m* THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1926 w i ? +* >+ v v 4* * * * * > *i ' x \> Dmres ' eas i " And Bridge > >? ... ^parties ?? < ^ : * * : * : : : : : : ; I LOCAL I MAVPENINOS fan, n : t. jj i 1 ' a? Miss Margaret Killorney of Atchison, Kan., is the week-end guest of Ida Seidel. Miss Kiiloney is enroute home front New York. ? o? Mr. All. a prominent attorney of Itirminghani. Ala., visited his property Saturday of last week. - o? Miss Tht'lma imiiis eiiieiunm-u with a picnic supper in honor of Miss Killorney. It was suprising to note tliat six states were represented. ?o ? Mr. Ward Averill has gone to Orlando, Fla.. where li,. is to accept a position with an automobile concern at that point. ?o? Mr. Carroll Rogers of Flat Rock was a business visitor here last week. Mrs. Hugh Write, who owns a lieautifuk home at Lake Lanier, overlooking the dam, has been entertaining her brother-in-law and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. 15. White, of Charleston, S. C., also Miss Mary Moore, Mrs. R. M. Mitchell, Mr. George Moore, of Rock Hill, S. C. Another guest is Mr. R!. C. Hurts and wife of Rock Hil'. Mr. Hurts is Superintendent of City Schools in that city and was amazed at the wonderful ' ' 1 1-..-.. fiitwn development ?i- n??i returning home In- has written Mrs. "Whitp that ho is considering building a home at Lakv Lutier. Mr. Chas. 1). Brown of liiver Forest. III., will return Sal unlay after several days stay in Tryon. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Hill of Wilmington, N. C. spent a few hours in Tryon last | week with their brother Mr. ltoland j Hill who is with the Folk County | News. *"?O tl. H. Holmes of the People's Bank I & Trust Co.,'of Tryon N. C., has been j bringing out to Lake Lanier for swimming parties a number of young people, among whom are his two sons, George and Lawrenc0 Holmes, Allan and Julian Jervey, Caroline Jervey, also Hugh , Leon, Kichard j and Ben White. Mrs. H. L. Harrington, wife of the Assistant Sales Manager at Lake La- ! nier, entertained at bridge, Thurs- i day afternoon, August 26, at her home in Tryon, her guests being I ' -- -> ? m If 1 Mrs. w. m. tnisworm 01 iryou, | W. K. Davenport and Mrs. J. II Wil- i liamson of Landruui, S. C. Mr. Purely Richardson spent the ! week-end at Hendersonville, N. CMM ^1^3 T S TOE prope A you paid you dollar fully insui We can protect ; any branch of in in and discuss problems with u % CAROLINA R INVESTME W -I* ?!??I*?J> ^ ?t- *5* !? ?!* *!4 *54 j STRONG REI ij CONSER +++++ * * We are adding many new cu < > list, and invite you to come t ;; ICE. All accounts, whether s The Bank SALUDA / : > : : : : > ? ; ; -:- :* ! { +>j-++< + ;- ; :-+++ J. T. Brown of Concord, N. C., has been visiting his brother, 0. 9|. Brown, resident engineer on the Bake I Lanier dam, for the past several days. Mr. D. C. Stearns and daughter who are visiting in Cleveland Ohio fA"' w-^alra py nect to return to I I or a icn r Tryon shortly. Mrs. Chas. Davenport entertained I he Ladies Auxiliary of the Preebyterian church on Wednesday, assisted by her sister Mrs W. C. Ward. ?o? Miss Mabel Capps who Is convaI losing from a nervous breakdown. Is spending a few weeks with her sUj ter Mrs. R. A. Leonard. I Mr! and Mrs. W. C. Ward has relurned from a trip to Philadelphia and New York. While in Philadelphia they visited the Centennial. ?o? Mrs. Richmond Hart of Lockhart, S. C., has returned to her home after a weeks visit with Mrs. Joe Livingston. New American Venut e k Perfect *34* 1IM 'JMMftXji I ++++++ ( j; stomers to our already large ; | o us for real banking SERV- j [ mall or large, appreciated. jj ..Ui.AI* % ' 1 " TTTTTT of Saluda - - N. C. II ( > < > ( > \ ** I . ? ;* -i* ^ TRYON All Society Ncw? M ' Harold Shellnut, the young son of Mr. H. L. Shellnut, the secretary of i Lake Lanier ha^ been very 11] in I the hospital at Spartanburg, S. C. i I I Mr. W. H. Bennett the local representative of Laxh Lanier has1 as his guests last week1 his daughter and ? ' - ?