Ay a vy ***» * __ “hosing Styles for th& Women Ferdinand Graff, movleland hair stylist, presents the new hair styles of 1936 for American women as adopted by the National Hair Dressers association. Left to right are: Helene Eckland of‘‘At Home Abroad,” who displays the “Ringlet” style; Violet Carson of “Jumbo” wearing the “Dubonnet” style; Hazel Bofinger, platinum blonde artists’ model, displaying the “Dizie”; “Mardee Hoff, recently chosen as the girl with the most perfect figure, wearing “Personality” as a crown, and Ethel Summerville, of “Anything Goes,’.’ going high hat with the “Park Avenue.” These girls, It is true, are all New Yorkers, but it is predicted that the fash ions In coiffure they arc demonstrating will be seen ere long from coast to coast. Which is all .right, too, eh? Mexico Honors an American Officer The Cross of Military Merits was accorded by the Mexican govern ment to Lieut. Col. Herbert Edgar Marshburn, military attache to the American embassy in Mexico City. This is the first time that a foreigner | has received this great honor. The photograph shows Gen. Salvador Sanches pinning the decoration on Colonel Marshburn. World Amateur Champion Joins Pro Ring Ranks Louis Nova, twenty-one, six feet two, weighing 20 pounds, world’s amateur heavyweight boxing cham pion, who, after two years as a simon-pure, has turned to profes sional boxing. As an amateur he rolled up six knockouts In 16 fights. Maybe this lusty rookie will provide the opposition sorely needed by Joe Louis. Maj. Gen. Reed Made Inspector General In the recent army promotions '■ Walter L. Reed was made inspector .general with the rank of major gen eral. There were quite a few pro motions made along the army staffs recently. These came about for no 1 special reasons, but were simply '.routine promotions, moving men i'with long service records a step I higher up the ladder. Modest Birthplace of Alf Landon This is the Methodist church parsonage in Middlesex, Pa., where Alf Landon, governor of Nebraska and receptive candidate for the Republi can Presidential nomination, was born. His maternal grandfather, Rev. William H. Mossman, was at that time the pastor of the church. Gov ernor Landon’s popularity has been steadily gaining In the West Plane That Can Cross Atlantic in 12 Hours fe'!rv This queer-loo&ing but speedy craft is the “Crusader,” newly-built plane which could get you to Europe lit 12 boors. If yon to wished. The craft, designed by Thomas M. Shelton, win travel at a ‘height of 26.000 Is-4 and will make 300 miles an hour at cruising speed. The plane will make a Mlaml-Cblcago bop shortly. Scenes and Persons in the Current News * ' V. • s. L: .. . 1—Vice Admiral Arthur J. Hepburn, commander of the navy scouting force, who has been named to be com mander-in-chief of the United States fleet with the rank of admiral. 2—John Plerpont Morgan, right, and Its partner, Thomas W. Lamont, at the senate munitions committee hearing where they were questioned on flnan :lal operations during the World war. 8—View of the Philadelphia convention hall In which the Democratic rational convention will be held starting June 23. \ After Holing-Through Longest Tunnel Interior of the East Coachella tunnel In California, the longest tunnel In the world, after a charge of dynamite tore out the last barrier of rock and holed-through the 242-mile-long bore. The tunnel will carry vater from the Colorado river to Los Angeles. Shown In the picture are tome of the engineers and workmen on the project. Brig. Gen. £. T. Conley Made Adjutant General . Brig. Geo. Edgar T. Conley, who was appointed adjutant general of the United States army with the rank of major general. He suc ceeds Maj. Gen. James F. McKinley, retired. General Conley, nearly six ty-two, has been several times hon ored for meritorious service In the Spanlsh-Amerlcan war, the Philip pine Insurrection and with the A. E. F. In France. He Is the author of several books on army tactics^ Making an Island of Southern Florida . ■ nr....V- r-r-r.-r^nny-fin-in. Trucks, tractors and every conceivable dirt remover are helping cut a 205-mlle w&ter path through north Florida, thereby saving many days in shipping between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic ocean. Part of the machinery* Is pictured here. The canal has caused a great dispute among agrarians in Florida who believe that the salt water will ruin their streams. Army geologists point out that the streams may flow Into the canal, but not the canal into the streams. Uruguay, U.S.S.R.Break; Minkin Given Passport Alexander Minkin, Soviet minister to Uruguay, who was given his passport when Uruguay severed re lations with Bussla. South Ameri can newspapers charged that Mln Hn nt mannnalhWt for the tlprlS <* “Boy Orator” Is Now a House rage Speaker Joseph W. Byrns of the house of representatives Is pictured with Robert (Bobby) Parrish, fourteen, newest member of the page per- I sonnel of the house, and Bobby’s mother, Mrs. Marie Kesler, Just the boy had been enrolled In his new Job. Young Parrish. Four-H member from West The Mete • Mil In this test eight merits are made. Each completed wordr Helen 8. Roma physli :ball . “ playe: Want endar —Paciuw utcou, uaiiiuiicuu oou, Qtllf of Mexico, Bay of Blscayne. 6. The modern birth stone for Jan uary Is—bloodstone, hyacinth, pearl, > agate. ■'f 7. The Grand canyon is located in —Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Ne- r vada. • 8. The state having most square miles of water surface Is—North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Minnesota. £ Answers ■§ 1. Secretary of the Interior. 2. Carson City. 8. Greek orator. • 4. Pale green. 5. Gulf of Mexico. 6. Hyacinth. 7. Arizona. \ ' 8. Minnesota. \ -:- ' It Is Stylish, Ah! Nothing in clothes, feminine or masculine, that is recommended merely because It is sensible, ever jj becomes the vogue. THE DOCTORS AREJIGHT Women ahould take only liquid laxative» Many believe any laxative they , might take only makes constipation t worse. And that isn’t true. Do what doctors do to relieve this condition. Doctors use liquid mu ran 1-:-1 TO IIUIVIRS I * .. ‘ icoRinwnao < A cleansing dose today; a smaller quantity tomorrow; less each time. ' until bowels heed no help at au. laxatives, and keep reducing the dose until the bowels need no help at all. Reduced dosage is the secret of aiding Native in restoring regularity. You must use a little less laxative -h each time, and that’s why your laxa tive should be in liquid form. A liquid dose can be regulated to the drop. The liquid laxative generally used is Dr. CaldweU’s Syrup Pepsin. It contains senna and cascara — both I natural laxatives that form no habit even with children. Syrup Pepsin is the nicest tasting, nicest acting laxa tive you ever tned. Individual Problem Legislation may lighten the handb - caps of men a little, but It can de nothing for congenial inefficiency. Beware Coughs from common colds Tbit Hang On Ko matter how many medicines you have tried far your cough, duet cold or bronchial Irritation, you can set idler now with Oreomulrion. Serious trouble may be brewing and , you cannot afford to take a chance . j with anything lew dun Oreotnul- ^ soothe and heal the Inflamed mam branea as the germ-laden phlegm Is looeened and expelled. sS&SSSSS CreoqmTslon and to Bgail‘ Get CreomuMon 5