B Ifr R Y 0 N" fHOIVIE /[EDIT! ONI /Subscribe to the Nev L.XXX1 No. 66 "AI1P mt FORD GAS ' WEST 10CT- 5 ; L Entries l-'or Great Con- rp Hie>t That Will Draw Great c I Interest From Crowds si Ifeer Towns Hill Also Enter S ti... lira-it Affair ^ (| lie \?1 Uuih imix-rtance is being l; ached to the Great Gasoline itest to ho staged by the [d dealers throughout this I,r tion of the country. The "j ckhouse Motor Go. of Tryon ' on that already numbers of M pie have signified their in- s< lions of entering the great n lest. A large number have n! ady entered and by the M i the affair starts, a large st ber of ears will be in line ) J" the gas testing game. , ' it Prizes are Offered in the jjjj Grand Final Contest !ai lout twelco towns will beini *entrd ,p the contest, and J town will offer prizes tor n tinners. these winners will " IlittiMe to enter the final $t that will he held at ^KanUny . t , on October t noun. The local contest t* heliI at Tryon on Tues^ Uctoher and will begin ,,j Lehman will act as judg-jor ^Bor the lm-al eontest. $300 i.( Hoki will !? distributed to ^ rinnv!- a^ Snartanhurg, S the Im al Ford dealer ^I OKECAST lowers Thursday, Friday trs w'th slowly rising tem- I Carolina and Georgia fair 'Thursday and ^^B^. genii.- io moderate I , a"! < in North a, I Ba> gentb- -i.'itheast and IT I ^B*inds h.-ceiiung moder-lc< 1 fresh Friday. tl I^Bucky. iiinv.i-rs Thurs-lcc I j^Bwl Friday: - '"Avly rising cc ^Bjjtim- T;.,,,lay; warm-lb, i , , :,i showers probably liiuuiierstorms c< anil ! in slivhtly Id; Br in Ni.i ; -iriiun Fri-ls< C( and west si Thur.Mt' in Friday fp '^ cloudy. | a Tl. nsday, partly Irr >'shower> in cast portion, lie 'n west: Friday partly si IK ^B>Iria: Thursday andltl cbnidy tn cloudy,1 a l?tirsday. In - ' 'i ' * ' S \ r' v ; ? H AS -A 1 The vs ! V ILL :IFTY OR MORE CAPONS FOR SCHOOL BOYS i t , ( A few days ago the Green's \ reek vocational boys decided f tat they would each caponize^ ,vo or three cockrels this fall. !| 0 date they have caponized 22.U ollel Cud is caponizing 30 him-l< df, he has already caponized i] 1 and has 19 yet to caponize. |) everal of the boys have to! ^ ring in their yet. jf The boys are g oing to grow|j lem out by late winter orjc irly spring, and see if thcyjr an t find or build up a good c larket for them, here in the e ear by towns, like, Tryon, aj iriving town noted for both i immer and winter tourists al- L ) a good summer and winter j sort. It seems that this town|c light use severals hundred it- ^ df. Then we have Render- c >nville which is a noted sum-jy ier resort and Asheville a busy , j >wn the year around. ! ^ In next weeks issue we will i ^ ive you the names of the boys id the numb r eat'h has capo- . ized. . T. A. IVIEETS ? AT COLUMBUS' s The regular monthly meeting f the Columbus 1'. T. A. will rj ' held in School Ruilding Friiy night at 7:30, September,^ >. The following program will ; y given: !f Song < it; Devotional T'ot? I A fswunmiiti liLV, 1. VMMtniiiMiit Paper?Noah Webster. Edu- I itors?Mrs. "J. A. Feagan. Tribute to Jenny Lind?Mrs. . L. Wessinger. Chorus J Talk?How the parent can dp the teacher?Mrs. J. H. ibbs Recitation?High School Girl Open discussion of problems 'tween teacher and parent, a 2d by?Mrs. J. A. Arledge o Adjournment t A cordial invitation is extern f< 'd to the public h c IARD ROADS 1' N ESTABROOK1 v ontract Let To Wylie, Grad- " ing About Complete j Contracts have been let for ^ ie hard surfacing of all the + * * ml fioofinn >ads in i ne asuuiuun on, tiun | y : Thermal Hills. The work of rading is about finished and j, i soon as this accomplished, y le hard surfacing will be star- ^ id. The contract has been warded to Mr. H. G. Wylie, of j ryon,. N. C. who has done a msiderable amount of work of " lis kind in this section of the wntry. When this work is impleted the Sub-Division will s one of the most modern in lis vicinity. Many new sales have been msumated in the last few* ays for lots in this beautiful jction, among some of the remt purchasers are; Miss Bes:e Hodgin, who had already urchased six lots some time