I \ ' fu YON HAS A ' ten Tho D M i u "l| g scribe to the News .XXXI No. 49 gg irge SANITARIUM PRO I POSED FOR LAKE LANIER ill tic a Great Asset To The Town and Surrounding Country I BIG MEN BEHIND PROJECT \v "! Ib-ster the Treas- addition to the cither hospital and r i n i> velopment Com- sanatorium which are now in this "I'liiiiy for a loca- vicinity add a new type to the comrfiv to one hun-1 lunation. it is indicated at the pres: to Lake Lanier "tit writing that the negotiations Will nvtion of a very i be concluded successfully and Lake ,;i' i;re sanitarium, i Lanier made the definite selection, orations are in | ??? . . has,, of such at ;a. |.reliable that the j NOT DEAD YET. the announce- ???? institution being ( .' .jit. a ill undertake I a . i l-imly of many dif- H loca'i ih.iti are available i H .i, . but have tena- : ... ... '1 vt'tsH .,i that Tryon with its. M the Hi which stir i i! the clear ".' !.:tke I.anier of- I ^H. H ' site which ! H Hi. H^.H '.i it ^Li.'.'.i-< .1'nl ir would attract IB 1/ 1' B 4 'athss-utid xrcttl-d ?'' H I PERSONALS Hf T Price the local furniture j Mayor ? Green welcomes advice N'orth to buy poods J from Tryonitea ragarding the water I:u":m. S. C., and Tryon I situation here. I - | I.ARGE milUHNG ami Mr Ih.rlon and family PROPOSED FOR Hi' V Avaitts spent Sun ?=.... s vi,;,L frl,,?l, I BUSINESS SECTION I,, , ,. ... _ ... , , Mrs. C. J. Johnson and sister Mrs. and Mr- W 0. Ward and , ... , ? I Annie T. Moore who have been very H : a: . in Hickory. V i . . ? , ; . successful in business in HendersonHill - Irt ills. ville recetly purchased property In H i. i . . . the business section at Lake Lanier H a Watson has taken , , , , _ ? _ , . tind are now having designed for Mrs. Orr, house) ' * . tlt'- in by various architects plans for 1 V. Watson evpecta , ? , . , ? , .. a twelve room Dutch Colonial struc.'i most of the tune 1 B a duties as travel ' . .... ^ I This new and attractive building will be quite an asset to that parH . . i ticular section of the property. H r <!'.:ind and cathlren ; after a peasant ' I SESQUI BRIEFS 1 litis returned to j BV'.'.T.tinison, S. C? where j The first baseball tournament at funeral of her!'he Sesqui-Centennial International Ili'M last Friday. ! Bxposit ion in Philadelphia will be i had hern ill for)played August 11, between reprepn.-srd away last sentatives of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps for the Service chamj pionship. Th? Navy has an all-star i ' i (loldsboro. N. team under Piddle Milner, former An'i.v! with Mrs. \V. napolis captain. The Army will be represented by F\>rt Denning, while 'the Quatieo Marines will play for l'- I. I hitler of At- the Marine Corps. h ' 11 visiting their i 1 herein. Rol> Folwell, former Universiy, of Pennsylvania and Annapolis football ud wife hnv,. re- ennch. will direct the newly organiza visit to e.d Philadelphia eleven in the American League of Professional Football. ??. I'unou will ho nlav I, **'J n uuiim; h?iuv u ..... 1 K w j,. ' " " accompanied ed in the ' Scsqui-Centennial Stad' Jaadc a business ium, which has a seating capacity ' ibirham, N. C. of 86,000, at the Sesqui-Centennial " ? Kxposition in Philadelphia. r has returned a long needed Rolling chairs, identical with those 'hat lie. had im- in use at Atlantic City and other and was glad to shore resorts, have been placed at the disposal of visitors to the Sestion in Philadelphia. The first con 1' i' 1? ?? ' 'si and daughters signnicnt has been received at the '"il Marii are visit-, Kxposition Grounds and the number I' rc-ui?