! ")J i . ^ hoivie "jjEpjVlQN j ^To the Nei loy Sc !os [TING RE IS (EAT icers Are Elected; New Troop ET FORTRYON itizens Interested eeting Of New if Organization Here It Boy Scouts of Tryon have at perfected an organization, with 1 L enthusiastic meeting that was I at the Parish House, on Defter, 3rd. Some very interesting were made by the various ones I were present at the meeting. I following men were elected as icilmer. for the local troup or I'i: Hon. F. P. Bacon, Fred Ltn. Dr. Jervey. The officials I were installed were as follows: F. Burton, Scout Master, ReverI S. Wilkes Dendy, Asst. Scout Iter, and John Klttrell, Sirlbe. Much Interest Shown pon has fallen in line with othlowns in perfecting a worthy orIzation of this kind, it will no b'. be a great thing for the boy* tile seeti.n, and the local troup , ild an overwhelming success, to the fact that the Scouts have eautifu'. summer camp located at e Lai.:-r. Through the pr?s'Vc sp.rit of some of Tryon's sfTant iu.'nosa men this camp ? " s i secured last summer, and boys ^ b many different points were In g rj he:- f,,r tlie summer. They c 'e a iarc.- area of ground at the n *and nie-i halls and other equipht that make a good summer ^ "P Th- ligation of this impor- ^ " camp in Trvon will mean much 1 tht# f.-iTmn of the country, last . numti-rs of families from | lioas 8-ct; ,;is of the state made to htr<. to their boys who were Wring scout training. Uniforms ! soon to h- had for the new oraization ami things will soon be1 to t&k- shape in the way for the J * organization for the boys In t Ton. e krge M tnhership Expected 1 'I Is hop..,) that a full membership ? he in evidence for the local k ?UP. and no doubt the new organ!- a 11(1:1 *iii havi. the full support of v * entire citizenship of the town, f e ^?ya should be encouraged a? "cl1 w possib|e aa it j8 known all I r,r the w>,-: 1 to be a great organ!- ' ^0I1 for the younger set of this ?nmunity. watch for the first of the Tryon Boy Scouts. Will ?>e Official Scout Editor *ni'nm Eudy, will be the offical "1 Editor for the troup, and news ill 1- - ?T ? ^ r?uumuu w in ue priuieu "at time, informing the a of th progress that is being \ 1"^- 't Is lit purpose of the troup hubllfitj Hi ws after each meet- ^ i? htlly k | Rutherford Beer Seized r l^THEltKOHDTON, Dec. 16 ? I Sheriff ThomaB J. Vlchera, 6 W^hi [i wnshlp, Rutherford coun- t W ^hnounr*,! Thursday the capture t t1 and 300 gallons of e *' itar Uostic. t HAS A The tfs . -s; 1 - r- m JMISj I roil REMICI MAYOR W. S. GREEN I HHfl The Mayor explains water issw n detailed letter. BRYON COVERT WINS ' IN 100 TARGET SHOOT PINEHURST, Dec. 14?Byron Covert, of Lockport, won the hundred target handicap trap shoot after a shoot off. Three tied for first as Covert, Chandler af Atlanta and Howard Hamerschlag, o fNew York, each broke hundred. In the additional string of 25, Covert missed but three to win. Other high scorers were C. B. Shea, Pittsburg, 91 and W. W. Windle, Jr., Milbury, Mass., 86. W. C. T. U. MEETING On Sunday January 16, 1927 the eventh birthday of National Const! utional Prohibition will be celebrat d, in all probability, in the M. E. Jhurch of Tryon. All local clergy len are invited to participate in the rogram. Due notice will be given f the hour which will be arranged o meet the convenience of all. MISSIONARY SOCIETY THANKS THE PUBLIC The Woman's Missionary Society ol tethorist Episcopal Church derires o thank the friends in sister church s, the tourists, and all who united n making its bazzar a success. The society also appreciates th? tndness of Messrs. C. W. Morgar nd A. L. Berry for the use of theii windows, and the Williams Markel or courtesies extended. CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL TO BE HELD 23nl The Sunday School of M. E Ihurch will hold a Churstmas festl aj at the church, Thursday Dec. 2S it 7:30 p. m. Xmas tree and gift? ?111 be enjoyed. SOUTHERN OFFERS REWARI RUTHERFORDTON, Dec. 16?A re eward of $100 for the arrest of th< terson or persons who on