frrc yon f^HOMETl m lip?tj[?nH Subscribe to the Nt m Vol. XXXI No. 60 STATE I I ATA I GLANCE I SNOW AT FRANKLIN MtRCUKV AT 32 h frank n. N. C.?Snow with the mercury was reported at Fank id, \ c. iVtober, 25th. I NEGRO mllled at I MURPHV. n. C. Three ;i (,-roes are being held as j resui: > ' (he killing of Allen BranI Don bee Saturday night The neg r0M hei dare. Colger Perry, Mark Perry, ?:id f.ill Neely. I HICKORT man near I death as result of I CRASH NEAR CROSSING ' I HICKORY. X. C.?Harley Low man, h < brother. Marshall, are both auu la a hospital as a result of ail automobile ?reck at a railroad crossing near lht, city. DRIVERS ARRIVE FOR RACES AT CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHAKI-OTTE, N. C.?Many of the au:o drivers that will participate ih the races here Armistice day are arriving to get in trim for the great event that will take place here on tbis great holiday. A large sum will be awarded in prises and a huge crowd is expected to witness the affair. ' CLOSE VOTE EXPECTED IN HENDERSONVILLE NEXT WEEK HENDERSON'VILLE, N. C?Close voting between the two parties is expected next week in Henderaonville election. Much interest is being displayed by both parties and large vote is expect to be polled. BIG ENROLLMENT AT CHAPEL HILL CLA8SE8 CHAPELL HELL, N. C.?A large enrollment at the opening of the .n HAS A \ The IW8 -S- -!~ m y . ... ... Great Int LORD MAYOR BLADES ^HK J flmKV Sir O. R. Blades, the new lord ' nayor of ' t-ndon RED CROSS-I DRIVE SOON Great Interest Being Centered On Coming Drive for Members Campaign plans for the forthcoming Tenth Annual Roll Call of the American Red Cross are being mapped now by officers of the local chapter, it was announced today by W. F. Little, chairman of Polk County Chapter. It has set its quota at many new members. The Roll Call, the chairman explained is the annual membership r enrollment conducted throughout the ^ country each year from Armistice Day, November 11, to Thanksgiving. By means of the Roll Call the or- ^ * ?in. ?u I -I. ganization secures lunas wiui muui to carry on its program both in { local chapters and in work of na- a tional and international scope. c Tentative plans provide a plan whereby every resident wilj be per- r sonally invitej to join the ranks it t is stated. ^ -'The American Red Cross," is j entitled to the support of every per- t son in the country who has a dollar v or more to invest in humanity. The r organization is the only one in the t country qualified to administer dis- j .aster relief on a large scale and this c it does, as directed by its charter c frpm Congress, and as evidenced by its present stupenduous task in Flor- e Ida. ' a "It is our most effective instru- ^ ment for helping the unfortunate in t our own community, in the U. 8. I and in foreign countries. This town a is one of several thousand who will t conduct a Roll Call during the two , weeks designated by National Headquarters. r "When the last" returns are in we hope to be able to report that Polk ? * J ? - ' ? norf (n enlist extension classes was witnessed here this They are students from all parts of the state. large attendance AT W. C. T. U. meet AT SALISBURY, n. c. A large crowd attended the W. C. T. C. f-oneventlon exercises that *ere h Id at Salisbury, N. C. last *eek. New officers for the ensuing year '1 elected and the convention *a? a r' tnarkable success from many angles. The delegates were accorded a my a! reception by the Salisbury P^P and all reported a grand seelicic. ASHE,,LLE sells large AMOU.sT of municipal bonds ASiiKV[LLE, N. C. ? AsheviUe "'Id 'a.-t Friday a large amount of ?un;. .*! Improvement bonds am it to $1,617,268.50. The boi!v brought a premium of $27,rhey were aold boti-r:. HyndlcatM of ;N ity commissioners of ^sheTlli... > '7 BIG '"ll-ltON DOLLAR bieaciiery plant to BF& n OPERATION SOON y ' w VILLE, N. C.?The Sayles"i ...or- Rieacheries will s??n ra:ion of the new units here. Atl' s fifteen hundred .people will b" o-M;n employment when ths Pl" ?arts work. The uijt? c"!" [ 1- ted was put up *t a COSt ol 4t 11.000.000. The properties about one hundred workUi 'veUir^g and others modem r' vi ments. ? \ Ri AD THE POLK CO. NKWfi > wSsSj'i.rtteople of this district want to send t Congressman to Washington who vill be recognized and receive some federal aid for this district. Second dr. Pritchard pointed out tht even he Ashevllle Citizen, the Demo:rat!c mounthpiece, had voiced its pproval of the