>n. S. C. They j will be increased to 500 as soon as "' xi week. th(. manufacturers can fill the con? tract. Pence of Co j, "sited hake Lanier "See the Sesqui-Centennial and wci-k kiutlyine; the Smash a Record" seems to be the liM, '"'alien |(,r a lnoun. motto of America's leading athletes. In every championship meet held thus far under the auspices of the an I Mrs. J. r?. Sesqui-Centennial Exposition in Phili-it a most delight- adelphia, American and world rec"'.' oii viewing Laka ords have been shattered. This ini" ilieir home at eludes men and women's track and 1 ,jj A. R' rg aecom j field and men and women's swim"" '''? return journey, jmig championships. 1 \ '{\E A"R ROU Polk PUBLISHED EVER1 TRYON, N. C., 1 ~ To Investigate Water Rates Mayor Green Ask Chamber To Appoint Committee To Help Fix An Agreeable Rate FIVE ON COMMITTEE SELECTED Mayor Take Right Stand In Willingness For" the People To Speak Mayor W. S. Green has asked the Tryon Chamber of Commerce to appoint a committee of Representa u.rv iL t- ?- * nu/ifiH iu ueip iii(^ city govern* moiit fix a suitable water rate that will take care of the recent bond issue and also to care for the operating expenses. This request came 'as a result of the criticism of the recent water rates that were mailed to the consumers a few days ago. Committee of Five People Appointed ?o Serve In Matter The fallowing is a copy of the *" Mayors letter to the Tryon Chamber . of Commerce; ^ Tryon, N. C. Aug. 9th, 2C. Chamber of Commerce, Tryon, N. C. Gentlemen: I respectfully ask that your organization appoint a committee of representative citizens, who will cooperate with fne.. anil the Town's Commissioners tor the purpose of asser taining the rates it will he necessary to charge water consumers to meet 01 | p the fixed charges on water works bonds and the operating expenses. a< Yours truly, ffl W. S. GREEN, Mayor In compliance with the request from the Mayor, The Chamber of vl Commerce appointed the following Sl citizens' to serve Mr. Nelson Jackson Jr. Julian Calhoun, A. L. Rerry, ( Miss Mae Irene Flynte and \V. R. w Mehaffey. (' This committee will report its e findings to the people of Tryon at as in early a date as the importance of w the duty assigned it will permit. The Tryon Chamber of Commerce, ce ('HAS. J. LYNCH, President. m' S t It is expected that several days will be consumed in the preparation ha of the report that will be landed 111 in by this committee, as every possible detail will be looked int? and with such an able body of citizens I serving, the water users can res* assured that an agreeable settlement will he perfected. LOCAL METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL TO ce PICNIC ON LAKE pa I vil P. G. Morris Superintendent of the a'1 Methodist Church at Tryon, N. C., vo will direct a picnic compoied of ,le eighty-four members of his dass at the park situated on the thirl lake Pr basin. . The picnic will be held Thisday, Pa August 12th from two until Helen p. Ka m. Horseshore pitching will b> en- *01 joyed by the older members of the as class and games and water spirts will be provided for the young ieo- ca pie. t 1" ' CO YOUNG PEOPLE OF PAR- ou ISH ENJOY CAMPING TRF J? mi Reverend Henderson pastor of the ce Second Presbyterian Church Spartan- in; burg South Carolina who recently te camped at Lake Lanier with a large )Se party of young people from his par- |ui yish informs us that they had a very tj delightful time an enjoyed the vaca- it tion immensely. cl It is becoming quite a custom for ai camping parties to select Lake Lanier as the most desirable location tc for such parties and the Company Is tl extending invitations permitting them vl I to use the upper pavilion on the as third lake area with all its modern L conveniences for such occasions. vi a* FAMILY REUNION AUGUST 18th. tc There will be a family reunion of the Arledge's at Graysons Arled- vi ges August the 18th. All the kin- hi dred and friends are invited to come w and bring dinner. ni ft.'