r oMPUlSORy IDEMNITY , ti~l>nr? Daily Record) imli'iiinily insurance I H si, (I as. a measure of (lie of the ^ a ists whose impecunlharrier against claims I What Are Sunday will oaine in your ch The bells w gather for devot be throughout C I Sabbath to the ( Here is a f point is that it i; You cannot What are yt Let's go! Which Church? i BAPTIST Popular services eacl a. m. and 8 p. m. music evenini |^'tv " Sabbath School 10 a. Public cordially invito THOMAS L. JUSTE CATHOLI T. John's Church, co avenue and Lanier Mass?Sunday 8:30 i REV. J. A- MANLE CHURCH OF THE H i (Episcopal REV. C. P. BURNE Sunday Servi Hiily Communion 7:3i Sunday School 10 a. i Morning Prayer & Ser Friday, Litany 5 a. m. All Are Cordially these servici +++ : ^ A Re<s I Vric Today, we announce a reduction in the prices of f 'L'ctric Refrigerators. The tremendous volume o v'des (greater than all otl r-' migerators combined), ani H ' tier eased production capacit t i in economies that now H 1 efiiteration within the reac home and store. No other electric refrigei offer such value. No other ll'c guarantee of General ^ endorsement of 200,000 users. ;K.i:i'.ability, long life and Initiation ot f rigidaire, no payment plan of the Gene Acceptance Corporation. Price reductions are as nu Preluding both the complete "-.t Frigidaires and Frigidai ordinary ice boxes. Come 1 J nail the coupon. R. 0. ANDF TRYON, N. I . v t-7T- ' ?f ^ for damage. While there is some | sentiment for the requirement, on , the ground that the victim should t have recourse which circumstances s now deny hini, there is hesitation , in going so far in enactments reg- 1 ulating the private ownership of c property. The strong argument is s }-+++++*5,+ M'+'M" You Going To Do / soon be here. It comes every v lildhood. ill ring, the organ will make mu: ions. Thus it will be in Tryon, a hristendom?not merely this week jnd of your life. orce that persists?that aurrour s here, present, living. possibly ignore it. )u going to do about it? When? Next Sunday. Where? The Church of your preference. MF i Sunday 11 First and Thi Second and 1 I services. P- ni. m. REV. P. E. PRE* CE, Pastor. Tryon?Secon q days each r ?, . and Third rner Melrose ^ Columbus?1: street. days 11 c , Fourth Su !Y, Rector. ERSKU OLY CROSS (Conj ) * Rev. Will B. TT, Rector. Sunday?Chu ces > a. m. ^ a- m- Morning Woi n* A graded scl mon 11 a. m. a]j Wednesday? Invited to P- m. es. A friendly w > ? +++++++++++4* } ++++ ! D raj lucti igida ' sl? ii 01 every ator could ? ' ^BM offers you } lotors, the E ? , the proven 1S These drastic price reduc economical J* J %%?$?&\?L\ F ?Sy I ^cUnuTu^f^t ral Motors B ?you can take advanta V creator valuef than ever t;. ich as $90, J j re units for |? fj a. Jj n tndflV. Or TTL >nTT/,ip J? nf *. .j pnyuuvny' IPU/C II Plea?e?endt t Vw I I tion about F k 11 low Frigidai a 1 Name I Addreaa City f -- - T-ttv * . -y-yj f-f" hat one who operates on the high vay a machine that readily becomes i public menace through mishandling ihould be required to insure against lanvage; and that is a strong point, lut the American automobile asso nation opposes the compulsory inmrance. Investigation has led to S? A A JU JU A A AAA A AAAAAA AA A 4* A r v v v v t v v v*s*v*v*r vv v v v t t About It? ! I'eek just as it | 3ic, people will f nd thus it will ? but on every i ids you. Th? | To Church. | I t TTHODIST | ird Sundays 11, a. m. f fourth Sundays 7:30 I PARKER, Pastor. | >BYTERIAN | id. and Fourth^ Sun- Z nonth 11 a. m.; First f Sundays 7:30 p. m. | irst and Third Sun- | i. m.; Second and Z indays 7:30 p. m. ? iE MEMORIAL I ?regational) Z /\'*T . mi _j u ixeiii, iviimsier. .. * rch School at 9:45 ship at 11 O'clock. " 100I with classes for "Quiet Hour" 4:30 j; elcome awaits you. " + +++++ { +++++++++4-+^*+ tic on ? M lire tions affect both household and y Frigidaire. Whether you want ? r or place of business?-whether ilete metal cabinet models allation in your present ice-box we of new low prices that offer before* Ldaire general motors ANDFPEWS, |/CTV-9 yon, N. C. IV^-^ lie complete informa- I 1 rigidairc and the new I I re prices. 1/ 5<-'? kssr to* ?? - -V ^ . THE POLK COUNTY NEWS. ' the t>elief, the association declares, i that the proposed remedy would ; "breed recklessness rather than pro, mote greater care," the idea being that as the insurance would-take , care o? the damage, hence the great. er incentive to risk. Whether the feeling that the damage would be paid for would be a greater incentive to recklessness than the feeling that no penalty can be laid because nothing can be collected, is open fcjr debate. But the arrangement would subject "car owners in the mass to a burden of three hundred million dollars in compulsory premiums to provide protection against a comparatively few motorists who are financially irresponsible," is the concluding objection. And that, of course, is the strongest