Republican Nominee n an editorial, of which the follown is an extract; 'The Citizen congratulates both he Republican Party and the peo>le of the Tenth District upon the tomination by the Republicans as Congressional Representative of a ;entleman of such high character, .bility, and unimpeachable reputaion as Captain Kenneth Smathera. "The Republican Nominee is of he type which we think would halve ppealed to Theodore Roosevelt, a :lean-lived up-standing tman." Third, that Captain Smathers has ade the most vigorous campaign hat has ever been put up against Veaver. Fourth, that the thinking >eople of this district are convinced hat a Congressman at Washington ..u_ ha In harmnnv with the Ad- ' * UU *? *SS MC 1U H?M ^ ninistration can accomplish more < han has been proven can be accom- I dished by a Congressman who if in 1 ipopsition to the progressive policies ' if the National Administration! 1 Mr. Pichard points out that the lection of Captain Smathers will issure the Federal Building for Vestern North Carolina, which will te located at Asheville, and also ;ost office buildings for many towns 1 nd cities in this district where hey are needed. The National Park ' W. C. T. II. Tryon temperance organization v&b cordially welcomed into the Hate W. C. T. U. at the convention leld in Salisbury, N. C., Oct 19 to 11The society received an Honor Roll 1 due ribbon for securing 25 mem- i >er8 i It also was especially congratulatid for giving twice and a ha" as ligh as its quota for subscriptions J o the Union Signal, the national or- i janizatlon of the W. C. T. U. The delegates Mrs. Wm. Phin Vlackay and Mrs. P. Q. Morris were lppointed respectively on the con- i mention membership committee and i ;he convention finance Committee. Mrs. Mackay also was elected State Superintendent of Child Welfare, rod conducted the Thursday after noon devotional exercises. i Especial attention waa drawn in i the - State corresponding secretary's report to the valuable pioneer work of Ms. A. L. Butler in Tryon and 1 Vajhalla and vicinity. Her labors uad extended over a period of four years and 'the .piesent organization ! Is built upon her persistent efforts i In the cause of temperance. ] Mrs. L. A. Avant did fine work on the snbscrlptlon committee; she deserves great credit as Superintendent. of national subscriptions. { ; g . ^ | | ' j| -1 " I ' - V .* *i - . v.. . , I > j --- i n ND CLIMi! Com i !Y WEEK IN THE "N HURSDAY AFTERNOON, I wn As C :\ ; Predkts s Election ?le of District are ird Party Lines will be made a certainty, more National Forests will be established, National Highways will be built, and Federal Aid will be received in many ways by election of Capt Smathers. "Western North Carolina should not be held back by keeping in Congress a Congressman who has proven himself powerless," says Mr. Prltchard. 'Progress Is knocking at our door. We should have a Congressman who will, and can, obtain our share of Federal Aid. There are only four states which pay more Fadera] tax than North Carolina and it stands to reason that we are entitled in nnmn of this money to be re turned to this district The election of Capt. Smathers assures progress ? that's why I believe the thinking people of this district are going to disregard party lines and rote for a Congressman who will be recongnized at Washington." Jh ; . "Congress recently made a large Appropriation for Federal Building, but we hae been Informed that the amount is take care of Asheville and other needed places In this district The same old story? lust another way of saying that Congressman Weaver has failed to get he buildings he has assured. And, t is interesting to note that the Asheville Chamber of Commerce, -eallzing that recognition is what xrnnts at Washington, has adopted i delegation to be headed by our good Republican friend Mark W. Brown to present the Asheville needs ;o the Poet Office and Treasury Departments. Had the Chamber of Commerce thought that Mr. Weaver rnuld obtain the Federal Building lor Asheville that delegation would lot have been appointed.' ' The election of Capt. Smathers to Congress means progress for West;rn North Carolina because he will ie recognized at Washington and ivill have the support of the Admin stration. To vote for him is to rote for Progress. W. C. T. U. TO MEET, NOVEMBER 1ST. A special meeting of the Tryon W. C. T. U. will be held at the Parsh House on Nov. 1st at 4 o'clock. Reports of delegates of the