..-' '-? ' -% . a'M> '. WW W% ND CLIMATE EQUAI County N t WEEK IN THE " MOUNTAIN PARADISE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 12, 1926 | ^; [ W:? Protect the Home Town's Interests ' f 1 ||hF / IF I DON'T \ I GET THAT \ ( HAWK HE'U ) \ GET MV / r ^Ksy EADING MORTICIN OF ?-!WATEHR0 ?P OIANAPOLIS SELETS UKE meetings wed. LANIER FOR WITER The five citizens selected by the L HOMES Tryon Chamber of Commerce at the s request of Mayor Green held its first meeting at the Chamber of ? , , ? ' t, ' Commerce rooms yesterday. Many Charles J. tluchanan wta in Try- . t . matters were taken up, but nothing l a few weeks afo selecte his win- . >r home site at bake Lanar and in | w"' be given out^ for publication unIdition purchasel the adpning lot til the final decision is arrived at r his son. / It is expected that some several He returned to Indianaplls and 'lays will be consumed before the reis since gone -o his beautful stone port will he ready for the public as - . i- 1 thft /lommLLofl I 11a at Lake Tlppecance for the one or tne memuei o U1 LUC Wiuutxvvv | ? imnier seasot It is Mr. Birhanan's is out of town and is expected back i an to returnto Tryon this fall and today. t >gin the erction of a beautiful A full report of the committee will t inter home >n his lot on tip prop- be published in the Polk County i ty and he also is making every News when it is completed, which < fort to indce his son to joh him wilj enable the people to get the t building on the adjacent lot true facts of the water situation as hfch his flhor purchased. it stands today. i A numberof letters have been re- 1 ivod at ths offico during the sum- ELLSWORTH NEW EDITOR or from Mr. Buchanan and ho 0F LAKE LANIER NEWS , ates that, e is most anxious to get ck to Tron and start his build- ! 1 g prograit in operation. The Lake Lanier News came out yesterday with its second issue, which was edited by Mr. W. M. EllsMRIIDTRN l/ANPF worl'1 an(* assisted by Mrs. Penny. DUIl I UIl vAmUL Yesterdays edition was a creditable iiimva TiMfAki onp, k?th 'r(,,n ibe standpoint of layVISITS TRYON out and Reneral attractiveness. Mr. Willi IV II IVI Ellsworth contends that this Is his first venture in editorial work, but I Rcently ? the request of the of- from tj,e appearance of the little rs of the Tryon Development Com- shoet yesterday we might add that ny Judge Burton Vance of Louis- fs flirting with the membership comle Kentucky visited Tryon to lnittee of the popular Annanias Club idy the program of the Tryon De- ln making such a statement. For lopment Company and their great the publication yesterday has been velopment projtct at Lake Lanier, highly commended by those who are Judge Vance spent a week on the considered authority^on Journalism, operty and in connection with Mr. pan(j and white of Spartanburg nf the Com- u,ic iaano which heretofore was pub jsier me ncaouiui w. .?? iit u ny made a very thorough invest!- lislied by the Polk County News, but tfon of the future possibilities on account of trouble with our mecha profit. He expressed himself ancja] department the News was forebeing thoroughly convinced that e(j (0 8en(] ^he work out of town, a .affairs of the Company were In jn the future this publication pable hands and the management wjj] |je handled by the home town ite well qualified to successfully j,rjuting office. mply with the original program as tlined over a year ago. He soon MARTIN GOES WITH CHEVORLET congized the fact that Mr. Bacon a President of the Tryon Develop- Allison Martin, formerly In 