TTR yon IfToME 1 c^D I T I 0 N subscribe to the N VolXXXINo. 4( iTkuaii USHE HOTEL TO I DC CIN!: II DL I IIIL BLDG. IFiske Carter Construction Compan; Handling Big Job in Business Like Manner SITE COMMANDS GREAT VIEW! The Fiske Carter Construction Co contractors who are doing the worl for the new Tryon Shelton Hote located at Lake Lanier, have already begun the work of excavating ant the architect and builders huts hav< been nut up. I The work is beihg rushed to : fast completion and is expected te be finshi.-hed by January. The site I for the new structure commands e wonderful view taking in all of the principal mountain peaks near here and when the new holstery is finish N it will <* t?pat;e favorably witl |4e finer report lio to It of tins country The plans call for a very unique design and elaborate furnishings wil be' installed in the interior of the tew hotel. A very large force hae be? engaged in the preliminerj Turk and a quick job is expected Much -peculation as to the exacl dat- when the new hotel wil be opened has le-en going the rounds of gossip, but from the apearances o! the preliminery plans on the site It will br winked out to a speedj tompl-tion. Th- stock for this corporation it fact a a xi portion of same was s;Ls> r.le il i>y local people who were quiik .. . :;i,. advantages in secur f..r on a high class resort Mri. SOITHKU:. TO COMPLETE BLOCK SIONAL SYSTEM Ql KEN TO CRESCENT CITY n\'iNx.Vi l, Ohio, July 22?In stallai;.,n . lectric automatic sig tals ha.- !) started by the South era liaiiway System on seventy two lniVs o; track between Mert hiati at;il X>; i Orleans, which, whei (' nii'l.\i ,]i give the Southeri wtntiiiunus tomatic electric signa n.:i ..a me line between oin nat; \\.w Orleans, 836 miles ?'"! "ii ni. lin le t ween Washingtoi ainl \. ... orYans, .via Atlanta anc .(; >, l.lljt) miles. b;|o in the* signal system be Mi.;a|ian and New Orleam whiih ?r- mitt in be filled are be i'lian and Ellisville, sixty and between Easta .mil Hatliesburg. eight miles ii: Hat ion will require 13! otii.r: upper quardant sig "ab. ia.. .in,,,, type now in use oi ,h" "bt portions of the Cincinnat \' tt oi-ans line I'uriag 1924 the Southern installet Hi" llir - jiuMHon signals on zii nulls ,,f track between Clnclnnat "'d N. ,v Orleans, releasing signal: ,jt older types. kilfin motor company takes agency for great star aut( The Kilpin Motor Company of thl ('ty li is taken on the famous lin <lf ^'nr Automobiles. The firm wil Hls'- hay.lle the Durant truck an ""'in:- to carry a full line of au "niotiii,. accessories and doing EeI ''.ra- repair work for all makes c The fidm will continue t ha!l,|h- das. Oils, in fact everythin usunlK found at an up to date se: 'ice. \ * HAS A The ews Sheltc r _ VILLI | FARM FILMS TO BE SHOWI Great Crowds Expected To S Showing of Good Work i>u Aiiiwiaaiu^ tnARur< Free moving pictures will be giv in the various Townships throuf " the County by the Farm and Hoi i Agents. These are Agricultureal 1 , tures of the highest type and s * | sent her by the United States I partment of Agrtculture. To the that will attend these exhibitions 1 rare treat is in store foy you, the great pictures are most interesti r as well as educational and ha ' These pictures have been p; 3 have been shown. duced at a great cost and every o that is interested in modern far ing should not miss the opportune to see this beneficial exhibition. T i pictures that will be shown are I follows: Bees?How They Live and Worl Poultry Pests and Their Control, i Weighed in the Balance. ' A Tale of Two Bulls. Great Dairy Sires and The Daughters. Making Poultry Pay. The dates of exhibits and tl place that they will lie shown a as follows: Pea Ridge Mission, Monday, Ju 26; Sunny view School Tuesday, Ju ' 27; Green River Scnool, weaitesua ' July 2S; Columbus School, Thursdi 5 July 20; Greens Creek School (Ne ' roes), Friday, July 30; Hicko Grove School, Saturday, July 31. 1 A great crowd is expected to w ' iters th -so showings. and there w ' l;e no charge for admission. Con and !>?