go- bought last week five lore, making a total of eleven >ts owned by this party in this jbdivision. Miss Leonora Hoart, of Miami, Fla., bought ^ie largest lot in entire section, nd plans to build a lovely sumler home on same. J, ? fPf : ' S ! ' ' I;' -if-vf , K'"' v "S; rEAR ROU A: Polk * ; PUBLISHED EVER TRYON N C., TH FPU ib vn Converse Is G*~eat College Converse College, an institution for the higher education )f women, was established in 1890 by the citizens of Spartanburg under the leadership >f D. E. Converse, for whom he College is named. It consists of the College of the Lib- i ;ral Arts and Sciences, limited v o an average of three hundred 1 ind fifty students, and the , school of Music, (Professional) \ imited to an average of one lundred and fifty students. Its . rrpunds and buildings cover \ orty-two acres and is valued ; it $1,000,000.00, and the en- j lowment fund is $630,000.00 or ] nore. It has forty members \ >f the faculty and tweny offi ers. The College is always full ] ind has a waiting list. i It holds membership as a I tandard college in the Associa- 1 ion of Colleges and Secondary 1 Schools of the Southern States < ind is approved as a standard ) ollege by the Association of < American University Women. 1 Mnally, it is an associate memf + Vi ? Po?*nn THIS WEEK Rig forces are busily engag(1 laying the large water main his week, which will nearly omplete the new water extenion. for which bonds were isued some time ago. These arge pipes will take care of Yyon's needs for many years nd when completed will furlish this section with ample /ater supply and will compare J avorably with many larger owns. r IEV. O'NEIL TO LEAVE I / t i lad a Host of Friends Here ^ And Many Regret His i? Dpnarfnrp ! c ~** Ik iv Many expressions of regret j1 re being heard on the street j t ver the early departure of j he Rev. Will B. O'Neill and his v amily. Rev C. P. Burnett, rec-1 r or of the local Episcopal | s hurch said to a News reporter! hat he was sorry to see him I ^ ;ave Tryon. The relations be-! ween the two churches had | een most pleasant and the c ongregations had drawn closer j t ogether in real fellowship dur-jf tig the Rev. O'Neill's pastor-13 te here. The community ser-; t ices during Holy Week have 11 ow become an established fea-! t ure of our religious life.' 1 Ireadth of view, a ready sym- t athy with and hearty respon- s e to any enterpirse looking to t he promotion of things worth j t vhile have won for Mr. O'Neill [ 1 host of friends- who regret ? 0 see him leave Tryon, and t /ish for him every success in 11 is future labors. j c tEAD THE POLK CO. NEWS t Interior View of i-i ii -r i * ' - : ' ,v;:; ;.:r^: fflfc - ry & ' W^' * ' 'l " *c's.. * ' ' (&: '. ~, 1 fND CLIMi Coui \ J? : tY WEEK IN THE "? iiiDcnnv jurcDMnnN ci ivnvvni ni imiiivvi1| yi Isi D R PELL TO PREACH HERE ? To Occupy Erskine Pulpit Here This Sunday The pulpit of the Erskine Congregational Church will be filled next Sunday, October 3, by Dr. Robert P. Pell, President of Converse College, Spartanburg, S. C. Dr. Pell has been for many years the Chief Executive of a college which is well and favorably known throut the country and may be counted upon to jring a message^ of value and therefore of interestThe fact that Dr. Pell a Presjyterian preacher, has been in meet to address a congregational church speaks as well for the breadth of thought and ack of denominational prejulice on the part of the congregation as does the acceptance >11 the invitation on the part of ihe preacher. The subject of Dr. Pells adIress wil probably be, The Secet of Knowing ones self. newTwsll PUBLISH BIG PAPER SOON A paper containing one hunIred pages will be issued by he Polk County News some ime in October. It will be leadlined "Polk County's Achievement Celebration. Cuts ire being prepared illustrating he various points of interest in his section and data of much nterest will also be furnished o the readers. Hundreds of j xtra copies will be mailed to , nany sections of the United; states and a large distribution j vill be made of the issue. To 1 hose