cotch Fai Feud In New Films human, down-to-earth and Justly humorous story of a f-made Irishman and a otchman who were the best enemies, Paramount's “Mc en’s Plaits” comes Tues to the Wanoca Theatre, llace, with falter C. Kelly, lie Virginia Judge”, in the ling role. idy Clyde, popular screen |median, is cast as a Scotch and the friendly enemy of ally, who has risen from hod ier to the builder of the new McFadden tene • When McFadden’s project is Iced with Xliin, Clyde conies his aid secretly. But Clyde Id his unconscious beneficiary ill carry on the old feud al jugh their youngsters, Rich Cromwell and Betty Fur ls, are romantically inclined »ut each other. Under the illusion that he is Ithy. Kelly sends his dau ter off ‘■o finishing school to uire the manners of a lady, en the girl returns com tely changed it seems as ough the romance is broken there will be a breach be een the families. t all terns out. happily in end with the two ancient ibemies united and happy in the engagement of their re spective offsprings. LOUISIANA ‘KINGFISH’ ASKED TO SPEAK HERE : (Continued from Page One) ing a display of the most gor geous wearing apparel ever seen in this section. Local merchants are making arrange ments with the New York ag encies to secure the best that can be. secured for this display. Phe candidates in the Queen’s contest will act as models for this event. The candidate hav ing the highest number of votes by next Wednesday, May 30th, will be the bride at a wedding to be held on the stage when both the bride and groom will display the latest in June wearing apparel. The big feature on Wednes day night will be the better baby contest when the future generation will compete for honors. Thursday night will be the Queen’s election night with the contestant receiving the largest number of popular votes being inaugurated Queen. The second highest will be first maid of honor, third highest second maid of honor, and fourth third maid of honor. Rivalry in this con test is very keen and without a doubt this night will afford ex citement not even second to a national election. The most prominent ladies in this sec tion of the country have al ready been officially nominated as candidates and enthusiasm is running high. Friday night is gift night when practically all of the ex hibitors will give free prizes, including really worthwhile merchandise. This is in addi tion to the prizes to be award ed to the Queen and her Maids of Honor and are free to ev: eryone. The prizes in the Queen’s campaign is a gorge ous diamdhd ring which is now on display at the exposition building, and a cabinet model Philco radio which is also on display.. An Elgin wrist watch is another of the valuable gifts, and last, but not least, is a beautiful compact. The prizes are all of the very best and are befitting a Queen and her Ladies of Court. The exposition as a whole will be in keeping with the highest class of entertainment that can be offered. Nothing blit the best will be tolerated. Gambling devices are absolute ly forbidden. So the popula tion of this section of the coun try can be assured of an expo sition that will be in keeping with those of national impor tance. While all the plans are not yet complete, enough has been done to guarantee a mam moth gala week of fun for the many, many thousands of peo ple who will be visitors with additional arrangements for enlarging the Exposition being worked out daily. Young people should not hes itate to marry on an income of §100 a month, says an educ» -tbr. The young people saj they’re willing, but when Would they get the §100—St Joseph News-Press. POPPY DAY Saturday the United States will pay its annual tribute to its World War dead by wearing their flovter, the poppy. Millions of Americans in al most every city and town throughbut the country will wear the bfoodtred memorial poppy to show that they still honor and are grateful for the services of those men who gave their lives in defense of the na tion seventeen years ago. In purchasing the poppies, they will contribute to the welfare of the disabled veterans and the families left in distress by the death or disability of a vet eran. . Women and men, bdys and girls will be on the streets here all day distributing the memorial flowers. They will be part of an army of nearly 100,000 which will- oar ry out the Auxiliary's nation wide distribution of poppies. Fully 10,000,000 of the little red blooms are expected to be given out, with $1,000,000 re ceived in contributions in ex change for them. The poppies have been made by disabled veterans working in 56 different government hos pitals and canvalescent work rooms located in forty stated. The flowers which will be dis tributed here were made at Oteen, N. C. They will be of fered on the streets by a corps of volunteer workers. No price will be asked for the poppies, each person be ing free to contribute as little or as much as he chooses for his flower. All funds received will be expended in the welfare activities of the American Le gion and Auxiliary among dis abled veterans and needy fam ilies of veterans during the coming year. The bulk of the money will remain right here in Wallace to be used in the work of the local Legion and Auxiliary Units. KEEN INTEREST SHOWN IN CO-OP ESSAY CONTEST Raleigh, May 21.