*;njr vniir friends and see wh Mis going on in this interestig In lot work. | These shows begin promptly . i s;30 p. ni. and il is urgently requei ! til it everyone l e on time so as , | get the entire benefit of the displa J PRESBYTERIANS HAVE J .NEW M1N1ST.UK run J TRYON AND COLUMBl . i . i Vr. Wilkes Bendy, former seer I j tr.ry of Your Peoples Christian E . deavor Association of the south ,1 now in Tryon and Tryon is a ve . I lucky town to have him. He was i Istal'ed Sunday morning, July 11 j j minister of the Presbyterian Chur I in Tryon and will preach also jCo'umhus. In order that he may . ! this he will preach every seco; and fourth Sunday each month at n. m. and first and third Sunda at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Bendy comes to this secti very highly rocommended and e pressed keen delight in having t ) opportunity to locate In such a lot ' iy place. Althiugh he has only be j I here a short time he has made ma: j friends. I HOTEL ON HEIGHTS ' FINE IMPROVEMEN Excavation Completed for Kltche Laundry and Elevator Pit? * ? Uii-f? UD. ^ C.riy i ricci o READY FOR WINTER PATRON s e Work on the beautiful Tryon-Shi 11 ton Hotal, that will crown ? d heights above the Lake Lanier da _ and command a view of lake a: i- mountain on all sides for a dlatan ,f of more than thirty miles, Is me o ing rapidly. g Since the contract was let a she r. time ago the contractors, the Fill (Continued on Page 2) _ ?? " WW* ? ? i f i YEAR ROtF Polk PUBLISHED EVER1 TRYON, N. in Cons : pflsi A I - SOME NEW BOOKS 1 u AT LANIER LIBRARY Afternoon?By Susan Ertz. ^ Those who have read "Madame pi ee Claire" will hail with delight a new c, story by this author. A refreshing r novel, alive with keen human values. Th Cruise of the Cachelot?By ne Frank T. Bullen. A story hoys will enjoy, describing te the dangers met by a South Sea J. en whaler. of J Doctor Dolittle's Zoo?By Hugh is Lofting. 8C" Another one of these popular stories which the small folks like. )e" It describes the model Zoo which M l8e the Doctor establishes tn the gar a den of his house at Puddleby. I8e The Doctor Looks at Gigography? n& By Joseph Collins. yp gg Keen and appreciative criticism , ro- . , . . be on recent biography. Finding the Trail of Life?By a ne Rufus M. Jones. ^ m An autobiographical book about e ty . . .. , re a boy s religion. e Glories of the Carolina Coast?By . as th (Continued on Last Page) to L he I I U THIS' WEEK K sir I Si FARM NEWS. ' j COUNTY NEWS. | #f tie SOCIETY NEWS. L. re WEATHER REPORTS. fa ILLUSTRATED FASHIONS BH ly SPORTING COMMENTS ly WEEKLY CARTOONS. y, FEATURE STORIES. ay WEEKLY COMICS. ,g. CHURCH NEWS If ry STATE NEWS { L_?______ I itill CAMPAIGN FOR BRYAN I n* | MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY al ! OPENS IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA _! |('; at ' i wl 3t. ASHEYILLE. N. C. July 22-With,(\ t0 Gallatin Roberts ex-mayor of Ashe. iy ville, prominw^n attorney, and life- hi long friend and admirer of William he Jennings Bryan, as chairman, and a t.a sponsoring committee of fifty promi-1 nent Asheville citizens, the Asheville IS campaign for the establishment of U | Bryan Memorial University at Day- J F j ton, Tenn., was launched here to- ! ,n" i day. IS I In .accepting the chairmanship of ' ^ the campaign, Mr. Roberts stated i that he had been keenly Interested : M clS I , in the project to memorialize the ; cn life, character and teachings of the j , great Commoner Hy the establish- i do I ment of a Christian college in our j Southeastern mountains since its in- ! c'eption, and that he welcomes the op- i mi yS portunity to have a part in presenting the matter to the citizens here, te Headquarters for the Western m( North Carolina campaign, which is iot to cover twenty-five counties in the re western part of the state, have been | en ?, i opened at 90 Patton Avenue. The a ny quota for Western North Carolina Is gj, fifty thousand dollars, twenty-five 0D | thousand dollars being expected of jn Asheville. The objective of the na-1 pj, tional campaign M $5,000,000, half p0 IT of which will be used for building ge 11 and half for endowment ot F. E. Robinson, president of the ot n8 Bryan Memorial University Assoda- ti< tlon of Dayton, Tenn., stated recent- cl) ly that although campaigns have it been waged so far In parts of only ? two etates, Tenn., and Florida, sub- gr scrlptlons in hand now total almost m half a million dollars. A site ot ^ 110 eighty-one beautifully wooded acres M was recently accepted by the associaQd tion for the building of the universL co ty. This was one of five sites of > fered the association ior mis vurpusc . aj and was the one unanimously recom_ >rt mended by a committee of leading . t?