w ho wish extra copies of his edition they are urged to j dace their orders now so they j vill be assured of getting the lumber of copies that they de- I lire. I Vill be of Great Historical Value to All This extra large edition will leal with the great strides that lave been made in Polk County or the past fifteen or twenty 'ears. It will be of unusual inerest to every one that is inerested in the growth and of he great achievements that lave been accomplished for his section. The publisher is iparing no expense in making his edition the largest issue i hat has ever been gotten out >y a weekly newspaper. An sxtra force will be added to ;he present crew and addiional equipment has been pur:hased in order to properly mntfors nertaininir TTTTTTTTT I this great issue, lercerizing Plant hH : ' it. " f ' -' - - vv -C- 'W ; . ' -' - * ^ L ".. 1 T.-.*- ??^?9*gRg? -3? ' ii ' ii . .1 ' ITE EQUAI nty N MOUNTAIN PARADISE EPTEM8ER 30, 1926 ?:?.? ^ ' . = KIKE Clipping of First Issue of Polk Co. News I OUR ESTABLISHMENT The Polk County News is now an established fact. For nearly four years The News -has struggled on in its mission, without any property of its own and has succeeded fairly well. But now it is actually a thing of life, with a press and type of its own; so that the paper, commencing with this issue, is now printed in Columbus. This is the first newspaper to be printed in Polk County, and we .consider that in itself a great honor. It means, or should mean- a great deal to the county. The money which you pay for read in fir this naner will mostly be re-circulated in your midst. We shall endeavor at tail times to publish a clean newspaper, with all the important happenings of the county duly recorded. To this end we invite correspondents from all sections of the county to send weekly contributions of local news. We also open wide odr columns to any who may wish to write on public matters, or i to air grievances, etc. But all such communications must be accompanied by the true name of the w riter?not necessarily ' for publication, but simply as a ' guarantee of good faith. -We will hold ourselves in no ' way responsible for the views : or criticisms of our correspondents. We believe in remaining 1 jopen to all and showing partialitv to none. It vou see some I V - - - - - thing in the paper you don't 1 'like, don't jump.on the editor ] for it; remember we are very j -small; but, if nothing else will satisfy you, don't forget that 1 we keep in a convenient place < a club of no small dimensions, I a British bulldog of 44-calibre, 1 and a pile of brickbats, and our j aim is good. If this ia not en- * ough to make your hair stand I on end, then we'll set the print- ' er's devil on you, and your time will be mighty short. So, now. give us your sup- I port and we will endeavor to | give you a good newsy paper. Our office is in the store building opopsite the court-house. 1 Call in and see us when you ^ come to Columbus. f (jUmntrNewy; Many of the people in the * county are very much interest- r ed in the Gasoline Contest that will be sponsored by the Ford f Motor Co. J. H. Stackhouse the \ Tryon dealer has a full page ad r in this weeks paper explaining ( the contest in full detail. r The road from Comlubus to ; Rutherfordton will soon be im- * nroved. it is reported that it n will be oiled for the present c until funds are available for ji the hard surfacing of it. t All of the County Schools report a good heavy attendance for this session. The Columbus Cotton Mills report good business, many or- j dcrs are on hand and prospects f look very good for the new Mill. * r The exhibit of the Boys and ^ Girls Farm club that will be held soon at Columbus, is attracting much attention thru,c the entire county. A record p attendance is expected and it ( will no doubt prove to be a t great success. (Continued on Last Page) I s". -'' y?, * < '.