuesday to confer witji B* city officials and Mr. Eugent Ho*nlec of Oak Hall wih reference the prop s-d new street that will Provide,] through the gift of Mr. Hownlee to the City of Tryon? forty Ret yf frontage on the Hall property. BMr Brciwuilee has offered the city ^ proumi with the understanding Hat the city s to make' the peceeimprovements after the work of hag been finished. The H?mht:ru Kail way has offered to do Be Kradina:. which will eliminate da',..- ts that have heretofore HMaced th people who have been P'ttd 'o t, . this crossing. The mat *111 be taken under advisement \ Mayor and Commissioners, is i.oped that a satisfactory m?nt can be perfected, as t*118 ill mean much to the City of lonnect Up With Landrum Roatt and HsId Traffic. h toe addition of this new street 1 *?!, in all probabilities, eventlbecome another business thorfere. Tryon will soon take on the bailee of a real resort center, crossing has long been a has'"s one, and negotiations for the 6(ly of same have been pending o&e time. HAS A ' The jws pend $ i m m a twor LADY CHIMUN % * Lady 8urma Mar Chlmun, prince? M/iAnt a# tk* an^iant A wrl a n natlnM i wyviii vi iiiv uiiwivii? iiuhvii who 1? In this country In the Inter#? of the Aesyrlan and Iraq Chrletlai Relief committee. COLUMBUS ENJOYING GREAT PROSPERITY WAVE The town of Columbus is enjoying a great era of prosperity just at thf* time. The new cotton mills are running full time and has orders enough to keep busy for many months to come. A modern planing mill is also located in the town and is kept continually busy with orders to supply the great amount of building that H going on in that locality. The ban! reports good business and states thai the prospects for Columbus have never been brighter than now. Blanton & Greene have possibly done more recently to advertise thai section than any other firm, and through their efforts great results have been gained. i I SPANISH COURT Spanish Court, the new apartment house being erected by Crandalls, Inc., is fast nearing completion, and many of the apartments have already been rented. This new structure when completed will be one of the best pieces of architecture in Tryon, and will compare favorably with many in the larger cities. Handsome furniture will be used throughout and every mooern convenience will be in thra> i | apartment when finished. It is hoped to have the building ready for occupancy in tlms to entertain some of the summer tourists. COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES POPULAR The Country Club Estates, locate! on the highway just a whisper fron Henfjersonville, is gaining popularit; unprecedented in the realty histor; of Western North Carolina. Thii >magnificent development is attract Ing widespread attention to both thi homeseeker and the investor becausi it embodies all the necessary require pient that goes to make an idea residential colony. One of the bes features of this ideal suD-aivision i the accessibility to the City of Her dersonville. It is so close that de liveries from the various busines houses will be made Just as thougl you were in the city proper. Sales Directors Well Known Over Entire Southern Territory. N. D. Suttles & Company,) who hav the distinction of selling many ml lions of dollars' worth of propert In the Sunshine State, have charg of the selling of this lovely -sub-d vision, and already notable gains ar being made in making this great pr< ject stand out prominently among th Continued on pag two % * > . I \ YEAR ROU Polk PUBLISHED EVER' TRYON, N. ( >3,000. i mi KAIL ! GREENS CRE] IS IN PROSPE m Great Strides In Community Noted Things over in Green's Creek Town- j ship look good. The township's Jiead- I quarters is Passion, N. C., where the new postoft'ice is located. Here you | will find a happy, contented j set of good people, a populace that Is thoroughly interested in the welfare of their community, and embueu with civic pride that is the real put-cess of any section. Green's Creek One of the Bes^ Farm, ing Sections in Entire Coiinty. Greens Creek Township bojasts of having about the most prosperous farming sections in the entire county. Here you will find large plantai tions where real results are obtained, _ i, and where work seems a pleasure. cc t Crops this year as a whole {are ex- |e ' ceedingly good, but a much j needed t[] rain would help things considerably, t* A Church Going Crowd in Green's *" Creek Township. 