- Tennessee educators who made an inspection of the site. I ' ' 1,4 V ND CLIMA r Coui i WEEK IN THE " Mi C^THURSDAY flFTERNO tructio roR i found J rips i| Help Try on. T il Great benefit will come to Tryon I t irough the efforts that have been i it forth by the Tryon Chamber of j ammerce in having the Southern V ailway make a change in allowing op over privileges on tickets routed jar this section. The following is a copy of th6 let. r recently received by Mr. Chas. I Lynch, President of the Chamber Commerc in Tryon. The letter j as follows: |w Spartanburg, S. C. jj July 17, 1926. I jy File?212 j b r. Charles J. Lynch, Pres., r, Chamber of Commerce,, !f( Tryon, N. C. V j n: ear Sir: ; b Rerferring to our various conver- b tions regarding round trip tickets t[ ith summer and winter tourist and jr 1 year sold from Washington and ?ints North thereof to Tryon rout- 0 1 via Spartanburg being honored turning via Ashevllle. I now take pleasure In advising q, -a -M IV. ui any ui uiw auu?c uuaclo oum Tryon via Spartanburg will be g rnored retunrnlng via either Spar- x nburg or Ajshevllle-Sallsbury, or if x id via AsheviUe will be hanored fr turning either via Asheville or pj jartanburg and Salisbury. n The above arrangement to become i,, fectlve Monday July 26, 1926. I ni ust that this will be entirely satisctory and will be instrumental in curing additional business. E Yours very truly, R. C COTNER. District Passenger Agt. tc tr RYON MAN TRAINS ti WITH REGULARS AT CAMP IN ALABAMA The many friends of Captain Seliil- ;> Lor, well known military man of is e.-mrnnnity and also head of thigh School have beeri pleased " n Ilia!, he is on duty this summer :h the Twenty-Second Infantry, imp McCIellan. Ala. ;u Captain Schilletter has expressed ,,, a keen appreciation of the training jn( i is receiving. He will remain at mp for fifteen days. in I tn /ORLD TRAVELER jjj BmS VILLA SITE .1 i... is* Jessie Atkermann, Writer and c(: Lecturer, May Soon Become ' >> Lake Dweller Pi ' I It is not at all unlikely that Tryon ay soon have as a permanent resit:C nt a distinguished lady who Is in- ar rnatlonally known as "the world's a 3St traveled woman," in the person w Miss Jessie Ackcrman, now a in sldent of Johnson City, Tenn. Miss Ackernian recently purcnasen villa site in one of the most dorable sections of Lake Lanier, and i the return of a sister who I* now Fi China she hopes to carry out a 27 an to build on her property and, if Bi esible, establish -a colony of connial people at the lake composed F travelers, artists, writers and hers who *'U appreciate the beau's of the region and the unexcelled Imatic conditions which Tryon and i environs offer. _ pi Fellow o? the Royal Scottish Geoaphlcal Society and a member of ^ any other organizations whose inests center in the world's affairs, f1' iss Ackermann for more than twen- in -eight years has been traveling con antly as a lecturer, writer ana siuint of human affairs, and la pnb >le the most thoroughly Informed pi oman of the day upon the great pi tel Usues of th? world situations, ai (Continued on last Page) \\ "WW ' * ? I r ' i TE EQUAL ity N OUNTAIN PARADISE ON, JULY 22, 1926 n Get: SEX GREAT MAN! 