Decembei i, wrecked passenger train No. Ill lere by pulling spikes from the rack has been offered by South rn railway investigators who hav? >een working on the caae. I i f YEAR RQ1 Polk WESTERN C TRYON, N. C? >f try01 CLU I C GETS 1 mayor Says system is 0. k. Happy That Tryon Has Great Water Supply No Apoligies To Offe To the Editor Polk County News Tryon, N. C. Dear Sir: Mr. R. C. Remick's letter printee In your issue of December 9th as ( * paid advertisement has coige to my attention and I take this opportunity ? to answer it; although I am oppose( to entering a news paper controversy with reference to town affairs, be lieving that this kind of thing In puris instead of helps the town; ba of course 1 am glad to give the pub lie any Information regarding oui water development and the reason; for what we have done. In the Fall of 1923, knowing wc were within the danger zone of t water shortage, we retained The wnpwn/iH ftooho Tomnanv. Engineers to make Investigations for an ad dftional water supply. The engt neer's report showed that we coulc Increase our yield from present watei shed by Increasing the size of the pipe line and building a third In take, and thereby put off the time when a much larger expenditure would have to be made for additional water. These changes of pipe were made along with the construction ol a 200,000 gallon reservoir, at an ex pendlture of $31,000. All these im provements will be used in connec tion with the new plant now being installed. i Due to the rapid growth of Tryoi and the exceptionally dry summers this supply again approached the dan ger line in 1925, and the engineer! were instructed to make estimates ol cost and complete Investigations as ( to a permanent development i This report covered supplies fron Vaughn Creek, Pacoiet River and th( creeks tributary tp Pacoiet River f Jamison Creek was not mentioned i in this report due to its insignift cance as shown by the United State! 1 Government topographical map 'ol this territory. When I heard from i Mr. Remick, I called the engineers i attention to this by letter dated July 30th, 1125, and they gave flu matter all due consideration. Care ful studies were made of all avail able sources of water supply, bott gravity supplies and those that re quire pumping. Calculations as t? Icost of construction and cost of op eration showed the present develop (Continued on Next Page) School Children t Selling Stampi j Christmas Is almost here. Then is a larger quota of stamps, or tuber cular seals than ever to be sold. > The Tryon School is doing its share r There were a large number assign I ed to the school to sell. It has mad< s a good Job of it. Out of the tota number jBoId. Miss Kjeenan's roon ) having a tatal of more than any oni of the rest X f UND CLIM^ ;Coui AROLINA'S MOST IMF THURSDAY AFTERNOON, I 11 Perfe< * * \ ^ Hk AH m 1 m ANSWEU . a ;The Oteen Ho: Be Very Mi I * Jury Chosen to try Brevard Man BREVARD, Dec. 14. ? Having f I received a verdict of gviihty or ( simple pssault against /Sylvanus McCall, ih connection -with the ( shooting pf Samuel Owen follow- f ing an election disturbance Nov. ' 2, superior court has taken up 1 the casd of Louis Whitmire, a j charged with the slaying of Jess c 4 Masters, j f Monday and a p^t of Tuesday f were tak m up in securing a jury * 1 and evidence was started shortly ( j before npon Tuesday. The case c probably! will take up two more - 'days. First witnesse told of the * t finding ?j>f the body of Masters, e -1 some three weeks after the kill- ? r' ing, hidden away in the rough j1 j mountainside near Rosman. 1 Tho shooting of Owen took ' , place in I the Toxaway section. He s t has practically recovered frem a ( his wounds. The phase "with In- f tent to (kill," which was included s in the Charge was excluded from | the julry's verdict in McCall's i case. ! c I j a ; Farmers Federation j : Strong Organization; r c i The folk County Farmers Federa- i . tion has been taken over by the r Farmerjs Federation, Inc. Several ? ?rm ctnrU- was suhscribed c j lUUUUin a^u Ui,wv? J throughout the entire county so the ' jPolk County Federation could join t |n withj the other federation in West- < ern North Carolina. The consolida- < [ tion tpok place on November 1st., 1 j which | will affilliate the county or- I ganization with others in Western ' Carolina. 