- "r n 1 her husband, Mr. ana Mrs. w. o. Williams of Dyegsburg, Tenn. 1 ?o? C. H. Davis, proprietor of the , l.nko I.anler Cafe la at.present visit- i ing in Georgia, j 4-o? Mr. Ernest Tilths of St. Louis, Mo. is visiting Mr. a|ul Mrs. A. L. Berry of Tryon. T?? Miss Fears, the capable secretary of Mr. Shellnut, at the executive offices of Hie Tryon Development Co., is si ill handling the large volume of work incident to the Title Depart- . ment durig thet continued absence of I Mr. Peters. | Mrs. Averlll and Miss Carnegle of j Ihe local telephone exchange, motored to Greystone Camp las^ week and was Joined by Miss Louis Averlll 1 who returned home with them. Mr. A. L. Berry accompanied by his guest Mr. Ernest Tibbs of St. Louis, Mo., spent two days in Ashe- < viile, N. C., last week. I C. I). Gormley a representative of [ Lake Lanier visited in Saluda < Thursday and obtained a very inter- , cstlng interview from Dr. L. Smith j of the Baby Clinic in that city, which i is published in another section of . this paper. ?0? John Panther, Deputy Sheriff and official agent for the Tryon Development Co., in addition to his many duties connected with the property Is also custodiam of the American Flag which proudly floats over the first basin of the lake, near site of the new dam. *? Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Rrewer will move Into their new residence on Melrose Ave., about Nov 1. ?o? Mrs. Bessie Smith of IAlesvllle la visiting her neice Mrs. T. L. Justice. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. D. Brown and family enjoyed a pleasant day outing on Hog Back last Sunday. Beauty Comfort Economy Dependal Performa ib Smooth -soPow What?H in: / # ' ? at these LovtPricesf 626*510 Catch *6 i? m mm Qave*?-'755 tCSSS ?37V K=254 *493 fM? f ii li Him llhb TRYOI rrvT.;- - ? > :r. :;*" / i-v^"-. 'VtHt f>OLK COUNTY NEWS. SOCIET Phone 99 uil Be In Thin Office By Wednesday Nr ! Mr. Boll of the Postal Telegraph Company spent a day in Asheville, last week visiting Mr. C. H. Bartlett | ane of the City eomissioners of that City. J Hon. T. T. Balienger is in Tryon for a few days visit to his many friends. He j8 now living with his son. Dr. BallongPr in Atlanta, Ga. Miss Ida Carnegie spent last Sunday at her home in Rutherfordton, N. 'n" " Mon/lotr i". returning to i ryun un mu..uuj. Mr. Allison Martin who is with the Chevrolet Motor Co., spent Sunday with friends in South Carolina. Miss Margarte True <*>"<1 Mr. Frank Morten of Grenshoro, N. C., and Miss Mary f!?rrell >of Columbia, SA C. were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rlakely. Mr Blakley is assoeited w;ith the Missildine flharmacy In Tryon. Miss M. Ij. Porter of Raleigh, N. C. Mrs. Rlalr Watson from, Columbia, S. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boatwright and Children from Minetta, S. C. are visiting Mrs. Averill af the telephone exchange. The party motored to Montreat on Wednesday to spend the day. I! A. A. Ml ENOINEERI t ? ;; Prices as rej consistent wil ? TRYON. NO GUI i Even inexperienced our prices are fair an unerring meth themselves can del value of any Dod; Car in our stock, than guesses. C. W. Bailer Tryor A USED CAR 15 ON AS THE DEALER /finp /Jbr Economical )ility ( nee we doyoi mAuton Because no other car provid< able combination of the n essential to motoring satis thousands are daily asking th< more do we need in an aut are prompdy and sadsfact their own question by purcha est Chevrolet in Chevrolet h Brighter, more striking Di comforts and smartness of bodies?time-proved econor ability?brilliant accelera control, abundant power, a ness at every speed?all th< yours in today's Chevrolet at markably low prices! Come In! Drive this splem quality car! Learn why it is th choice of buyers everywhere! 