argument against it? Compelling numerous people who drive within the safety zone to pay for indemnity insurance in order tha: damage can be collected form a few of the financially irresponsible. But to that is the comeback that even the most careful frequently damage V, V, .. H uiucra Liuuu^n a uuuiuiiniuoil ui circumstanccs; and for that reason all ear owners should voluntarily carry the indemnity not only to protect themselves but to make good damage which they may unwittingly inflict, even if they are not financially responsible, and that those who do not reason that way, who are not willing to try to mal(e good any damage they inflict, are a had lot and should he forced to make provision. Hut the compulsory indemnity isn't coming yet awhile. First ofr in North Carolina we might try to make the licensing of drivers compulsory, not so much that any ex? .-j.. ;; Steam Heat KDGEWt X TOURIST AND ^ Rates R< i Hot and Cold Wat f Phone 167 * +* * * * * * * * *;* * * ; 4* 4. 4* 4* 4* 4? 4? ?f??;?.j.* 4 I A. A. Ml | ENGINEERI * Prices as res f consistent wt | TRYON. tf? 4.4* 4* 4.4. 4**4.4* 4.4.4* < 4* 4* 4* 4* ><* 4- 4*4* 4* * * 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* *> 4* *5* 4* < 4? > * > ! | Let Me Have Your Building T J Low Cost, Good Workmanship j Remodeling Old Building. | RESIDENTIAL AND < f D. E. B. S I Building C I TRYON, N. C. eagle" I Mild ^^^^AGLEPENC/L C ^ -I* ?J* ?J* *5* !?? {STRONG RE] CONSEIi ? ? < We are adding many new en ? ? list, and invite you to come I ? ? ' ICE. All accounts, whether s ? * >++ The Bank |SALUDA :: |(M|/ Why's and i Ab Iki im m 8???n?????? Jersey Sweet Milk. Sweet Cream, Double St One-half of 1-* Per Cenl Flavor?the Kim Every Bite a Del TRYON I Phon I '.av ?A ftr'j I animation that might be required | would make for greater safety, - but that a way would he provided to I remov,, the reckless and incompetent I from behind the steering wheels. That would give the greatest relief, | provided, of course it was rigidly enforced. But even a limited enforcement?in cases so glaring as to make it compulsory?would be better than it now Is. UNJUST CRITICISM (From Asheville Times) Basing conclusions on reports some of which are rive years old. Merry ('. Evans of Des Moines, Iowa, lias given North Carolina some unfavorable and unjust criticism on the conditions in county homes for .he poor in this State. To his criti- 1 i-m-i the State Department of Chariiiis and Public Welfare properly re 2 RED BAND WMBinawnr^ 0. NEW YORKJ/.SA. ^TlcWBa?^| LIABLE AND :! VATIVE j; < i J.++4MJ..J.4. < | istomers to our already large <> !o us for real banking SERV;niall or large, appreciated. <1 ++-?-++++ <? of Saluda ! - - N. C. ii < > !! [)ther Why's, out Sweet Butter, rength. Sog^r. ; Chalmers A A Gelatine. d You Like Best light )RUG GO. e 174 * 4 .tw. ?..* 1^^ * wrote a report on Buncombe's county home that aroused mucu more than local fame and righteous Indignation because of the state of affairs disclosed. Such a report could not now fairly be made on the county home. Let Mr. Evans come down and visit a reasonable number of county homes before he undertakes to condemn the whole system. DELEGATION VISIT 1'iits (lull prouauiy mure improvements have lieen made in the county homes of the State than in any other part of the public charities." North Carolina is still trying to 1 stand hy its State motto: Esse quam vidori. The State, in spite of some boasting now and then, is not asserting that a social and economic mill' linium is in process here. Yet North Carolina rightly protests against the publication of articles about ils public institutions which arc neither Imsed upon first hand information nor upon surrdnt news items. Time was, It. must ^e confessed, when the average county home was a thing sorrowful to contemplate. No doubt some of them still are In that condition. About five years ago a Iluncoinbe County Grand Jury, headed by Thomas Wadley Raoul, I* *j? v "I" 4* 4* s4 'J4 4* 4* 4* 4J? 4* 4* $? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? f >OI> INN f COMMERCIAL % easonable ? er in Every Room. ? xt n i Xljruil, 11. Vy. ^ 4? w 4* 4* ?> 4* -! 4? 4? ?8? ?l* 4? !? ?J? 4? < 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4?4?4? 4* 4*4* H,JhH44,4mH?4444m> 4?4?4? 4* 4? 5U1UCK | NG SERVICE 1 isonable as is | th accurate work. | SALUDA. ? .5..j. '* *? y ??? ?*< ?j? ?*? ?j? ?*? 4* 4* 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? 4* 4? 