- -:"**-? :."' .. Yi.v !? '/ * ' ' .? ** - ' . J " > ^ V ?:.f J _ ft ' i / s? ? ' & > "? '" y T O TH E lews W " " ftc t i ig % THE I STATE ATA GLANCE ! I CO-OPERATION IN BOOZE CAMPAIGN IS PLEDGE ASHEVILLE, ?As a result 1 from an appeal from Judge Stack, for the cleaning up of the 1 iquor evil in the mountains, J. J. Britt, the chief councH-for the government at Washington, has offered to lend every possible assistance 1 to help curb the situation in * the mountains. - ? \ ????????? ? - ( HENDERSON VILLE \ REALTORS HOLD \ IMPORTANT MEETING , The Hendersonville Real Es- 1 tate board held an important meeting last Monday regarding 1 Lho nlans for the future of-l ^ Heudersonville, many matter t. of grave importance were brought before the body, j A ' record attendee vast oil hind, j ? r HOTEL MAN TAKES OWN ' LIFE WITH SHOTGUN GREENSBORO?John R. Atwell aged 3G, who was well known in the Chimney Rock c section, where he operated a t hotel, took his own life withjc :i shctgun at Greensboro, last j e visited before the return of a he party. v LANIER LIBRARY NOTICE y Beginning October olh the ^ janier Library hours will be as h ollows: 0 Tuesdays and Saturdays? loon 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. Thurs- t, lays?9:30 to 12:30 a. m. t, ]y Farmers who plan to plant over this fall are beginning to ^ ilace their orders for limestone. )ne car was recently delivered o Alamance County growers. IE AD THE POLK CO. NEWS "r ' < ~ ' y I 'Z 4 ' ,r:.-. .:<* ?- ~~'M RIVIERA | ) '"a -1 1 8 PAGES 1 TODAY ?????' Thirty First Year ive Cents Per Copy M - - t ~ " Jk V5JB 0? I > '/t. -Aar . SKStt Cars Now Running Srikcrs Reach Decision to Return to Work Following Morning Session PEACE BASIS OUTLINED IValters Issues Statement That Sept. 13 Contract Is Now Agreed On (Asiieviiie Times) Ail differences between oficials of the Carolina Power ind Light Company and the sixty struct car operatives who valked out Saturday morning ire amicably adjusted and the troll will return to .their posts Wednesday morning, it was anlounccd at 2 o'clock this aiter10011 alter the labor men had leld a long conference. Satements were issued This ifternoon by C. S. Wallers, 'ice-president of the power :onipany and by Wililam G. flennnons, announcing that 1 1 I 1 j Agreement nau ueen reaciieu iiuf-that bid returu .0 work. The company and the nen are in full accord, both tatements said, and a harmolious spirit prevails. Union Accepts Ultimatum The company had set 2 o'lock this afternon as the final ime when striking carmen ould return to work for the ompany and hold their seniorly rights. Union officials an-lounced that the men had .greed to return to work after . meeting held at the Labor .'em pie on Patton Avenue. H. 1. Caldwell, editor of the Asheille Advocate and prominent 11 organized labor eircles, and lolmes Kryson, president of he chamber of commerce atended the meeting and aided n adjustment of differences. In settlement of the strike he men agreed to meet virtuilly all conditions contained in a ontract offered to them by lie company on September 13. Jnder this contract, it is unlerstood, the wage scale is to emain the saine as before the trik e but certain changes kith regard to working condiions for the operatives are irovided. Points of Difference The union men wanted bus rivers and barn men included 11 the contract to be adopted ut the company's proposal proided only for conductors and lotormen. The men asked a ten-cent an our increase for all employes nd five cents additional for ne-man operation. T^ie lattter Kuttirr noirl l.nt 'I hn enm. 'on j'aiu ?;ui/ \s\saiiany refused to include it in he contract. A six-day week was asked, 'his was generally in effect but ?as not provided in the conract.. The men asked fifteen mintes for meals with pjiy. This Iso, was verbally granted but /H8 not in the contract. When William Gf. "Plemmons ras asked for a statement rearding the strike " settlement e said that all differences had een peacefully and1 satisfactry settled.' "All" of the men re going back 'to work and here is no hard "feeling beween them'and the company." Ir. Walters- he said, would ive out a statement showing etails of the settlement. Walters' Statement Mr. Walters' statement fol. r (Continued on Last Page) OA