f THE SmE I regroos InTc? an ? llf S0L-? - well as the North far?s, and drif, is lndustrilitttl0n.Laa??,nance of fhe rt(salr,,' ? -narked tendency "TTm 3&ys | : ' f:irln Kar.d com- er? ? 0rgaw?? eaptur* and con- th a"st way 8 J, & met:'. ,f the Democrat- lward du8trl?"?lng pr jurtr her. y have captured jdoln Cooperative centre.'!-Kepahlican mach- LJJf somethln^ . :hrn states. In a bac,?'!"5 ?'both |? ' t'"1 for the state no? the8? or Ctotte la ? - half rural the they l?? SUre of com ? fouml :: sin8'? 'arner on L* *Ve front the or SenateJbailkeern ba^e with , a"d sn?e?|at? K, ticke for <" ' t, of the ' ' ndidate. were (and in one or'7 K. Ben an.! ' . others a small- they .hn?. . 0 8 E, m*" Im '-I a small-town ' case tbs 0t ' p - ' ?t the coming South .",'"',, If MAGIC HEAT ~~ fa two hour. too can hare thi, ^ . . I your htirat. From that moment on U, i~^ ? I ? erernreaent and free from ^he8t ^?me? I water Meat U .imply alwtyt on tap I runnm8 I Tcur i-cne radiators or refietcre are ? u?eJ. The same boiler or furnace. ifrntfTir: m But va-u have a new aourc* of heat. I LajuiJ lieat ? clean aa electricity, ?9 J ?* VHT guests c us jo comp This seti the question Uaim w* knew that Oil-O-Maric was a fully KJ pertrctad oil burner, we could not guarantee uni- k) in and nriafactory heat 0?r pmw is band oil the most remarkable ^ ncord mr made by any o? burner, la Bloom- A iapoa, where QdOMatice am made, there are th amir 300 inetafled, Scan kx u years. The fao- B< Dry hm a Bunding oBtt to give mi Oil-O-Macic fa Wi to KfOM who can find one diaaaoafied fa wr in ttoommfton. O Ntt one name hat ever been given them! What W nWiamuhaumr would dare make audi anafier? yc * /^VT'WlLLiIA Cte SHIELDS & Tryon, I ^ HUDSON Reduces A I $100 On A. Effective Oc New / r?oorrv /v\ A PU I r?y>ra I HUDSON COAC I Hudson Coach S| I Hudson Broughai I Hudson Seven Passe I AM Ptiom P. O. B. Dmtr+k I 0 W. BALLENGE 1 TRYON, >ct of s recent acter and favor. It will take ltt leman In which cues from Rotary, Klwanla, Chamber ie disposition to of Commerce, and Manufacturers' lo-Saxon popula- Associations and not from the connIs, leaving the try store, church, or school. Tt i proportion on those who regard all human rural 1st the growing products as "yokels' this will be a i town in all welcome shift. They should remainhe: ber, however, that wherever the lltural frodUc shadow of the machine has fallen in tep by step as the past the ensuing civilisation has ocess goes for' become stereotyped, standardized, associations are dun> and uninspiring. Southern oward orderly dties already show signs of these cotton an(j to- Infections. ganizations are As for our cooperative marketing linued existence associations, Mr. Lindeman might start fought an have added that even there farmers .he . merchants, have been to much Inclined to choose rs of the towns directors ,and- officials from com. , ? ignificant cases mercial life and allow bankers and defeat. In any business men to Oominkte affairs. culture of the And yet If the South can be sayed urban in char- from this over-industrialization, if ? i?J - j ? - ? i ? i . i . ire amawed that wo simple a dtoict can veMem \ctely of all thought and ear* qf am /oram ties of an oil burner tore than 20000 people ban thie greet i their home*. Not erne of three would give kep ight now ie the time to inettl yoer 0*O4fcdCi le will give yon the names of ueeri betein town. then what they think oi it Let us chow fOQ e burner that hee eohred the poobhm. ^fcre recommending OSOMatk to yon, we eiet upon rwakrfag poor hearing plane 1 k efficient, whether deem, hot wawr or hat ah* il-O-Matk can be need to dhrinct achwntaoa. rriee, phone or calL Ihg cwh or aha peer il u prefer. $ 695 H 1095 >ecial. . 1150 a . . . . 1395 inger Sedan $1495 tf Fhm Wmr Exciam Tmx R MOTOR CO. N. C. I mo . MORRIS N. C. -ESSEX Prices ill Models tober 15th 'rices * ' POLK COUNTY NEW8 =^==?_ agriculture can be revived and strengthened and a poper balance between town and coutry preserved here what a superb flowering of clvilcation the South might achieve. The raw materials for It are all at hand says Mr. Llndeman; who concludes by saying: "And there 19 something about the people ? something deep and frightening at times, something which has grown out of suffering, something Indigenous which might, if It were creatively released, provide the most potent stimulus for cultural advance since New England civilization dlsintergrated. A. few A# 1?- J u* bug OUCllMiJ' iu?uv?wu ^COUCIO UX. 1 the South are aware of the portent- ] ous changes going on about them, they, see that material progress is fast outrunning social resources, and they would, If they could, maintain the balance. Their task calls for rare qualities of vision, lndepenence win?exciting thought?" The South needs, as America needs, an active, vital , aggressive agriculture to offset the lopsided In" dus^iallzajtlon that threatens us. dence, and courage. If they could South and West should work together to efefCjt this ^result?Clarence Poe, in The Progressive Farmer. FINE RESULTS FROM SOUTH ' CAROLINA HEALTH CONTEST Recently we published a photograph showing the healthiest girls from each county at the Wlnthrop Short Course this year. Now some readers wisely want to know more i about this congest and. how It is conducted. i This South Carolina State Health i Contest, begun in 1924 and having more far reaching results each year is conducted by the home demonstra- I tion forces of the state with the co- t operation of the State Health De- ] partment 1. Drink at least six glasses of < water each day. < 2. Brush teeth night and morning, i 3. Sleen at least nine hours with windows up. 4. Drink three glasses or more of milk daily, or part chocolate ? no tea or coffee. 