4* 'roubles. $ i, Good References, Ten Years j > 4* 4? COMMERCIAL WORK | IANDERS ! Contractor. % LANDRUM, S. C. Box 72. | ^ I [ LAKE LURE Representing practically every southern state, there gathered at Lake Lure (luring the latter part of the week a notable delegation made up of physicians and their families attending tho pediatric clinics now being held at the famous baby hospital conducted by Dr. Le Seyne Smith, at Saluda. Thq party numbering about 60 in all, made the trip by motor from Saluda as guests of the Lake Lure developers, at the request of Kenneth I?. Tanner, vice president of Chimney Rock Mountain, Inc. Inspection of the Rig Lake Lure dam, now nior,, than two-thirds complete, was the initial stopping point for the party. Hero J. C. Herbsman lecturer, entertained them with pertinent descriptions of the engineering masterpiece and other interesting details of the construction prog/am being pushed at Chimney Rock. Following a tour of Luremont, initial residential section where tho paving of state highway N. C. 20 is progressing rapidly and over a completed portion of which the party rode, refreshments were enjoyed at Lake Lure Tea- room with Mrs. I'aul L. Holland" as hostess. Interesting talks wer0 made, with Dr. McKibbin, of Coral Gables, responding Ifor tho guests. It was found that tho states represented In the party included Texas, Louisiana, Alalmm, Georgia, Florloda, North and Rnnth Fnrnllnn Prevented from making the trip by pressing business, Dr. Smith was represented by his brother. BIG LAKE POSTED AGAINST FISHING According to the United States Government regulations in regard to protecting waters that have been stocked with fish the Tryon Development Company is erecting signs to prevent fishing In Lake Lanier at the present time, which will give the bass, trout and other variety of fish who are now making the waters ol the lake their home an opoprtunitj to acquire sufficient age and size to be suitable for eating later. One can often see the fish work ing to the surface of the water aft or small insects which have .alighted 'thereon and it has been necessarj for the officer recently to prevent a number of youngsters from making cpiite an effort to catch these sportj fellows. .j. ... A .< t You ? t mm V * And B I ! That Yoi I Witl I | | We Carry I that You I for Moderr T * 5* I Phone U If and Let's 1 t T * j* | LANDRUM BUILD! | LANDR1 .. . - I I ? - -? THURSDAY JULY 12, 1926 ; WORK PROGRESSING J RAPIDLY f Messrs Band & White Printers of Spartanburg, S. C., who secently let j contract for twp new mountain homes at Lake Lanier visit the prop| erty quite often to watch the progress of the construction wrok. Their ! hiuldings are located on a knoll overlooking the waters of the first lake area and command a panorama of splendid mountain views. Th,i houses themselves will be ?r very attractive ones constructed of native stone and pine logs. The arrangement of them is rather unique in that they are of twin design and will have a beautiful constructing court. . *3 The fact that these successful business men of Spartanburg nave decided to own lake front homes at Lake Lanier after they had acme time ago constructed fine homes at -|2 Lake Summitt is mute evidence of jl the attractions of this property together with the fact that it is very conveniently located to the city and they can reach their summer home i f each evening in less than 45 minutes after they leave their office in Spartanburg driving over a splendid surfaced highway. Big Water Guage Attracts Attention at Lake Lanier I 'i Many people from day to day visit the board walk at Lake Lanier to study the big gauge which records tho Increase In the lake water levels. At the present writing the guage Is 43 1-2 feet. When tho lake waters have reach" .1 ..Ittmnln 1 r\irnl tVin CT111 (ro cu Liicii uiiiinaii: luici tuv r>i4Up,^ will show 63 feet and thp wator will bo running over the spillway of the dam. This,guago has boon properly anchored and will remain there Until the lake level has been reached at which lime it wil be removed. Many of the visitors register guesses as to the exact time the ( water will po over the new spillway I but little can he gained from comj parison this year because it is defi| nitely known that the increase is at j| least 60 days farther advanced than at this time last seasorj. In one !M hour period recently the water increased over two feet but as the increase occurs it is necesj sary for it. to spread over a larger area and that condition has been noticeable upon the gauge. '< The contractor who is nullding the , dam is of the opinion that he can keep the work ahead of the water , and at the present rate of increase it will take the water 14 days to ? reach the flood gate. He thinks that i r within that 14 day period he can get , his concrete work beyond the water level. With an adequate quantity of salt, I grazing animals develop better than , they would otherwise, are more con. tented and aro easily handled, say , j livestock workers. , 'READ THE POLK COUNTY NEWS * * !* >t- -i- :* -k-+ s- < ? + } + + I >hould | $ I t e Sure ! ! 'i i Consult | i Us | Everything f ^ Will Need 1 j 1 Building f 4* 2 S To-Day | "alk It Over f 1 * r.. | - ? ? ? i ? ? ? ? ? ? > ERS SUPPLY CO. !i JM, S. C. <' . v

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