state invention and Information concerning the voting will be discussed. It It is very important that a large ittendance be on hand as the meetng will be of great importance. LYNN NEWS Winter seems to be very near at hand, Mrs. Belle Rhodes and her son Mr. Bub have returned from a rislt near Bryson Citl, N. C. Mr. W. C. Dedman, M. W. L. Oault, Mr. Ray Panther,, Mr. Lee Cochran ind Mr. Dock Dedman spent the week-end In Hendersonvllle, N. C. Mrs. Ira Green's bady is improving ?t this writing. Mrs. Lindy Thompson have returned from a two weeks visit with her daughter in Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. W. T. Cannon is building a six room dwelling house, which he will' occupy soon. . Mr. Jerry Collins is moving from here to Rutherfordton, N. C. Mr. Tarl Hudson is moving to East Flat Rock, N. C., where he will be employed by the Shipman Burwell hosiery Mfg. Co. Mrs. May McCall, Mrs. Keren Justice and Frank Covil visited friends at Intnan, S. C., last week-end. iTE EQUA] rity M lOUNTAtN PARADISI Jfc* " T " *%'--"i'-i : JCTOBER 28, 1926 ;'"K? . r i Ipuiity El( ;' i > ' '*'.*% "V*? WEAVER HAS FINE RECORD Has Served This District Faithfully For Years In his campign for re-election Congressman Zebulon Weaver Is being combatted by his own popularity in the District. The majorities that have been given him tor the last several elections would go a long way to prove that he is one of the best loved Congressmen the 10th District has ever had. and in fact since he first took his seat in the House of Representatives his majority has climbed from a meager plurality of over nine thousand, which he received in the elections of 1922, and 1924. For this reason it is understood that his friends are somewhat apprehensive for they fear that it will be believed that such a large vote will be polled it will not be necessary for them to go to the ballot box on November 2nd. Reports would indicate that Mr. Weaver .is making an active campaign all over the District in the hope of carrying several Counties that have frequently giv4n Republican majorities. After making a whirlwind campaign in Transylvania and Henderson Counties Cogressman Weaver will speak in the the Western Counties of the District. He spoke Monday at HayesI ville. Tuesday at 1:30 he spoke at Murphy and at~V:30 on the same day he spoke at Bryson City. Wednesday at 3:30 he spoke at Franklin anj at Otto on the same day at 7:30. Thusday at- 2:00 he will speak at Cowee in Macon County, and on Friday night he will address a Haywood County Rally to be held in the Theatre Building at Canton at 7:30, which will wind up his campaign. Mr. Weaver in his speeches is reported as having denied that the Republican Administration has instituted startling economies since they took over the reins of government, and that as a matter of fact the Republican Administration appropriated |4,201,000,000, more for 1935, 1926 and 1927, than the Democratic Administration under Woodmw Wilson anDroDriated for 1914, ? m-m- " ^ 1915, and 1916 exclusive of all appropriations made necessary by tbe war. Also he is reported to have stated in regard to Mr. Coolidge's personal economy in the operation of the Executive Office and the Whiite House that under Woodrow Wilson their upkeep had amounted to$197,000, but that in 1926 under Coolidge this had increased to $483,000, or an increase ?f nearly 150 per cent In answering charges of his opponent that be had not obtained appropriations for Federal Buildings and for other purposes, Mr. Weaver is quoted as having declare^ that there had not been a post office building built in the United States before 1914 that was not under construction prior to that date, date, and that an appropriation had just been passed, the first since the war, to take care of this situation. Mr. Weaver is understood to have added however that he did not like put the matter on a dollar basis; that to do so was to seriously misconceive the duties of a Congressman, and that if every member of A K. nlflrtlnH nn n UOllglCSB 8UUU1U uy viwvhvu v? ~ platform based upon the views of Mr. Smathers it would not have been possible to have made the tax reduction last year, and that it would be further necessary to place again upon the people the execise and nuisance taxes to take care of the demands that would be made upon the Treasury if it should be tapped for eveything in sight In bis same speech Weaver is quoted as having stated that probab't if f - ? ly there was not a single District in the United States that has more Federal activities than the 10th North Carolina District, which had a permanent govermental hospital at Oteen, a Forestry Experiment Station thousands of acres that had been set aside for national forests, (Continued on lAst Page) . H77 .. .../ L.. j |. _ "* - ; . : ~rW * _ ' r -v . 