1 > Other Warehouses The Farmers' Federation, Inc., have warehouses in the following places: Heridersonville, N. C., Craggy, Fair^ view, Fletchers, Weaverville and Try( on. Being afilliated with these ware- j , houses will enable the local organ- ( t izatioh to reap great benefits. The ( ( Polk County Federations is centrally , located in Tryon, and great changes I. for more business is being contem- f l platejl by the new management in charge. The new manager is Mr. } Orenj W. Lancaster, who for some time has been associated with the Farmer's Federation at Hendersonvillej N. C. He comes here well reccomended and has already made a , - creditable showing. Their advertise- j mem appears in this -weeks issue j of the News. , * I * ' TRYON LOSES TO SALUDA > IN BASKETBALL GAME i i 14 a very interesting game of ( i. basket ball last week, Tryon, was ] - defeated by the 'wonderful team at , j Saluda, N. C., by the score of 22 ] 1 to 12. A great crowd were on hand ) to witness the Interesting event. ] 3 William Eudy, of Tryon was the ref- ; ereje for the game. 1 I lTE equal ntyN >ORTANT WEEKLY DECEMBER 16, 1926 ct Orga . * * YTRi l FROM spital Will uch Enlarged Will Become Largest General Government Hospital in The Southeast. ASHEVILLE, Dec. 14. ? United States Veteran Hospital No. 60 at )teen will be turned into a general lovernment hospital lor the rehab!itation of ex-service men as soon as he $1,000,000 improvement program it that institution now underway is :ompleted. This was learned in AstyevllLie lospital circles following informaien keceWed from Washington, D. 3., that this is the plan of the govrnment. The iimproven>entE now in prog ;ress and the purpose of the gov- ^ rnment to make the institution a ? ;eneral hospital instead of one for j uberculosis patients only, will make he Oteen establishment the largest / n the eastern section of the nation, % outh of the Walter Reed hospital ,t Washington, it was pointed out ly physicians cognizant with the ituation. Not Official E. P. Oden'hal, medical officer in harge at Oteen, when called and F .sked about the information re:eived that the institution would be 'c nade into a general hospital when M sxpansion program is finished, said *r hat he understood that this isup- F rased to be the general expectation ^ >ut he has not received anything e1 lefinite from Washington regarding a t as the present enlargements will ? iot be completed until spring. The government is now spending lomething over $1,000,000 for the E :onstruction of a diagnostic build- a ng on the Oteen reservation and he building of three duplex houses ind one siiffle house for officers luarters. It now has two new per- J nanent infirmary buildings, completed about two years ago and he new diagnostic structure along vith the officers quarters, will give ;he plant a permanent capacity of 1,000 patients. Call Rutherford Scout Meet E - ri RUTHERFORDTON, Dec 16. Many n tutherford county Boy Scouts are r ixpected to appear for promotion p :ests before the count of honor, G which has been called to meet in the u ruditorium of Cool Springs High school, Forest City, Friday evening. c ??????????