'ASSES AWAY Vas Regular Visitor Here For Number of Years Here -EGACY LEFT TO CHURCH! J The Polk County News received ord Monday of the death of Mr. i ohn A. Estabrook, of Boston, Mass. Ir, Estabrook will be remembered y many of the residents here as a 1 rgular visitor to Tryon and also >r the keen interest that he always ' lanifested in this section. Mr. Esterrooks died the early part of May, ;t Monday was the first information I lat the News office had of the pass. i tg of this esteemed visitor. i wrted Tract Here Near Mimosa Hotel, Now Popular* Sub-Division | Many years ago Mr. Estabrooks ac- ; aired a lovely tract of woodland i ear the city now known as the i sterbrook Section owned by the hermal Belt Development Co. inc. his land was bought years ago om Hon. T. T. Ballenger one or I ioneers of this section who now i sides in Atlanta,' Ga. Mr. Esta- | rooks spent much time and persoal efforts in improving and clearig this tract. i t xecuior of Estate Writes Letter j to News of His Death I Below is a copy of the letter writ- ] 11 by Mr. Nathan B. Day, of Bos- j in, Mass. who is the Executor of ; le estate I of the late Mr. Esta- ( rooks; ( toston, Mass., t July 17. 1926. f oik Co-tnly News ' X C nl . en: l I'l as:* i'iRv'nntimi.' nini'ing your t ?!? ?: i Mr. John A. Estabrooks, as ; r v .- p,n-r address i nclosed; as j iiad; es?rl> in .May at a sanitarium n ;;; ihii city, foil: wing a Ion,; ill. i 2SS. . . ! Estubrooks may be remember r 1 j> s. me of your older towns- 1 111 as a .'Oscalar visitor in Tryon :i r m ny winter seasons, about 15- r l years aeo. In the course of these t sits he tacquired a tract of wood. 1 lilt ill Trvnn and D it in much Of " .3 ti.ite and p ra effort In clear-In Z ru'i imp oving tills tract ac>r?liiiK to liest forestry practive. He { ild this tract in 1914, and I bene it is still designated Estabrooks irk. He appears to have retained to the st his interest in you/ city and its irroundlngsj as evidenced by his ' ultimo d subscription to your paper, id also by a small legacy to the n lurch of the Holy Cross, which he '' \ as wont to attend when staying Tryon. u Very Tru'y Yours, NATHAN B. DAY, Executor of the will of B JOHN A. ESTABROOKS. -om the office of School St., 1 oston, Mass. - C ORMER COLLEGE ]! PRESIDENT TO PREACH IN TRYON SNUNDAY Rev. W. E. Parsons, D. D. will * each at the Erskine Memorial tiurch next Sunday morning, July i. Dr. Parsons is a former preslint of Parsons' College of Faireld, Iowa and is making his home ti i Tryon. b li CARD OF THANKS d We wish to express o?r deep ap- 1 eciation for the kindness and sym- n ithy shown us during the illness fi id death of our daughter and wife. Mrs. S. L. Rhoades and Clarence, v 'hiteside. Wm , TO THE : i. lews gg = Fi 5 Good nucD VliLIU Ford Taken i Over By Stackhouse Beautiful Show Rooms And Large Work Shops Is Outstanding Point New Models On h Display NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS The Ford Agency for this terri- f tory has recently been taken over by Mr. 'J. H. ^ackhouae, who is the owner of the Clio Motor Co., of Clio, S. C. He has been one or the most successful Ford dealers In the south and recently acuqired the local agency that was formerly the Kilpin Motor Co. p Beautiful New Building And v Elaborate Show Room t The new firm is now located in t, the new modern and up-to-date ga- f rage architecture?elaborate display rooms, commodious stock rooms, t mendouBly large work shops. With h ?11 of those appointments and con- 0 veniences it makes this building t starfi out nremienUv 1 among the c finer garages of Western North Ca- j olina. n [iuick Service And Fair Prices il Firms Motto e The new firm will specialize in t( cal, qnick, dependable service. The n )fficc 's in charge of Miss Agnes a Ooyle of Timmonsville, S. C., who ins bceen associated with Mr. Stack, a lo.ise with the Clio Agency for the p mat five years. The Department of * Stocks and Parts is in charge of Mr. .( .law t'iray, who was forniery connect- a >d with the Kilpin Motor Co. in p his capacity. One of the special *r eater: s and an announcement of 'Mlicu'ar interest is the fact that Cj .he r>-v Put will hive the, most Ci iv .Icn iruivRicnt in the Repair De- S.| a-tin nt. that, that will enable ai h< m to trie ?arc of any job in the ^ manner. Another anouce- a) cent sf i sual importance to the pa. tl vis ( ;h : Ford Prduct is th?" fact w ha 1. i reduction has recently been u 'ale o' S45 00 :':i the price of the ttl Vr! cars. Several new mode's with r . -tiHtit; paint jobs are now on <dis- t, lay in the beautl'ul show rooms of he new coeern on Trade Street. ^ "hf\ extend to the public in generad very cTdi il invitation to visit the . ow building. j X3LITMBUS B. Y. P. u. Z HOLDS MEETING AT , Di HOME MISS TALLANT vi DC "The B. Y. P. U. of the Columns, P.aptist Ch ireh met at the tu oine of Miss Pearl Taliant's Wed. esday evening and a very interest- 'a: ig program was carried out. Miss r3da McMurry made a very interest- m; ig ta'k on putting more interest in m o the B. Y. P. U. After the pro- di ram the two group captains, namely lis.".