3nt Company had been quite sue- charge of the repair dep't. of the -11 various nndertak- i???i rnirvaior Aeencv has accepted a | HHIUI III mi mo ,u^a? vu./w.x- ?c . _ gs In the past and that Mr. Hes- posiUon w|th Tryon Motor Co. where r the Treasurer together with the hp wjl, be g,ad tQ 9erye h,B oW an(, icretary Mr. Shellnut had the fin- new cu3tomer8. icial situation well in hand. He is pleased to discover that clos'es on deferred settlement pur- MERCERIZING BLDG. lases were being made promptly NEARING COMPLETION t?l coming up to all expectations. ?his was Judge Vance's first visit The new addition that is being ? Tryon and he was delighted with constructed by the Southern Mercerie general social atmosphere of the izing plant is being rushed forward illdge and stated that Tryon had t0 care for increased business that j i Huch to offer residents at Lake is coming to this concern. This new anier in the way of modern con- wing win add considerably to the iniences, schools, churches etc. future output of the plant. * though it were located adjacent The Mercerizing Plant in Tryon i any modern city. has been enjoying great success He returned to his home in Louis- since its founding. The plant is loille, Kentucky, after a weeks visit cated near the city, where a happy ere and expects to spend another contented populace reside. The payeek at Lake Lanier in the very roll is the largest in Tryon and ear future. is one of {he city's best assets. > n ' ; " , J v- ^ ? i ' ,"" . ;* - . " ~. 7- . - ' . ~ -. ^ , TO THE RIVIERA lews n "i"??" i I" -: -: Thirty First Year Five Cents Per Copy PROMINENT SOUTHERN SPCIALISTS HAVE AN OUT ING ON HOGBACK MT. Over Sixty In The Entire Party, A Great Outing Is Spent t DINNER IS ALSO SERVED The group of prominent special-1 undertakes without charge. In adIsts at the Infants' and Children's dition he has his own private hosSanitarium founded by Dr. Lesene pital and private eases. Hundreds Smith of Spartanburg, visited Hog- of young lives have been saved by [jack Mountain Club recently. his efforts and those of his asoclaA party of sixty, including the tes and many more have been freed lamilies of many of the physicians, from suffering and given something were brought in motor cars from !o live for. Saluda and carried up Hogback Each summer the group of child Mountain where they were shown specialists interested in Dr. Smith's he various features of the new rec- work grows larger. eation spot three thousand four Physicians come from all the lundred feet above sea level. Southern Stales, not qnly to study A big stone and log Club House what I)r. Smith Is doing but to convith ample porches, the nearly com- tribute of their knowledge and ex)leted nine-hole golf course, tennis pericnce to the welfare of unfortulourls, a swimming pool that holds nate childhood, nore* than half a million gallons of vater, bridle paths through the >rimeval forest?alj met with the /inpi||TrAj liin ntPflDH 'nthusiaslic approval of the visit- HnuflllLbl Hllll UtuUKH" Ug physicians. Many of them de- rnp 111 If CO UflUC IT I l|f[ dared they had never been in a I Ulf InAAILv llUlnL AI LAnt pot which offered such wonderful md extensive views of sky, moun- MlfJS Bthel gud,ow o{ SpartanburK ain tops and valleys. A doctor g c hag recA)Uy moyed tQ ^ *?' Tu?" remarked ?hni if ?very- ??u r. r , >ne could lffn under such cnmntlfa neW au^ attracEft^ lug ^blcn :onditions the medical profession Mr CecJj hag reCently complete^, vould be forced to find other occu- MiKg gudlow is most enthusiastic mtlons. After supper, served in th0 a|)0ut the scenery at this point and ]lub House, Dr. W. J. Johntson ot expt,ct8 t0 assist many home bulldJarasota, Fla., offered