—M. G. Mann, general manager of the North Carolina Cotton Grow ers Cooperative Association, today requested school win ners in the eighth annual co operative essay contest this i year to notify him immediate-1 ly In orffer that no one will be overlooked in arranging for the county and district con-j tests which will soon get un derway. “Every mail is bringing in reports from teachers,” Mr. Mann said, “but in the rush of commencement I am afraid some school winner might be overlooked and therefore I think it would be wise for all school winners to notify me by postcard at once.” "We have received in the Raleigh office a number of es says to date and the high qual ity of these proves conclusive ly that rural boys and girls are interested in cooperation,” Mr. Mann added. The subject of this year’s contest is “What a Unified Program of Coopera tive Marketing and Coopera tive Purchasing Can Mean to the Farmers of North Caroli na." The essay contest is being sponsored jointly by the North Carolina Cotton Growers Coop erative Association and by the F a rm e r s Cooperative Ex change. O. P. JOHNSON SELECTED TO HEAD DUPLIN SCHOOLS (Continued from Page One) Marshall. Magnolia District No. 10: L. M. Sanderson, D. D. Williams, Albert Smith, Lindon Souther land, J. P. Tucker. MRS. & F. MERRITT, 76, DIES NEAR LONG CREEK Mrs. B. F. Merritt, 76, died at her home near Long Creek Tuesday morning at 4 o’clock. Funeral services were conduct ed at the residence Wednesday morning at 10:30 o’clock by the Rev. J. A. Sullivan, pastor of Calvary Baptist church of Wil mington, and the Rev. J. L. Jones. Mrs. Merritt, a life long member of Long Creek Baptist | church, is survived by three ' sons, H. F., C. B. and C. E. 'Merritt of Burgaw; four dau ghters, Mrs. W. H. Hicks of Rockingham, Mrs. V. F. John son of Currie, Mrs. W. P. Scott of Rocky Point and Mrs. Carl Lewis of Chadbourn; three sis Iters, Mrs. J. D. Johnson and Mrs. L. W. Canady of Magnolia and Mrs. B. W. Rackley of Rose Hill; 28 grandchildren | and four great grandchildren. | Honorary pallbearers were ,W. D. Malpass, A. D. Ward, D. , F. Rowe, M. M. Moore, Monroe cpSNAPSHOT ClIILS THE CANDID CAMERA 1© THE CANDID CAMERA It It the unusual, "candid" picture that attracts atten tion. “pANDID Photography." What ^ is It? Just this. It is one of the most fascinating branches of amateur photography and fur thermore is fast becoming one of ihe most popular sports with those (vho wish to glorify their snapshot collections with unusual, out-of-the ordinary type of pictures. For excitement, candid photog raphy is a first cousin to big game hunting or deep-sea fishing but you need not go to the wild;- : the Congo nor oft the coast of Flor.da to stalk (vour quarry. You will find plenty of material to shodt right in your old home town. : You may still say, "Well, what |g this candid photograr Can did photography is no. ; more hor less than taking p. -ores of people when they are unar.-are that they are about to be "shot" .so, there fore, you catch them in natural, un posed positions with natural expres sions. It might be called “ini.mate” photography—Informal snapshots. The essence of candid photog raphy is action. Ght pictures of peo ple doing things. Such pictures should be taken as cIobo to the sub ject as possible, for we are usually featuring people In this type of photography and they should Jab predominating in the picture./ When we speak of snapping peo ple in "action” or "doing something" It does not necessarily mkan that the person should be actually on the more. An unusual picture of a person asleep may nptke a great I candid camera picture. He la doing something. Don’t think for one minute that candid photography means that you go around just shooting in a hit-and miss fashion. Any Biz-year-old child can do that If you want to really enjoy the thrills that come with can did photography you will want to give it considerable thought The modem miniature camera has been the leading factor in the development and popularity of can did photography. First of all, its size makes it less conspicuous than the camera using a 3%x4% or larger film, it’s ready for action on a mo ment’s notice, for with the majority of makes the pressing of a button opens the camera ready for quick focusing. Where, when and how you take your candid snapshots depends al most entirely on your equipment If you are to be a real dyed-in-the-wool candid snapshooter you will shoot under conditions "as Is" and not as you make them. There are many things to consider Ja tkls fascinating hobby of candid photography and It takes practice and patience If you want to get the. fullest enjoyment out of It Next week we will discuss