6. Eat fruit and vegetables daily. 6. Take plenty of exercise, and rest when necessary. 7. Have your bowels move at least once each day. 8. Take a bath at least twice a week. 9. Stand, sit, and walk erect 10. Be cheerful and learn not to worry. ?The Progressive Farmer. Recent developments show that you'd better not get smart with Germany whlle France Is around. If Russia ever does awaken we would rather be that nation's barber than its ruler. i Mr. C. P. Rogers and family have moved into their new residence on ' the ?'te of Lynncotte, the former I home or Mrs. turn ma rayne mrsiuno Corwln. Thiq is a modern stone and hollow tile residence. Mr. Rogers wilj be a pemanent resident in Try- 1 on. t THE sturdily 1 exclusively f Frigidaire Utters thoroughly insula More for Less frost coil?a dev New Low efficient brine t PRICES temperatures anc . ??* from a smaller am for tnlmlhti? ht the mmd"4 $170 Only in Frigidt rM?fci u.?.i Frigidaire const) cm. it.Frigidaire cconon filjli'Iiw yip you get the large makm? cap? VXZrJZl, $395 operation and tt caJp*. uiowW manufacturing m< l^gLa SySTdS^l Call at our disj fa?J-L. -J. iiifrr coupon foe compl, R. 0. ANDREWS, Ti B?U R.0 Tryo More Oum 150,000 vn rtm Hom tnioyUg At uMtfaction aMcfc Hanu; '?" I GREEN'S CREEK "When we have nothing to tali about, or discuss, we can always discuss the weather; even so, when we have no news to report, or very little, we can still revert to discussions of the weather I suppose, and with our Tryon, R. 1 correspondent say "we are grateful Jack Frost hasn't nipped our gardens," but there was quite a frosty feeling in the air this morning, and we tear he is still lurking somewhere near, Just waiting ,and that he will not wait very long either. Then it will be goodbye summer gardens and Goldenrod until another year. And some of us have no pot flowers to cheer us during the winter, last winter's severe cold having thinned them out for some, and killed all for others. But we can always look forwarj hopefully to the spring time. Professor and Mrs. Wm. McClain have arrived at the Domitory. Professor McClain is the new High School Principal, while Mrs. McClain has charge of the Domitory. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones and :hildren of Charlotte, N. C., spent ?.e week-end with Mr. ?and Mrs. Baxter Jones and family. Professor and Mrs. W. J. Isbell ind family made a short visit to >ld frienrs at Statetown Friday and Saturday. Mr. Wrenzy Hines Is leaving tolay on a business trip to Charlotte, 1. C. Mr. and Mrs. Webb Simmons and >aby were among the Sunday visit>rs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDowell of tfendersonville, N. C., were at Jreen's Creek Sunday. MILL SPRING Route One Rev. R. N. Hunter, filled his regu&t appointment at Ch/iiggar Ridge Sunday afternoon. Mr. Gilbert, who has been sick, is mprovlng. Misses Iva Womack and Ethel Jibbs who are In school at Hill >est Institute spent the week-end vith home folks. Messrs Tom Womack, Quency Powell and Walter Elliott, spent rriday and Saturday in Asheville, on jusiness. Mr. and Mrs. Q. M. Powell and ihlldren, Melville, William and Iris, ilso Mrs. T. L Womack visited at he home of Mr. Otho Womack near tutherfordton, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Edwards lave the sympathy of the people in his section in the loss of their atxactive home and its contents which ivas destroyed by fire recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hardin and son Kr. Charlie and daughter, Miss Lieona of Forest City, spent Sunday, vith relatives In this section. GARDEN-HOME BUILDER To Carry Article on Tryon Doubleday-Page & Co., interesting Vfagazine Garden-Home and Builder Save an advance notice in their Dctober issue that the November lumber, which will be released and in the Newsstand about November he 30 will be devotedly exclusively 0 Southern Gardens. In this interesting collection will >e fou^d an article by Mrs. Mary I. Phifer, probably the best known vrlter in this section on Gardening ind Flowers, entitled the Garden of t"ryon. Extra copies of the above magaine Have been ordered by Missilllnes as no doubt there will be teen local interest in this descriptve discussion of the beauty we are iccustomed to passing each day. r 1 i' l New Honey In The Comb ; > Or Extracted $2 Gallon I Six Gallons Lots or More > t $1.88 per Gallon. ;; < ; Produced Exclusively from |; I Clovers. < I Quality Guaranteed. State <; ; Whether Comb or Ex- J; I {racted is Wanted When !! ' Ordering. ;; ' ' > * 4 * * The Busy Bee Apiary ;; K FLETCHER, N. C. \\ J *? ? > *??! > ? i .v.. V.? * j .% "i'# THURSDAY OCTOBER 21, 1M? Come on correspondents with your news items and help make the County paper more interesting, Polk . County News is what we lik? to , read. L , Hello Fox Mountin people we are so glad that we have friends over there and not enemies. But you all need not go to the trouble of coming over to see about making voltes. Folifios