-: s Pearl Taliant and Jessie Ireen served watermelon to the fol. jwing members: Misses Vada Mc- e(' lurry, Qrletta Landis, Mable ar 'hompson, Harrie Delle Smith, Ruth fa !obb. Rena Smith, Jeanette McFar- ^ uid, Gertrude West, Messrs Dean :lo;i8, Broadus Mills Bennett Bur- v* et and Lee Case." eE nc JOYS AND GIRLS CLUB in TO MAKE TOUR / SPARTANBURG AND VICINITY ' CI August 2nd and 3rd, an educational our of Spartanburg and vicinity will w e made by the boys and girls beonging to the agricultural and home emontsration clubs of Polk County. ^ 'his tour is a substitute for the anual encampment, and is a reward or club work during the past year. . A great time is in store for those ^ ,-ho will take advantage of this trip which will be very interesting . ' - I - . ? ? rriTiiih' eiffir 11 in tkisL Jjj RIVIERA I'! 1A PAGES iU TODAY 1 Thirty First Year ve Cents Per Copy I Start k * * I VN CHURCH FREES J&KEVILLE PASTOR fE Will be Reinstated as Pastor of Big Fashionabe Church VERDICT LATE IN NIGHT Joted Minister Overcome With Joy When the Verdict was Read / THE PRESS NOT ADMITTED The Rev. Ashley Chappell, D. D. astor of Central Methodist Church .as found not guilty by the Churcn !ourt which tried him Tuesday on he charges of immorality, untruthullness, and attempted bribery. The last two charges were not nown until the verdict of not guilty ad een returned. Dr. H. K. Boyer t Shelby, N. C. who represented he accused minister said that the liarges of untruthfulness grew out i Dr. Chappell's giving an assumed -JM a me when he was arrested an that ae attempted bribery charge result- so J for an ittegatkm that- the minisa. offered police of whatever was ecessary to keep the news of his rrest from piiblication. Lr. Chappell was arrested last lay in a disorderly house jn Memhis Tenn., during the general Besion of the Southern Methodist hurch. The charge was disordely onduct, by the po'ice who caught im when they raided the house, he defense of the noted minister as that he suffered from a physi. 1 oilmoiu .t? vnrS/iiia (imou *u:;cd him extreme pain. In his .atom nt inimcuiately after the rest in May, he said he was tak l(,' ! walk in (tie i lly of Memphis id was suddenly s, i/.ed w ith one, of . J iese attacks and that he imediatdy ent into the house to stay until if- a hack was over. During the few inut. s stay at th h ose the pollci id d same and arr sted the minisir. otcd Minister to be Reinstated j Tli? verdict was announced Tues. ly night at 10.0U o'clock. The veret means that the Church 'Court the V.'eate.-a North Carolina Conrencc will Immediately reinstate r. Chappril as pastor of the AsheI'e from which he was exiled pending trial. .The court was composed of minisrs fiwn the Western North Caro 1a Conference, of which the popur minister is a member. -"IS In aniioum ing verdict Dr. Prettyan said: 'The investigating comittce has faithfuly performed its ities ? a very distatcf il one. Dr. Pretty man la ifieu the work of p. Pickens for the prosecution and p. Poyer for the defense. He stat. ! they had presented their cases in i able manner and as true and ithful Christian mtn. ferdict Receive ! With Great Joy At least 70 members of Dr. Chapill's Church at Ashevilie were presit when the minister was found it gailty. They signified their Joy an overflow of cheering which enid with the singing V "Praise God -om Whom All Blessings Flow." The crowd fortned around Dr. lappell and expressed profound joy ' i 3 his exoneration. Dr. Chappell as overjoyed and with a broad nile upon his face said. ''I never as so happy in my life." The wife !. the accus d minister was alao esent, but fo ind difficulty in ex essing her feelings of the verdict, it aaid, "I am so happy I don't low what to do". The large dele(Continued on.Laat Page)

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