| n WEATHER ? V* a For North Carolina: Fair tonight; C( slightly colder in central portion; 'reezing temperature to the coast; Friday partly cloudy and not so cold; moderate northwest winds becoming variable. , p Min. Max. Prec. g Atlanta 20 36 .01 \tlantic City 18 32 .04 Boston 22 32 .04 K Charlotte 26 42 .04 y Chicago 10 10 0 | ? Helena iu zo u Jacksonville 44 76 .10 Los Angeles 50 64 Oh Miami 70 80 0 1< Vew York 16 30 .02 Raleigh 24 40 .08 g Washington 18 32 .32 g 'I , TO THE ews 4 .v inizatio m green' ROBERT P. SKINNER ^AMiMK'rii^312P t Robert P. Skinner, dean of the con* ( vlar eervloe and consul general at 'aria, has been appointed American 1 ilnlster to Greece. ILARK ACCEPTS : CALL IN TRYON: t fa Rev. John Britton Clark, of the irst Presbyterian Church of Washigton, D. C., has accepted a call ) be the pastor at The Erskine [emorial Church of Tryon. Accord- u lg /o a telegram received by Mr. 1 W. Crandall of this city Tues- ' ay. ( Mr. Clark preached here sev- * ral days ago before a large audience nd his sermon was received with 1 renT praise. Tryon should and will 1 ;el I proud of this great addition to 1 le ministerial force of this section. 1 >r. Clark is a great bible student I na is wen Known an over me tv/uu-i( ry. j i t pal "Squealing" \ On McDermott \ In Murder Trial1 c COURT HOUSE CANTON 0., Dec. J lec. 14.?Pat McDermott, a debonair ? ed headed youth, on trial in conection with the assassination of . ?on R. Mellett, Tuesday heard the 1 al of his childhood days in Nanty* I do, Nenna., violate the code of the ndeTworld and "squeal." McDermott sneered as Steve Kas- 1 hoik, the star witness for the state, ssumed the witness stand in the e lurder trial and told in detail how he defendant had sought to lnuce him to help out in a consplr- 1 cy of rum runners to "kill the ditor." When he refused to join the I lurder plot after he and McDer lott had inspected the Mellett home 'here the blinds were closely drawn at called him "yellow," Koscholk a irl_ In his testimony late Tuesday c [osholk said McDermott told him lat he could make some money beating up an editor." c "Did McDermott have a gun with im when you inspected the Melit home"? McClintock asked. "Yes, I asked him what he was 1 oing to do with it. He said he was ' oing to use it" j / *% RIVIERA [ W' PAGES TODAY Thirty First Year ive Cents Per Copy n Here * V, * PACOLET PARK IS IDEAL Vlan;r Line /V l?*ort/ln Qr\t*od/l ( iv-Tio 11aj mi wauj upnuu v ?vi 1 he Entire Country. MANY SUITABLE SITES ^ocal Citizens Busy On Plans To Try to Get Club To Locate Here. The following telegram was reeived this '..'eek from Albert L. terry, who was in Asheville, N. C., he telegram read as follows: 'he Polk County News, Tryon, N. C. The officals of the Boston Braves tall Club are Uesirious of securing a uitable location for training quarers at Tryon. They have heard a ood deal about Tryon and the Theraal Belt and they calculate that heir men can be conditioned better iere than in Florida. Sigued, ALBERT L. BERRY. The above is great news for Tryin, and some quick step is expected o be taken at once by some of the eading citizens in the way of interiewing the officials of the Boston Hub. The Braves heretofore for he past tew seasons have been tra,in ng in Florida, but the manager and tresident of the club state that nany of the men returned from th ;raining trip last year with sever.. ;olds, due to leaving the warm Florda climate and returning north in he chilly early spring days. Club Changing The Charlotte Observer carried an. interesting article Wednesday that ippeared on the sport page Vhich pad as follows: ASHEV1LLE, N. C., Dec. 14. if i suitable baseball plant can be ar anged at Tryon the Boston Braves igure to establish a permanent ipring trainig camp in the Thermal 3elt near Asheville it developed durng the recent baseball convent on reld here land attended by JudgeSon! Fuchs, president of the Braves. Both President Fuchs and Dave 3rancroft, manager of the BraveB, vere struck with the mild "weather mcountered here in mild January ind inquiries informed them of the ;entle spring weather in the*Theinal belt. (Continued on Next Page) DR. VON KAHLDEN TACKS TO STUDENTS On last Friday afternoon instead >f the usual Literary Society pro;ram being given, Dr. Von Kahlden ;ave an illustrated lecture on some >f the folk songs of various counries. This short lecture was illuitarted by means of a phonograph vhich is furnished by the school, rhis lecture was very much enoyed and appreciated. -

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