nor DTDIID Ashevll'e h>' Hubert F. Lee, Ashelit RlPuL KlI Uu" Iville Newspaperman, who will be III" editor and publisher. /if li Tfl MFFT lhe n?W .pul>,il:Uion wi" lake an ll A Pi * ** | active part in the Congressional and l"P urilll I r . county elections in the Tenth DisIkl KHFvlLLt I 'riot during the next two months ||l iW J and for litis purpose will establish | its offices temporarily in the Tenth i;,publican,".. a | l)istrict Headquarters over Scruggs' j Drug Store in Ashevillo. The orgafi ' I 11< ilu* lnttr- i will also take u large part in activiI '"n ^j iit s id' the Ninth District in u few w.ll tualie its counties of the Eighth. . i.i>. September | Plans for the publication have been .!;.;;et'.iieed from j quietly going on for some time. , , . ............ .*. .*. .*. .". .*..% .*. .|. .*. .*. /. .*. .^..j. .*. .*. .j. .j. .j.d?.J.?*.- * : t \ HmiKla-RQ vroll 1 j-y ljkjxakjiks 4* Guarantee! I v _^-\j I i 1 ||L I -. Misiiuss to buy Clothes from a * 4? \V: a' . i is his so-called "Guarantee" after * lias left for parts unknown? '{ it-.- Tailored to Measure by M. HORN * AN!" t n.MPA.NY are guaranteed by the mak- f ??? y.... take-no ihances and you get better value J e money when you choose your suit * : \ :a ait hel'C. + W. S. McDowell > GENERAL MERCHANDISE t Columbus, N. C. % v a iQW ON PR .If J\, \.| I I f..~ \\l I I' ^IheNew Essex "6" c ^ ith All-Steel, Bolted and Riveted, C The Product of Essex' New $1(),00< Many of these advantages you will re you will have 1 her appreciation of t know that a plant of If! acres w hich (WTltH mated a cost of was fi V lit yk / machinery had to he designed, to n M Coach your dealer is now showing. M . J ^ It is all steel, bolted and riveted, am ?in?i M ^ J? ^ rattles and distc.tions, are as umuci flu " '' '*'"'" Doors are so hung that a man may '/ax while the car is being driven over rou ing it out of true "Aj y?ur i )lwr., And it is so designed and construe I b<m<i<,r. in a totally new manner of a hicrh Includes; _ . f . c , W*, trous and lasting finish. ' There has been constant improven !'the first Essex shipped. And only bj resources, the information, experiem resulted from the building of 350,0' possible to create this car which we drive as the besr looking, best valu I W. BALLENGER M I TRYON, N. C. I I Leaders of the Republican party In Western North Carolina were practically unanimous In the belief that j litis organ will fill a long-felt need of the party und will urge all individuals in the G. O. P. to support jit. it is said. The paper will be of standard size, eight pages of eight columns o<ich land will be published every Friday from Asheville. Mr. Lee himself is heavily interested financially and states that the new venture is amply financed to become a permanent institution. After the i November elections a permanent office will be established In one of Ashevillo's office buildings. It wll not only be a clearing house for Republican information and propaganda in Western North Carolina Mr. Roe declare^, hut will also keep alive the state and national policies and issues of the Q- O. P. in the territory which it will serve. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Purebred . English . Barron strain White Leghorn Baby Chicks $8.75 hundred postpaid. Brown Leghons $10 hundred. Anconas, Sheppard strain, best layers $11 hundred. Plymouth Rocks $11.50 hundred. White Rocks $18 hundred. All good healthy strong purebred chicks guaranteed. We pay postage charges and j guarantee live delivery. ' ! Take a statement from your j Post Master, if any dead, we I will replace them. I THE DIXIE HATCHERY TABOR. N. C. | 10-20-20-10-28-80-7-1^ Comparing candidates to prizefighters we find that candidates pay out about the same amount with an agreement to split the money. A majority is the number of people I controlled by a leader who outvote | the minority who think for themselves. j For Sale PURE HONEY Absolutely fresh from the