personal and. mechanical requirements for the candid enthusiasts. JOHN VAN GUILDER. TO GIVE ELECTRIC COOKERY DBMONSTRAfftON Miss Blythe Burnette, home service director of the Tide Water Power Compank, who will give an electric cookery demonstration in the home ec onomics room of the Wallace school on Friday, May 31, 3:00 P. M. Moore and C. 0. Herring. Ac tive, John R. Player, Hubert Lanier, W. P. Scott, V. F. John son, A. H. Page and Henry Pridgen. WORK TOGETHER HERE This newspaper again urges its readers to be ever alert in co-operating for the progress of the entire community. Joint action, harmoniously proceed ing, can work untold wonders with any town or county. As-, has been said before the greatest feature that lies be* fore this town is the develop ment of a good town in which to live, a good locale for chil dren, a sturdy defense for the moral influences that govern human living. Let us not become so en grossed with commercial and industrial ambitions that we lose sight of the great purposes 6f community life. That we desire a bigger, more prosper ous city is natural but along with the ambition for great ness should go a determination for right living. WISE AND OTHERWISE Ought To Be Europe now has new hope for peace, it was time. The1 old one was worn out.—Indian apolis News. He Is Hitler is going to have peace' in Germany if he has to kill every German to get it.—Al bany Knickerbocker Press. Subject To Change If anybody is getting out an edition of Who’s Who in Ger many at this time, it should be issued in loose-leaf form.—^In dianapolis News._ Let’s 'English greens fanciers shipped 18,000,000 heads of broccoli this spring. If they try to pay us that way, let’s forget the debt.—Philadelphia Inquirer. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING - ENGRAVING Diamond* - Watches - Jewelry A. J. CA VENAUGH Wallace, N. C. So He Has Thank goodness, large fam ilies are out of fashion. The office has fewer relatives to get on the public pay-roll.— Muskogee Phoenix. Aint It So? Rip Van Winkle couldn't have slept twenty years in this gejheraltion. Somebody would be waking him up every thirty minutes or so to pay taxes.— Jackson (Miss.) Daily News. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of authority vest ed in the undersigned by Judg ment of the Superior Court of Duplin County Judg ment Docket 19, page 39, in case entitled, “North Carolina Bank and Trust Company, vs. J. A. Harrell and Trustee,” the under sell to the highest cash at the courthouse Kenansville, N. C., on DAY, JUNE 3, 1935, at one clock, P. M., lands situated Island Creek Township, lin County, North Carolina scribed as follows: Being lots number 2, 3, 4, on the plot of a portion the O. C. Blanchard prop as surveyed by J. W. Bis ard, May 31, 1926, and map is recorded in the try of Duplin County in 216, page 147, and for a complete description refer is hereby made to said map. This the 1st day of M 1935. GEO. R. WARD, Commissioner. J May 9-16-23-30 —70 rsr YOUR BOYS SUmmER We have a complete boys department BOYS’ WASH SUITS_39c to $1.50 BOYS’ LONG PANTS_98c to $1.95 BOYS’ SHORT KNICKERS_89c and 98c BOYS’ SHORTS___69c to 98c BOYS’ EATON WAISTS_69c to 98c BOYS’ PLAIN WAISTS_59c to 98c BOYS’ SHIRTS___ 49c to 98c BOYS’ BELTS_25c BOYS’ CAPS__25c and 50c BOYS’ UNDERWEAR_29c to 49c BOYS’ SHIRTS AND SHORTS_19c and 25c BOYS’ DRESS OXFORDS_98c to $2.98 BOYS’ SOCKS AND ANKLETS_10c to 25c BOYS DRESS SUITS___$2.98 to $13.50 We can outfit your boy from head to foot with our complete line. Come to see us. KRAMER’S DEPT. STORE WALLACE ,NORTH CAROLINA ♦mm The Buj Demand. ofc~Puick Buifeh&'Jodcuf iA fat Economy IT PAYS 3 WAYS • '/* i TO BUY CHEVROLETS WORLD'S LOWEST PRICES % m SB* VALVE-IN-HEAD SIX ECONOMY YEAR AFTER TEAR DEPENDABILITY V>' m u:i' ™V:. Today, when every wise buyer of trucks is particularly interested in getting depend able transportation at lowest cost, the money-saving advantages' of Chevrolet Trucks have a particularly strong appeal. Truck buyer after truck buyer is discover ing that it pays three uxtys to buy Chev rolets. And truck buyer after truck buyer is deciding to take advantage of the big savings which Chevrolet offers. You, too, will get better haulage service at lower cost by buying a Chevrolet Truck because of these triple economies: 1. Chevrolet Trucks sell at the world’s lowest prices. 2. They use less gasoline and oil because they are powered by six-cylinder valve-in-head engines. 3. They give longer, more de lH-Ton Stake (157" uMbam) pendable service because of the extra quality which Chev rolet builds into every part of its products. Visit your nearest Chevrolet dealer—them week. Have a thorough demonstration at the right Chevrolet Truck for your haul* age needs. Buy a Chevrolet and get better truck performance at the world's lowest prices! CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy G. M. A. C. terms. A General Motors Vt Wallace, o srrooa t'jI;

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