1. w -? * '":. , ..... .. ?*. - ?< - t, r vv^:-- &?<#*> : vv***-- v . ?;I I ft?,if-J V. .,r- ^ ? - ; : 'v . * Li TO THE i- - 4 / |j v lews E" 4 fc** ? ? action Dr \ ? WILBURN CARTWRIGHT jl M &tL. I SW^' ss|$v7 Ww ^ ''/?/'& v Wilburn Cartwright, a young attornay of McAlester, Okla., has been nom inated by the Democrat* for congresi to succeed C. D. Carter of Ardmore who ha* served since Oklahoma be came a state. Mr. Cartwright hai served In the Oklahoma house anc aanata and la a World war veteran. CITY OF TRYON NOW OWNS BIG NEW FIRE FIGHTING APPARATUS The town of Tryon is now the proud owner of a new fire truck. The fire fighting apparatus is mounted on a Graham Bros, chasls and is the last word in a modern fire truck. The new engine is painted it the usual bright red colors and has atracted much attention of the home folks. It is reported that a new volunteer fire department will be organized that will be able to take care of City's needs for the present time. The new truck is" -mused it the town iwJt- building1 IS no-i ready for duty. In addition to thtf new equipment, a large electric sirene horn mounted on top of the fire department will be used to give the alarms in case df fire. It has been tested out thoroughly and works good. With the above equipment, Tryon is in fine shape to meet any emergency that may arrive, for it has the right kind of equipment to cope with the situation. CREAM STATION OPENS SATURDAY Cream Buying Station to 0|fcn at Tryon, Saturday October 30th. Final arrangements have beer made with the Biltmore Creamery for opening a cream-receiving station at the Famrers Federation in Try on. A market of this kind will giv< the farmers an opportunity to dis pose of their surplus cream t,wic< a week for a good price. The representative of the Farthers Federation will inspect weight and test the cream at time of delivery Cash will be paid for each poun^ .of butter-fat contained in the cream. The price pej* pound will be dtermin ed by the grade or quality of the ci-eam. Therefore, each producer, should endeavor to bring in cream that is sweet or moderately sour and has no objectionabl flavors or odors^ If the farmers support the cream station, the Federation will eventually operate a truck to collect the cream. TRYON MOTOR COMPANY INSTALL MODERN DEVICE rro?~ T..trnn Mntnr PAmnflnv the 1UC IIJV1I 1 J local dealers for the Chevrolet Cars, h^ve just made the instalatlon of much new equipment to be used ^ the repair and service department A factory man has been here for several days Installing the new equipment and this outlay necessitated the expenditure of about twenty-five hundred dollars n order that the users of Chevrolet may have the best in the way of real modern service and repair work. BEAUTY PARLOR OPENS FOR BUSINESS Mrs. Russell Lintz, of Spartanburg, S. C., announces the opening of the Tryon Beauty Parlor, over the Bank of Tryon. Mrs. Lentz is well experienced to handle^ this class of work, alid solicits the patronage of all who desire good work. X&-S > &* - ; RIVIERA I 19 PAGES I 1L TODAY Thirtynrst Year J Five Cents Per Copy aws Near I HEAVYVOTE I IS EXPECTED I Candidates Busy as Time Draws Close for Final Results Registration Large Much interest is being shown in the election to be held' this coming (Tuesday. The various candidates have been making great efforts to sway things their way, while there ,'^H are no campaign speeches fit real importance on the program before the election, yet much interest is be ling displayed, ^he list below iL Minister, representatives of four ferent denominations have, on fouf-.v' ? consecutive Sundays, preached from.;^ the pulpit of the Erskine Memorial.^ ;1'H Congregational Church of this crfy.v* MUj An equally wide range of denom??3j |?"fl inations is to be found every 8nn, in the congregation. Each pf these preachers hi*:# jJ brought a message which has hehftif of value to the listeners. We predict that next SundaTtbft sM^ M i sermon will be along the same linear of a boafd Interpretation of the go#- % Ua ft pel that has characterized thos?ff ' which have preceeded it _.?