4 MOTOf THYON, N. 0. V j r NEWS < >on of Bach Week Mr. Ralph Greene, who has been traveling extensively In the West, stopping In -Cheyenne, Wyoming, Phoenix, Arizona, and other places of Interest, Is in the city visiting his parents and friends. I COUNT SOYE5HIMA I ' tpMr ^k ^RRIcir^i NG SERVICE ;: isonable as is '>' th accurate work. >' SALUDA. ;: E55ING I buyers can tell that , because we have od by which they ermine the age and ge Brothers Used Facts are better / iger Motor i, N. C. I ILY AS DEPENDABLE " I WHO SELLS IT \ Trantporiatiom v \ k I -1 I I 9 ineed ! lbbQe^ m such aremafb xodern feature* faction, tens of iuiselves* "What omobilef*?-and v>uj auowvnilg sing the Smoodv istory. uco colors?(Ht enclosed Fishes ny and depend tion, effortless mazing smoodv sae qualities ass : Chevrolet's IS> t did low-priced e overwhelming \ l CO. 1 :? ; X: ' i ? ^ II' CSQh o * - /^^..inrrvl' ' '? >'v> _ . from 3 Counuy I -uu>-lvr.!.,/...I Recipes rtom * I". i?r M w/M Tnfl SThon.l.m n.-..n:nir.,l, within* I. , j. .r" lb rt J II I - * J. . iti-.\'U! hr\ Bf Josephine Jtssnp ^ 2 tai.i.'. flt After a comfortable night's sleep j (.Kk. ' and a hearty breakfast at Higgm** l 7-s - Mf-Urn. pl I Inn, the Thorntons felt prepare*i for j nj| (m;k Mjother day of Ford-travel. Mrs. 1-2 nut :sata. bntel Higgma. proprietress of the hotel, hjul approached the young couple as they 1.2 ctl; r ib::i. were seating themselves for break- p,.^ ,hf t, . M fast "Would you like me to put up a;,, ,.. .t" " a hmch for youT" At their enthu.su Nl,1(i?| U| w astk reply, ahe continued: If you u.ni,?.|y> t|?, ?M ^ have a thermos bottle, 111 fill it with j||t() ;i Kr,.:ts,| ;r uj 'J iced tea." Horace had produced one H ^ ?w.n with alacrity. about .ji) in:. rn? morning's trip was uneventful, save for a blowout and a collision, narrowly avoided. The Thorntons 2-3 cup fit were now approaching a mountain 1 1-2 i ;p- 1 tght hr?t up range, and the scenery was magnifi- 2 cues ? cent. Viewing the distant ridges? 2 1-2 en;* Self-IL^ ft, purple and bronze-green in the sun- 1 teas] >dLtk* jight?against a sky of clearest azure, 1 t. rinnamon the Thorntons began to feel that mo- 1-1 na.-;-??n rjuv.j jof travel, despite its discomforts, 1-1 t? u-j-on r.'.L'r.f^ was worth while. "" road of closely- 1-1 t. 1- - ..n vita packed gravel wound ahead of thein Kke a terra cotta riblion. 1 12 on;* Uvk nh* I At lundi time, they stopped at a 1 cup riis::i.? ur (ins place secluded from the roadway by Cream the fat and sgs, HlH thick trees. Children never explored v,i a Christmas stocking with greater ile- ous|v :i,l,{ ;]? ;i.mr & ;rn?H light hhan Fay ana Horace 1 honi- natolv with tin milk vs.iH ton opened the numerous parcels ?m- f?|,j f- at?i :.it kH tained in Mrs. Iliggins' box. J"' 1- in little balls there was lettuce, wrapped in a damp ot(T, or ,|r,,, ,v?: thr- ti; txH towel, and further protected by pa- on a wcll-gr -noil :4 :i viM per. Next, a paow^e of broiled jn ,t o ,>v? &M ' Damn; cream cheese in a cardboard f_) a!?>ut 15 H container. A couple of firm, ripe to m*tne? Stuffed eggs in a whitc-and- ? . gold row. A email bottlo of home- (Rmsjv* f?n?shf- * ??? fpade Hal?d dresrii*. Half-dozen his- nomirs 1 V|artim-nt cfrnre peadiea Untying the /cord ens' Association, I ^^^J^EAGLEPENCIL CO. NEW YORKM WE DO ALL KINDS OF GENERAL CONTRACTING & BUILDING I I WILL GLADLY FURNISH YOIJ KS I I MATES <>N ALL I YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMENTSANIMJUARANTB I EXCELLENT SERVICE-WORK Til A i YHU WILL"' I PROUD OF. I NOW HAVE CONTRACTS FOR A N * I BER OF TRYON BUILDINGS. MAY 1 KKiUKE ^ntl _ __ u'/inf I "KICK WOOD AND COM 7,7: / /: ?,/?? ? CeBeraJC ^ R- A. SEXTON I Why's and Other Why'm About I * ~~ ' * ?.a - . --? JerSey Sweet Milk. Svveet gutter Sweet Cream, Double Strength. Sll^r; ,rf I One-half of l.? per Cent Chalmers A A ^)|a Flavor?the Kind You Like Best Every Bite a Delight I TRYON DRU(J c? l Phone 174 I