Hive Phone x-8 T. E. McKEE Mill Spring, N. C. Turner Sholes SPLAY I I OACH lear Vision Body 3,000 Body Plant cognize at a glance. But heir meaning when you with equipment approxirst built and rhat special s. I rialce possible the New [1 so rigid that squeaks, ly as in a steel building, hang on an open door gh roads, without springted as to permit the use baked enamel, most luslent in the chassis from f the accumulation of the ce, and the skill that have 00 Essex "Sixes" was it ' " *- f/J asK you 10 i ie, best Essex ever built OTOR CO . ....alb - nil ii ii the polk county news GREEN'S CREEK . . ?. i i ne revival series 01 meetings is! in progress at Green's Creek Bap fist church. The regular monthly j conference meeting was held Satur-1 day afternoon, with the now pastor,! Rev. H. G. Melton in charge, follow- j ed by the Sunday morning service | adn the evening preching service both of which were well attended. There will be preaching each morning and each evening throughout the week. The revival meetings at Sandy Springs and Green River have both closed. There were a large number ! of addidtlons to each of these j churches. The new members were baptized at a joint services at Green's pond Sunday afternoon. While driving his truck Saturday : afternoon, Mr. B. L. White had the | misfortune to collide with another j truck, or car, driven by a negro. Mr. | White sustained several sever bruis-1 es, while his truck was campletely j demolished. The one driven by the 1 negro receive damages to the wind- ; shield and one wheel. , i I Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Flvnn were the dinner guests of professor and Mrs. W. J. lsbell Sunday. Mr. Hubert Gibbs of Mill Springs, was a Sunday afternoon caller in this community. Mrs. Frank Burgess anil daughters, Misses Marie and Hilda, of Columbus, N. C., were among those who called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hines Sunday afternoou. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Collins have moved from Greensboro, N. C., to Spartanburg, S. C. Mrs. Angeline Fagan Pearson who has been visiting relatives and friends here has returned to her home in Macon, Missouri. Mr. Solon L. Hines made a trip to Spartanburg recently, to visit his ? ? *-11? none Uin. sister Mrs. \j. a. juuy ui ucai ?m gerville, S. C., who is a patient in the Spartanburg hospital. Mrs. Jolly recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, and her condition has been consideded critical, but she seems to be steadily, if slowly, im+++++++++*+** < > " Let Us Figu :: On JOB PB ij POLK COL +++>M-++++++++++++++++****-p Buy only Goodye Truck of yours, of the three G named below foi size for the servi< ? 117 VAM S\f h *re can o?uiv ... .. as good prices as you ca carry a full line of TIRI service. We also whol w. s. MC Columb TRYON Mi Tryon Hines W. Passion, a ? X>UNTY myographs proving and wc hope she will soon be restored t0 her family and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jeslse Morrow of r*?i e ii xr n - j _i i i _ itutiiiTiuruiuii, in. Ks., were urivmg m this section Sunday afternoon. Mrs. C. A. Ilines has as her guests Misses Mabel and Lillian Lancaster, of NeV Hope. Drivers for th0 school busses have been elected and are as follosws: Messrs Allen Hines, Lewis Cudd, and Loyd Wcstbrook. School will soon open and the county superintendent and local board of trustees, working together, have about everything in readiness, and look forward to a successful term. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Fagan gave a lawn party Saturday evening. ! Mr. Kenneth Rrnnscomb, after spending a short vacation with his parents and other members of the family here, has returned t0 Florida i to resume his duties with a large j wholesale establishment with which h,. holds a position. i Mrs. Cynthia Oreen and children [have pone to Colmnhds to spend some lime with relatives. We are sorry >() lose them, and hope they I will soon retiurn. They have our sincere sympathy in the, recent loss by death of husband and father. TRYON ROUTE 1 We are glad to learn little Jennli> Harbor, Mrs. Mamie Groen and Mrs. Klliott whom have been ill in thp hospital are improving rapidly. Mr. Floyd Pack is very 111, at th(. Uiitherfordton hospital. His relatives and friends anxiously await a turn for the better. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Oraton Harrison a boy, Paul. They are also rejiciiiK over the return of n brother that has been gone f?r years. FEMALE HELP WANT FD. "Ladies, who can do plain sewing at home and want profitable spare lime work. Write (Enclosed stamp) to HOMAID DRESS COMPANY, Amsterdam, N. Y. * re With You :: Your :: :INTING 1 fNTY NEWS j L 1 1 . I . EF. ar Tires for that Consult with one oodyear Dealers r the proper tire ;e you need. oncst tire service. And in find elsewhere. We ES & TUBES to fit any esale tires. DOWELL us, N. C. OTOR CO. , N. C. [otor Co. N. C. t TH T :?r* Miss Clara Edwards of Hillglrt is s visiting relatives on route. f Mr. and Mrs. (5. L. Collins have returned to Spartanburg, where Bill continues to work with The Fist- ( Carter Co. ( 1 |? A huge birthday dinner was given j i Mrs. VV. B. Edwards yesterday. Many j relatives were present from Inman ; j and Charlottol. j 1 i ! i Mrs. Frank Edwards returned to Charlotte Sunday, after a pleasant i, stay with home folks. Miss Tholma Heague has return ed from the "Gate City," where she I enjoyed a very pleasant visit with I her uncle and aunt, Rev. Hubert 1 Powell and wife, and Mrs. Bessie i Hamilton Collins. Bang! Bang! Bant?! this .morning means dead littlo squirrel, tho a ; nice stew for the farmer, but many t r^COOPERG ?*. .J. ^ Revival services begin here Sunday Aug. lfi. Rev. S. Jones assisting the pastor Rev. Warmack. Lets every one go. ' Tlie Cooper's Cop II. Y. P. IT, spent a very pleasant, afternoon Saturday. They left at one-thirty o'clock for I a journey to Melrose, where they were to hove a picnic, but on account of the rain thej} returned to Green River where supper was served in the most pleasing manner. Abundance of delicious food was spread. They also roasted wennies and mnrshtnnllows and served sliced watermelon. There were iourieen in number present and several ale sent. Those being p esent were. Misses 1.11 In Jackson, I lyness, Ocie Cihhs, Bessie 1. and Annua Hilton, Kannie Biddy, Nellie Lynch and Mrs. J. W. Biddy. Messers Harrison, Jeff, Bob Henry, and C. B. Oibbs, John Biddy and Hilton. They returned just before dark. After enjoying a splendid social and pleny of supper. I Mr. Walter Pool from Clinton S. C., .accompanied by Misses Emma and Bessie J. Helton of this community called al the home of Miss Eannye Biddy, Sunday afternoon. The Cooper's Cap B. Y. P. U. attended (he rally held at Mill Spring, Sunday I*. M, The Devotional was LOST?Either near Tryon Cafe or on road to Saluda. Pocketbook containing $:!0.00 in cash and a check for $10.00. Reward if returned to Tryon Cafe. C. H. HARMON,, S. C. Route No 3 I *$. ?$* <4 ^ ?$ ?> > ?: * * > * * * * ^ ' * ^ * | ! | I We Keep A11 i if OUR | ? i? *F Butter! i. j Eggs j Cheese f I . * % I and f t I Bacons! | IN A ! 1 F-R-KG-fl-D-! 1 AIRE I T ? ? ? i > T ? ? I Which Insures YOU f ?>! | of Real :(j ffreshness! ? 1 * ?$? * * | ANDREWS I 1 ROTHERS | X V T ? "Your Grocery Store." T ?? I TRYON, N. c. :: I < > x 5 nRSDAY, AUGUST 19. i poor little squirrel will miss his all feast of nuts. "The heaven declare the glory of lod," I'm not going to preach, by luoting this beautiful text, for I 'eel that our people on route especially have been very fortunate rn hearing mpny good sermons preached to them throughout the veek by Revs. Simpson and Simpson ind gads. Tho our good preachers ivill all agree that a great spiritual revival, a large baptism of the Holy Spirit is the Church's deepest need :ody. AUNature as she wafts her mounlain breeze seems to rejoce with me this morning as our sick ones are better and our absent ones are com. ing in, 1 feel justified in saying with Dr. Gladdens, "and fierce though the fiends may fight, and long though the angels bide, I know that truth and right have the universe on their side." AP NEWS | ! conducted by Miss Fannye Biddy of this Union. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Demsdalo and Miss Vera Whiteside of Kansas City, Kan., who have been visiting relatives in this section for a short while returned Monday. Miss Fannye Iiiddy spent Sunday night with her friend Miss Bessie Helton. Several young people gathered toe-ether and hard a grood singing. UNIVERSITY CAMPAIGN IN N.\C. REACHES $20,000 MARK asiiftivii-ii-ip;, in. auk. is >vmi approximately twenty thousand dollars subscribed in the campaing for building of the Bryan Memorial University at Dayton, Tenn., now be. ing conducted in Asheville territory, Icailers in the movement are pushing 011 to the goal of fifty thousand J dollars in twenty-five western North Carolina counties, very mufch encouraged over the prospects of securing the full amount asked tor, Gallatin Roberts, chairman for this section of the state, said todaty. "This is the fourth week of the campaign here," Roberts said, "and we felt in the beginning that our task here would take about eight weeks to complete. The friends and admirers of William .lennings Bryan, and the things for which he stood so valiantly are warm friends and will gladly have a part in this enterprise to honor him, as it s presented to them." There have been about three hundred subscrbers to the campaign here 80 far according to Malcolm Lockhart, director of the campaign, the subscriptions averaging about sixty-five dollars each, though many are subscribing the campaign unit of one hundred dollars. The movement 's growing rapidly in its national aspect, Mr. L?ockhart said, edi. torails commending the project having recently appeare din many papers over the country, ranging from l'alm Beach, Fla., to Cleveland, Ohio. Most the subscriptions here have come from Buncombe County, Mr. Lockhart said, though Marshall, Canton, Hot Sprnigs, Brevard and Ilondersonville, have all shown splendid iterest. Every effort will be made to complete the campaign here I>y September first, when the enterprise will be presented in Ohio. NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATK OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HENDERSON COUNTY D. \V. Green, L. G. Green, E. D. Green, J. F. Green, M. L. Green, W. B. Green, J. H. Green, Mary Smith an,i husband, J. F. Smith, Annie Griffin and husband, Walty W. Griffin, Joe Parris, Epton Parris, Esteile Bishop, nee Esteile Parris, Lillie Bell Rogers and husband, Algie L. Rogers Plaintiffs vs Mattie Hall, Eva Edwards, and husband, E. H. Edwards, Lillie Harrison, and husband, O. Harrison, Roseoe Hall and wife, Nora Hall, Marie Hall, minor, Docia Biggerstaff and husband, George Biggerstaff and Joe Hall, The above named defendant, Joe Hall, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Polk County, North Carolina,, (to adjudicate the title to a tract of land containing about seventy acres in Columbus Township, Polk County, North Carolina, said lapd being described in a deed from J. M. Milll1 - - I TI? /1,1 Ctninn Mo roKoll in M IV,HI, HIIII/'U Ciairo mai nuuu, lis ?1. N. Hall of Record in Polk County, said plaintiffs alleging that they are the owners of the alnd and that the defendant Joe Hall is setting up a claim of title adverse to said plaintiffs; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required t0 appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the court house of Columbus, North Carolina, on the 20 day of September, 192g, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the camplaint. This 16 day of August, 1926. H. H. Carson, f Clerk Superior Court. 19-26-2-9

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