111 te Good people? Well, we should r ,1 8C [smile. Think of thirteen Churches 1 and eight Sunday Schools in one township?more than many Sections G< 1 can boast of and. besides, we sjire well ' informed that they have the bpst per1 centage of attendance in.the entire county, which is saying a lot. The ,l people in this community are more * 1 than interested in church wdrk and ul > 1 or give both time and money to make It > ' ar a access. i in A State Accredited High School, Lo- ne cated at Passion, the Center. w| The community enjoys a godd High is: f School that Is second to none in the SP BLANTON & GREENE E SPECIALIZES IN ACREAGE = Rlanton & Greene of Columbus, N. ar Cy announce this week with a full st ptjge ad in this week's issue of the offering of a large selection of valuable Western iiorth Carolina Real Estate. These listings have required _ months of hard work in order to have nhnnlo want TIlPV haVA JUSt W liai HID IIHUVI < ..V|, ? I (of sale tracts from one to fifteen hundred acres. These listings and Onfions are so arranged that many hundreds of acres can be had in one single purchase. el I Firm Well Known in This Section HJ Made Numbers of Important Deals '' di in Western North Carolina. al This firm needs no introduction to the public, having operated in thrs w 1 territory for some time. They have [)( closed numbers of deals involving- s( thousands of dollars and have been a tj. ggreat factor in the progress of de- a) velopment in this mountlan region. Through Mr. Blanton's efforts Colum- T ^ bus was boosted with a lovely subi division called Denton Spring Park. f This beautiful residential park has ft r been called one of the most unique jn a s the whole section, and wonderful re- s< suits have been obtained in selling ti 3 the lots in this mountain colony. bi B . ni Competent Sales Force in Charge of tj This Organization. gl t "^Blanton & Greene maintain a great M s selling organization composed 'of men oi I- of wide experience in this line of ol 1- work. The firm believes in an abun- fi s dance of publicity and are always on hi h the job in the boosting the great ad fc vantages that await the investor ana T homeseeker who are greatly interest. * w Pornlina. ea in western nuiw Up to Date Offices Maintained at Co-'le e lumbus, the County Seat. C( I This concern has recently complei- T y ed a modern office in Columbus and 01 e extend a special Invitation to investors fa j to come and inspect their files of J la private and exclusive listings which fi ^ are one of the largest collections in ir this country. Several large deals have just bees recently closed that at Involved thousands of dollars. tl . / v ' v At ND CLIM^ Coui i WEEK IN THE " M THURSDAY AFTERNOI AAA T www akeL i EK "SECTION 1R0US STATE BUSES KEPT BUSY Many of the developments are bringing In bus loads of sightseeing people to inspect the various properties that are offered for sale in Tryon and many trips for the balance of the summer are to be made here from the various towns in North and South Carolina. Numbers of sales have been reported and great results are obtained from these trips ana Tryon gets much publicity from the entire country at large. De Luxe busses are used to make the trips and the guests are highly entertained upon arrival here. >unty, and always has a large atudance. The school is right up to ie minute 1" construction, and has e distinction of having a wonderful culty in charge whose accomplishents have attracted widespread atntion throughout the county. The hool has a good ball team and other hletics are indulge '". freely. )od Set of Business Men Located In Township. Xo community can thrive without good representation of sound busies men, and that is just what you 111 find all over the Township. Genal merchandise concerns, garages id other lines are well represented this section of the country. Other ws of this hustling little section ill be found in other columns of this sue. The Polk County News has a ' onial /?Ai*roannnflont in thp Orftfin'fl eek section, and every week hapnings of this flourishing neighbored will be found dealing with the neral notes of interest to the peo- 1 e in tha tsection. Mrs. Solon B. Hines is the corre- j rondent for the News, and anyone iving news articles that they wish . iblished can communicate with her f id she will be glad to write the , ory up and have it published in the j reen's Creek column. 