a few grace- era ln designing mountain cottages, ul words of thanks to he officers she bag piaced on display in the >f the Company who had provided property office a number of line ;he entertainment and the party was drawings of houses which harmonaken back to Saluda. The remark- jzfi with fhe topo(jraphy of this great hie work of Dr. Smith at Saluda inounta|n development and she Is s steadily saining recognition, not ab,p ^ adv|ge and connBol anyone >nly in the Sonth but throughout who p]ana t0 buil(] a holm; bore he country. ^jj8S gu(jiow a[S0 owns property In The town of Spartanburg, S. C? (bp (jevei0pment and at some future low helps to maintain a hospital for (]alfi pxppcta tQ bn|W her QWn p)ace afflicted children and their mothers, rhe supervision of this IHf. Smith PROPERTY OWNERS ?" AT LAKE LANIER THIS WEEK The following people have purchased home sites at Lake Lanier FARM NEWS. during the past few weeks: COUNTY NEWS. A. II. Rushong, Ellenboro, N. C. SOCIETY NEWS. Miss Flora McPcarson, liurllngton, WEATHER REPORTS. N. C. ILLUSTRATED FASHIONS Miss Mnmle McPherson, Rurling SPORTING COMMENTS ton, N. C. WEEKLY CARTOONS. Thomas L. Condor, Columbia, S. C. FEATURE STORIES. George T. Wilson, Harlem, Ga. WEEKLY COMICS. Mrs. Carrie L. McDaniel, Harlem, CHURCH NEWS Ha. STATE NEWS Mrs. Llllie Paschal, Thompson, R. R. Hatcher, Harlem, Ga. P. C. Gaillard, EutawsvlUe, S. C. WILL BUILD IN OCTOBER Mrs Virginia Marion, Mt. Airy, N. C. " " a:?i DMnm. , F. N Phillips, Hamlet, N. C. Native 01 tunntxucui nciui? ing Here to Live Mrs- t- yo"ns. Salisbury, N. c. Miss Amelia McNab, Barnwell, S. Charles Maderia owner of lot No. 0. 1103 stopped over at Lake Lanier W. S. Lazenby, Harlem, Oa. while enroute from Florida to his Mrs. Annie M. Lazenby, Harlem, home at Storeey Creek Conn., erect- Oa. ed a garage on his property where- Miss Jessie Ackerman, Johnson, in he stored a number of belong- City, Tenn. ings. He will, return in October to Mrs. Elizabeth A. Duglas, McConbuild a beautiful lake shore home. nellsville, S. C. While there are a number of Miss C. C. Mosher, Augusta, Ga. homes under construction at Lake Mrs. Mollie Person, Cartage, N. C. Lanier today Mr. Maderia will be C. S. Ballard, Oaffney, S. C. the first to have a residence on the Mrs. D. B. Prlntup, Augusta, Oa. lake shore. His property is located Miss Sara Storey, Thomason, Ga. on one of the channels between the W. W. Donald, Cedar Springs, N. lakes. It commands jnagnificient C. I views of the lake areas as well as George W. Whitestone, North S. C. (panorama of the surrounding moun- Ellen T. Johnson, Hendersonville, tains. N, C. At the time he was here in the Mrs. Annie T. Moore, Hendersonspring Mr. Maderia str.; .1 he pre- ville, N. C. ferfed a home at Lake L.:;:ier to any Miss Hilma Rice, Martin, S. C. section he had seen in Florida dur- Miss Laura Morrow, Augusta, Oa. ing his visit there. Here ne womu have a moderate change in the sea- Blanton & Stearns, Columbus Real sonable temperatures which would Estate dealers, have made sales of prevent monotony and while h0 con- IS lots In Thermal View the past sldered the extreme north too cold weeh, as follows; J. E. Lowe, Tryfor winter residence he did not care on, 2 lots; O. IL Thomas, Tryon, 2 for the extreme heat which a nesi- lots; R. J. Daniel, Mooreboro, G dence in Florida would supply. Strik- lots; J. J. Fisher, Lynn, 4 lots; H. ing a happy medium the beautiful L. Stanton, Tryon, 4 lots. There lake project of the Tryon Develop- have also been a number of resales ment Company was selected as an at a profit, showing the popularity ideal place to live. " jof Tryon's most recent suburb.

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