1 'RICES SALE BE- ; GINS THURSDAY: . i C. T. Price is making great prepations for the opening of his first mi-annual sale of furniture. Mr. rice states that there will be re- I ictions on .every article In the house, ( id (he event will be looked forward i with much interest to the house- i ife. A full page announcement ap- ( jars in this issue, and this entire i iction of the country will be told of i le wonderful advantages that will be < Iforded at this sale. i o Give the People a Sale In the Heart of the Season. Mr. Price said his idea was to give ie purchasers of their home needs chance to buy now while the sea>n was at its besti Many useful arcles for the porches and lawns will s featured in thia event, and the anagement states that the reducons will be worth while for the irewd shoppers to take advantage of. , [r. Price has recently moved to Tryu in order t0 sive this Bt0I-e most , ' his attention. He also operates a \ irniture store at Inman, S. C., where - - s has been enjoying a good business ( ir many years. - . ryon Store Has Grown In Sales and , Popularity. ] The Tryon store has grown by J aps and bounds, and has fay ex. t ieded the expectations of the owner. , hey recently moved into a new store i Trade street, which wjll compare , ivorably with the furniture stores of , rger towns. A complete line of home , irnishings are carried, specializing ; i carpets and rugs. j Mr. Price states that every one who ( ttends this sale will be surprised at le values that will exist j E&&?S?5 . ? ^ ... Jgfe lTE EQUAj nty ^ OUNTAIN PARADIS IN, MAY 27, 1926 o Boo , lira HI Ul V III BIG LAKE READY To Accomodate Bathers In This Section The management of Lynch's LaKe announce that the lake and its facilities are now open for the use of Tryonites who have signified their Intention of using the excellent watering place and its equipment the forthcoming summer by becoming members in the organization which is to operate it this season. The project is a club affair, operated strictly for the benefit of club ipembers. Every effort is being made to afford every feature which a bathing beach can boast?an excellently kept beach where kiddies can play in tie sand? slides where they can ride the shootthe-chutes?diving boards for more proficient swimmers with a life-boat patrol in case of accident?individual lressing rooms?shower baths, etc. Now that the hot days are here, all no/la will lanrl tn T^vnrh'fi lAkfi and hey're good roads now and \ttll be tept so even when the rainy season, which is not now in evidence, will be with us. The quota is not yet filled; iome twenty-five are still to be had subject, of course, to the discretion >f the membership board. Get out hat old bathing suit of yours and jack up the Lizzy and follow youe 'riends and neighbors to Lynch*s Lake. VIERRICK ENGINEERING FORCE GET CONTRACT WORK ON EAGLECREST TRACT H. M. Jackson and R. W. Mapherry )f Hendersonville, N. C., who recenty purchased the Eaglecrest tract located one and one-half miles from Hendersonville, N. C., on the old \sheville highway, have given tne Merrick Engineering Service of Try)n the contract for tjie engineering work to be done on this tract ot and. Mr. Merrick states that the prospects for a banner season in Western Vorth Carolina are exceptionally ;ood, and that his office is swamped with work. An office is also mainained at Columbus, N. C., where nuch work is going on. MEW TRYON CAFE MOST READY FOR OPENINt The new Tron Cafe is getting hings in shape preparatory to the jpening of the new establishment, which will be welcomed here with jpen hands. The new cafe is being fitted up in big city fashion, and when readv for the public a large patron age is expected. It is modern in every detail and will no doubt prove to be a popular eating place. P. T. A. MEETING IN TRYON The annual meeting of the Tryon P. T. A. was held at the schoolhouse May 17 at 3:15. The report of the various committees for the past year's work showed the association was steadily progressing. In Its effort to ielp the school in many ways. The membership committee reportad 80 members who have paid their annual dues. There are quite a few others whose names are on the roll have nnt nftid their dU6S. JUV/ft ?? UU UM>W ... r~ Anyone wishing to do so yet may jend them to Mrs. W. F. Little, treasirer. The welfare committee has been rery active this year in looking after md hiring medical attention for the children who were in need of same. Books and clothing also have been provided for several children, and ]ulte a few of them in school wonld Continued on page two i - 'f ~Ji - L TO THE" lews E" st w. r k loving i i SIR CHUNIHAL MEHTA Sir Chunlhal Mehta, the new flnanct , minister of the Bombay government has Inaugurated the dry movement ir the Bombay presidency. I c r?1 1 THIS WEEK j FARM NEWS. , COUNTY NEWS. SOCIETY NEWS. WEATHER REPORTS. 1 ILLUSTRATED FASHIONS SPORTING COMMENTS WEEKLY CARTOONS. 1 FEATURE STORIES. r WEEKLY COMICS. 1 CHURCH NEWS STATE NEWS 1 ( I????????? 1 DIXON WILL SPEAK AT ANNUAL MERCHANTS, MEE^T 1 Thomas Dixon, famous author ana j lecturer, will make the prinaipal ad-|j dress at the annual meeting or tne | Asheville Merchants' Association at 6:30 "o'clock Thursday evening at the Battery Park hotel. Sa"m| A. Hubbard, president of the L association, will be toastmaster at the I dinner. Reports will be made byj? President Hubbard and by Miss Anne Garrity, secretary. Officers for the ^ lensuing year will be elected. Present , officers are: Mr. Hubbard, president; Miss Garrity, secretary; Curtis By- . num, vice president; .Roy Swartzburg, [ treasurer. Several hundred persons are expect- J ( ed to attend the meeting. Mr. Dixon | has not announced the subject of hrs I lecture, but it is thought he will I touch on the growth and the posst- ( bilities of Western North Carolina, i '.I ?1 i WEATHER ; ????????I 1 For North Carolina: Partly cloudy r tonight; probably showers in extreme i: north portion; not much change in temperature; moderate shifting winds, v Sun rises 5:17; sets 7:37. i Rainfall for 24 hours ending at 8 i a. m., inches, 9; totals this month, 8 inohes, 3.11; deficiency since May 1, .89; deficiency since January 1, 3.49. t Temperatures and precipitation for , other cities for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. yesterday: Min. Max. Prec. Atlanta 70 92 0 v Atlantic City 50 76 0 1 Boston 50 68 0 s Charleston 70 92 0 v Charlotte 68 96 0 * Chjcago 50 68 .02 ' Cincinnati 62 88 0 j Helena 42 60 0 Jacksonville 70 90 0 Los Angeles 54 62 0 Memphis 68 90 0 ( Miami 78 82 0 1 New Orleans 70 90 0 ( New York 52 70 0 ' Phoenix 58 88 .12 1 Raleigh 70 92 0 ' St. Louis 72 90 0 a Washington 50 78 0 1 a Johnny Beckman, famous forward ? *t the original Celtics, a wandering J baaket-ball team of Naw York, nti f I 912,000 for his winter's nJav e ... " ' RIVIiERA 1Q PAGES 10 TODAY Thirty First Year ive Cents Per Copy i. Car. . r..i ;rasi GIGANTIC PROJECT THERE Spending $6,000,000 In Improvements The construction work now going >n at Lake Lure is startling the enire country. It is the fulfillment of i $6,000,000 program. The Lake Lure ;state is a massive project comprlsng 8,500 acres, or twelve and onetalf square miles. .ake to Be One of the Largest in Entire Country. The large lake when completed will te one of the largest in the entire :ountr..\ It will cover 1.500 acres of and and miles of shore lines with scenery in the background that Is tLirvol/tiiH Tlio fihftpoa u/411 ho oovr. >red with lovely homes and all kinds jf sports, and diversions can be enloyed. Entegrity of Men Back of Proposition Signifies Success. The men that are back of Lake .aire represent some of America's nost successful men. Golf courses, tote's, club buildings and numerous ither great things are in store for .hose who invest in this gigantic unlertaking. Already marly four milion dollars' worth of securities have teen sdlil, and this was accomplished tefore an acre of ground was sold, hereby showing that the public has ibsolute confidence in this missive indertaking. rhousands of Sightseers Throng This Section Daily. Thousands t f people daily visit the ite of operations in this section ana till their eyes in amazement at the ;reat rnu'int of construction that is toing on. It retail is iur of ' a be;inning f cuy in its -U. 'It. ireds ind hundreds of men in various lines if work are busily engaged in shapng thn de'.t'ry c' 'his tremendous liount in colony, at. i the work is movng forward at a terrific pace. 3rogrem Outlined by P \ L. B. Morse Who Is r.espcnsible for its Success. This ;ro l recreational program was mtlined by Dr. L. Jl. IVfoifse, who has abored for many yerrs to accomplish he- mal.? g of th' great ci'y, "nd it s tod?/ con: d red one of the great:st developments in the entire counry. Owing to the massiveness of this iroject, many mtilths more will be equiri 1 to complfe.e the program that las been mapped out for Lake Lure, tnother striking feature of the development is the fact that the com>any owns Chimney Kock, which is lopular all over the entire United itates. Upwards of fifty thousand leople visit this great scenic spot very year. Huge Advertising Program Waged to Acquaint People With Advantages. An advertising campaign is being vaged on a large scale, and today his Mountain City is attracting the ittention of people in every section vho have the utmost confidence that vhen completed it will be the Mecca or thousands of tourists and home overs. The N... r.sbyterian Minister. Rev. S. Wilkes Deredy of Columbus, Ja., who supplied the pulpit of the Pryon and Columbus Presbyterian Ihurchcs a short time ia 1925, will lecome their regular pastor on June st. His first service will be held n the Columbus Presbyterian Church it 11 a. m., June 6th, and in lb? Tryon' Methodist Church at 8 p. Ministers and their congregations ire cordially invited to unite with ither citizens in giving this gifted 'oung minister a welcome to his new ield of service as a co-worker in very good cause In Polk County. - -- -

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